Building ALL FNAF LOCATIONS in Minecraft! (Mega-Compilation!)

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hey guys my name is KJ whippy and you might recognize me from doing all of these various FNAF Minecraft build videos I've had a lot of people ask me to maybe put all of the FNAF builds that I've done into one big video and since I'm done doing all of them and I'm not making any more I figured why not listen to them I'll listen to the general public a lot of people are asking me to put them all into one big video so here is every single Minecraft FNAF build that I have done in one big video I don't know how long it's going to be I haven't actually put it together yet in me recording this right now so who knows but anyway without further Ado I'll stop wasting your time here you go if you're anything like me growing up you tried to build your own Five Nights at Freddy style Pizzeria in Minecraft now of course back then mods weren't as much of a thing and for me I didn't even have mods at all cuz I played on the Xbox 360 so I had to go with the base game stuff but today I'm going going to be building my very own Five Nights at Freddy style Pizzeria here in Minecraft uh the list of mods is in the description uh but you can also just find the pack uh in curse Forge by searching for the term that is listed in the description as well uh so feel free to do that and if you want to follow along with the build go ahead so first things first we need a block pallet of what the basic interior is going to look like so first up in this mod we have a bunch of different sets of blocks and the first mod has these nicely patterned checkered floor here which got some kind of detailing in it not nothing too fancy but nothing too too simple which is nice uh the walls are a bit more simplistic in terms of texture uh there is a little bit of a almost like a wallpaper pattern on it um and it's got a nice like counter wall here with more of a checkered pattern on the base and then more of the darker up top here the second grouping here is a bit more textured and actually I think I like this one the most out of the three in terms of the floor at least cuz it does look a bit more like a grittier floor it's not super horribly detailed like the first one uh but it does give it a bit more of a dull texture to it as this one feels a bit more brighter and a bit too too luminant however the walls feel like they have too much texture and it looks too Rocky um especially this lower texture here which don't get me wrong I think the blend into the lighter wall is really great here but I just I don't know how I feel about this darker texture here so I would have to find a way to work around that somehow there is also this kind of complimentary wall here as well which does have the smaller checkers uh but it does also still have that kind of Rocky texture to the wall so I don't really know if I'm going to go with that wall texture finally we have this third pack here which actually the walls are a bit shorter because there's only two blocks there's no there's no in between block for the different walls here but the floor texture I don't think I'm going to go with at all because it feels too too uniform you know that one that one feels relatively spontaneous enough where it doesn't feel like everything's super uniform whereas this one feels like it's it's just too much of the same thing this one uh with the walls however I really like these textured walls and how it kind of shows the grit uh in the you know the stains and stuff against these baseboards and all that such like it's just it's a really nice texture and I will say that these these wall tiles here are pretty nice as well so I think I'm going to have to figure out what I want to do with that first yeah I think this is the I think this is the setup I'm going to go with so we got these walls here and then those floor tiles there I think that's a really nice combination and it doesn't conflict really too much with the checker board on the wall with the Checkers on the floor so I think that would be great now comes the part of laying out where everything in the restaurant is going to be I think the first place I'm going to start out with is the main office for the security guard actually I want to make it centered a bit more there we go that's centered and we'll have the door right there these doors will be right there next up will be using this white blue wool here to get ourselves the outer wall or at least these like kind of the hallways and such to get ourselves an idea of where that all is going to be this purple outline here is going to be a Supply Closet that's off to the side here similar to Five Nights at Freddy's 1 where it has that Supply Closet off to the left of the office this orange Square here is actually going to be the prize counter similar to how it is in the Five Nights at Freddy's VR game help wanted where the prize counter is actually on the opposite end of where the security office is in that hallway as the Wall comes out along this area towards where Foxy's Cove is actually about to be I'm actually going to be rearranging where some of the stuff is here in the pizzeria so give me a moment here and I'll get a basic layout of the rest of the area set up and we'll see where we go from there all right so now we finally have a full layout of what I want this place to look like now you'll notice that it looks very similar to The Five Nights at Freddy's one location and that's because it really is however I did rearrange a few things so let me go ahead and let you guys know where everything is so so like I said before the red box here is going to be the security office it's where we're going to be spending most of our time as the employee here the brown box there is going to be where the kitchen is and The Orange Box is going to be where the prize counter is now that Canan box down at the bottom is going to be the cold storage for the kitchen that purple box like I mentioned before is a small Supply Closet off to the side the lime green box is actually going to be where the arcade is the pink box is Foxy's Cove the yellow box is going to be the main stage where our three main animatronics are going to be the dark blue box is going to be the parts and service room and that little room next to it is going to be the technician's office the dark green rooms are actually going to be the bathrooms and then that magenta square at at the top left is going to be the entrance and the lobby now of course this doesn't have to be 100% the size I can adjust things however I need them to be but I think the first thing I need to do right now is actually get the flooring in so let's go ahead and do that and uh yeah just like that all of our floors are filled out now it's time to get the wall set up what you mean tell me that those can ex what that's weird it's cool though but weird for the technician's office I actually wanted to have a groer look for uh the area just cuz it'll probably be less maintained you know he's more focused on fixing up the actual the actual animatronics rather than actually maintaining his office so I feel like it would be really interesting to have like the FNAF 3 kind of tile work there and using this kind of rockier texture from the other wall that I was considering I think fits pretty well with this uh the tiles do actually match up in terms of size unfortunately the borders aren't the same size but that's not a huge issue uh but yeah no I think this is I think this is a really nice choice for that kind of grow deer thing and obviously there will be a different wall here uh for the back of the stage so it'll separate that off and this won't actually be seen from the interior at all except for inside the office with that the walls are fully completed and now it's time to get started on all of the decorating whoops forgot a spot there okay now everything's completed so now we get started so the first thing I'm going to actually decorate here is the prize counter and what I want use for that is these quartz stairs cuz it's got a nice tiled pattern to it but it does feel like more of a counter top so that works really well with that so let's get ourselves some FNAF decorations and actually one of the cool things about this mod that I'm using is it uses uh different Furniture mods that I can have different shelves and such so I'm going to use these Spruce shelves to kind of prop some stuff up and then in between those I can put these Freddy Bonnie Chica could have some stuff on the floor here behind it uh we can get stuff like the puppet and uh we can get like some different t-shirts hang them up along the walls get some some different Faz coins you know stacks of Faz coins and all that stuff as your as your you're you're price to get them all there we go there we we are prize counter is now completed uh with a bunch of plushies t-shirts Faz coins and of course the basketball from Help Wanted cuz who could forget that next up here is going to be our main stage room and I actually do have an idea of what I want to do for that as well so I didn't realize that there are actually two different tables that I could use I think I like the polka dotted one a little bit more it's a little less harsh on the eyes so let's go ahead and get some of these out here make sure that they're spaced out enough to where I can use some chairs to have everybody have have a seat so another thing that I did in a previous world where I was kind of messing around with these uh different mods was I actually had these little table Booth sort of things set up along here so that way people can come and sit down in these instead if they don't want to have like one of these main party tables whatever we can have a few of these scattered around everywhere as well and that kind of gives it a bit more of a more of a lively feel and that's also for like if there's an older crowd that wants to come in you know not necessarily kids who are part of a actual party uh you can still come in and have a seat that's not like the center of attention now that we've got a few more of those tables and booths scattered around it's now time to start working on the main stage with that the main stage is now done with the curtain that is pulled back currently on its chain and that gives us room to place the three animatronics we also have Foxy's stage finished up here too so now it's just a matter of getting all the animatronics actually in there's Freddy there's Bonnie I didn't realize how tall these guys are jeez so unfortunately Ely these are actually super short so I might actually have to bump this up by one which means that I'll have to extend the actual roof of this area soon as well which you know what that's fine there we go that's much better so now that I've actually extended the wall up by one in this room and this room only I feel like that would be most fitting to have this this area as the highest roof as that is the main attraction of the actual restaurant now that we've done that we can actually focus more on decorating and of course next up was the bathrooms and this was a pretty simple design is it's just got a few sinks here for watching up it's got some toilets of course and toilet paper uh the Stalls are a bit clunky uh they're a little bit thicker than I would have liked them to be but they do provide a good amount of privacy as we walk in here you know obviously you walk in you don't want to see someone doing whatever they doing in here so it does block things off pretty well and of course you can go in you can uh open it up have a seat do your thing I realized I forgot to actually put these trap doors on the bottoms of these lights but these are actually uh Redstone activated glass blocks which actually give off light so we're using these instead of redstone lamps because it feels a lot more cleaner a lot more industrial uh in terms of the modern uh modern technology here of the pizzeria so it gives it a lot more of a clean look uh in actually in in a bit of a comparison to the grittier walls so I don't know I kind of like it it looks good after the bathrooms we headed over here to the parts and service room where we have created this uh kind of creepy looking room here with all these heads looking around and the endoskeleton of course sitting on on the table uh classic design here uh and of course we've got a bunch of other things laying around too some pipes some shelves A Few Lockers where you can actually store some things if you need to and also some extra monitors just in case some of the display screens break now this is a really fun room and of course I did the same thing with the roof and the lighting as well of course there's only one light in here which gives it a bit more of a dim Outlook and I had to actually extend the uh the wall around uh a little bit more outside the top here because this wall is extended up here the rest these had to be as well or else it would have looked kind of out of place from the inside here of course I also have the technician's office done as well and this is actually styled a bit more off of the FNAF 3 a location where it's got the uh the desk with the little bobbleheads and such on it and it's got the paper Pals on the walls uh some drawings and fun stuff like that kind of just memorabilia around the room uh kind of just some fun stuff there some filing cabinets of course that a lot of storage wow but yeah that's going to mark this off of our checklist as well next up we have the kitchen and this is a pretty simple area it's not got too much going on really at the moment uh there's just a couple of ovens a few shelves and and cabinets and of course the dishwashing area storage for other stuff as well yeah pretty simplistic area nothing too much nothing too fancy going on here as well as uh a notice board as well for any of the chefs and stuff to come in you know they got to they got to know different things going on and then of course the cold storage as well uh kind of boring but it's got this dim light in here similar to most colde storage places in actual restaurants uh so yeah and of course of course one of my favorite rooms to work on the security office we've got a full-on FNAF one setup going on right here with the lockers behind us the desk with the moving fan of course uh the celebrate poster a bunch of drawings and some monitors and of course the door functionality and the light functionality so this is pretty cool and of course you can try to figure out how to hook this up to some kind of redstone generator if you so wish I'm not going to for the sake of this video this just a quick reminder if you haven't already please consider subscribing cuz uh it's free and it helps Channel out and it also shows that uh you guys enjoy what I'm making and I can keep making more of it thank you next up we have the arcade which is really simple just a few arcade machines dotted here and there and of course we put our good old balloon boy here who is smiling at me really creepily I don't I don't I don't know how I feel about that yeah we've got just a few arcade machines here and there this claw machine of course some chairs for if parents want to sit and wait for their kids to finish their game yeah arcade is finished and actually uh with the windows here I went ahead and just had some black glass and there's some uh window blinds in one of the mod packs here uh which you can use to actually you can block out all outside light with that it's pretty cool but I'm going to go and leave them like this cuz it looks like that they've been drawn up a little bit uh by the drawring which is really nice and here we are with the main entrance obviously things here are a bit more simplistic because there's not really too much to look forward to at an entrance we have the big old celebrate poster back here which actually has the toy animatronics funny enough even though we don't actually have them here in the location that's fine probably but yes here we're featuring the desk from actually FNAF 2 nice little chair here for the receptionist to or receptionist for the hostess to uh chill out at get everyone's name down for the party or whatever and then uh be able to go seat people where they need to be uh for parties who are waiting they can have a seat in these sofas here and uh yeah we're going to worry about getting the actual doorway here uh figured out uh in a little bit here just because I don't want to worry about that until we actually start doing the exterior but yeah pretty simplistic in here nothing too special except for the giant plants but that's pretty cool finally we have the Supply Closet here which once again is not anything super special we've got like an extra speaker extra boxes and stuff like that kind of laying around but nothing super special going on in here and with that our Pizzeria is 100% completed at least in terms of basic structure of each room so now I'm going to go around with a bunch of posters pizzas all that kind of stuff and make sure that this place is looking 100% like a Freddy Fazbear's Masterpiece so I'll be right back and we'll see how that goes now I'm actually going to uh keep you guys from actually seeing the interior just yet cuz I want to I want to surprise you all I think I think it came out really well and I want you guys to to see what I've come up with but now it's time to get the exterior done for this build so let's go ahead and make ourselves the outside of the pizzeria here we are at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza I wanted to go with more of a simplistic kind of 80s style Pizzeria design so it's very very very simplistic got these wooden planks and the bricks here the bricks with the the pizza uh the pizzeria pattern really really really helps pull this all together here but let's just go inside and take a look at what's going on so I've already showed you guys this interior of this room here you come in for this uh area you get your party checked in and then they bring you in to the main party room I'm very very happy with how this has turned out it feels a lot like the spontaneity of the actual games which is really cool uh we've got the main animatronics right here on stage ready to perform and uh we've got a bunch of posters kids drawings and stuff like that all around the place here as well uh we got the paper Pals scattered everywhere we've got pizza boxes and presents and plushies and all kinds of stuff going on over here we've got the out of order signing over here for foxy cuz uh man's not looking all up to all up to standard here and over here we have the arcade where balloon boy is hanging out he's just chilling we've got some fun games over here a machine uh bunch of cool stuff going on over here next up at the prize counter we have a bunch of different prizes and such that you can win based off of how many tickets you get at the games uh there's presents laying around here with a bunch of mystery items there's basketballs and plushies and t-shirts all kinds of fun stuff over here over here in the kitchen we have the uh oven setup uh we have a bunch of different counter spaces and drawers and cabinets fridges and sinks and plates and cups and bunch of crates and all that and then we have here the cold storage as well which is really really awesome next up is the bathroom area which is complete with a bunch of sinks toilets uh toilet paper and of course privacy stalls for those who do not want to be interrupted while doing their business which I don't blame them and we also got a mirror going on here although actually if you pay close attention it's actually just glass that's uh facing into the other one but it's simulating a mirror so it's fine of course we also have the parts and service area which which has a bunch of different animatronic Parts did you just move or am I crazy yeah I'm crazy but there's a bunch of lockers and pipes and shelves and all that stuff going on in here uh just kind of showing the extra uh storage and kind of you know cluttered of this room and then of course we also have the technician's office which actually was never part of the original location but for sake of logic there's got to be someone who tends to this kind of thing and this is probably where he would hang out so it's a bit more rundown bit more bit more gross in here uh but nothing nothing too shabby and then of course we have the hallways heading up towards the security office these have a lot more of the wires and posters and stuff hanging out uh really emphasizing that style from the first game and of course we've got things like kids drawings and of course the Freddy poster as well off in the distance there then we have the Supply Closet as well which has got some extra stuff going on in here some boxes uh whatever these things are and then some uh speakers and all that stuff really nice stuff with this simple lighting as well the simple lighting is really