Building a Roof Over Shipping Containers - Part 3 of 3 - Details

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[Music] so I'm wrapping up this little job for David we're design of this roof system to go over these two shipping containers and I'm trying to come up with a good attachment method and I think if you all have seen my earlier videos on this that you'll know that the one project I did for chief military project we just had these straps every four feet and I always kind of felt like and of course that wasn't for human habitation it was just for storage so one thing that makes me nervous about this not having any attachment method any closer than four feet is just wind I mean if you've ever it's funny I was looking at these videos or one of these videos here let's just make this large here and we'll play it all the same let's go back a second for most people who think that their shipping containers are mean to let's go back to here there you go now that doesn't look very big but that's probably an eight foot six or not for the six by 40-foot container okay just being tossed around by the wind so you take that take that but you look at that and then you say well just put a parachute on them you know you're gonna have you have a lot of uplift from wind you're not worried about gravity in this case you're worried up you know the wind come along through here whipping through here raising this structure up and these and I'm gonna need I need to show some tie-downs I think on the one I did for Dawn we had angle big thick you know big heavy angle brackets here and they're bolted down to these footings so you need something you know these these containers are just like you know there's big hollow metal boxes so Linda whip them around easily and then you attach it to an umbrella or a parachute or a wing and now you've got the flight flight of the valkyries so anyway what I would do and this is fine I'm gonna recommend to David I would take this is an eighth inch bar eighth inch thick steel bar two inches wide eight inches tall you know I don't show the welds but I want weld this half of it well it's a little less than a little more than half because this is a Tim before I'm sorry this is a four before right here let me turn this on or we could get some color there we go I had that style there's a style I used to print drawings with that sort of doesn't waste people's ain't so but you can see here if this would be and you would put these on the raised part of the you know you would weld it to here the top channel that top angle and then this raised part of the metal corrugated metal and so that's welded and this is bolted to the four before and then of course you've got your you know your hurricane tie for the truss tresses are onto for the sinners and then I've got this top and I'll show you my looks in a minute I've got this is top a and this is type B type B would just be like an 18-gauge a piece of metal like a strap or many 16-gauge and you would just tech screw it Tek screws or we call them Tek screws because they're self drilling you can just you know as long as there's a hole in this strap you can just start spinning it and it'll drill its own hole through the through this angle and the siding the middle and then up here you can just use a lag bolt so that's type B that would be a minor strap but you know if I was going to use this for human habitation I would have both of these types you know every other trust would get every other time you know now you could get by probably with just using this monitor top every two feet but I want to have some kind of well welded connection at some point you know and then these trusses time off really well so so that if a big wind does come along it's gonna have to lift up this whole this whole structure now in between on these intermediate to full rough floors I think he can just get violent um nailing them telling the bottom cords you really shouldn't have to do let's stay at all but I think I would I would tend to being a habit of your tongue nailing that off just just to keep the bond cords on layout where's my purlins exceed all got the framing turned off I was trying to show this there we go and then I think I showed ya show this in the last video but here's my bracing see if I can get it the right angle here you just got a purlin which is a two floor laid flat on top of the bottom chord then you stand with stand one up on this edge like that that makes your permanent and then that makes it also easier to attach your angle brace here you just wanna get this brace as long as you can at whatever angle you know that will give it lateral bracing and then this breaks up here is one you can use I wish my my mouse is going crazy this one you can install while you're quality or setting the tresses you just lay it out you know put your layout marks on to four different centers that helps you lay those out and then I struggled a little bit with the that's why I had the franking turned off I struggled a little bit with this house line rafter in our trucks I'm sorry because originally I had it just a typical house line trust where it just had vertical members but it's spanning this open you know opening right here also so when I came up with and we've done this little jobs is you just take a regular truss and then you just put your either have the truss company you just tell them it's a gable interest and they'll put these vertical pieces in there so that you can nail your plywood and siding to it so and that's also a dropped truss and it's dropped though if the trust company does it they'll put this tail on here for you and then when you put your lookouts on see they can hang it what they do since this truss is dropped those lookups can go back here in time to this first trust comment truss and then they can't leave around it's really strong it's the strongest