Building A Simple Deck In 1 Day | Reality Renovision Ep28

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now matt's using these snails here which are three and a quarter inch i keep them straight and pretty you know straight and pretty gonna make it straight and pretty hey is he here nate dawg all right nick quick guess are we gonna be short on the deck boards and if we are coming how much uh do you think we're gonna be short by no just like it shows there gotcha glossier might [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] what [Music] so welcome to the new digs this is the temporary pad that we've got while we're renovating the other house scott everest everything on my wife's list you know we've got lots of storage and bedrooms in the basement that's cool but the backyard's atrocious so i promised her i said you know the location's perfect it's not a long drive to go to the house to go to work so it made a lot of sense moving here but we're outdoor people like we just we were coming from an acre right we needed a backyard so what we're going to do today is we're just going to make a quick little floating deck it's it's going to be real simple but it's going to be a huge transformation as far as the backyard and our lifestyle because we don't like being cooped up in the house so we're going to just put on a quick platform and we're going to get on with it i got both my sons coming here today to give me a hand which is kind of nostalgic really because we started off the channel with nate helping me build the deck and then matt jumped in and he started working with me and helped me building the house it's gonna be kind of a family affair today so it's kind of cool i guess what's that thing the family that renovates together stays together that's what we're up to hope you enjoy this all right so here's the plan dude we're just doing 10 by 12. um the inventory at the store was really brutal having supply chain issues so it's going opposite where we're normal okay so it's 10 on the short side and then 12 foot joists so the perimeter box yeah but we got to have the six supports in it right gotcha so it's relatively flat here we'll just build the frame and then we'll lift it up and put it on the on the supports and then we'll level it off from there using just some shims and stuff okay and then we're gonna deck it and we'll probably get any holes for those cinder blocks at all today no i got the landscape cloth is already sitting here just under a sheet of gravel so we'll go with the blocks and then we'll we'll just jack everything up to the lowest point cool okay i got some two by fours here we can just put some posts on and then we're gonna build a landing box out here out of the leftover wood because it's going to be a little higher and we're having the stairs come off this side or they're just going to transfer into the we're going to leave the stairs the way they are i mean we're just renting right i'm just getting mom out of the dirt so she can have somewhere to have dinner outside yeah okay let's let's try to we should up it a little bit make a little more lavish we'll put some potted plants on there that's sure if you want to all right so this will only take us about an hour and a half two hours it's going to come over and help underscoring down the surface boards all right so we'll just knock this off and then we can have lunch cool awesome sounds like a good day go team how god is strong all the way to the back well one on each side right so put that one down on your left hand it's going that way swing a little bit this way short side and then long side yeah we start getting the feel for this okay let's get the feet this is why i'm saying the blocks are in the wrong spot right now that's all right [Music] we're doing two yeah when i brought these uh back here from the garage or from the driveway yeah they were super waterlogged and just heavy as imagine bulk back here are we doubling up on the perimeter no pull that board out make room to lay everything inside and then we can frame it all together there you go right so just lay them in just lay them down oh these are the joints we're just bringing it all over here okay two things i want to know if you grab your tape [Music] actual measurement on each of these boards how long ago actual measurement of the room joist no actual measurement of the 12 please this is what goes inside the the two by tens man a 10 footer really looks like a 12 footer sometimes doesn't it i'm going to get 12 i got 12 and an 8 and an eighth make sure they're all the same if they all milled out the same we're laughing if not we've got to customize them 12 and an 8. so far so good i'm gonna just follow laws of probability probability and do three and think that the other two are going to be correct no we're going to measure them all so we built the square deck it's still good hey is he here hey dog all right how you feeling you're joining us bud yeah cool blue blue blue and gray we're uh almost matching almost got a color scheme going on you gotta come in with a bang that's good to see bud dad this guy was showing me his little like bracelet setup and ring setup and things the other day oh yeah he literally looked exactly like zohan when he was coming mess with