nice for this kind of room because it gives off more of an eerie kind of feel and then of course the security office where we can sit down have a seat close the doors and then we can pull out our trusty camera Monitor and take a look at the different cameras in the location this is a really really cool feature that I found and I'm super happy that it's a thing because it just it gives you that much more of immersion inside the uh Pizzeria and you're able to just look around wherever it's really cool hey look there's me way over there that's me well I hope you guys enjoyed this video this is a lot different than what I've done before in the past also I realized I don't have a neck it's just completely empty there but yes I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please consider leaving a like and if you really enjoyed consider subscribing it's free and it always helps me out and it makes me smile to see somebody enjoyed the video there's also links to all the mods in the video as well go and check those out and without further Ado I'm going to go ahead and end the video so I hope you all enjoyed and I will see you in the next video bye last week I built Freddy Fazbear's Pizza in Minecraft and this week I'm going to be doing something kind of similar but I'm going to be taking things way back in time to fredbear's Family Diner now uh those of you who haven't seen the last video of this uh series I guess this is becoming a series I didn't really expect it to but hey people wanted to see more so that's cool for those of you who haven't seen the last video in this series uh please go check it out there's a link in the description there's a card in the top corner right now uh go check that out because that's cool and you're cool for those of you who don't know much about fredbear's Family Diner it's essentially the first location of the Freddy of Fazbear's pizzeria uh locations in the Five Nights at Freddy's Universe now Fred B's Family Diner actually had different stars in their shows they had these Two Fellas here spring Bonnie and fredbear who looks a lot more red there than I was expecting but we all know why that happens now of course fredbears was a smaller location than the actual main Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria so we'll have to uh we'll have to experiment here cuz we actually don't even know what the place officially looked like according to the games uh we only see a couple rooms of it and it's all in the form of a 2d mini game so let's take a look around at some of these FNAF blocks here and get ourselves a layout of what this place should look like now in terms of the flooring things will be pretty similar to what we did in the first uh video where we have these kind of tile different floors here that are for different areas of the the location the white and black tile for main rooms we've got the blue and black tile for like the bathroom or for side areas and then the red and black for passageways or like in between areas like hallways things like that and then of course this kind of arcade kind of you know pattern floor here it's Lally just called arcade floor but uh yeah we got that we could also put inside the arcade or uh maybe in front of the stage stuff like that uh to kind of just spice up within the tile here as well I was actually informed that I was using these wall blocks wrong uh the creator of the mod actually saw my video which thank you for for taking a look at it uh but uh I was apparently using the blocks wrong and you know it makes sense because you can actually extend these however you need them to be like that so that's pretty cool and I think I'm going to go with this darker format just because that's kind of how I picture fredbears I don't know why I just picture it as a bit darker of a location so once again it's time to get ourselves a layout of where we want all of the different things in this place to be and I think first I'm actually going to start off with where the stage is going to be so once again we'll go with yellow for the stage now I also imagine that there's these little side stages for when they started introducing the rest of Freddy's gang uh if you remember in the FNAF 4 mini games there is actually a fredbear and Friends TV show and the other Freddy's characters did exist at the same time as fredbear and spring Bonnie so we could have a separate stages maybe Freddy comes on and maybe chica comes on every now and then uh stuff like that uh just to just to liven it up a little bit and actually I'm going to I'm going to squeeze those out just a tad bit they're actually the same length but not quite cuz that makes sense so over here we have the prize corner it's going to be uh going to be a segment there and then over on this side here we're going to open this up bit to give us room for the arcade now the arcade's going to be pretty small in comparison to the last one uh because I feel like fredbears wouldn't have been as established so it wouldn't have as much of a space for that so once again we have a layout here that's kind of similar to the first five nights at Freddy's game but it does have some significant differences so let's go ahead and go over what those are real quick so once again we do have the security office in red down below there those two green rooms right there are actually the bathrooms they're just going to be one stalled bathrooms there nothing too fancy going on the pink Square there is going to be the kitchen and that sence square next to it is going to be the cold storage like I had in the last one the orange square is going to be the prize Corner the yellow square is going to be the main stage with the two magenta squares on either side being side stages for any extra characters the dark blue square is going to be the parts and service room the dark purple square up at the top right is going to be the entrance Lobby and then that lime green square is going to be the arcade that you pass through to get into the main stage area and finally we do have one more uh secret room here that we're going to have and it's going to be the secret safe room that ends up getting boarded up in the lore of FNAF 3 I believe they discuss uh and that's going to be in that open space in front of the security office just like last time I'm going to go ahead and fill in all these floors fill in all these walls and then I'll uh fill you guys in with what's going on so give me a moment and I'll be right back this is also your reminder if you haven't subscribed already please consider doing so I really enjoy doing these videos and if you enjoyed it as well uh you know it just it tells me they keep doing what I'm doing so if you enjoyed hit that subscribe and without further Ado let's [Music] continue floors are done check that off the [Music] list [Music] with that all of our walls floors and even the curtains have been built up and are ready to go so now it's all just a matter of adding roofs and decorating these areas to fit what they need and I guess first things first is getting these animatronics up on their stages so I have the main two fredbear and spring Bonnie up on the top here or the top the middle wow I don't I I I don't know how words work we also have Freddy and Bonnie regular versions over here and then we have Chica and Foxy over here on the side as well totally not munching on a kid's head and and luring a bunch of other ones to a back room somewhere so of course like last time I went with the prize counter first just because I think this is the most fun for me to decorate I really enjoy doing the uh presents and the plushies and all that stuff it's just kind of fun for me uh but yeah we have a bunch of plushies here we've course got the Fred bear and spring Bonnie plushes to add to this collection here as we did not have those in the last uh the last location that I built also we got some T-shirts some fast coin stuff like that that you can win uh from all of your stuff at the uh arcade so this is this is fun and I think this is pretty much done we got a nice simplistic roof but it's still kind of kind of grainy and it gives off like that older kind of vibe uh like the fredbears diner probably would because it was uh from the' 70s so obviously things there weren't as as polished I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to like say anything bad about any of those stuff but like you know wasn't as polished as it could be all right the main party room is now completed we have a bunch of birthday streamers and uh and stars hanging from the ceiling here we've got a bunch of the posters and stuff up around but nothing too complicated it does still have that simplistic feel that fredbears would have it actually does feel like the location from FNAF 4 uh where the crying child does inevitably meet his end uh but it does it does feel like this area it it feels good you know it feels very very simplistic and nice I like it here we also have the backstage room as well we've got a few extra spring Bonnie and fredbear heads we got some endoskeleton parts and stuff the uh hat and bow tie extra just in case his gets a little dirty we got the spring lock suits as well uh that you can actually put on and uh yeah that's on me now hate that get get off of me get we also have the spare suits here in the back as well uh one of them seems to have had a bit of an incident but we're not going to to talk about it uh we also have the similar lighting to before we don't have the industrial uh you know the the the iron trap doors over it to make it look more industrial just because it does feel uh more like those kind of fluorescent lights that you would see uh way back when in uh the the golden days of the 70s next up we have the arcade which is honestly very simplistic it's just a few arcade machines nothing super special going on here we do have a claw machine here as well I know it's got stuff from the from the Rockstar or the glamrock uh animatronics but we're not going to talk about that it's fine and of course we have the main entrance and Lobby where we have a seat for people to uh hang out while they're waiting for their party to get seated we have the uh hostess's desk where she keeps track of all of her papers to make sure everybody is all good got some posters we got some plans and of course we have our rules list which is important for everybody to know before they come in because we don't want them to uh break any of the rules now do we of course the bathrooms are pretty simplistic cuz it's literally just a toilet toilet toilet paper sink mirror and a simple little light in here uh keeps it a little bit different from everything else but also still fits in the aesthetic very well then of course we have our security office which is very similar to the one that I built in the first location however this one doesn't have any windows and I'm actually basing this off of the return to bloody kns uh fan game uh because I really liked the office design of that one uh where you only have the door accessibility and then the cameras uh there was the prize counter or the the prize room behind where you sit in that game but I didn't want to include that in here so I just had some lockers as well cuz for functionality sake I feel like that makes a lot more sense we got some filing cabinets of course some some extra monitors and stuff and then uh here you have the desk storage where you can keep your camera monitor uh and of course the desk the the door door buttons wow I can't talk uh there are no light buttons as well as I want to kind of minimalize uh the the uh productivity of this room as you know it's it's from an earlier time so it's not as it's not as efficient as it could be the hallways are also pretty simple uh just got a purple carpet heading down towards the security office which I think is a really nice touch it also goes off of the return to bloody kns fan game uh where there's the carpet leading up towards the doors I just think that was a really nice touch and we got these purple curtains here kind of opening up the area uh towards that and of course we can close them but they don't really look great closed so we're going to leave them open we also have these uh streamers going across different flags and and paper cutouts and stuff like that just to help help you know emphasize the celebration of someone's birthday party here which is going to tragically go wrong and of course we have the kitchen which is pretty similar to the last one got some stoves fridges the dishwashing sinks some extra storage here and of course the cold storage which once again doesn't have much going on in here uh but it's there for continuity sake I guess yeah pretty simple room in here nothing too fancy too special going on uh you know gets the job done and of course some pizza boxes which you can actually open I didn't realize you could do that with that the interior of fredbears is completed so now it's just a matter of actually getting this uh front facade here finished up as well and uh we'll see where it goes from there and here we are with fredbears Diner now I actually based this off of that old image from way back in 2014 when people photoshopped the Freddy Fazbear's uh text onto some random building and everyone was like oh my God Freddy fazbar is real go to it it's cool uh yeah no that wasn't real but I based this off of that style of building uh because I thought that would be fun uh to do so we have the darker uh textures here and then the like kind of bluish roof and uh detailing here on the sides I think it looks nice I don't know let me know what you think down in the comments it might be a little bit too harsh on the eyes might not I don't know but also you know it says fredbears Diner there and uh let's go ahead and hop inside here and check out what is going on so we have the Lobby uh where you come in you check in with the hostess or host or whoever you know but I'm not want to judge uh you take a seat wait for your party to be uh called in get ready to go and as you pass through to get to the main party room you pass through the arcade which has quite a few games here to uh play and uh yeah you can get some nice tokens and get some nice things from the prize Corner which we'll see in a moment here and then we walk straight into the main party room now it has some party seating and some regular seating as well now I have these uh wooden chairs here because I didn't want it to feel as branded as the uh other Freddy fazbears Pizzeria I wanted it to feel like it's kind of you know still in its starting stages cuz that's what fredbears was fredbears was still the you know one of the starter locations so getting getting things more branded with the special chairs and stuff didn't happen probably until later so I don't know I thought I thought it's a nice detail and we have here the three stages we have the uh two side stages with our uh normal cast here and then we have the main stage with fredbear and spring Bonnie uh ready for their show now we also have the prize Corner which has a bunch of different presents plushies shirs all kinds of different things that you can get uh with your tokens from the arcade machines so that's something that's really cool I think it's a really fun detail here to have all of the plushies and stuff especially the fredbear and the spring Bonnie plushes because that really ties into uh the merchandising of the uh initial location we also have the back room parts and service here where we have all kinds of different animatronic parts and suits and stuff like that as backups just in case uh something happens with the ones that are on stage uh we can replace some stuff here and uh nothing will go wrong whatsoever we also have the kitchen uh which is complete with stoves dishwashing sinks fridges cabinets and of course the cold storage room uh nothing too fancy but uh Still Still detailed enough for me to uh for me to be happy with it and of course we have our hallways leading up to the security office which do still have the party decorations keeps the mood of the party going throughout the location we have a bunch of posters and kids drawings and stuff uh kind of just bringing some life to these otherwise Bland walls and of course we have the bathrooms we have the boys and the girls obviously there's nothing really different in comparison between the two other than one is mirrored from the other uh but these are nice and simple and of course you can turn on the faucet and wash your hands whenever you need and of course we have the security office here uh it's pretty simplistic but it's based off of the offices both from f one and from the fan game the return to bloody nights it's pretty simplistic where it only has the door functionality no lights but it does have the desk where you can store your camera monitor uh your filing cabinets your locker uh you know all kinds of different stuff going on in here uh but pretty simplistic and I feel like that fits the time pretty well and of course we have the secret safe room that has been boarded up and blocked away from prying eyes now the floor here is a bit more cracked and it's a bit more dingy in here it's also very dark but I left it at empty because I want to know what would you guys put in this room now I know that this is technically where springtrap you know becomes a thing William Aton gets into the suit it spring locks him and he's left in here for 30 years to rot but uh I want to know what you guys would put in here would you put him in here or would you uh would you make something else let me know down in the comments and so my friends I believe that leaves us with the end of the video I hope you guys enjoyed this build I didn't I didn't really have as much fun building this one as I did with the first location but it was still fun to uh put my decorational skills to use and see how exactly I could build this place up uh this is very much outside of my building comfort zone because it's you know blocks that I've really never used before um in terms of you know I don't use the FNAF blocks and actual Minecraft Builds so this was a very very different uh type of thing for me as was the first one so let me know what you thought in the comments and also don't forget to subscribe if you enjoyed uh like I said before in a few other videos thank you so much for getting me to 1K there's you know I had conditions set for if you did and you guys did it so don't worry those conditions will be met here soon I'm just waiting on things to get delivered but that's fine anyway I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your day until the next video I will see you later you know what time it is it's FNAF building time hey what's going on guys my name is KJ whippy and welcome back to another episode of building the different FNAF locations and stuff in Minecraft uh today we're going to be making the location similar to FNAF 2 with the grand reopening of Freddy Fazbear's pizza and of course with Five Nights at Freddy's 2 we have a lot more animatronics to keep track of there's wow there's a lot do we actually have to deal with this many in the actual game that's right I forgot about the puppet anyway we have a lot of animatronics here that we have to uh make space for so I think what I'm going to do is I'm just going to do what I've been doing with the entire rest of this series where um you know set up a floor scheme set up a wall scheme and uh get a layout so I'll go ahead and do all that real quick give me give me one sec I'll be right back this is also your reminder if you haven't subscribed already please do so because it's cool and you'd be a cool person if you did I mean you already are but but you'd be even cooler wo all righty so we got our layout here uh let's just go ahead and get right on to labeling what all is going to be what so first off of course the Red Box is always the security office and just like in FNAF 2 uh this Security office is kind of weirdly off to the side here I never really understood the layout of this place but you know what I'm not questioning it the two green boxes that are on either side of the security office are going to be those party rooms and then the white lines uh that are made of iron blocks there are actually the vents that are going to be going directly towards the office the magenta box up in the top left is going to be the parts and service room where all the withered animatronics are the two dark green boxes up there are going to be the bathrooms as always the big room on the top right there that is going to be the main party room with the yellow box being where the stage is The Orange Box being the price counter the purple box being the lobby and then that brown box box is actually going to be a part of the party room but it's going to be where that Carousel and where balloon boy and all that are hanging out and kind of just chilling there and then the pink box is going to be