How To Build A Predator Proof Chicken Coop

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hey guys welcome back today we're going to be turning this bunch of lumber into this a-frame chicken coop for my backyard that is if everything goes according to plan anyway i can't believe that it did it right now you can't see them but they're out here just waiting waiting for you to step foot on the grass disgusting blood sucking ticks they're everywhere in our yard and we can't step foot in the yard without getting one on you if you touch the grass for 10 seconds you've got a tick on you but i'm not putting up with it anymore i've got an army an army of terminators thick terminators these are guinea fowl and they're gonna show those ticks just how foul they can be i'm going to find the ticks and i'm going to destroy them their days are numbered in this yard sorry wrong movie we got these guinea fowl and some chickens a few weeks ago with the intent of me getting this chicken coop built for them really quickly and it's taken too long and they've made a mess of our back porch so i got to get this chicken coop built asap to get them out of our back porch and into the yard to free range and destroy these ticks these are the plans i'm going to be working off of for this chicken coop and as you can see it's going to be seven feet tall and just under six foot wide and that should give me enough room that i can walk up underneath there depending on how narrow it is at the top i may have to stoop down just a little bit it may or may not have a nesting box on the back we'll have to see how that goes oh and did i mention that this is actually also going to be a chicken tractor because i'm going to make this movable i'm going to put some wheels on the back so it'll be a chicken coop slash tractor let's get started i'm going to start out building the base for the chicken coop and i'm going to be using these 2 by 6 by 12s these are pressure treated because obviously they're going to be touching the ground i'm going to cut two of these down to 11 feet and then i'm going to cut an angle at the one end and that's where the wheels are going to go i cut a two by four as a support across the middle now running front to back i'm gonna have this one by four and this is all this is also pressure treated so what i'm gonna do i want that one by four to be flush up underneath here so i'm gonna clamp these together and then i'm going to more this out and i'm just going to use the saw to do that on this end of each one of these pieces i want to put a taper because this is going to be a chicken tractor also and i want to be able to tilt it so i'm going to go ahead and cut that with the track saw [Applause] next up i'm going to put this 36 inch wide half inch opening hardware cloth down on the bottom and if i measured everything right this should work out to where i can just put two of these side by side and just have to cut the ends off yes you can use it [Music] yep doing that close [Music] all right good job so what i'm hoping is by using the half inch hardware cloth it'll stop any pesky raccoons or any of those copperheaded rattle moccasins that might show up [Music] this would normally be the part where i would insert the video of me showing how i bought this plastic landscape edging at the hardware store and ripped it into one and a half inch and three and a half inch strips for extra protection to help it slide and for water protection on the bottom of the chicken coop but that footage got lost i don't know how but kim i don't know what happened to it all right now that that's done it's time to start working on the rafters i laid out a two by four on my table and i measured out three foot over because this is six foot wide and seven feet tall marked out where i thought my ridge board would go and where these uh side the frame pieces are and mark that out and cut it out with a jigsaw and now i've got this 1x4 up here just temporarily to hold this in place to test this to see if this is the right measurement zone here and it appears as though it is so the good thing is i've only got eight more of these to cut out before i install the rafters i want to notch out for the battens that are going to run end to end and i want those to be recessed in so i'm going to go ahead and mark those out real quick and cut those out with the circular saw like i did earlier [Music] do those glasses kind of safety glasses yep they do okay holy smokes oh gosh is that wrong okay gotta tell you guys i'm feeling very canadian this morning so we're gonna get the whole family out here and i think we're about to make some real progress on this chicken coop project did i say project right i don't know stupid star bit [Music] guys if you got sons hope you raise them to be men cause if not i'm racing my girls to kick your son's [Music] tails [Music] this is where the door is going to be so obviously whenever we come in we'll have to kind of stoop down to get in the door so then we'll be okay don't make fun of me for wearing my floppy hat because croikey it's getting hot out here mate shoot another one okay shoot another one shoot another one all right come on come on madison be a chicken with me yeah be a chicken with me madison who's ready for a paint party it's green it's supposed to be brown let's see this is our old house ooh nasty [Music] i don't