the zombie he had like this button-up shirt and it was blue orange i've got rings on and stuff with the clippers good times i've got the biggest this is just me putting something together that my wife can have dinner on and i'm gonna leave it here like a piece of furniture so when i'm done renting this this will just stay i don't care yeah as long as i don't attach to the house it's just a piece of furniture left behind for the homeowner or the homeowner to deal with and they'll be more than happy to have a deck instead of dirt unless they want to plant some chinese onions it's half gravel half dirt you know so uh i'm i'm just glad i don't have to like wheelbarrow gravel back here to cover them up my cloth yeah all right now we're using 2x8 and the reason i like using 2x8 for deck is because that's the same height as any step so your your body is very used to an eight inch step so when you use a two by eight you get a seven and a quarter inch board plus the top finishes runs you around the eight eight and a quarter inch area and generally speaking that's very normal and natural and you're not going to have tripping hazards so the other thing you can do is when you're using two by eights is you can make multiple platforms and stack them and build something huge and elaborate all out of the same material so everywhere you go it's the same step as when you come outside or go upstairs to your bedroom you're not gonna have any issues okay here you know what crown right you know crown i taught you that oh i just almost dislocated my index finger crown up okay okay upside does this can be towards the house okay no put it in the bloody arrow on it please [Music] what we're looking for is crown matt i just gotta check this one wow that one's going this way and i just put an arrow on it generally i always want the crown up and then under the weight of people and furniture and that sort of thing it'll if it sags it it'll sag flush if you have a hammer and a measuring tape you can build a deck [Music] you want one fastener for every two inches of dimensional lumber can we just use the nail gun we're gonna in a second oh now you're gonna mark it out yeah i'm gonna show people at the market yeah i'm gonna go the other side then might as well okay i'm just gonna go from the end and mark the 16s okay and then go to the left side or the further away to the backyard of the house i'm starting here on the far side i'm marking my squares so you want x to the right x to the left just like it shows there got you gorgeous every 16 inches there'll be a red square it's just way too easy so you make a line on your board and you mark to the side of that mark okay there's my 48 mark and you do the same on both sides and that'll keep everything nice and square just keep an eye on where your crown is so i mark the arrows [Music] the next option of course you'll have a framing nailer if you want to build it quick the nailer is definitely the best option [Music] i need you to roll that board up i'm pushing everything over that way i can't do the rest of this this close to the building just get it out of the way for now move some boards help me out dude [Music] just the last extension piece [Music] and that's using these snails here which are three and a quarter inch they're a little smaller than the nail that i've driven with the hammer but they're hardened steel and they carry the same structural look [Music] am i losing my cool right down [Music] so a little trick i learned when i was framing houses you use that little claw on the back your hammer when you got a board that's twisted like this right now if i nail it in it'll just be twisted and my nails will be like on an angle so you use your claw you put it on top you just rotate it up completely flat a 90 degree angle and then you can nail them in keep them straight and pretty you know they're strange and pretty gonna make it straight and pretty [Music] time for new hammer i missed it so once you've got your frame nailed together or screwed together or however you're going to put it together you just want to make sure that a it's in the right position and check your level now if i want to level this this one comes up like an inch and a quarter inch and a half it's easy that one comes up another inch and a half that's easy that one comes up like three inches whatever okay if i put it on blocks i'm gonna be at least six inches higher off the ground i have a six foot level i like to use it if you're doing a quick simple ground level deck like this you don't have to go through all the hassle of digging holes and putting in blocks and leveling it out it's designed for load transfer transfer the weight back to the ground yeah it's really quick and stupid but it works like a charm so matt the idea here is this take the nailer right or take the screwdriver we'll do screws i think okay then we'll just tie a screw into the block and then when it's done we'll go by and throw some nails in right okay i thought you were cutting out spaces or something really short no yeah no it's okay cool all right we'll grab your level and the best way to do this just do one corner 21 and three eighths or twenty one eight what are you at twenty one and a quarter at twenty one and a quarter i'm at twenty one