both where mangle is and where the arcade is so we'll kind of have that all combined in there and I know that these are different colors than I use in the other ones uh it's because I forgot what colors I use for what so we're not going to talk about it it's fine so now without further Ado let's get some stuff built up in here with those floors and the walls and then I'll uh I'll meet you after so I don't know if I actually mentioned but I want to use this green blue and red checkered tile here as kind of a transitionary block to help separate different areas of the flooring cuz it makes a little bit easier a little less a little less Tacky in the the separation of these rooms here I feel like it just it [Music] works floor check so I also realized that yeah you know that uh the creator of this mod pack uh they really were right I don't know how to use these walls cuz apparently the lighter walls go with these ones which are part of FNAF 2 stuff I didn't realize that this was even a thing I'm just stupid and an idiot but hey you guys still watch my stuff so you clearly must be smarter than I [Music] am all righty all of the walls are built up and I wanted to go ahead and use the darker uh sections for some of this place especially with the security office I feel like in here just that darker tone just fits so much better in here especially since it does still have the black and white tiles going around I just it fits a lot better I think in here and then also over in the arcade area I have it like that because the arcade I feel like should be a little bit darker uh it's you know it's it's a grand reopening of Freddy fazbears so it would be a little bit more up Tod dat uh kind of similar to how how most arcades now at least are are a bit darker inside them uh so it would be a little bit darker inside here and then of course this would be mangle's corner here and mangle's creepy so why not have mangle in the darker room so now that we have all of these walls up it is time as usual to get all the rooms decorated up and this time I'm actually going to start off with the security office here we have the main office of the security guard now this is honestly I'm really happy with this I think this came out really well uh it looks a lot uh lot like the or where it's kind of cluttered it's got a bunch of different stuff hanging from the ceiling and the walls and it of course has the kind of striped pattern up above the door with the signs on it saying uh-oh there's things coming I do have some extra things up as well as like the papers and all that stuff there's some of those shown in the actual office there and most importantly we have the vents here off to the sides which you can turn on the lights and scare away whatever is there scare away whatever's there I also have added this which you may recognize from Five Nights at Freddy's security breach it's actually a flashlight recharge station and that is because uh this flashlight here can actually light up the area wherever you go it's got its own like Dynamic lighting to it which is really cool so um you know it can be kind of a an aspect of the actual Five Nights at Freddy's 2 game where you can actually use your flashlight to uh scare things off I don't know if that actually works against the actual animatronics but uh it's a thing and then you can just charge it let it charge it's still charging oop I picked it up oh it ate my flashlight well that's rude all right so we have these party rooms also set up now with their decorations party hats tables chairs all that stuff pretty simple stuff but it's it's feeling alive it's feeling pretty alive in here and I I think that works pretty well you also notice that we have the vent openings here as well for the animatronics to crawl through although I don't think they actually can that'll be something to test out I guess in another another time of course we also have our parts and service room which is honestly very simplistic stick not too much going on in here other than all the wires all the of course broken down animatronics I did put golden Freddy in here although he's not technically in this room in the actual game but it's neither here nor there I guess but we also have here a desk for the technician to work I always wondered why there was this weird like kind of curve here in the corner so I decided to make use of that and put the technicians desk right here similar to what I had in the other Freddy fazbers pizza that I made uh so that's going to go right here and I think that works pretty well so that's a another room checked off our list we also have the bathrooms here which are a little bit less cramped than I feel like the first ones were for the sole reason that I'm using wall blocks here and there are spaces in between the doors in this but that is kind of Representative of what real life bathroom stalls are like so honestly I feel like it fits I feel like it I feel like it works I don't know I just I think it's nice we also have here our Mirror Technique from the first location as well uh with some sinks and stuff to do stuff uh someone did suggest getting the immersive portals mod for this and I don't think it's a bad idea however I don't I don't know how any of that works and I'm frankly too afraid to figure it out all right we have our arcade here set up nothing too fancy of course we wanted to leave room for the mangle area as well which uh she's kind of creepy looking not going to lie I don't like that but yeah we have the arcade machines here looking real nice and fancy over here we got a couple claw machines as well um yeah nothing nothing too fancy going on in here kind of simplistic and it fits the vibe so on to the next so I just realized I missed a very important thing the kitchen there's actually no kitchen location in the actual game so I went ahead and added this into this area by the stage up here so you know people can come out like the you know waiters and stuff waiters do they have waiters at these kinds of places I guess they have people who bring out food whatever the people who bring out the food they can come out through there uh we got a pretty simplistic Kitchen in here nothing too fancy as per usual with these although I have a Freddy poster in here now that's it's pretty fun yeah nothing nothing super different from the other kitchens that I've made in this series I think I like this one the most though because it feels like it actually has you know the most efficient layout you know there's all the stoves there's all the you know the cold storage the fridges then all the dishes storage and then the dishwashing area as well so I think that works pretty well here and then of course in the cold storage nothing nothing too much going on in here nothing nothing going on at all all right we have the prize counter done here as well and this one honestly I think is probably one of my favorite prize counters as well it just it feels like it has a lot more space for there to be you know a worker in here who can go back and grab things that need to be uh given to customers and there's also the music box here which has the puppet inside it um couldn't really figure out a way to efficiently get them in there so that is literally the best I can do but it works it works it looks good I like it there's also the presents and stuff strown about everywhere uh kind of just further further reinforcing the the gift giving nature of this area the the the gift the gift giv ha also don't mind the particles that are coming off me I totally didn't have to murder this thing like 7 times and so we have our main party room done as well uh we got plenty of seating here for not just party goers but also for regular diners as well we have the quote unquote Carousel over here it's kind of it's kind of wonky but hey it's got a cool little awning on the top it's nice right we also got a little ball pit here uh we have the different streamers and stars and stuff hanging from the ceiling and of course the main attractions themselves the toy animatronics pretty interesting stuff here pretty exciting we got a bunch of posters and all that up as well and this is a relatively cleaner room in terms of the walls so I don't want to have any drawings or stuff strewn up really about in here um but yeah and of course we have Bloon boy as well but we don't talk about him and of course a very simple Lobby here with some seating for waiting parties of course the host desk and a bunch of big plants that I feel like are just really nice I really like putting these in I don't know why but they're nice and of course some posters as well kind of advertising what's going on here and I forgot something there we go that's better with that all of our rooms are completed and it is now time for us to once again design an exterior for this build and I think I have an idea of what I'm going to do here we are with the brand new Freddy fazbears Pizzeria now reopening with brand new animatronics now we're not going to talk about how this exterior doesn't wrap around the entire rest of it because I just don't want to talk about it but as you can see we have a pretty simplistic design on the outside here uh we do have some more Banner letters here which I think are just a consistent thing that are uh that are uh kind of expected here I also wanted to include some posters as well because I feel like you know that would have a lot of advertising on the outside of hey look what's in here look we got stuff look we got things so I feel like that fits pretty well I also like how these awnings here sit directly below this pattern along These Bricks so I feel like that was a perfect decision there um but yeah just simple things like that and of course it does have the brick uh style and then the more tan kind of uh main coloring similar to the other Pizzeria that I made but um it's a little bit a little bit better a little bit smoother and then if we head on inside here like I showed before we have the lobby here which has some pretty simplistic design as well just some seating and uh a host desk for getting everyone's reservations and all that stuff ready and then of course inside here we have the main party room which is complete with seating and animatronics and decorations all you know all over the place I'm having a stroke don't mind me we have the counter with all sorts of different things that you can win and and take home and cherish forever we have the puppet who is holding a gift ready to give gifts and give life and also to uh scare the crap out of you when you forget to wind the music box we have over here balloon boy's little corner where he's got the Carousel and the ball pit and all kinds of stuff over here where he uh he can laugh his days away we also have mangle Corner over here inside the arcade area uh where children unfortunately come along and absolutely destroy her but uh yeah I don't think she minds and speaking of the arcade we have a bunch of machines over here with uh some of the different drawings and stuff as well above that this is kind of the kids's personal corner here which is uh pretty cool we also have the kitchen which is complete with ovens fridges dishwashing sinks and a Freddy poster of course and the uh the cold storage as well which has like I said before absolutely absolutely absolutely nothing in here of course if we go down this hallway here we'll come across the bathrooms which uh are nicely nicely made with some metal stalls toilets toilet paper all that stuff and uh some sinks and all that nothing too fancy nothing too special inside this room here we have the back room parts and service where the technician works on all of the old animatronics or takes them part for parts to use for the new ones either or however you want to interpret it and of course down this hallway we have all the different party rooms which have all sorts of different decorations and and party setups for individuals to have their have their own spaces in case they don't want to be out in the main crowds then of course the main office where we can chill out and make sure that we you know protect the place by night I'm pretty happy with this I really really really like how this came out and I hope you guys enjoyed it as well uh if you want to use any of the mods that I have used there is a link in the description to the curse Forge pack like I mentioned in the comments of another one of these videos I know that curse Forge has been having a lot of issues with malware and stuff like that but the pack that I have used here is completely safe 100% I have doubl tripled quadruple checked it everything in that pack is completely safe so feel free to use that and if something bad happens uh I didn't do it and I also wanted to quick note a lot of people mentioned that in the fredbear video I didn't actually have any cameras set up and this is true and it's because I didn't feel like I wanted to set up any cameras in that similar here I didn't want to set up any cameras in this just because I felt like it was kind of eh you know I I I didn't want to set them up because I just honestly didn't feel like it but if you wanted to there is a way you can do that you simply just need to find the cameras and the camera monitor you can place a camera uh let's say you want to place a camera right here you can place it and then you use the monitor on it and then you can use that look at hello hi but I didn't want to do that in this one just cuz I didn't honestly feel like it I feel like this place is fine just the way it is but that's going to do it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed if you did consider leaving a like and if you really enjoyed consider subscribing you guys have been absolutely wild with us subscribing lately and I'm honestly very very grateful for each and every one of you that has stopped by um please consider checking out some of my other content that is on my channel here I don't just do Minecraft I do a whole bunch of things so please go check that out also if you want to see more of this please let me know down in the comments what you would like to see next uh so far the plan is to do the Fazbear frights location next as I'm kind of just going in order of the storylines locations but uh let me know what you want to see in the comments and other than that I hope you guys stay safe I love you all and I will see you in the next video bye a lot of people think that I'm really stupid I got a lot of comments on the last FNAF build that I made where uh I apparently don't know the lore quote unquote um I do I do know that FNAF 2 is technically before FNAF 1 but I called it newer um that's because it's implied that the FNAF 1 Pizzeria actually existed before the FNAF 2 Pizzeria uh I'm I'm I'm basing off of a lot of theories here I don't know what's actually confirmed or not but I'm just I'm making things the way I want to make them there's reason it says custom in the in the the title I can't speak English right but we're not going to talk about it anyway welcome back to another FNAF build my name is KJ whippy and today we're going to be doing the FNAF 3 Fazbear fres location now I'm not as familiar with this location as with the others uh mostly because it's kind of like a you enter from one side of the building you walk through a scary oo boo ah I'm getting scared thing and then you exit through another exit so it's more of like a themed attraction than anything else so I need to figure out what the layout of this thing is is um I don't remember at all I have to do some research real quick but before we do that I just want to uh take a look here at the blocks and stuff that we're going to be using for this we're going to be using the same old bread and butter uh from the last two three however many of these I've done already but we're also going to be using these These are the rancid wall tiles and walls here uh from the Five Nights at Freddy's mod uh and also also I want to say I know that the mod has been updated I know but the thing is the rest of these mods aren't so I can't use the rest of these with that one if I they're not the same version I don't have the updates please stop telling me that it's updated I know but yes I'm going to be using the ranted wall tiles from that and then I'm going to be using these as well uh and of course the same kind of flooring as before no arcade floor in this one I don't think I'm going to do that I think it's just going to be mainly the tile here um so let me let me take a moment here go find all of the layouts and stuff that I want to go with and we'll figure it out from there all right this one got a lot bigger than I thought it was going to be um I had to move my displays of the different blocks and stuff that I was going to use because I kind of accidentally went into that space but let me just explain what all is going on here in the middle of this structure you can see what appears to be the similar layout from FNAF 3 uh in this section here we have that brown room which is like where camera 9 and Camera 10 are that yellow room where that chica head with the light inside of it and the puppet mask on the wall the light green is where the arcade machines are where the Phantom chica activation thing is right there uh we have that hallway there where camera 5 is uh where there's that small vent that can get you near that can get springtrap near the uh Security office and then there's that blue hallway which has like the Bonnie like that partial Bonnie costume stand in it and then that orange hallway that has the foxy head on the wall uh there's those two hallways there and then we also have the hallway that's right in front of where the security office is where the big window is and then around that corner is where the door is is and of course the red box there is the security office we have those white lines there which are symbolizing the vents uh which will'll eventually get put in as well there's more rooms than actually are in the actual game and this is again for logistic sake we have the magenta box to the left there which is like where the main entrance of the actual attraction is so there's going to be a desk where you can buy your tickets you can you know pick out you know I need adult tickets I need kid tickets and then if as we move up that hallway there you'll see that there are the main bathrooms uh in that dark green box there uh that upper area with the three gray boxes is actually going to be different stages that are set for when the people who set up this attraction eventually find more animatronics from the different eras of Freddy's you know they talk about in the the phone calls that oh we're we're still looking for a bunch of stuff to put in here so maybe this could be like as you're being introduced to the attraction you see different things of what they used to be and then you actually get into the main attraction and it's all creepy and scary and whatever then you go through what I just described at the beginning of this section of the video and then at the bottom there as you reach the other exit where that purple dot is uh you'll find more bathrooms for hey if you need to go to the bathroom after doing that there's a couple right there you go down that Hall a bit more that pink box is the gift shop so if you decide I want to get some souvenirs then you can and of course it leads back up to that main uh entrance/exit area where you can get out you know you you've done your thing and you got to go so I thought it was very important that I need to include something along the lines of what's going on on the outer edge here I hope I explained that properly and I'm sure that you guys will see uh what exactly I'm talking about when it actually gets built but until then let's go ahead and get all the flooring in and all that stuff that I normally do in these and I will see you guys in a moment as I do [Music] that all right all the floors are in wall time all right all the walls and floors and vents are now all in place and now it's time for the next step all right and so of course first we have decorated the security office as per usual uh this one is a little bit different than the last few considering that we have a different wall type here but also there's a lot more stuff scattered around we have the iconic box of toys which uh I remember do you remember back way back when FNAF 3 was first coming out and there was the teaser that had the spotlight over this box and everybody thought that it was going to be teasing like an animatronic that took all the parts and like fused together into one one thing man those those were the golden days but yes we've got ourselves a little desk chair here we've got vent that leads in towards here that springtrap can come through we do have a door but there's no button for it because you can't close the door in F 3 and so we can't do that either uh we have a couple broken down arcade machines some lockers