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is it like a prank like this no there's not actually like no there's like ass oh my god yes we were in a top secret location right now Paul I don't want to tell you guys where I am well if you can't tell I'm in my ass we're in this top secret location we're going to build a secret hidden Lego house in my house you guys probably I can speak of all why is this so hidden like why it's just the Attic no what it's not check this out you walk into this room and you're like oh it's a yoga room there's a bunch of boxes it's just like a storage room and then there was a closet over here you walk into this closet and you're just like oh it's a litter box and that's really about it but then you open a door behind a door and you're in a top secret location which is where we're gonna be building a Lego house and I figured this would be a really cool video this is a highly requested Lego video from you guys as well so let's go ahead and get started got our first box of Legos and okay alright I'll be I'll be here I'll be right back there we go now I got somebody else those are about ten of the like 800 Legos we're about to use [Music] [Applause] first box of Lego's is empty and we got the first couple layers of the house done so this Lego house here is gonna be pretty small because well we only have so much room to work with however I'm thinking of making this Lego house really really tall maybe even possibly a two-story I'm not really sure yet if we can but I'm saying like make it really tall like taller than me the world's tallest secret in an Lego house in Unspeakables attic let's title this video or something like that we got about the first five layers of it done so we're definitely gonna need more Legos which we have absolutely plenty of Legos if we look up here we have all these beautiful boxes right there oh and this one Simon here has decided to come take a look at this secret Lego house you're the only one that knows about this well that and the tons of people that are watching this video doesn't know she doesn't know she's right behind you I mean he'll is actually out running errands right now now when she gets back hopefully I'll have this thing completely done and I'm gonna tell her that hey I built a Lego house somewhere in the house I want you to try and find out I wouldn't feel long it's gonna take her everybody what do you think what do you think he's like what the flip is this I've never been in here that's probably what you think yeah coming out no okay [Applause] Lego house is looking good we literally just doubled the size of it now I know the house isn't complete but kayla is about to be home from running our errand so we need to see if she's up for the challenge of can she find the Lego house I was hoping I could finish it and this is nowhere near being done but you know it's about half way down we're gonna see if she can find it as it just saw Kayla pulled to the house I just heard the door lock and welcome to a very exclusive game show brought to you by unspeakable and a special guest Keiko can you find the Lego house hidden in the house do you think you can do it yes the outfits challenge do you realize the risk that you are taking no are you ready no groceries down let's do this yeah you could feed the cat that is one except exception so you have about 45 seconds to find the house and you're fogging up the camera a lot are you ready you're 45 seconds wait 45 seconds your fun time so just a mouse small Lego house is it like a mini oh no it's a full-size like yeah so actually we're gonna give you a little bit more time we'll give you a minute 20 seconds starting now I think you would see it if they was in their way to the pool table I was going on the imager with us I just want to update you real quick and say that you have 41 seconds okay 41 seconds it's it's not that hard to find a giant Lego house you know you have 11 seconds no no 9 8 7 and the timer is done what do you think it is is it like a prank like this no there's not actually like no no there is like a I promise don't why did you go looking at the closet you mean the cat poop room there's no more it was the door behind a door oh the sketchy door yes terrible oh my god yeah that's the Legos I'm still working on it it's not actually done I'm still working on it I just didn't expect you to come home that early but well you know exactly yeah so I think this Lego house is pretty well hidden considering Kayla couldn't even find it and she lives here now that yeah we did give her a minute 20 seconds but that's a pretty long time to find a massive Lego house guys real quickly really take a quick little pause in this vlog before we build any more like this before we do anything I just wanna let you guys know to leave a like on this video and click that subscribe button if it's red if that subscribe button says subscribe and you haven't clicked it yet I need you guys to click it otherwise you're gonna miss out on all the future videos that I post on the channel and I can tell you guys right now that I have some absolutely incredible ideas and you do not want to miss them I have some absolutely ridiculous things that I have ordered from the interwebs that are being delivered soon and you do not want to miss them I mean you seriously seriously don't I mean like guys but you have to wait you'll have to click that subscribe button but let's go ahead and finish up this Lego house let's do it let's get it done let's grind it out I'm so ready to finish this Lego house and I really hope that camera stays up there and it looks like it's falling I think it's slowly following oh yeah oh yeah it's definitely falling it's definitely slowly falling Oh No [Music] the lego house is pretty much