and three eighths that's so close it's not even worth fussing so we wanna do is put the level on this and level off that piece okay lift this up a little bit until i like it and then matt's going to drive that screw from this the separate block into that lumber and that's going to transfer the load to the ground once we get it all leveled off we'll come back with the nails and we'll fire in a bunch of nails to give it the strength that we need [Music] okay are those nails coming through the other side yep don't do that side then yeah go the other way the reason why i'm nailing in from the back side this time we nailed in from the inside and their nails were protruding out you don't want anyone to cut themselves when they're running by so we're gonna have to de-nail those and do it again just for good measure [Music] if we can i think i'm at from the top on an angle down you'll be fine all right there's only sticking out a quarter so you're good and then run all the metal blocks okay yeah it does makes positive contact if it was installed right what the hell was that i'm telling you they were but there's gravel there i was pushing down on it this one like they all it doesn't make any contact with the ground they all are dead i was pushing down and [Music] then [Applause] have to be close enough i guess eh if the measurement from corner to corner is the same then it's square 189 and a half 190. so all i'm gonna do is just give this a tug this way a little bit problem solved some areas every deck is going to have to be attached to the ground but the point is this in my area if i don't attach this to the house it's not structural i can build it any way i want there are no rules okay so all you have to do is remember this you have to use good building practice which means you have to use the right amount of fasteners to put things together you have to use some common sense you got to follow some basic guidelines when you build it you don't want people falling through it and getting hurt obviously use proper structural lumber use proper fasteners use proper deck boards and you'll be fine for our basic deck here i'm using pressure treated lumber and pressure treated has changed a lot over the years it used to be green now we got this new c and a brown if you're going to screw down a board and you're near the end it's going to split so what i do is i just get a little bit of a start i put it in reverse and i hold it still and i screw backwards get a bit of a burn going and then drive it forward [Music] guaranteed never to split [Music] deck boards are not going to be straight close the gap done and it's nice to have two people doing this so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get my boys out here i'm gonna have them install the rest of these deck boards [Music] some weird weather we're having really weird weather remember that one time we did like that big deck oh the one out in uh the one up i didn't carp or something no it is actually it was like a long time ago in kanata we spent like a whole day just constantly doing this that one was uh it was an interesting deck it was a big deck for sure how does jeff make us do this he tells me he gives me free lunch and money so i can't that's basically that's why we do it this is going straight to the beer fund working for dad goes right to the beer so the way i see it is if i work here i get free beer that's why that's why i work here every day new case every day [Music] no but working working for the old boy working for the old boys great [Music] good guy [Music] true [Music] how's that look over there [Music] pretty good yeah [Music] it's rough on the back eh it's very sturdy now yeah i kind of miss it i mean i'm gonna miss it more once it's brand new and renovated but yeah the whole old aspect of it like the whole nostalgia bit is gonna be going eh yeah the practicality of the old place doesn't make sense but now that the city's moving out farther to it it makes more sense i don't know i think it'd be nice to like be able to retire at a home like that just because it's got like literally no one around you i think so okay i'm good on mine i don't know man i was in the shower this morning and just all the experience from other jobs that i've had foundation repairing foundations i built foundations i framed houses i did drywall carpentry saw like everything siding ikea furniture i mean i feel like my sales sales techniques and skills plus knowledge of buildings and stuff might help out in that market so i was just thinking about giving it a shot doing some research seeing what's out there it's just an idea maybe owning a couple of properties you know traveling a bit ideally like i want to try and create some passive income for myself you know i mean doesn't everybody everybody wants to it's tough to to do it though i'm going back to school this year which is dope i'm gonna try to finish off my last two years hey we gotta unscrew that why because it's not flush over here we gotta be flush on this thing not there i mean we it's one board yeah it's on board good but uh you know just uh just doing i just got school on my mind right now criminal psychology and law i don't really know what i'm going to do with that [Music] i can see you being a detective