to put our stuff in etc etc and then of course a simple little light here which I'm going to be implementing all around this place because this honestly it's it's the best light for this I feel like this is perfect all right so I've also made the hallway here and I've actually combined a few of the hallways here into one uh section of work just because they're all kind of kind of similar in the ways that they are being decorated so we have here this hallway that's right outside the office where first of all I really like how this looks when you look inside the window here but anyway we have the Freddy stand here which actually has a light inside it uh to kind of simulate the uh the glowing eyes effect that you see in the actual games uh which I thought was a really clever idea on my part not to uh not to pet myself on the back or anything yeah we've just got some simple drawings post ERS pizzas wires and stuff hanging around everywhere then here we have the same kind of trick with the Bonnie stand over there uh more posters and such and then the foxy head actually glows on its own so that's really cool I'm I'm really glad that we have uh we have an option for that uh in there uh but yeah this is all pretty much pretty much the same in terms of decoration just pizzas posters drawings stands stuff like that and I really like how how cluttered it feels it feels like it's just kind of spontaneously put together uh like the uh the Fazbear attraction employees probably did you know it doesn't feel like it's all exactly organized and it's kind of off-putting and and kind of creepy so I like it and I think the lighting works too as well where it's brighter around the stand but then it kind of like gets dark in the middle here and it yeah I don't know it's nice I like it and so we also have the arcade done here which like all the others before have the arcade machines the drawings all that stuff in it but a lot more wires and stuff hanging from the ceiling making this feel really cluttered and old and broken down which is kind of the vibe that the whole place gives so I think that's pretty good here I also went with a uh similar design to what I did with the FNAF 2 uh build that I did in the last video which hey if you haven't watched that yet go check it out there's a card right now up on the top corner and there's a link in the description go check that out but yeah I feel like that kind of fit and it broke up the uh the rest of the build as well uh you know it gives it a bit more variety then of course we have this hallway here which is a little bit empty but not horrible although I am realizing I did forget something I forgot the confetti on the floors okay anyway as I was saying we have the hallway here for camera 8 where the glowing chica head and all those presents and stuff are and then we also have the mask of the puppet on the wall too and uh you know kind of like before similar design choices here with a lot of the drawings and posters and stuff and then in this room here we have camera 9 and Camera 10 where Mr springtrap normally spawns at the beginning of each night now uh this room I kind of wanted to play around with the corners here a bit not quite sure how I feel about but let me know how you feel about them in the comments um yeah and then he's creepy and I believe if I set tonight yeah he gets up [Music] hi but you also notice I have the camera Monitor and camera in my inventory here as well I've actually set up each camera to be at the specific location that each one is supposed to be at so if you uh you go around to each one let's say camera 8 is supposed to be to be the Chica hallway there it is there's the puppet mask awesome you go to Camera 7 where the arcades are boom and then that screen quote unquote would have Phantom chica's thing there this is camera 4 it would be pointing at the foxy head but uh it doesn't like to automatically be in that position so this is the best we can do but you know just stuff like that it's it's really really helpful to have that in here to give you a sense of immersion so I think that's really cool to uh have in here and a lot of people are asking what mod actually has the camera and it's actually security craft I figured it out I'm thinky real good all right so for these display areas I wanted to go ahead and take features from a few of the different builds that I've made so I went ahead and recreated the FNAF 1 office that I made in the first of these videos and uh I like to think that these are areas that people like on their way into the attraction they can take pictures of this stuff you be like wow this is so cool this is awesome um so I have a bunch of different things here you can you know you can interact with the door doors and lights and stuff as you're walking by uh of course you know there's the the famous fan and cupcake and celebrate poer celebrate poer poster I don't know if I know English but yeah there's the office setup from FNAF 1 here we also have uh Foxy's Cove here which I like to think that they got like a knockoff animatronic that's not actually authentic but they're like ah we'll still we'll still put it up anyway uh so we got like an off-brand Foxy's Cove here or something and then of course we have the music box from FNAF 2 but no puppet so that's curious you're not the puppet but yeah no I wanted to kind of just feature a bunch of this stuff as kind of like this is the stuff that we found it's relics from the past and then of course it leads right into uh the entrance here with uh this guy here I also went ahead and did the bathrooms as well same kind of techniques as before where I use these blocks as the Stalls and such we also have the gift shop here which is complete with a bunch of different merchandise similar to the priz corners and other builds that I've done but this one also has a desk here for any purchases to be made and it's actually the same one that I used in the security Security office but uh it's you know I feel like this one helps because it also has the bobble head so it kind of advertises those as well yeah just a bunch of different merch and stuff that people can come by after they come through the the attraction here and of course the entrance Lobby where we have the different entrance and exit here uh for the guests that come through we have a desk here for the ticket salesman and then you know people can come through go all the way down this way towards their eventual fate cuz springtrap's going to murder them all and I've decided with this one I don't think I actually want to do an exterior and that is because I like the idea that this place is a mystery you know we don't know what this place really looks like we don't know what what it entails and already I've added a lot more to uh kind of reveal those Secrets uh and I feel like adding an exterior would just be kind of you know Overkill so without further Ado let's go ahead and take a tour of this location so you come in here and it says enter if you dare and exit only so obviously we're not allowed to go this way we have to go this way but for first we have to purchase our tickets from whoever is working the ticket stand over here we buy our ticket we come on through and if we need to go to the bathroom before we begin our experience there is uh the bathrooms here which are complete with the uh toilets and toilet paper and all that stuff uh for you know things that you might need to do as we come over here and around this corner we see like I showed before the different uh locations uh different pieces we got the security office estimated from the 1990s we have the foxy Pirate Cove from around 1983 the fredbear era and then of course we have the music box from the 1987 location and of course we around this corner here Fazbear's fright beware and instantly we can see something very terrifying within here but we have here the location of Five Nights at Freddy's 3 are you staring at me or is that that was I'm going to move on now goodbye but we can make our way through this creepy location here uh complete with different animatronic heads and parts sitting around can make our way into the arcade check out the creepy games that await us we've got this hallway here with more posters and drawings and pizzas and the camera we've got a Bonnie stand here with a light inside of it showing our way we can move along in here to the foxy head as well as some pipes more posters all sorts of different spooky decorations and as we make our way in this direction towards the security office we can peek in here and say hello to the local security guard who uh I guess just so happens to be us but make our way around past this Freddy stand here and into the office where we can see all of the extra toys and pieces and papers and all that stuff kind of just hanging around in here and then we can make our way out through the exit to uh once again be met with some bathrooms if you uh suddenly need to go from being spooked inside there you can come in real quick and do your thing and if you follow this hallway around down this way you come across the gift shop where you can come in and purchase any merchandise that you like uh and you can you can you can enjoy what you find here at home and we finally make our way out through this exit once again and we're able to leave well I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please consider leaving a like and if you really enjoyed consider subscribing uh I have to say I'm absolutely amazed that I've made it to 3,000 subscribers you guys are absolutely insane I really appreciate all that you've done with this with with this series with my channel and uh I hope that you guys stick around for more I do want to say that I am going to be taking these these videos a bit slower uh in terms of the Five Nights at Freddy's builds cuz these do take up quite a lot of time to make and honestly I I get very burnt out from it very quickly and I would like to try to do some more of my other content so if you haven't watched any of my other videos please consider doing so uh because I've put a lot of hard work into them and I really think that you guys would enjoy them speaking of my other videos If you guys enjoy FNAF 3 and you want to check out more content cont related to that I have made some videos on a FNAF 3 remake recently uh so if you want to go check those out as well there's a link in the description to those but in the meantime I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your day uh and if you don't uh come back and watch some more videos cuz I would like to try to make those days better for you but in the meantime I hope you all stay safe I love you and I will see you in the next video bye wow would you look at that the my I know I know here I am look see I'm updated now I got all kinds of I can't really show that here I guess hey it's it's me KJ whippi and we're doing another FNAF build thing and uh it's it's FNAF 4 time so we're going to do that so before I get started I do just want to say if you haven't subscribed already please consider doing so and please feel free to check out some of my other content on this channel as well I do a bunch of other gaming content Let's Plays reactions all sorts of different things so go check that out if that's something that interests you uh there's a card in the corner right now to one of my favorite videos right now grass block anyway yeah go do that if you uh if you want want to do that so I went ahead and just skipped right ahead to making the layout of the house because this is such a different build from the rest of the ones that I've made in this series so far so I'm just going to go ahead and kind of list off what I have here it's going to be a two-story house and uh let's just go ahead and get started with labeling everything so this red box down here uh like every other build that we've done that's going to be where the main game takes place uh this is the bedroom where you try to survive the knights and FNAF 4 uh that Orange Box there is going to be the closet space and then of course those two hallways right there lead to different areas of the houses well uh the yellow box there uh for some reason has a hole in it and I didn't realize that uh but that yellow box there is going to be where the dining room is and that green box up at the top left is going to be the kitchen and then that pink section there is going to be the stairs that lead up to the second floor and underneath that will also have like a small closet as well that can be uh a a separate storage area or something for the house as well and then of course in that uh entrance way area of course leading towards the top right that leads to the family room the living room whatever you want to call it uh it's the Aton house so I don't really really know if anything's considered living anymore then that dark green box right there is going to be the downstairs bathroom and of course the purple square up at the top is going to be where the main front door is going to be and that opening actually at the yellow box down there I've decided is going to be where the uh exit out of the backyard is going to be and I'm going to have a little porch going around the house as well now I don't exactly have a block set up for what I want for the walls or for what I want for the floors or anything like that because I want this to kind of be more experimental with how I do this because it's different it's very very different from what I've done before so I'm going to go ahead and try to just experiment around see what I can figure out see what I can play around with uh really use my Minecraft builder knowledge uh in terms of block pallets and stuff like that to really make this place fit so give me a little bit here and let's see what I can work up for this first floor one of the cool things about this updated mod pack which by the way this is the Tony's FNAF mod pack on curse Forge it has been updated to 1.9.2 there's a bunch of new mods and a bunch of updated versions of the older mods that it has and one of the new ones that it includes is Quark which has vertical planks which is really cool because it gives off this striped effect which I'm actually trying to give to uh this room here uh as I want to give it another wallpaper type of style as you've been seeing throughout the entire rest of this place so that's kind of cool all the rooms have their flooring their walls and all the things of the such um this is a really weird house to make but going off of the different games and seeing how the different aftons decorate their homes this they really like weird wallpaper so that's kind of what I had to go with and you might be wondering what exactly this is and this is actually supposed to be based off of the room at the end of each night from Sister location where might go after he finishes each night and watches TV watches that Dracula show or whatever so this is kind of supposed to be a reference to that maybe uh maybe maybe Mike still lives in this house in Sister location maybe he still lives here and that's why it's so easy for him to get to work I forgot the walls in the bathroom and of course now it's time to lay out the second floor and I know that this looks really weird but try and keep up with me see if any of this makes sense to you guys so we have of course the stairs leading up to this platform here which down one hallway here leads to that room that we see in Five Nights at Freddy 4 where the plush trap Min game is or I guess an night balloon boy if you play in the Halloween update whatever uh so that has the X on the floor there and a big old chair right there for that then everybody wonders what those four rooms in that area are for and uh I'm going to go ahead and make two of them uh some storage closets one of them access to the attic and then one of them is kind of like another like small kind of den or reading room kind of thing uh that a lot of houses had uh in that time and I guess also have in this time it's kind of like the equivalent of a LW soft and then the pink uh the green and the Yellow Boxes here are going to be different bedrooms upstairs here as well and that's really all the upstairs is for is for different storage different bedrooms bathroom that kind of thing really all the main entertainment stuff is downstairs so honestly that's probably all that I need up here and to clarify something real quick while I do have the main room from FNAF 4 in the bottom floor I'm not going to be making that necessarily the crying child's room because I feel like logically that kind of room would not go to the kid of the house I feel like the parents would take that kind of room the the giant room with two entrances into it I feel like that would go more for a parent than a child so I'm going to have his room actually up here I'm going to base it off of the uh the mini game room which I'll put on screen right now actually and then also of course I'll be basing the other rooms off of the other rooms that you see in the mini games as well such as the sister's room Etc so anyway without further Ado let's go ahead and get started with this one as well forgot to mention that this little space right here in between these two bedrooms is going to be the bathroom for the upstairs now as I stand here in this very dark very creepy looking Place time to start working on the interior decoration for each of these rooms which honestly is going to be kind of tedious now now that I think about it but it's okay of course first off we've decorated the bedroom here on the first floor uh to look just like the room from fnaf4 which honestly I'm really happy with how this looks and I did actually include the wall block from the updated mod here uh which makes a really good popcorn ceiling like you see in the uh in the actual game so that's really cool unfortunately this isn't centered so I didn't put the light on the ceiling here that normally goes there uh but there is still the lamp here and the lamp here of course and I did include a flower pot as well as a hint to the Easter egg where you see the pot of flowers up here every now and then by the bedside we never actually see this one here we're normally looking at it from like this angle so that's never actually seen But since there's not enough room to put multiple things on there I went ahead and put it there and of course we have the plush and of course inside the closet here not really much going on here other than the foxy plush there and then of course t-shirts and stuff strown about cuz uh you know what kid what kid in their right mind would organize their room maybe I should organize my room next up we have the left hallway which as you can see is based off of the one in game as per usual it's got a nice little painting here a lamp some pictures on the wall and stuff which I actually just used the kids drawings items here in the game uh so that's pretty cool that I did that I think of course you can see there's also the clock over here which actually does feature the bell and all that stuff to uh to sound off the end of the hour and of course there's a nice little sitting area over here at the end of the hall as well which uh yeah looks pretty comfy I'm sure of course you saw that I've also completed the dining room here which is also again complete with pictures paintings and of course a table here uh for the Aton family to enjoy their uh meals together as if they're ever all together all at once because someone's getting their head chewed off someone's getting their guts scooped out and of course we also have the kitchen done as well which there's actually no Lighting in here I'm kind of a fool let me just uh bo but yes there's the kitchen here all set up and ready to go as well pretty similar to the other kitchens that made in this series as well uh but these actually have fridges that open up and they got little things in them look at them there's a little piece of cake in there that's cute but there's also a little breakfast nook here too uh which I feel like is pretty common in a lot of these kind of farmhouses cuz if you do remember FNAF 4 does take place in like a farmhouse type of place uh that is uh in the middle of the fields so I feel like there would be this kind of kitchen in that place so yeah I like it now of course we do also have the right hallway as well which is pretty much a mirrored version of that hallway except there are are these extra windows here other than that it's pretty much the same also there's that door there which leads into the bathroom which I think I'm going to go ahead and do next cuz that's nice and easy and pretty simple we also have the bathroom here which is complete with sinks mirrors we got the toilet paper and toilet of course and a shower actually so whoever is occupying this room down here which like I said I don't understand why a parent would give their kid that room so I kind of have a head cannon