Building a tree shear for a Kubota BX then breaking it

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last week as you guys seen i completed that skid steer coupler for my new treasure i really want to get the tree shear done for you guys uh by the following weekend so minute i got home from work i would go outside and work on it and i did that every day throughout the week it was a little bit more work than i anticipated um but it actually came out really good it came out exactly like i envisioned it um you know it's hard when you're doing a project like that for the first time you know i'd never built anything like a tree shirt before i was just going off of pictures i've seen online um so i put a couple of different pictures together in my head of what i thought it should look like and how i thought it should work and um i went and built it today is sunday actually i finished it saturday night and um i finally got done with it i couldn't wait to test it out um it was too dark outside to take the camera with me so i figured i'd just go out there and cut a couple trees um see how it does and then following morning i was gonna take the camera with me and do like an entire video on you know using the trees here um well saturday night i went out i cut a couple small trees with it i'd say they're between an inch and two in diameter and uh cut them no problem then i went over to like a three and a half or four inch tree i got the jaws locked onto it and i squeezed and it seemed like the cutting edge went about halfway through the log um and then it stopped so i rubbed it up a little higher and i squeezed again and i still didn't seem to want to go past like half halfway through the log so i got the tractor went and looked at it and that's when i seen i had a problem so we had a little bit of a foul here with the tree shear and i just want to let you guys know that beforehand i didn't get it on video and i feel really bad about it because i know you guys really want to see it work so this video is going to show you guys my entire process of building it um you'll see me build it from you know scratch pretty much and then when i'm all done building it i will talk about what happened as far as the failure why i think it failed and what i'm going to do in the future to try to fix it so hope you guys enjoy the video and we'll catch you in the next one so so [Music] so so so so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so okay so right now i got everything kind of set up as if it's gonna be when i weld everything in place so i have this uh tubular piece of steel here with a sleeve inside so this thing can rotate horizontally or vertically um that way i can cut limbs off trees um i got the cylinder here where it's probably going to go um this whole setup may move left or right some i'm not quite sure yet i still have to retract the cylinder and then fully extend it to see where everything lines up but hopefully i can maintain a four inch uh diameter within this cutting surface here i got a couple braces back here just so you guys can see how it's going to be supported from the center post here out and then that way it can distribute the weight when i'm cutting a tree and the weight of the tree drops down on it this will support that weight i'm really happy with everything so far the skid steer plate fits beautifully um now what i'm going to do is make the eyelets so that i can start sizing up where i want this cylinder so there's going to be an eyelet coming off here and then there's gonna be an eyelet coming off the corner here somewhere um and then that way i can get my cylinder on there and kind of see you know where i want this blade to be and then how far off i want this um the stopping plate here so that's what i'm gonna work on now i made a couple different versions of my eyelet and uh this one was a little bit too big i was afraid that it was gonna bind within the cylinder forks on the top there um so i decided to go with this one this is about an inch and a half in diameter i'm going to give myself maybe like an inch off the bracket and um i plan on cutting a couple lines here with the plasma and then i'll just kind of freehand the top half of the circle here i'll clean it up on a grinder and once i have that made up i'll use it as a template to make myself another one and that should be my two eyelids for there and there [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so these are the eyelets for the cylinder so one eyelet is going to come off the back of this cutting edge and then the other eyelet is going to be welded to the main frame for the back of the cylinder so this would be probably welded somewhere around here what i want to work on now is cutting this flat stock down so that i can build a couple more eyelets or mounts for the cutting edge itself so i'm gonna have a piece on either side with a hole drilled through here and once i get that done then i'll be able to mount up my stop plate here which is what the cutting edge is going to butt up against so once i have this cutting edge in place i'll know exactly where this needs to be and i'm going to actually feel like i'm making some progress here finally getting some of these things weld to the frame you guys saw that i got my cutting edge welded on so that's all welded on um i also sharpened this blade off camera and how well you guys can see it you guys see me weld one of these end caps on i ended up welding both sides to give it some more strength so now i got an end cap here on