one day i mean that's the goal but i mean with what's going on around these days it's kind of it's demoralizing you know i mean it kind of put a whole lot of dreams and wishes on hold too yeah waiting for them i mean as much as i'd want to be like a detective [Music] i don't think i'd want to have to go through what some of those guys have together on a daily basis especially now yeah shout out to all the detectives out there man you guys have a cool job nate you got it ahead of us buddy the last boar was too far this way this one's way over the edge no yeah oh he's gonna make us rip up the board and put him back down it's not gonna be too far enough about it not at all just uh i'd cut it with the saw but then the end cap would look different unless we are putting a fascia oh boy okay we'll take this board out and then we will put it on the last yeah we have tons of boards left so it's not the end of the world man you need to pick up the pace i think i got five screw lines and you got the four [Music] i mean we're kind of just now we're working at the same speed man no you're slow i'm slow let's try this again if i'm going too slow for you just take a break after every board or something all right here we go [Music] [Music] quick guess are we gonna be short on the deck boards and if we are how many how much do you think we're gonna be short by we'll go by inches uh [Music] i'm going three and a half two and three quarters oh okay let's see not done yet no ah dad we're short yeah we are [Music] two and three quarters or what i want three and a half we're sure that one has holes in it because uh we were yeah we were here still gonna use it you said three and a half i said two and three quarters mother goat mother goat dude that's a goat i like that nate kick the board in [Music] take the board [Music] okay measure that no no no no no right here right off my foot because that one's bowing out three inches [Music] seven eighths you were over pressure's right rules i win let's go fair enough let's go seriously you're taking off bye nate thanks for having fun hey you're not gonna do the farewell wave at the end of the video as buddy flies up like peter pan and [Music] you may or may not finish flush having an extra piece of lumber around like a two by four we just had an extra joist i cut it down okay you want to lift that up we're gonna put it nice and flush with the front [Music] and we're going to extend the deck a little bit and we're going to add our last board finish off nice and flush ah my pinky it's a great way to put a hole in your hand there we go [Music] oh can you get that flash coming over here bada boom bada okay so now we got a ground surface deck there's one other thing to talk about this is quick it's simple it costs about 650 for all the wood and all the all the hardware and you get 120 square feet of living space which is the size of the average dining room so we're just going to put the furniture on here and then stick around for the before and afters okay it's going to blow your mind the transformation that happens with just a couple hours of work remember if you have any questions about your particular situation ask them in the comments section if you need help designing your deck or anything like that then feel free to join the membership program and enjoy the before and afters [Music] ah there we go what do you think mom's gonna like that hopefully oh it's a little windy out here right now but oh yeah oh yeah see now that is much better right there's just something about being out of the dirt that makes a huge difference now this is more like a staycation paradise yeah it's simple but it's it's going to be comfy it's nice yeah and you know what it's nice being not built up too high because we've talked about making this a higher it off off the ground but then we'd be seeing all the neighbors and everything there there's a nice level of privacy still very cool well thanks for joining us guys stay tuned for the next edition of reality renovation we're going to finish off renovating our 1880s farmhouse which will be hard now that we have such a nice place to hang out difficult to go back to work yep so i hope you enjoyed this episode of reality renovation if you're new to our channel then i suggest you subscribe to the channel over here don't forget to hit the bell icon for notifications so you'll be told every time a new video comes up and if you like you can click the link right here and you can binge watch all the episodes that we have on our playlist amazing information everything diy and decor and renovation and remodeling thanks for joining us
Views: 319,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, renovation reality show, remodel reality show, renovation show, home reno, home remodel, Building a Deck With Supply Chain Issues... Time to Get Creative!, how to build, deck building for beginners, how to build a deck frame, how to build a deck for beginners, home renovation diy, home renovation on a budget, how to build a ground level deck, quick deck build, home renovation, home renovation time lapse, home renovation before and after, home renovation ideas
Id: U2ZJX-xJoB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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