that that's actually just the master bedroom and that's where the kid is hiding out uh to uh get away from the nightmares but uh yeah whoever is living in that room they can use this room to do all of their toiletries and stuff and uh I think it turned out pretty good and here we are with the decorated sister location style room as well now that thing is way bigger than I thought it was but it's the only kind of sun thing that fits the general idea of what the actual thing on the wall is there it's supposed to be a clock that's sure yeah we'll we'll count that I guess but also there's this tiny little TV here and you can actually change the channels and it's really cool it's part of xl's furniture mod which is a mod that I actually added to this pack myself uh there's also links to all the other mods that I personally added to this as well in the description so if you want to make something similar to this you have resources to your advantage now it's time for the upstairs and of course the first room to get some treatment is actually the sister's room uh which if you go around in the FNAF 4 mini games you can come across a room that has some animatronic Parts on the bottom and a pink bed and pink lamp and all that and that is theorized to be the sister's room from the uh from the family Elizabeth Aton which honestly would make sense considering that she's uh she's been munched at this point she has been absolutely scooped up and absorbed into circus baby probably okay still but I mean you know you never know but yeah pretty simplistic room nothing too fancy going on in here now the crying child's room is actually going to be a little bit more plain than my usual decorational skills and that's because I really wanted to capture the Simplicity of the mini game room uh because it feels alone it feels lonely and when he's in here by himself you know there's the part where it's like you know he locked you in here again like it's it's sad and it's alone of course I added windows but other than that he's really isolated in here except for his little friends here that also go honk except for you you're the same one I use downstairs but that's fine also there weren't any that were missing their heads so oh well and of course there's the upstairs bathroom as well which features a tub as well as everything that we saw downstairs uh once again nothing too fancy going on in here pretty simplistic the older brother's room is also pretty simplistic in terms of decorations we just have some drawings and stuff up which I'm going to pretend are like posters and stuff uh we've got some dressers his bed of course and then I actually made him into a gamer I didn't realize that this gave off light but it's really funny um I think I just think it's funny because It prepares him cuz you know if if Mike if Mike left and is Mike Schmidt from FNAF one then this is just preparing him to sit in front of a computer for a few hours every night to survive against people that want to murder him so hey that's pretty cool and of course we have the hallway with plush trap now he's not here currently cuz I haven't placed any of the mobs yet but we do have a couple rooms here for storage of course got a few things going on in here and then over here we have the den where uh you know this is actually based off of a room from the uh mini games as well the room with the sofa and the TV and the orange carpet this is essentially that room and then of course also the attic uh access as well which will I be actually adding an attic no because I don't want to yes so I'm going to be leaving all these doors open to have these doorways open some to Plush trap works and uh yeah that's pretty much it for this area with that it's time to add an exterior which wow this thing looks terrible I'm definitely going to be adding exterior with this because this looks just God awful wow I did add a roof because or at least a roof over on this section because it needed one to be able to fit to form but I am going to going to be adding an exterior layer around this so let's see how well I can do that well here we are this thing's very white this uh has the Quark mod like I mentioned before which actually has the ancient planks which is a white wood type it looks really pretty and uh I made this a white farmhouse because this just a stereotypical Farmhouse color honestly but yeah nothing too uh nothing too fancy nothing too special here I really like it now it's time to go inside and check her out so we have here the entrance with the staircase up we have the TV area over there uh with the theme from the sister location room we have the kitchen over here to our right which we can get all of our feasts and stuff for the Aton family little breakfast nook and a bunch of different appliances in here we have the dining room where the Aton family can gather to have some meals assuming they ever are actually around each other we also have the hallway here where it leads down towards the main bedroom here but it's got a bunch of different pictures and paintings bookshelves the clock and all sorts of different things going on in here as well of course the main bedroom which features all the different things from the actual game the toys the dressers the fan the different pictures paint you know posters little honk honk boy himself and of course foxy in the closet with all these things we also have this right hallway here as well which features pretty much the same thing as the other hallway we have the bathroom which features all the Necessities needed for a bathroom cuz you know bathroom we have this under the stairs storage spot which just has a few crates and boxes and stuff nothing super fancy in there then as we go upstairs here we have this hallway which features the plush trap uh chair and the X as well to catch him we have all of these different areas here with the different uh different rooms from the mini games different storage rooms and of course access to the attic as well we have the older brother's room here which is red themed to feature his foxy mask that he uses he's got a bunch of different pictures up as well and I've made made him a gamer because I'm a gamer and that's funny and haha whatever we also have the upstairs bathroom which again features all the bathroom necessities and of course we have the crying child's room which features very minimal amount of decoration for the sole purpose that uh it feels very lonely and obscured and then the sister's room which features the pink bed the pink lamp all the animatronic Parts as we see in the mini games and uh yeah honestly this thing's really cool and I'm really I'm really happy with how this building has turned out uh now it's time for what everybody is looking forward to the nightmare animatronics so we've set our game tonight I want to set it to midnight so that way is is dark dark out there so now it's just a matter of setting the guys where they need to be so nightmare so Bonnie comes oh oh oh he breathes oh that's awful I'm sorry so if I look for a flashlight will a flashlight make them appear no oh that's horrible hi so then we have nightmare Freddy who's technically under the bed but this will work I guess does he make his little oh look at him step oh he's spooky no that you can't go in there that's not where you go and of course we of nightmare foxy oh man we're just going to shut that keep you in there and of course nightmare chica yikes oh man I cannot imagine trying to survive against these guys in like survival mode and I don't want to test it out and yes I am a big baby and Just for kicks we also have oh you didn't see me look look at my camera in fear but I just did that and then I'm assuming nightmares yeah nightmare is just the same oh jeez okay well I'll leave the doors open so these guys can roam little plush trap don't stare at me with them big old eyes yikes okay I'm going to go now if I set the time back today yeah they all disappear that's horrible oh that's terrible oh I love it but I also hate it all at the same time yikes well I hope you guys enjoyed this episode of building custom FNAF locations this was FNAF 4 uh in case you couldn't tell and you didn't read the title and you've watched this entire video how the how the heck if you like been here and not known that but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed this is going to be the last one of these for a little while I am extremely burnt out in terms of content creation These suck so much energy out of me I do still have some videos coming out in the near future here but none of them are going to be Minecraft FNAF related so I'm sorry but also not sorry um if you guys enjoyed the video please go check out some of my other FNAF content I do have a bunch of videos on that type of stuff please go check that out and also if you haven't already consider subscribing uh like I said at the beginning of the video I have a bunch of content that I think you guys would really enjoy so please go check that out but in the meantime I hope you guys have a great rest of your day or night or whatever time it is for you stay safe I love you all and bye-bye I told myself I wasn't going to do another one of these hey what's going on guys my name is KJ whippy and welcome back to another and honestly a quite unexpected Five Nights at Freddy's Minecraft build now a lot of people been asking me for sister location and I didn't want to do it solely because the mod that I used did not have sister location in it so I couldn't but it updated and now in Minecraft 1.20 we have sister location stuff but the only problem problem is these guys look absolutely ridiculous look at look look at you look at you what do you have to say for yourself but before I get started with this video I do want to let you guys know that there is a link to the mod pack in the description as there always has been I had a lot of people ask in the other videos what the mod is what is this mod is it for Java is it for Bedrock there's a link in the description to the curse Forge page as always so please go check that out if you're interested in the mod and no this is not a tutorial I'm not going to be doing a step by step on oh this is this many blocks this is that many blocks these have never been tutorials it's just me building things and you guys watching it and giving me that sweet ad Revenue but in all seriousness I hope you guys enjoy the video and if you do please consider leaving a like and a subscribe and go check out some of my other stuff too if you feel like it because I make a lot of other kinds of content that you guys will probably enjoy I think but I think honestly for this one I'm not even going to do like a a layout and then you know label which room is which because the rooms here are just so different in this game so I think I'm just going to I think I'm just going to go with the flow and build what I can and then figure it out so give me a moment I think I'm going to build the elevator first and then uh guess we'll move on from there okay and here we are with the elevator getting down into the facility now this is a little bit different than the actual elevator from the game just because there aren't actually any sister location decoration things in terms of the actual mod pack here um so I'm going to go in with what I've got so I have a rules poster there and then a Freddy poster here but we'll soon discover Freddy ain't down here or at least not the Freddy weo but there's also the big red button that's on the wall there uh there's a bunch of wires and of course the fan now the fan here since this is a bigger than one block space the fan obviously is not going to take up more than one block space so I did what I could and you know what I think it looks nice and also these lights are really nice here too this is the illuminate fixture from the simply light mod that's included in the FNAF pack and then of course you go through here and then the vent will take you onward toward your next room which is going to be the main like service room I guess yeah so let's do that all right so next up we have here the main like kind of middle room here with the shock panels uh we have a bunch of different wires and stuff hanging from the ceilings and I actually made a little trick uh with these TVs and item frames here uh cuz if you look at the original image you'll see that there are these like screens with static on them you can't quite make the static but with these with these item frames and TVs I've been able to at least recreate the screens and then similar issue with the fans before where it doesn't cover more than one block but that's okay because this honestly works pretty well I think it works nice and then instead of the uh baby face clock I think it is is is it a clock hold on it looks like a clock with baby's face on it but there isn't one of those in the actual mod pack so once again using these item frames I just put a plush head or plush suit head sorry and uh put that in there and that works pretty nice and then they also didn't have the funky little head things that are here so I just kind of put some different animatronic parts and stuff because you know what this is an animatronic Workshop I think that I that makes sense to me but yes we also have the shock panels here for the different auditoriums and their uh animatronics uh and then we also have the vents uh to actually crawl through to get into uh the different areas the problem is there isn't a way to get back yet and this is the circus Gallery I think is what it's officially called uh this is where you go in and you talk to baby for the first time and then you have to hide under the desk from the tiny little men that come after you yeah this is that room I'm going to be making the actual circus Gallery like stage area and stuff where baby normally is uh around this as well so don't worry these windows will be going out into the actual uh place that it needs to so don't worry about that but yeah nothing too nothing too fancy going on in here it's pretty simple it's kind of a cramped little space which I think works pretty well there's a lot of different papers and stuff all over and and uh you know monitors and all that stuff just to really add to the uh the Clutter of the area although I did forget to add some wires now that I'm thinking about it there we go that's better real quick I have come back in here and adjusted a few things first of all the uh windows are now the tinted glass and in order to keep the light from in here going out into there as easily uh also I have added this button here which if you press it the uh show stage lights comes on so it simulates that let's see if they're on their stage kind of thing so I think that's kind of cool and I can show you guys how I did that in just a moment but yes I've created balora gallery and obviously this is not super detailed and that's because honestly I feel like with the Simplicity of the game's detail to this room in itself I feel like this is kind of you know kind of fitting it's supposed to be super dark in here so obviously like when it's nighttime okay well it's not that dark but you get what I'm saying and especially with like the brightness right now is set to Moody so like that light off in the distance which is the uh the like I think it's the power maintenance room um yeah no I think that's it's very very fitting for this room to really not have a whole bunch of details just got a bunch of wires and shelves and stuff because you know what that's that's creepy looking and then also ins side here I do have uh the maintenance room as well with a panel here that right now has static on it uh it's really cool cuz actually with Xin furniture mod you can uh switch up you know you can switch up what's in there and uh it's kind of cool the different TV stuff set aside I do have also the flashing light that you would see in this room uh this is actually done using a redstone repeater clock so basically what it does is it's constantly sending a signal all the way around pretty simple stuff right there and then of course this Redstone right here is on top of that lamp which is powering it there also for the uh lights it's simply just a redstone line that goes up to this piston uh slime block tower thing basically every time it's activated it pushes this up which this redstone block then Powers the dust to power these two lights so pretty simple and honestly it's very very fitting for this build and uh yeah it's also vanilla stuff so if you're choosing to build something like this in vanilla Minecraft without mods that's something that you can still do something I did forget to do was actually add this border around the stage I feel like this helps separate it off of the actual main floor here uh cuz you know they they got to have their own separate space I feel like that I feel like that works there pretty well so I've kind of made pretty much the exact same type of thing for both the circus Gallery stage which honestly I really like how this room feels it feels very storage but still has like room to display the animatronics when they need to be there and obviously like in the game her lights don't exactly work or she's not exactly there so we can't exactly make her do her thing so I'm not going to implement that in here as well but there's also these hallways that go in between the stage areas you may have notied these doors uh before when I was showing off the balour gallery but this is actually just for hallways to different uh maintenance areas and stuff like that and then this door is actually going to go into the area where the secret uh office is if you get the uh the good quote unquote ending of sister location so as you'll notice there's another one of these hallways here there is this door here which is technically the secret ending uh Office direction here and then inside here we have the room where we fix up uh Funtime Freddy at first and then uh circus baby as well later on and then of course there's a little there's a little wrench here which is kind of nice um and then we actually have this conveyor belt thing that goes all the way through into the scooping room that's right we got the scooper here and actually in this mod you can actually make stuff with it I don't know how any of it works and frankly I'm too scared to ask but yeah so that's what this door right here ends up being cuz if you remember in the actual gameplay of the game they're like okay go forward go forward go forward go forward go left so then you end up in here but if you go right from there then you end up in that secret room and that's way here we're going to be working on next so we have a basic layout here of what the place is going to look like in terms of the secret area uh instead of there being another one of these rooms over here it's actually just going to be into this hallway for the maintenance into baby's area which I feel like both makes sense in terms of logic but also would also help add to the threat of you know if the animatronics are wonderr in here then they have just yet another way to come in directly from uh there to get to your office so that's pretty that's they're pretty scary and we now have a finished secret office from Sister location so here we have the main room where you are kind of just trapped here until 6 a.m. uh we have the vent here as well which is pretty cool I think the way that I've I've done this is pretty nice which you guys will see in just a moment but we also have the fredbear plushy on the desk who uh this is actually just the FNAF one desk but it looks like with the way that the the the fan has merged with fredbear it looks like he's holding that little remote like you see in the actual office so I think that's pretty cool I also have a light behind the camera monitors here to kind of give off the light that the static gives off in the actual thing so I think that's pretty nice and then we also have the two hallways on either side here kind of just filled with the different clutter a bunch of different things and I wanted to kind of pay uh pay some respect to the original location so I had this poster set up here uh kind of just to kind of just to pay some respects you know there's this little side side storage room or whatever that uh can sometimes uh that energy can sometimes go into as we go further down this way you'll see that here's the curtain where Funtime foxy normally is I believe uh he/ she I don't remember if it's actually confirmed what's what they come out of this uh curtain here every now and then I I'm pretty sure I actually have not played sister location so I don't remember specifically off the top of my head we also have these oxygen tanks here which are actually just a few and walls and some flower pots on top but the way that I did this was I actually used the debug stick and then uh would you can give yourself with the slash give self debug and then you can just hit