complete the only thing we need is the top part of this which pretty much is gonna make this first part into a door because well without a door this would just be a bunch of walls but this thing is pretty tall now I mean this is me you know standing up right now you know obviously this is my head and it's almost past my head I'd say that this Lego house is like success but we're gonna build like a little you know like oh kind of bridge over here that's gonna make this front part into a door this wall is falling everything's falling everything's falling apart okay so I need to move this wall just a little bit over just a little bit there we go oh my gosh my lego home it's gonna fall okay so we need to I could really use some help right now you know if you guys could hit the Lifeline that would that would definitely help I mean you guys can't really like just jump through the video and be pretty cool that's really not how the internet works but you know a quick little like on this video would it be a nice little help oh [Music] come back over here there we go okay there we go okay well I think we're good so we have kind of a doorway entrance here we need one more block and put it right there just kind of even amount but this is a Lego house unfortunately we couldn't put like this here because there's this giant pole and I wanted to make the Lego house you know as big as possible I figured it's a nice touch you know it's kind of like a unique touch you can just stick your foot through there and wave it around this thing is so cool though look at that now I present to you the Lego stool this my nice little story I come in here and just sit down here and just ah that's my sleep you're like oh base well it's not a secret anymore considering it's on the entire Internet but it's still a secret it's a secret between me and you guys don't don't share or you could share this video that that that would be nice but it's up to you what are you you know I've never really seen you use this thing explain to everyone that's watching this video what this thing is because some people might not know and it allows you to really pressure from your back but if you do for too long all the blood will rush to your head and you'll pass out great all right well let's check out this secret lego house that I got cuz I'll show you it it's complete Kayla hasn't seen it yet all yours go ahead alright it's a door behind the door it's like Minecraft honestly the about a minecraft maps' template where they hide things behind doors and Thor's behind doors and yeah wow he's huge almost as tall as the whole entire door yes and these doors that we have in our house are pretty tall too I also got a nice little stool in there behind you so you can sit I don't know about that so um go ahead and yeah enjoy and we need to find the key to that and unlock the door and everybody well the problem is is you can't really lock the door because the unlock thing is on the other side so if you really did lock it it kind of be pointless we would actually lock ourselves out of our own attic yeah so well guys I guess that's pretty much gonna wrap it up for the Lego house I mean there's not really much more I can do with it it was cool it was a ton of fun to make it was extremely hard to make because it's such a small space and you know fitting all the Legos through here and like opening and closing this door hundreds of times and also building this was a little bit of a challenge just because of how small this room is not a really big room I mean we walk in here and this is about it I'm stretching my arm out as far as I can right now and I'm touching the other side of the wall right there needless to say this was another Lego video and I had a ton of fun hopefully you guys have enjoyed now of course I want to do more Lego videos on this channel I haven't done one in like two and a half weeks or so so that's why I decided to do this one I was like you know what I haven't done Lego veenu in a while I should do a lego video real quickly if you guys have any Lego ideas let me know the comment section below I have been breeding through comments and so many people have been asking me to do a Lego bridge over my pool I'm not really sure why but it seems like a pretty cool idea I'd love to do it that's probably the next Lego video I'm gonna do but other than that I'm pretty much out of Lego ideas so if you guys have any ideas of what I should build what I should do maybe the three-story house we can do that or maybe you're surviving for 24 hours in the two-story house I saw some your comments about that as well let me know in the comment section below I'll read through all the comments made a ton of ideas from you guys to what is she do with these Legos if you want to see more Lego videos that is but guys thank you so much for watching this video I know hope you guys have enjoyed that is the secret Lego house and yeah I'm probably just gonna leave the Legos in there till the next time we film so thank you guys so much for watching it real quickly before you guys go I need you guys to click that like button and the subscribe button because if you don't you could have missed all the future Lego videos and not just that but all the videos that I'm gonna post on this channel so definitely be sure to click that two buttons before you go now see you guys not tomorrow but the next day and a brand new vlog on Thursday keep your eyes peeled they'll be a brand new vlog on Thursday and Saarinen Sunday I think I've been [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 4,230,631
Rating: 4.9236217 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: j9-DEoOK504
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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