way to dig your overhangs so that's that and then of course we've got a roof decking where's my roof roof sheathing I've got another layer roof decking where I showed the actual sheets there we go I did that so David could do is materialist easily this whole thing should be really easy to come up with material lists and then your metal roof and this I'm just showing some core game just because that's what I had in my textures for Sketchup but I actually like the our panel let's go Oh video still playing this and let's see our panel this should be one are you gonna show me the shape here we go this isn't I like this one because it has this high rib and you can use it on low pitched roofs it's like an inch a quarter rib there so that's a really nice paint a lot like it you can get it I like it in gävle in to our panel gaveling just might be in right here and they know that loves if I can get a blown-up picture well I can't get it that's frustrating I can't get it any bigger there we go but anyway that's just some ideas there and let's go back to the trust details here I did a like an exploded view of the tresses and I'll show you the drawings in just a second the paper drawings this is a common trust and then this is the gable of your trust house life trust so let's go those drawings I do those drawings in this program called sketch it I'm sorry layout for Sketchup it comes with SketchUp Pro the paid version and so this is my cover sheet and won't typically have a cover sheet in architectural drawings and you know one of the main purposes for that is just to give like an overall graphic of the project and have project information and there's sheet index the drawing list and so I just realized I have to add I had it a couple sheets am glad I went through this and then here we've got our foundation layout for the you know peers now you know some people won't want to pour a big slab and set these on them that's fine both the projects I did for the military in nowaday vyd one of those piers so they could just put gravel work something between between the two and then there's your simple layout for the containers and the roof framing plan the roof decking plan this is your elevations there's just a graphic section like the 3d section cutting through the middle and then here's your trust details in case I think he hinted that he wanted to build his on trusses so I did was I took almost pieces and I kind of dimension them then I showed where those points are those connection points for the webs and then here's the detail for the gable end and then here's the detail with my notes over here for the attachment method again this is going to you know I mean this is gonna depend a lot on whether you're using it for the storage and what type of occupancy is what we would say in you know construction is it is it residential is it storage you know is it an outbuilding so you know if somebody's going to be living in a place where I'm designing a roof over a storage container it's gonna have a very sufficient you know attachment method for it and of course the building inspector it's gonna be looking at this - if you if you're gonna have to pull a building permit so all this stuff needs to be taken into consideration so I think those drawings over to David and I want to thank him for this little project these little projects believer in lot put gas in the truck I was trying to get it back to the elevation view here I usually use this front perspective view just to see an overall view but they do they help a lot and I really appreciate people like David that give me these little jobs to do and if you if you need something done like this just let me know I don't rubber stamp these I don't I wouldn't just selling you David's project I mean I would want to get to know you a little bit and understand your project I understand the use of it and designed it specifically for your project so people have asked me that the past can you just sell me these drawings and first of all it doesn't seem right ethically to me to you know to sell these once I've done them for an individual feeling like that individual kind of owns even though I own the design in this video I give them ethically I give them ownership of it their project so what I like to do is to like I said make these individual projects talk about what you're going to use it for you know what size containers what are the dimensions between here do you want to put you know two containers together what's the project use what's the grade block you know what's your soil type all that stuff really you know you should never just by drawing out of a magazine to try to put it on your you know you should always get some help from somebody who's built these things before and design your project even if you're going to design yourself do this get into Sketchup get into something and design your project individually and go from there you know you're gonna by the time you get ready to build this you're gonna be intimately aware of every single screw and nail and bracket and you know fastener and piece of backing and roofing you're gonna know exactly you see where they all go what they're for and how much it's gonna cost it's just gonna be that way and if you don't go through that and David is gonna see this with me because he's watching these videos I'll talk to with him through email and I feel like he he knows his project so anyone didn't mean to make this a long video just wanted to get that information out there about the roof attachment method thanks a lot guys
Channel: ArtisanTony
Views: 69,889
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: artisantony, artisan, construction, design-build, gear, bushcraft, renovation, residential, architecture, sketchup, CAD
Id: Z8L37yb0sNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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