Building a Soda Box Skatepark! BMX/Finger Boards!

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[Music] that's the deal hey we upload videos every thursday at one o'clock and sometimes on tuesday so make sure you subscribe and don't forget to follow me on instagram [Music] [Applause] it's been raining for the past like forever and i'm gonna be doing a homemade indoor skate park for my tech deck a duck tape for us so we can stick it all together [Music] you can use real cardboard or soda boxes i think soda boxes [Music] how many times all right so i'm gonna use this table that's all scratched up because i use my tech decks on it we're gonna take the cardboard ramps to it and it won't slide and scratch it up let me show you what we got over here like this a loop we're gonna build a half pipe first like that oh my god okay kitty she's eating my box i just cut the top off and then we are going to knead the sides probably or cups we need cups the thousands of cups that we bought okay we got the cups there's like so many cups you don't really need all of this like you're supposed to have one cup one soda box one piece of cake and for sure you need scissors the most so that's what we're gonna start with okay so i'm gonna first make a little box that you're gonna make with me right now okay first you're gonna need your cup you're gonna need your scissors and then you cut it like however tall you want your ramp to be so like i'm gonna stay like right there so and then you just cut it around this is gonna be the bottom of the ramp so it doesn't fall down you know then you need to see how wide you want your box so i'm going to stay like right there and then you cut it to the top you fold it a little teeny bit you go like this where the lip is gonna be it's gonna be like right there and then you just keep going like that and then it'll look like that now you need your tank it's gonna be like that and then i'll put a quarter right here so hard to make though it's way harder than making spines box rollers anything because you don't have any support at the back and then you roll it up like this gotta place it on the top and then you have to take it like that and then push it down you tape the front side doesn't move and you tape it down like that then you need to bend the box like that and then you need to push it down you can also get your mom and dad to cut to help you cut the tape okay there we go and then if you have any of these little things like a little bump right there then you just gotta tape those up too it doesn't look that pretty right now but then we're gonna uh cover it up with tape and then it'll look bright and pretty okay or ready skateboard now i'm going to make a quarter this is a corner be like that orders are so hard because look at you don't have anything on the back because then you're just gonna go like that and it's gonna fly off so you need like thousands of tape this flies off you know so what we have here is we got a little roll in and you can come over here and just hop into the rolling and there's a little teeny box this is actually like such a good box and then there used to be a quarter right here but i took it all down i wanted to make a new one you know i've been making these since like i was like five year old like this used to be off my other one my other one used to be green so right now we're making this right there you have to tape it down it's pretty hard that there we go like that you need to push it down right here a little bit and then go like that and then this one you really need your mama so then your mom needs to hold it down like that i know it looks a little ugly but we're gonna put some sides on to it later then you tape it right there and then he needs more tank how do you get this to stay down oh great [Laughter] oh please so if you push it in closer then the angle gets better i'm gonna put a roll in i mean i'm rolling next to it so it's like our ramp it looks ugly but it's fine it's fine it's fine we're gonna tape it later see and then you have this that [Applause] now i'm gonna build a roll in right here like it comes up and then it would cut off right here to go like that like that way i'm gonna start working on the rolling and i'll check back in with you in a minute [Music] a little like spine [Music] okay so now that we have logan paul's ramp look at how sick this is this is literally like so sick how he has this but you would jump here and then you would come to here and flare and then you come over here to bike flip and then you would come over here this is his like he loves these tricks like 360 like triple whip to bar spin that's what he like loves so right here after you hit this and stuff oh i wonder if he ever done this like he's got a lot of speed because he airs like this high like literally in real life like so high he goes like that and then maybe like that that'd be so sick and then so right here my mom has a stair set that she just made right there look at right here we have a stair set then we're gonna put like right here but it needs to be long but we're gonna make it right here with the rail i hope and then look at this so it's way easier for me to make my quarter pipes like look at that that was so hard because we had to use cups and stuff but yes it's way easier alrighty guys so uh my mom built some stuff and i built some stuff these are my mom's stairs talk about how amazing they are they look so good don't they yeah better than i thought you were gonna do it no oh rude not really here's the top part it's gonna go like right there okay so we poked a hole through it and now it's like that and then the rail is gonna go down like that and hot glue it alrighty so we are done with this area we're gonna start taping it so it looks way better but that's supposed to be a quarter pipe soon and then look at this well i'm not done with this yet i need a little bit more tape but it looks sick doesn't it it's like a volcano huh yeah and then here is a little box it's supposed to come this way down and then a quarter pipe which is six and then a roll into spine up to spine and then you're gonna be a quarter pipe two little roller that my mom made my mom made this box which is pretty sick you like come up here and then you jump it into the step down in this little bank and then she made this super super super uh good hey there was a crease there okay this is super good all right let's get to a baby tape baby not blowing the bottom of the rail okay i'm gonna put that right through there no it's dripping oh all right guys so that's it for today it's a super sick theme park and i wanna see what you guys make
Channel: Bmx Caiden
Views: 948,104
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bmx, bike, mini bmx, mini bike, skatepark, built a, built a skatepark, homemade, skateboard, scooter, tricks
Id: I-0DVdytVMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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