either side they turned out really nice i've got this 3 16 by 2 flat stock and i'd like to put this on the side here so my goal is to have it set up like this as you can see on either side and then what that's going to do is give it like a taper it's going to be more like a splitting wedge from a wood splitter so this way if it's tapered out towards the edges that allow the cutting edge to go all the way in without the log getting butted up against this uh frame here so that's my plan so i'm gonna weld these all the way around and then that way it's got a nice taper that goes all the way through this 2x2 that should help with cutting larger [Music] logs [Music] uh so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so so i got my eyelids drilled out off camera i drilled them out to be three-quarter inch so that i could use a three-quarter pin um i also drilled out the two mounts that are gonna hold the cutting blade and what i did was i used these magnets to hold the one in place so i could figure out exactly where the hole should be on the cutting edge that i just got done welding up so [Music] so [Music] so all right so the first thing i want to do here is weld my eyelet onto the end of the cutting edge so i'm gonna get that welded on now and then we can get the eyelet to the other end of the cylinder weld it up to the frame starting to actually look like something now okay so this other eyelet i'm going to have as far off the right side of the frame as i can so now what i want to do is pin the cylinder to the frame here and pin the other end of the cylinder to the cutting edge and then that way i can figure out exactly where i want my cutting edge to be before i weld everything in solid okay so now i got my mounts pinned onto here so now i'm going to get my cylinder mounted the cutting edge in the frame here and then that's going to tell me exactly where i want to put this and have it welded i'm going to rotate this down that way i'm not struggling here to try to hold everything okay so now you guys can finally start to see what it's going to look like here i went and grabbed the square so that i can make sure that i'm nice and square coming off this main frame [Music] well as you can see i got the cylinder mounted the outlet down here is tacked into place the eyelet up here that's tacked into place and then my two main mounts or eyelets um one for each side of the cutting edge blade um that's all set and now what i got to do is tack and place that piece of 1x2 so that's going to go like this and that's what that blade is going to butt up against so i want to get this tacked in place now now that i know where everything is going to sit and then if everything looks good what i'm going to do is fully weld all my mounts and then once that's done i can start working on my braces [Music] come uh [Laughter] [Music] okay so i got this piece finally welded on there now what i got to do is remove the cylinder again and take these pins out i got to remove the blade as well so i could finish welding all of my eyelets so [Music] so all right well that things ain't going anywhere now i can get this all put back together and um get my braces put on [Music] finally starting to look like something everything's welded together everything's pinned into place i still got to drill my holes here so that this thing isn't pivoting and rotating um on its own like that so let's get these braces on then maybe we could even give this thing a test run all right so for the bracing as i said i was going to use this one by one so this is going to go on here something like this so it's going to kind of match the cylinder on the other side there um and that's going to give it some support when this cutting edge goes to press the log up against this lock right here um it's gonna put a lot of force on it so i'm gonna want something behind it to kind of reinforce it and hold it from coming backwards [Music] [Music] [Applause] hmm okay so i got my piece made it's not quite perfect but it's gonna be good enough it looks pretty good i only got a small gap on each side that i'll fill with some weld and it should be pretty good so so i'm going to use this one by one to go from the center shaft out to the coupler i'm probably going to do it something like this so i got to make some marks i did make one mark already and i got to make another mark on this end i'm gonna use my hand grinder to notch it out and hopefully get these welded into place [Music] [Music] so so [Music] so now that that's done now what i can do is take the entire cutter out of the sleeve here and i'm gonna fully weld um the main shaft going to the base here and then i also want to weld this other piece of pipe coming out of the main frame of the cutter last thing we got to do is build some bracing on the inside of this channel here and i'm going to put some end caps on [Music] [Music] okay so now you guys can see kind of how i wanted to brace this it should ridge it up the end of the frame at the end of this channel and once i'm all done with the other side i will weld a cap on the end which is gonna tie this entire outer piece together okay i got a nice piece of flat stock here that i had laying around uh it's 3 8 thick this will be nice and hefty for the end caps i marked out three by three squares on this piece of flat stock so now i'm going to cut them out with the plasma cutter and we'll get them welded in place all right i'd say that's good enough i wanted to grind the edges down and kind of smooth out the corners so when