Tab and it'll automatically fill in and then boom you can do that and then you can mess around with the different statuses of the blocks and I did that in order to disconnect all of these walls and to uh you know make them separate things and they look like oxygen tanks so that's pretty cool you also have this other hallway here with a bunch of random clutter as well and then like I said before it leads straight into the circus gallery and then the hallway for maintenance into that in this back area we do also have a vent uh a ladder up to the vent to get through to the main office so if you were to do something like a role play or something where hey somebody's playing as the animatronic then they can come up through that and actually that would threw me off for a second I thought there was a face here but yeah if somebody were to actually want to play as the animatronics you could totally just have them come through here and bada bing bada boom you're good so without further Ado I think it's time we finally get a full tour of this place and get the animatronics in so first off like we saw at the beginning this is the elevator filled with its random clutter of different pipes and wires and all kinds of things in here and once the door is open we are greeted with a vent that takes us directly to the main room now this room is full of all sorts of different monitors and lights uh the fan in the middle there and then of course the different Trinkets and stuff that are laying around and posted on the walls we have the buttons here to activate the shocking and the lighting of the different animatronic areas pretty cool there and also a poster and some stuff like that and first things first we're going to go into the circus Gallery where we will be greeted with a very small and cluttered office that is used for maintenance on anything relating to Circus baby you know if it has anything to do with her wiring her her programming anything like that that's where that's worked on is right here and we got a locker and a bunch of papers and stuff up all over the place really showing the different clutter around here and of course these four lights here I wish that you could color these unfortunately you can't but that's just the way that it is so you know that we just got to level it next up is the balora gallery that's terrifying oh that's horrible oh look at her go yes this is the balora gallery where uh you have to crawl through and reset the power in that breaker room there uh the only problem is if she sees you you'll die so you got to be nice and careful going in here where you have this monitor here and the flashing light where you have to reset all of the different Breakers across the location but be careful cuz Mr giggleman over here is uh he's the there and he might get you I don't think he can actually get over this though I think his hit yeah his hit box is Too Tall he can't even get out of there loser and if we actually come into the circus Gallery here we can actually see baby on stage you know if you look real hard from there there's a bunch of different shelves and storage places for things around here as well but mostly uh mostly desolate in here desolate desolate is that the word I'm looking for I don't know of course we also have we have here the Funtime foxy Auditorium where uh you got to use the flash Beacon to get across don't don't look at me I don't I don't I don't appreciate that anyway yes you have to make your way across with the flash beacon in order to fix Funtime Freddy and then also baby as well later on in the actual uh the actual game what happened to my banner but yes and then there's the conveyor belt in here as well that takes you all the way through to a separate room here which I will not show just yet and of course on the final night of the game you are supposed to exit this uh this room here and head towards this direction which uh will not show just yet right now we're going to go to the opposite direction to the secret ending where I just showed off that we have the secret ending office and hallways and such here where Enard who looks horrible he looks terrible oh man oh he oh can you can you get down from there please can you can you ah lovely but yes this is where you have to fend off from him which in this mod pack pretty easy cuz he's not even tall enough to come through the door so you're pretty much safe in this little hole let's say you were to follow the advice of the animatronics you would come in here in front of the scooper and your innards would no longer become innards as inard would unin your innards well I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please consider leaving a like and if you really enjoyed consider subscribing as always I appreciate you guys watching the videos uh please go watch some of my other stuff though like I said before I really don't I don't want to do too many more of these so go check out some of my other content that I'm actually very proud of and um yeah I hope you guys have a great rest your day and I will see you in the next video bye am I going to make the Five Nights at Freddy's pizza Plex in Minecraft the answer is no no I'm not doing that but what I am going to do is uh welcome you to a new video whoa what happened to my eyeballs yes hello my name is KJ whippy and welcome to another Minecraft FNAF video This is actually the final FNAF Minecraft video I know that I've said that I've been kind of getting burned out of these but I have itching to build something as of late and um that's what I'm going to do today so what exactly am I going to be building in this episode is going to be FNAF 6 is it going to be ultimate custom night is it going to be help wanted uh no it's not going to be any of those uh because I actually want to do something completely different I've had a lot of people say that oh well he's not making custom builds he's just making you know Recreations of the the locations from the games without actually like making them hit no they were completely custom I made them my own in in my own way I didn't say that they were going to be completely unique I didn't say that they were going to be different look the point is a lot of people say that my other ones have not been custom they were but this one oh it's God my chin my thick chin so in this video I'm going to be making the ultimate Freddy fazbears Pizzeria now what does that exactly entail so I'm thinking that we get pretty much everything from every game that we possibly can pretty much using every single mod in this entire mod pack which by the way if you want to use this mod pack for yourself there's a link in the description to the curse Forge page you can check that out there's also links in the description to the other builds as well if you want to see anything that's gone on in those um keep in mind that this is 1.9.2 there is no current version for 1.20 just yet but I believe there should be one coming in the near future but yeah uh let's go ahead and just get started I think I know what I'm going to do first but real quick before we get started with the video I did want to say that over 90% of my viewers are not subscribed so if you haven't done that already please consider doing so because it makes me happy and also you guys are kind of helping me pay for college so that's first of all really cool but also uh yeah please if you if you haven't done that already consider doing that because you're going to like a lot more of the content that I post if you like this video but without further Ado let's go so this may look a little bit funky to you and that's because well it is so this area right here is actually supposed to be based off of the main entrance to the pizza Plex from security breach uh where it's got these two staircases that go up to a higher platform up there leading off to more interesting areas here uh there's going to be like a couple like merchandise and gift shops stuff like here maybe this will be like a registration for the different activities or stuff like that um but I want to have like a centerpiece here either a fountain or maybe a statue like in security Beach I don't know I'm not really great at making statues so we'll see how that works out for me I guess but also right here will have a bathroom next to the main entrance just because there's like always a bathroom somewhere uh near an entrance in one of these kinds of places so I feel like that's probably not too far off from where actually that would be so as we get up to this upper section here we actually have this entrance into the main uh entertainment room the party room uh there will be tables here and stuff inside this area but that yellow box right there that's going to be the main stage and also yeah I know I'm doing this a little bit differently than I have in the past videos and that's because I don't want to edit all that text in there again that takes a long time so underneath here which is right actually in between where the stairs are if you head towards this direction you'll find the daycare the child care area where you can drop off your younger kids if they're not exactly ready for uh the more the bigger kid shows kind of stuff like that um they can come in here and play around in the jungle gyms and stuff like that just have a really good time uh you know there will be like a check-in area there will be like an area where you can store your shoes and all that and stuff like that pretty pretty simple stuff going on in here nothing I haven't done already but um stuff that's that's have I have have I done a day I don't think I've done a daycare yet actually now I'm thinking about it so this will be where the daycare is over on this side of the building we'll actually have the mega arcade this will be where you can play all your games you can do all the different activities and stuff and there can be prizes don't know where exactly I'm going to do the prize count I could do it right in between here yeah that'll work that'll be a nice little prize counter there and then we can also have a storage room back here there could be like a couple doors that lead into like a storage room for more prizes and stuff to restock when kids have been winning way too many tickets so back behind here is going to be where the parts and service is or all the the animatronics for this main stage are going to be hanging out they're going to be kind of just chilling in this back area until they need to be on stage or there will be backups like different heads and stuff like that you know your Classic Parts and surface area nothing super fancy going on back here but of course how could I make one of these without making making technician's office because why not I put one in the first video and then never did anything like that ever again I wanted to add logic and then I actually forgot to continue adding logic throughout the series so hey look at that logic's back so over here we have the main cafeteria area where people can actually just go and have food if that's what they choose to do they don't want to necessarily go for a main party or anything like that they can come in here and just have a nice meal uh there are some other stages in here for some side animatronics maybe if there's a side show that can go on not necessarily for a party but just for entertainment itself there's also the kitchen right here which uh is connected to the main party room in terms of bringing out the food there but there's actually going to be a bar here similar to something you'd see at like Peter Piper pizza or something like that uh if I don't know if that's like a everywhere thing but it's basically you know you go you grab your own pizza slices and then it goes it down so something similar to that probably where you just come up you grab some pizza and you go sit down and enjoy yourself there's a of course a cold storage room because I love my freezers I guess I've also added on these little side areas here above the main entrance area that have two rooms on either side uh this here is going to be something of like a supply closet or like a janitorial uh supply room something like that and then this pink box here is actually going to be a boat ride if you remember from the FNAF VR curse of dreadbear DLC there is a like Foxy pirate ship ride where it's kind of like the the Buzz Light you ride from Disneyland where like you got to shoot the targets and stuff uh in your little boat um so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to have like a little tiny boat ride that goes through and there's going to be a few targets uh spread about and you can actually go around and shoot him and I think that's going to be really fun uh to put together for that so um yeah that's going to be in that that's going to be in that box there and then in this one over here it's going to be something similar to the Monty's Gator golf uh there's going to be a little mini golf course in here don't really know know how I'm going to theme it yet might be Monty might not I'm not entirely sure what even animatronics I'm going to have in here yet so um H then I realized I didn't even have a security office for any of this yet so I decided to put one back here with a hallway that connects this backstage area going all the way through and I moved the stages from there and I made it only one here and uh that's going to be uh a separate backstage area here that kind of connects through into there and this is going to actually give us two opportunities for animatronics to come after us in this uh main area here where we would be chilling out as a security guard assuming assuming you wanted to be a security guard you don't have to be I guess if you don't want to but where's the fun in that so yeah that gives us two opportunities here for animatronics to come into the office and get us uh now the question is uh what how do I make this more of a threat cuz honestly it doesn't doesn't still feel like it's as dangerous as it could be I guess it won't have to be but I kind of want to have something where like according to the lore like if you look at FNAF one like yeah sure there animatronics could come from either hallway sure but then there's like Foxy who you have to constantly keep an eye on I need to think of someone that I can like H I guess it could be like the puppet maybe H I don't know I'll come across that when I start building everything up but I'm pretty sure that that is everything that I want to do with this area so what I'm going to do is start just building It Up Room by room and we'll see where it goes from there I think so uh I guess we'll first start off with this main entrance area and get a feel for what this place is going to look [Music] like [Music] here we are with the main entrance to this Ultimate pizzeria now you'll notice that like I said before it is quite similar to the entrance of security breach where uh you know there's these two stairways that go up to this higher raised platform area and there's more things to do throughout there um I actually themed this area over here towards more of like an adventure kind of daycare area um and I thought that I thought that this sign just fit perfectly right here now the vines are kind of overgrowing everything and I I thought shearing them would stop them from growing but it doesn't seem like it really does that so I might remove those but yes at the entrance here we have this statue with of course Mr Fazbear himself on top of it and then above the entrance is actually the glamrock animatronics and what I imagine with this is this will be a version of the animatronics that are vibing up here normally they'll be deactivated uh but when the uh location is closing as people are leaving you know the animatronics can interact with guests and say goodbye and do all that stuff while they're heading out you know to basically advertise hey come back later we'll see you goodbye he looks goofy so off to the left here we have this registration room where you can set up your parties or get your group together for just eating some regular food um you can set up events and stuff like that register for the different attra actions that we'll have in these two areas here um so nothing super fancy going on here I tried to make like an ATM kind of thing here which it kind of kind it kind of looks like it I didn't realize my zoom is so big and then off to the right here is one of the two prize counters in the uh location the the other one is up in the arcade but this is like the big one uh it's got just a bunch of different knickknacks and stuff that you can get you all these masks and plushies and the hanging guitar guitar here on the wall it's Bonnie's guitar or you know that's that's what they tell you and as we make our way up these stairs here we end up getting ready to split off into our different areas throughout this location and I think the first one I'm going to do is this main party room here because it's just I really is there is there any other way here we have the main party room which features not the regular animatronics but the Glam rocks now I wanted to incorporate a whole bunch of different animatronics into this location like I mentioned before and so this main party room is going to feature our main updated 4 here as well uh we're going to have different rooms with different animatronics so don't worry I'll I'm I'll have foxy in here too like I said there's going to be the foxy boat ride or whatever thing so don't don't worry don't worry your pretty little head it's going to be okay but yes inside this room it's pretty much the exact same Vibe as the last few locations that I've built uh but instead of the grayish walls here I've actually got that nice like canyan blue uh which kind of really fits the theme of security breach a lot more so I wanted to have that kind of updated feel to it and I think that captures it perfectly uh this Lo's not supposed to be here cuz I made the banner art and forgot to get rid of it anyway yes we've got cups we've got plates we've got pizza boxes cakes all kinds of things all over the place in here we've got these nice little uh the pat Pats is that is that is that what they're actually called are they actually called Pat Pats I hm you know but I don't think there's an issue wonder what happens cuz I know that there's I know that there's oh yeah so this is going to have the main the main party room uh vibe to it here which I think is captured pretty well uh especially with the fact that the curtain here is so much bigger the stage is bigger and features four animatronics on it and then of course the room here is full of different party decorations and such like that and then of course we have leading into the kitchen area here which is going to have this little area here for putting up things people have to pick up in order or if they like the servers want to come out through here and they can drop off the different stuff for different tables throughout here uh there's also I added in this space here there's another doorway here that'll connect right into this back hallway uh just because I feel like in terms of if this was a Five Nights at Freddy's game that actually was a thing I'm pretty sure that there would be something else there to give the animatronics more paths to get here maybe a vent may maybe a vent we also have the pathway to the arcade through here uh which I will be decorating in an opposite color scheme cuz as you as you probably noticed especially with like downstairs as well or this area right here it's the blue on the bottom with the purple here and then it's the blue is the central part there and so it kind of alternates back and forth and this is actually based on the uh Five Nights at Freddy's movie uh trailer where it has this colored scheme for the actual building itself there so that could be that could be something that could be really fun going through here but uh next up I think I'm going to go ahead and work on the arcade so let's let's let's do it so here is the arcade fit with its own prize Corner some vending machines for sodas and stuff like that and a bunch of arcade machines posters and all that going around here as well I'm really happy with how this room looks honestly it feels like one of those kind of more Spacey themed uh arcades with the roof here that I've done where basically it looks like it's got a bunch of stars and stuff like it's space which I did also do something similar to up in this room as well it's a little bit different just because it's not as dark as I'd like this arcade to be here uh we do have one other uh big sign here for the like from the movie here which honestly it just it it just fits here honestly we have the ball pit here which it used to do something and I was really looking forward to you seeing you guys see this you know I was really looking forward to having you guys see what this did but it no longer does it anymore and it kind