think i'd paint with that you'd be alright [Music] we'll get it brown here in a minute it's like a kind of like uh it's kind of like popping open a diaper and getting a surprise you never know [Music] oh my gosh it's gonna rain what happens if it rains on paint he just goes pretty windy though it's pretty windy let's blow it over i can't believe that it did it right after we started oh yeah it's been hot well now the wood's going to be wet so you can't paint let's see how long i mean it might dry quick might as well take this moment to share a tip with you you may already know this but if you're painting something and you know you're going to paint it maybe even tomorrow or later that same day you don't have to clean out your rollers or your brushes just put them in a plastic bag and then seal that bag up these rollers actually hold a lot of paint and so if you have to clean them multiple times you'll waste a ton of paint anyway now you know and knowing is half the battle [Applause] this actually is pressure treated but this is not so we won't see it so you can see that wood up in there let's see it would glue it in there i'm leaving it come on did you just make that up i did okay [Music] so i just went to check on the wood and the shed to see if i had where i was at on as far as making the nesting box and i felt something on my leg and uh yeah it was this little guy right here now what i started doing here recently because i knew i was going to have this video going and uh so i started collecting them in a little jar here yeah see now then you can get in there and play with those little friends and what i do is i take this jar with me and anywhere i go and if somebody's rude to me i just open up my jar or ticks and then i flick one on somebody [Music] okay so i've got all of the pieces cut out for the nesting boxes and luckily for me my dad has volunteered to assemble that while i go put the hardware cloth on the [Music] a-frame [Music] oh you went full semi-auto there cameron you got a 30 magazine clip in there what firing ten thousand rounds a second you go girl hacksman log it's day five of my three day chicken coop build the chicken coop mocks me i've lost the wheels nothing for the roof of this chicken coop instead of going with the corrugated tin like i actually intended on going with they happen to have this polycarbonate corrugated sheet roofing and i just thought it was such a lovely color and it coordinates so well with the rest of the colors on the chicken coop but i thought let's go with it let's be crazy [Music] on the other side of the chicken coop i tried to eyeball where i did the screws to keep them nice and straight and it didn't work out so great it's a little cattywampus i'm ashamed but on this side i took a 1x4 so that i could measure everything out and line it up and get it nice and straight and perfect on these battens though however the original screws are a little too long on the other side i tried to screw them through and thought i'd break them off again didn't work out so great so on this side i went ahead and cut them off because that way i didn't need to go buy a box of screws just for 10 or 15 screws and they're working beautifully [Music] i still have to put the roof on here up top here i have to put the roof but we'll access the eggs from the front [Music] i'm going to go ahead and put these pipe flanges on here and and then i'm going to use these one-inch pipes and see if this will work when you don't need to move it it stays like this but when you do need to move it i'll just put these handles in the moment of truth my neighbors are wondering what's going on yeah don't ever do that again no never i thought it was spectacular i think it's excellent actually that's not too heavy i come out in the mornings get a good pump oh ho ho ho ho impressive that's that's my little baby girl right there here get in there get in there close it's better if you okay ready go oh my goodness oh oh wow amazing do you sense it like i do like the end is near let me just slap a door on here okay now let's go check it out what i have done here is put screen door hinges on here so that when we pull it open there it'll close right back of course i'll put some type of padlock hasp on here and use a carabiner to keep it closed tell me that's not inviting what chicken would not want to stay in there huh and lay some eggs am i right [Music] airless tyres for the chicken on the move it even features an easy access drop down nesting box door and the finest half inch hardware cloth available to keep any nail do wells from breaking into your chicken coop and stealing your eggs let's take a walk inside where as you can see i can stand straight up inside here it's so dark it's so scary hold on okay all right back into the light i still got to put some perches in here and i'll probably run those along here somewhere i may kind of do a u-shape will this guinea slash chicken coop save our backyard and actually allow us to enjoy the outdoors again i don't know i'll let you know in a future video till then see you next time
Channel: HAXMAN
Views: 381,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a frame chicken coop, chicken tractor, diy chicken coop, guinea coop, how to make a chicken coop
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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