i paint it uh the paint sticks a little better plus i think it just looks nicer it all just kind of blends together now looks more smooth um so that's that side and here's the other side now the last thing i want to do here is put a brace right in the middle of this one by two right here i'm gonna use a piece of one by one to go right across to this other brace here and then that'll kind of support the back side of this um when i get into a tough log [Music] [Music] so i've gotten all my braces done today which i'm really happy about off camera i installed a bolt here a grade 8 bolt instead of the pin and that way i can keep some tension on either side of these eyelets um that just keeps this thing from wanting to spread apart if i get into a really hard log that way this blade isn't tempted to lift up or down and uh bend something so now the last thing i got to do is drill a hole right in between these two braces here and then that way i can lock this thing in place horizontally or like this vertically [Music] i'm gonna make a couple little eyelets for the hoses to run through so i'll probably have one here on the frame um and then i'll probably make one over here somewhere where it can come up over the skid steer coupler so i'll have a couple little hold down tie down points for the hydraulic line but for right now i'm just going to let it hang here and go test it see what happens so now that you've seen the build of this tree sure um i gotta inform you guys that it didn't work the way that i planned um so i caught a couple branches with it and it worked really good i caught them right in half um worked flawlessly and then i got to a bigger branch and when i went to cut it it went about halfway through it and it stopped couldn't figure out why i closed it a couple times i went lower on the tree clamped it again and then i finally got out and looked and i could see the blade was like halfway through it and then i backed the blade off and backed up and i could see that this a-frame here that i built which is like the chopping block got bent um now this is pretty thick steel 3 16 um two by one um and then this is i think this is eighth inch and this is eighth inch you know i made it like this a frame here so that it was very strong i don't know if i underestimated the pressure from the cylinder or what but my thought is is that there's too much resistance going through the log and that's why this bent i don't necessarily think that this was weak i think that either the blade needed to be sharper or i need like some other kind of cutting edge off of this block instead of just having a flat surface i think that maybe i need two cutting edges so that you got less resistance going in through the log because right now this whole back side is just flat so it's really doing nothing but holding it there um so i feel like if i made this another cutting edge between the two coming together i feel like that would create a lot more force in a smaller spot to cut through the log versus you got this wide um flat piece just holding it um that's my thought i'd be curious to know what you guys think um what i should do next here like i said everything else worked out really good um i do plan on regardless using the skid steer coupler and um this whole setup here that i made for other things i'd like to make like a hydraulic circular saw or maybe even some sort of like a stump grinder or even like a hydraulic chainsaw something where i could stick off the end kind of like a pole saw where i could slide in here and put my bolt in and lock it in place and maybe i could pivot it and whatnot so this i plan on using for other projects regardless um but it's this i got to figure out now what to do with um pretty upset about it i put a lot of time and work into it this week to try to have it done for you guys uh by this following weekend of when i started that skid steer plate um but now this is where i'm at let me know what you guys think i hope you guys enjoyed watching it kind of feel bad that at the end it didn't work i really wanted to give you guys a finished working product and i was planning on painting this this was all going to be kubota gray i was going to leave the cylinder kubota orange and i think it would look really nice so i may walk away from this job temporarily because i really need to get this push box done it's getting colder and colder out and winter is coming snow is coming very soon so i really need to get that push box project started so i may have to set this aside just for a little while so i can get that push box done and then i can always come back to this once we figure out some plans maybe you guys can leave some comments below hope you guys enjoyed the video and as always we'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Biff's Equipment
Views: 7,597
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #KubotaBX, #TreeShear, Fab work, fabrication, welding, cutting metal, building, mig140, titanium mig 140, cut 50, cut 50df, plasma cutter, how-to, DIY, Kubota, bx2380, bx2370, bx2360, bx2350, bx1880, bx1870, bx1860, bx1850, bx1800, bx23s, bx2200, new holland, 25s, 3rd function, b2601, b2350, b2301, b2650, john deere, 1025r, 1023e, 1026r, la340, messey, gc1710, gc1723e, gc1223m, mahindra, emax, emax23, emax20, custom, implement, tree cutter, cutter, splitter, saw, hydraulic, #Fabrication, #3rdFunction, wood, mini clip, sub-compact
Id: MjmqbFkbM08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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