of makes me sad but I guess what it did was when you would interact with it it would take you like in the the FNAF book into the ball pit or into the pit or whatever the one with the ball pit that time travels basically it would take you to an alternate quote unquote dimension in the game that would have like the dude in the hospital bed and and like the little like Souls of the children running around and stuff it was really interesting and kind of freaky but um yeah I guess it doesn't do that anymore any who we also have the prize counter here which has a bunch of stuff you know guys know the drill all kinds of different things and then in the back here is a storage room for extra uh prizes and stuff like that which also leads back out into this area this is kind of just like one of those doors that lets uh lets the delivery guys bring in more stuff for this area and then uh yeah so I think this room is pretty much complete the bathrooms here are also complete once again nothing too special in terms of what's going on in here uh you know it's it's a bathroom how exciting can a bathroom get with that this whole chunk of the pizzeria is completed I'm going to save the two attractions for last to do in this just because I feel like they're going to take the most time and I don't feel like doing those right now so uh we're going to go ahead and move our way in this direction now by making the kitchen this extra cafeteria area and then the back room and the halls and stuff like that so let's get going so slight issue I was continuing to build stuff and I I forgot to hit record again I forgot I I built I I built a lot of stuff so um let me just go outside let stop having a stroke I'm still having a stroke oh my God if you'll remember there's quite a lot more done here then you guys will remember I only had this this and this pretty much all done this this whole chunk here um I built all of this and forgot to record again but I'll still give you a tour because that's cool so in this area here is where our secondary cafeteria SL dining room is uh and it's also where a secondary stage is where glamrock Bonnie and the tiger rock animatronic from the books is also at and I don't know what these extra armed things are but he's kind of freaky looking also don't worry about that sound I'll get to that in a minute um yeah I I don't know what's up with this dude I haven't read any of the books and I don't know what he is but he's he he's a glamrock character it seems so I I put him there but yes this room is complete with a bunch of more decorations posters drawings all sorts of things but specifically you'll notice here that I've added in the type of booths that we see from the FNAF movie trailer that we have been so graciously gifted by blumhouse Productions so you can see that there's the stained glass on the back of these uh booths here and the booths themselves are colored to fit the theme of each character you know Monty's got his greens uh Freddy's got his oranges and blues chica's got her pink roxxy's got her purple and red so everything here really really fits that Vibe and honestly I'm I'm really happy with this room because it feels still feels like FNAF but it doesn't feel like it's a specific Al like a party room kind of thing which is really good we also have the kitchen here which just like in every other episode of the series it's just a basic kitchen a bunch of fridges ovens stoves sinks for cleaning dishes and all that uh we got a cold storage room here and then an extra door which will lead into that back hallway that connects everything through the uh staff only area which I'm not going to show you that just yet because that's next and of course the doors lead out into this main party room like we saw before and then if if we go past these little pat pat boys and into the staff only room we'll come across the parts and service part one and um yeah there's no glamrock heads or pieces so this was you know I just had to resort to the old bread and butter of the old pieces and yet that that right there that little particle they dropped little Sparks cuz the wires are hanging from the ceiling and they're all cut off so that's kind of cool but yeah we have an endoskeleton here that's doing his thing got some shelves and stuff just with a bunch of different junk and the technician's office is as groy as ever uh covered in drawings and has having racks and toolboxes of random tools and pieces and stuff like that so that's pretty cool and then as we go down this hallway here it's kind of themed in terms of color towards the different characters like I mentioned before and this space right here is the security office whoa I didn't know it did that that's kind of cool um broken ceiling lamp I guess that makes makes sense why it's broken but yeah this is just your basic security office nothing too different from what we've seen before except I kind of wanted to make it feel like what if this was the next FNAF game you know you're sitting in your office it's dark it's different you know we don't want it to be the same as every other FNAF game that we have so maybe over here is the camera monitors and then over here is like a different kind of monitor that you have to take care of maybe there's similar to FNAF 3 there's ventilation there's uh there's the video errors there's audio error stuff like that maybe there's different things you have to take care of on this monitor over here this is just the Help Wanted table but I feel like it fit really well in here and of course there's all these random papers and stuff strown about but uh yes and then there's also this doorway here that cuts through from the kitchen to this hallway here so that's pretty awesome and then as we go around this way this is the backstage area for the glamrock Bonnie and tiger rock stage as well just more heads and pieces of different junk scattered around here so so nothing super super duper fancy here and with that we are left with three different directions to go from here there's the daycare down below there's the mini golf and there's the pirate ride and I kind of want to do the pirate ride first just because like I I've been thinking a lot about how I'm going to implement it and honestly like it's just I'm I'm excited you know so uh buckle up we're going to do some pirate stuff and actually I'm pretty sure it's going to be involving a lot of redstone so we'll see we'll see how that go I guess so I've been doing a little bit of experimenting with how things are going to work with the uh railing system here so obviously if you were to just have a mine cart on a rail it would send it through pretty fast and with that kind of space I don't think it would work quite that well but you know you can also send things through on a mine cart underwater and it is a little bit slower you know it's it's a little bit slower but not still not quite the speed that I'd like it to be so if we were to add a comparator right here and turn that off if we were to do that place this back up there that sends the mine cart through super slow because it's constantly turning the powered rails on and off so we can have it constantly moving through this could be a bit slower of a version of it but honestly this could very much work I actually really like this so I guess we just work on implementing this all the way around here I have started a little bit I've also made a little bit of an area for like when the where the line comes up to get on the boat uh there's a little bit of a foxy scene here where he's uh on like some sand in front of the night sky not sure how I feel about the night sky but you know I want it to be kind of like a dark ride kind of thing so I feel like that would work pretty well for this so here's a quick little update of what I've been doing and yeah it's quite a lot but I've managed to make it where the track can fully go all the way around and then right into this hole here where there's more cave space for there to be more targets you shoot up through here through this waterfall and you end up right back at the beginning really cool really cool stuff here and I have tested to make sure that the mine cart works and it does I feel really smart almost done this has taking way longer than I mean it to I would have really preferred it to not take as long but it just is what it is so anyway back to the old grind I guess all right and here we have the foxy pirate boat Dark Ride where uh you go around shooting different targets so you come around here wait for a boat to come along here I don't have any running at the moment but we can go ahead and just uh do that and then get ready to start shooting things here's where foxy would tell us now make sure you shoot the target kind of thing and as you can see there's little sounds that play so you know if you've hit it come on there we go yeah this is this is kind of fun oh okay down we go into this little cave come on oh no ah I didn't get that one whoa okay don't remember it shooting me that high but that's kind of cool and then that's where you get off now I don't remember does this have enough momentum to just go on its own no that's okay though but uh yeah no this was this was honestly really fun to put together it was very very different from what I've done in any of these builds uh lots of terraforming lots of terraforming but I'm really happy with it I'm really really happy with how this came out honestly this feels like it would be something that you would see in one of these attractions and actually I'm pretty sure if uh if you remember in the ruined DLC for security breach there actually was supposed to be a foxy log ride or something like that so hey you know what maybe this is a universe where something like that kind of exists and here we have the daycare now this isn't a super detailed room room but that's because I'm not entirely sure what else I would have put in here but um yeah this is this is the daycare it's got the nice little uh Little Play Place here where you can crawl around through the tubes and go down the slide and stuff like that and this guy keeps changing back and forth between Moon and Sun and it's kind of interesting I guess it's just depending on the light level I thought it was dependent on like daytime or night time but I guess that makes sense as to the actual game so you know what hey he uh he's pretty sporadic in the game so I feel like this is pretty accurate to represent him as well though there is one more thing I actually wanted to add over in this corner here so let me do that real quick there we go I wanted to incorporate the puppet somewhere in here as well and I feel like this would be a good place for it because the little kids probably like getting presents and stuff so I feel like that's that's probably for the best and then he's uh certainly not going to do anything in the the depths of the night are you Mr puppet yeah I didn't think so and so we're left with this final plot here on the left side of the pizzeria now I originally was going to make this into a Monty mini golf kind of style thing but I've decided to do a bit of a change of plans I want you guys to build something in this plot I've gone ahead and put this world as well as the past worlds with the different pizzerias I've built up for World download if you go to the link in the description you can find all of them right there go ahead and download this and make sure you have the mod pack too and uh build whatever you want in this spot here I mean this there there's plenty of space here and you of course don't have to limit yourself to this box you can expand it you can go below you can do whatever you want with it but yeah I want to see what you guys build here let me know what you uh want to do in the comments and uh make sure you go to my Discord and post it there to uh show me what you built because I'm actually really curious what you guys would build here so I guess for now we'll just go ahead and have this little sign here kind of blocking it off cuz uh you know it's a bit of a mess behind there and so without further Ado let's check this place out now that it's complete so first we have this main entrance area with a lovely fountain with Mr Fazbear himself on it we've got a hallway here that goes off into some bathrooms pretty simple stuff going on in there nothing too fancy we have a shop SL prize room here where you can get a bunch of different merchandise and such from the pizzeria we have the registration room over here with an ATM where you can get out all of your you know your cash or whatever that you need to register for parties for for the boat ride for all different sorts of activities here at the Pizzeria and of course through this middle section here behind the fountain we have the daycare which is complete with a Play Place a little little model here that kids can play on uh and then of course some lockers to store some stuff for the kids chairs for parents to wait if they need to and of course our lovely animatronic friends as we come back out you'll notice that there are these glamrock animatronics up on the wall here and that is mainly for when guest are leaving the animatronics can interact with them one last time asking them once again to come back to uh enjoy their time away and hurry back soon as we go up these stairs here you'll see that it splits off into many different directions and the first Direction here will be this middle section the party room this is where all of the main parties happen where our glamrock animatronics entertain kids for their birthdays for all different sorts of celebrations and honestly I love the vibe of this room it just it feels party you know we have the kitchen which is complete with all sorts of different uh technology and such to cook up the greatest pizzas ever known to man with a cold storage room and then access to a separate hallway through this door here and of course a bar to serve for the regular customers that come through into the cafeteria who aren't necessarily here for a party but uh still want to get some good food they can come on in here sit down in these booths which are themed after the ones seen in the Five Nights at Freddy's movie trailers and uh they can come in here enjoy just some more peaceful some more peaceful eating and such like that or if they want to check out one of the other shows glamrock Bonnie and tiger rock are here inside this room as well off to the right from the party room is the arcade and this is the ultimate game experience for anyone coming to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza there's all sorts of different arcade games there's vending machines there's another prize counter with even more variety of stuff for kids to get with their hard-earned tickets from the arcade machines and back in here is yet another set of bathrooms completely filled with stalls sinks trash cans and the little pat pat boys in the back of the party room we have here the uh parts and service with charging stations for each of the glamrock animatronics as well as a bunch of spare parts back here is the technician's office where he uh can work on different projects and such and here uh kind of out of the out of the mainstream Workshop room and if we go down this hallway here that connects both backstage rooms you'll see in the middle we have the security office which is set up with our standard camera monitors uh ventilation and like technical error screens and such here and then of course our doors and lights to uh let us protect ourselves from any roaming animatronics and also to allow us to see in in the dark of night as we continue down this hallway you will come across the other backstage room behind glamrock Bonnie and tiger rock where there are simply more parts and pieces for the different animatronics to repair them with if we head back out to the main entrance area there's this door over here that enters into the storage room for the prize counter upstairs which just has more merchandise and stuff in case they run out up front and then out further on down this way there's this door which is more of like a janitor closet there's a mop bucket here with a mop sticking out or you know at least we could pretend that is another pat pat kind of just symbolizing this is kind of where they're stored and a bunch of junk and stuff laying around everywhere and then inside here we have the foxy pirate boat Adventure where you go through and you shoot various different targets stuff like that to kind of just get yourself some points get a whole bunch of fun experiences here at the pizzeria by doing this and honestly I'm very proud of how this one came came out just it it feels so fun it it feels adventurous and I love it and then finally across the way here there is the open plot where you guys can build whatever you feel like building so once again check out the link in the description make sure you go ahead and check out the World download and uh show me what you guys buil join my Discord post it in there because it's cool but with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this Final Five Nights at Freddy's Minecraft build I had a lot of fun putting this one together it was nice uh refresher honestly like it it it was refreshing from from doing the same thing over and over with the other ones to doing something completely new I I love this this was so much fun to put together and uh I'm really happy with how it turned out if you guys have any suggestions for what could have been put in different areas go ahead and leave that down in the comments as well and also make sure you subscribe because it makes me happy no but in all seriousness I do want to say thank you so much for the huge support with the these videos you guys are absolutely insane when it comes to getting everything uh viewed and and subscribed and all that like you you guys blew up my Channel with this series so thank you so much for all of your guys' support if you guys want to check out more Five Nights at Freddy's content there's a link in the description to my Five Nights at Freddy's playlist which has a whole bunch of different videos of me playing different FNAF games and reacting to different things all kinds of stuff and so until the next video I hope you all stay safe I love you all and I will see you later bye bye warning this video contains Major Spoilers for the FNAF movie watch at your own risk just like William Aton himself I always come back a little while back I made the ultimate Freddy fazbears Pizzeria in Minecraft and I told you that was it I'm not doing anymore I don't feel like it and I lied to you at the time of recording this video uh it's been about a day and a half since I watched the FNAF movie and I am in love it was am amazing and I loved every piece of it I don't care how corny some pieces were I don't care I I don't it was great and in order to celebrate it and also to appease some of the comments from some of the other builds that you guys have left because you guys have also wanted to see this uh in actually vast quantities I going to be making a custom Five Nights at Freddy's movie Pizzeria in Minecraft honestly I think this is going to be a really interesting one for me to make because we don't really know the layout at all but with the help of a Minecraft 1.20 Bedrock map that was made by someone named cough there is a very cool FNAF movie map that is based off of the FNAF movie trailers and is a pretty rough but honestly seemingly accurate layout of the five nights at Friday's movie Pizzeria so I'm using that as a bit of a rough reference for uh what I'm going to be making today but I am going to be adjusting some things I did notice that since it's based off of the trailers there are some pieces that like as I was going through it it's yeah no there in the movie it's much different so there are going to be some adjustments being made but honestly I'm super excited because this is going to be this is going to be a different kind of thing and it's still going to allow me to have some creative freedom with it because you know it's just a series so you guys know the drill I'm going to hop into a layout and then uh yeah we'll see what happens but before I get around to any of that I do want to let you guys know that if you want to make something like this for yourself there's a link in the description to the curse Forge mod pack called Tony's FNA pack you can check it out in the description there's also links to the other mods that I've put in here as well some of them are just more furniture or simple things that add a little bit more to this world um so if you want to do this for yourself go down there and go ahead and check that out as well there's also going to be a World download for this in the description as well right below those so make sure if you want to check this out for yourself go to the link there and download it for yourself and check it out I also want to take this moment to Quick ask you guys if you haven't already to please consider liking and subscribing I'm trying to hit 10,000 subscribers before the end of the year so we'll see if that actually happens or not but that would be much appreciated if you did that anyway let's get back into it all righty I think this is about the best I'm going to be able to get this to be this looks really really weird but let me just explain what all is going on here uh first of all this kind of looks like a bunny head like you know there's the ear there there's the ear there and then you can see it like it kind of Curves around there almost looks like the the the the glitch trap suit dude freaky huh but yes up at the top there is the lobby that purple section there and that is basically where you walk in and you see that big Archway that lights up that leads into the main entertainment room which is the pink blob in the middle here and you'll see that there's those two yellow squares those are where the stages are Foxy's Cove and the main stage respectively uh we also have the orange Square which is the prize counter and then we also have that kind of diagonal like magenta piece there that goes in there as well and that's actually that kind of diagonal area with the arcade and the ball wall pit so that's uh they're going to be interesting to figure out I think towards the right there we have the blue hallway which leads to the security office and then connecting to that is like that little extra storage room which has the uh different supplies for the prize corner and stuff like that and then also in that area is the kitchen which is the brown section at the bottom right there and then leading out from the bottom of that is this green tunnel which these green tunnels are actually going to be what are like connecting up all the like separate like employee only areas so right there in that big space at the bottom right is the warehouse door that you see um Hank and Max and her brother and everybody break in through um so those those will be the double doors leading to the kitchen that he kicks in etc etc blah blah blah you'll see that that leads towards also the main area and then another set of tunnels which the other set of tunnels is where we see Hank run away from seeing Carl getting munched and that's the little Supply Closet that he gets got by Bonnie in and as we follow that along further you'll see this dark blue section in the left there and that is going to be the kind of parts and service or like Workshop room and this is where we see the extra suits and where we see uh chica trying to stuff Abby into the weird spring lock like offbrand circus baby or I guess people are saying it's like Ella from the from the uh FNAF books I guess there's a doll that looks exactly like that freaky uh but yeah that's going to be that room there's also going to be another Warehouse door in there I think just to be just to be kind of logical about it cuz I feel like how would they get all the parts all the way from the warehouse door at the bottom right there it just wouldn't make sense so then following along that tunnel again there's actually going to be a chain link fence quote unquote probably going be met out like iron bars or something but that's going to be separating that off and that's going to be uh what we see at the beginning of the movie with the first security guard who gets trapped behind that and EV eventually gets got by foxy that's going to be separating that off and then following that tunnel and that little blue square up at the top that is going to be where technically from the vents that the first security guard emerged from and then ran away um in that area up there so this is a very very very custom layout I don't think that this is going to be super accurate to the movie but it's to the best of my understanding of where things are I also forgot to mention that the green square up at the top there is the bathrooms just because there aren't any anywhere else so I thought I'd put them there so now it's time for you guessed it building up all the different areas and getting this bad boy started so I think I'm just going to hop into it and um yeah I'll I'll I'll see you guys in a [Music] second [Music] and here we are with a fully walled and roofed interior of the building now obviously some things are a little bit different from the movie themselves uh like this little Al Cove here I think it's a bit bigger than what we saw in the movie but you know that's a minor detail but you know this this whole area here I feel like is pretty accurate to what the movie is obviously I need to get the uh tables and stuff set up in here but that's going to be part of the next phase of creation um but we have the stage set up and I already went ahead and put in the animatronics just to make sure that uh the stages were tall enough and they are and honestly they look really good like with this little border across the top it feels like it's a complete and like centered attraction to the actual place so that's really cool we also have the ball pit area and the arcade uh I don't know what I'm going to use for the actual ball pit just yet but we'll I I'll figure it out honestly you may also notice that I've used some vertical slabs that's part of one of the mods that is in the uh mod pack here it is called quark and it features a bunch of vertical slabs that you can use for extra detailing in your builds and honestly I don't I don't know why vertical slabs aren't just a regular vanilla thing cuz these are so useful like look at this I wouldn't have this barrier to the curtains here if this didn't if if these didn't exist like I I don't understand why they're not already a thing but you know that's Mojang and notice also in these uh maintenance or service tunnels that there are these hanging lamps that kind of flicker on and off and there is this quote unquote chain link fence um where the first security guard kind of gets God so I thought I thought that was a nice detail to have there and then there's also the storage room here which I'm also making the same storage room as where um in the beginning where he comes out of the vent and then also from later on where they discover the first spring lock like doll suit which that thing was creepy did anybody else think that that thing was like eerily creepy compared to everything else we also have the setups for the bathrooms here and honestly the uh the vertical slabs make these a lot more interesting to walk through you know it's like an actual like sectioned off piece of the area so that's really cool you also have the prize counter which is also featuring the vertical slabs as the actual counter itself little storage area for all the stuff back there and then of course there's the security room which I went ahead and also put in the breaker box which I feel like is kind of clever obviously I wish it was a red light coming out of that but you know it is what it is then of course the other exit as well and the kitchen is all set up in here with its lighting and I think the lighting here is perfect if I'm going to be completely honest there is so much happening in terms of the actual decoration of the place or the least there will be so having the lack of lighting I feel like will add to that kind of mystery of the place and and it doesn't feel like it's too harsh all like especially in these hallways they feel eerie and on and of course there's also the parts and service area which I don't like that the the doors don't block out the light I wish they would cuz that actually that that's kind of frustrating but I guess without further Ado let's go ahead and start decorating some of this place up so here we go and here we are with the main party room all decorated and set up now I'm honestly really happy with how this has turned out and obviously this isn't as decorated nearly as much as the other locations that I've done but that's because I want this to feel like it's abandoned there's not really much going on here and uh I think it has been pulled off pretty well so we've got a range of different things like tables booths party supplies plates cups all that kind of stuff on these tables and it looks pretty much like it's been kind of just left behind which is exactly what I was going for so that's really awesome but we also got different signs and decorations and H things hanging from the ceiling and of course the drawing wall we have the funny yellow bunny featured in the middle of all of the other drawings here and I think this is a really nice detail that I used here cuz this is one of the old fredbear posters and uh you know it's just a nice reference to the actual film so that's pretty cool I also have little machines here that are for your tokens for playing the arcade machines and then also the ticket counter as well over by the prize counter which uh this is actually pretty accurate the movie cuz there's this big like vent shaft that goes across uh the top here so definitely something that I'm really happy with as well because there's these little vent blocks and stuff that they have in this mod so that's really cool and as per usual we also have all of the different plushies and stuff at the prize counter nothing super new here cuz you know it's it's about the same as everything else we've done so you know I'm pretty happy with it though and the vertical slabs definitely help with like framing it so that's really cool I went ahead and also did the bathrooms as well and there's nothing really super special going on in here uh you know just your usual bathroom stalls and then also your kitchen sink and all that stuff as well as the trash can which actually I didn't realize that you can actually throw stuff in there and destroy it that's pretty cool we also have little gumball machines which are nice because you know gum it's good and then of course the arcade area as well I did not put in the uh ladder to the slide because it just didn't seem like there was enough room so I didn't include that but if you want to add it when you download this world cuz I know that you're going to want to download it oo you can definit add that as well for yourself but I do have all these arcade machines here as well as the ball pit and now this is actually a really fun uh block here because if you uh it makes little squink squonks which is fun but also you actually like sink into it so you can actually hide inside blocks which is really cool so we also have the kitchen as well which is complete with a bunch of stoves and oven ens for cooking up all the different things at the pizzeria as well as a lot of pizza boxes which are kind of just scattered around everywhere and this is kind of nodding towards in the movie how you see pretty much like all over the kitchen there's just stacks of these boxes and this is actually the area with the fan where you uh see behind Carl you see chica go past the fan there throughout that hallway uh which you can actually come through here and see that the fan is there as well unfortunately you can't look through it and it's also four separate blocks instead of being one big one but that's just that's what was in the mod so it is what it is I guess we also have here these couple fridges which are where Carl is looking for the cupcake or I guess he's looking for whatever's inside it and then he turns around and sees there's Chica and there's the cupcake and then he doesn't have a face anymore yeah this is the kitchen and honestly I'm really happy with it especially with these vents that let all the smoke and stuff out toward the roof this it's just a very nicely detailed kitchen with honestly minimal detail that still fits so next up we have the Security office and honestly this is probably one of my favorites so far just because of how much is going on in such a small space so as you can see we have the iconic classic uh desk and chair we got the phone there as well as the poster on the wall we also have his Nebraska poster as well on the wall which is just a regular Minecraft painting but it still gives off that same Vibe we also have behind here this little table that we see uh Vanessa and Mike sit at when they first meet and also we have the lockers which unfortunately we can't necessarily open them physically but they're is a bit of a surprise if I open up the bottom section here I go inside the bottom here you'll see that there's a little balloon boy inside here which is kind of just alluding to the uh little balloon boy jump scares that we would see in the movie there's also this Bonnie plush as well as if you uh take a quick look at the Lockers in the office you'll see that there's a tiny little Bonnie plushy up top we also have here the power generator which is unfortunately not hooked up to anything at the moment but there's also the red security light as well up the top kind of just like that's always on as that like even if the power is out this this is always going to be on so it's a nice little nice little detail we also have the hallway leading up to the office as well as the back exit here with the employee of the month wall which you'll notice there might be a couple familiar heads on here as well which uh you know just saying I'm a I'm I'm a pretty good employee but also just a bunch of wires and stuff hanging from the ceiling as well as a little vending machine here cuz I feel like you know this is this is kind of the back area the kind of break not necess break room but you know it's it's it's towards an area where employees can kind of chill out and get their stuff so I feel like I feel like a Ving machine isn't super far Out Of Reach back here so after the security office I decided to do the storage rooms on the sides of the hallways and such so this is the one where Vanessa and Mike were looking for the tablecloths and then where eventually uh they learned about the spring the spring lock suits and um instead of having the weird doll thing this is where this guy is and this is because because I feel like this is I believe this is the same room at the end of the movie where they have dragged Mr Aton to rot in his spring locked cell um I'm pretty sure it was the storage room I could be wrong but that's what it looked like in the movie so that's where I assumed that he is now if I'm wrong don't tell me in the comments because I don't like knowing when I'm wrong yeah this is mainly just a bunch of cardboard boxes and stuff strown about everywhere some extra chairs and tables and stuff like that because you know it never hurts to have extras in your restaurant similarly there's also this kind of corner storage room as well and this is where Hank gets just absolutely destroyed by Bonnie and um yeah nothing too fancy going on here once again it's just a very simple room filled with shelves and cardboard boxes and stuff and then plenty of room for Bonnie to stand in the corner and be an absolute creep finally we have the parts and service area where we also have the torture Freddy mask and the chair where both the old security guard and then also Mike gets stuck and uh only one of them survives can you guess who yes we also have a couple of the wiards in here as well and this is to represent the uh extra suits that the uh the looters were stuffed in after they were killed in the restaurant um so obviously you know we don't have Sparky the dog or Shadow Freddy or whatever the heck they actually are someone said that the one that Max was stuffed in was Mr hippo and I'm just like I hope that's true cuz I love Mr hippo he's great but yeah you know it's your typical kind of parts and service there's a bunch of tools workbenches and stuff like that and a bunch of random things laying around and extra endoskeletons and parts and such like that but I think this is pretty good for what it's worth and also I think just having this Center piece of the Freddy head is just really cool obviously it's not attached but you know we're not going to talk about that part side note I did also replace the spring trap with an actual spring Bonnie because I didn't realize that this is the thing but it's really cool that it is look at you looking at me big old eyes so yeah I replaced that with that because it's not exactly springtrap that gets stuck in here it's spring Bonnie so this is yeah this is way better and finally I wanted to leave this part for the very last because I just find it very funny but this little area there's you know not really much known of what actually is over here so I've decided to make this a spot for balloon boy because he has such an annoying presence in this movie and he's kind of just the the lingering joke throughout it I figured I'd give him his own little spot in this little area here so I think that's perfect right there and with that I'm pretty sure the interior to this place is completely finished now obviously nothing is like 100% accurate to the movie as there are definitely things that can be adjusted but honestly I'm super happy with how this has turned out this has been an amazing project and I think all that I have left to do now is make a facade for the front because right now it's just a weird random shape of a building so I'm going to make a little facade and make it look all pretty from the front and uh not do a full building because I don't I don't want to so let's go ahead and go out and do that and give me just a moment and we'll see how it looks and so here we are with the outside of Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria now I did make a bit of an extension off the side here from what we actually see in the movie because about this chunk here right here that's about where it cuts off it's just this much that we see so I had to extend it a a little bit in order to cover up the extra like service tunnel and stuff like that but I think I think it looks good yeah this was honestly very fun to put together I had a blast making this and it was nice to kind of hop back into it after a little while of of not doing anything like this now this this is going to be my last one I swear to God like I'm not making any more of these I'm done these are done but seeing this come to fruition was really cool and especially after just seeing the movie like this this is really cool and being able to have this now in Minecraft is such a really cool thing to see now I did go around and add a few more details as well like I added some of the extra wascon is and I also reduced the size of the archway it used to be four wide now it's three in order to Center the entrance and make room for the sign outside to actually be centered so made a bit of an adjustment but you know that's the beauty of these kinds of things is you can just adjust them as you go along so that is going to do it for this video I hope you guys enjoyed and like I said thank you so much for being part of this series like you guys have been really fun to see like you guys' reactions to the different builds that I've done and all that um unfortunately I you know I made the joke about how I always come back but like this this is it I'm not this I'm done with these I'm moving on to bigger and better things baby but if you did enjoy please consider leaving a like and if you really enjoyed consider subscribing and if you haven't watched the other videos in this series there's a link in the description to the playlist that has all of them in there so go check those out as well and uh yeah I hope you guys all stay safe I love you all and until the next video I will see you later bye well that concludes our lovely compilation of every FNAF Minecraft build that I've made I hope you guys enjoyed once again I appreciate all of you guys' support with this series the first video of this series is what made my channel grow to what it is now so I just I have to say thank you and also thank you officially for 9,000 subscribers it's crazy to see that we've gotten to that point and I'm just I'm excited to see where we go from here so remember trying to hit 10K by the end of the year we're really close to the end of the year but we're also really close to 10K so I feel like it can be done so do me a favor share this video with your friends do all that stuff but anyway I hope you guys enjoyed and I will see you in the next video so until then stay safe I love you all and [Music] bye-bye
Channel: Kjwippy
Views: 180,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft fnaf, minecraft fnaf map, fnaf security breach minecraft map, minecraft fnaf security breach, minecraft fnaf security breach map download, fnaf minecraft, fnaf minecraft kjwippy, kjwippy fnaf, kjwippy fnaf minecraft, kjwippy minecraft, custom fnaf minecraft, custom fnaf, fnaf minecraft builds, fnaf pizzeria in minecraft
Id: sEimictzcDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 155min 39sec (9339 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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