Building a Ported Subwoofer Box for DEEP BASS!!! How To Design & Build LOW TUNED Slot Port Enclosure

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I thought it was so loud before my god [Music] hey what's not favorite buddy EXO comin at you was another full-length car audio projects today we got our buddy Wesley in his snazzy-looking Toyota Camry and he really wants some of that deep sounding bass in his car you know those extra low notes so let's have some fun while we design build and install a nice ported box using simple tools and affordable wood that smells real good yeah it's just a nice lumen I like smell oh that's the main reason why I got it because it smells great and it's a lot nicer to work with an MDF roof that stuff has its own set of problems but you've probably heard countless people say MDF is the only wood you should ever use so what side are you on is fiber board of all things really the holy grail of speakers and subs and there's this subwoofer that's the big boy DC level six right oh my god you got the carbon option look at the cap oh I would love this on my subs I think I'm gonna have to be calling psi I got a nice spot for it over here next to my og xxx 15 and our good old Rockville destroyer Oh God eat your heart up so we'll definitely need to clear up some space back here let's yank out this little Ginn long bank with everything taken out you can see there's not a ton of room to work with in this trunk the opening behind the seats is definitely going to put a limit on how big we can build the box no big deal though we'll just measure the width from the top right before it curves back down to the floor that way we can keep the whole dimension nice and straight while still being maxed out on our height dimension so let's get busy crunching some numbers and design a new sub box and to keep things super easy for all you guys we are gonna use this free car audio app from my buddy Thomas over at explicit audio now compared to the other programs out there it's actually pretty damn accurate even though you can't enter in the specs of your woofers but if you're new to this hobby and you just kind of want to get a general feel for the box this is a great way to get a ballpark idea of it but before you just go copying me there's an important warning you should know about giving the unknown nature of this project essentially building out an entire trunk I always shoot for maximum dimensions not always following specs for me personally it's a thousand times easier to fine-tune things later on by making them smaller if they need it not so much the other way around once it's built it's built there's no making it bigger that's why I will design this box slightly oversized at first while still being tunable even if we had to take out an entire cubic foot later on and even then it would only raise the tuning by like four or five frequencies definitely manageable and a safe option for a semi-permanent setup like this so with that in mind let's get this show on the road and open up the ultimate car audio app there's a whole bunch of other stuff in there but we're just focusing on box calculator go ahead and click slot port and we've already done all of the measurements in the trunk that's kind of what we did the beginning the intro of this video so box width we have a decent twenty eight inches to work with and our height were actually squeezing a little more than we should by doing some trimming on both sides so we can actually fit 16.5 believe me it it's pretty amazing that we fit that in there and because of the dip for the spare tire we can fit 33 inches front to back that's pretty freakin big for this little trunk and a number of extra baffles we're gonna do a total of four baffles so that means three extra so let's add three there and the displacements the sub is listed on the DC audio website four point two two cubic feet that's how much space that the motor and basket takes up point two two and then box bracing we're using dowels two inch dowels I'm not going to go through all the steps of calculating volume for a cylinder but long story short we have zero point seven four nine even into the thousands place there of displacement we're using all easy to access wood from Home Depot Lowe's I always call it Home Depot I can't help it it's 3/4 inch wood 0.75 inch wood and the port width we ended up probably squeezing as much as we could literally as much as we could without taking too much volume up on the other side so we were able to squeeze out four point six inches of width for our port and the whole height dimension which is like fifteen point one to five but just for the sake of this video 15 point one and for the length because it takes up damn near two cubic feet inside the box it's 42 inches long as long as we could make it while still being a decent tuning for his musical tastes so common walls a common wall is just any surface that shares the boundaries of your box like the top the bottom or the side so if your port has a part of the top or the bottom or the side in it that means you have common walls in this case the bottom of our box is actually the bottom of our port the top of our box is actually the top of our port and etc for the side so we have three common walls if it was zero common walls that we would have to worry about all the thickness of the wood taking up volume inside the box that'd be a pain in the butt and it would be way bigger externally so three common walls and port thickness is again 0.75 we're using all the same wood here external port length zero that would be really a narrow port type of thing have a nice little Mario pipe sticking out of your box we're not do that right now we're gonna pick in zero and we're doing sub front port to the front but it doesn't give you the that option so just click sub back port back alright here we go ready moment of truth ready to calculate the numbers 3 2 1 chef aha oh whoa whoa whoa three point eight three oh gosh this is embarrassing what the hell but our gross is perfect we messed up somewhere let's scroll up a little bit look at the displacement sorry oh crap I see it guys I made a mistake it's not nearly that much displacement for those little tiny dowels it's 0.074 let's calculate that oh my goodness four point five and there we go a beautiful musical tuning at 28 Hertz this guy really likes slow and slowed music he listens the DJ's read based looks like we have a cut sheet down here but we're not going to utilize this cut sheet we're gonna make basically transpositions of this whole design on bass box Pro so we can have the big-screen TV out in the garage but for a free program it's not so bad so I I do recommend it if you will kind of want to just dip your feet in the water and see what boxes are all about and see how the behavior changes when you make them smaller bigger ports longer shorter it's pretty cool to see how everything you know works so there we go guys let's go ahead and transpose all this data onto our computer in base box Pro and we're going to be getting the garage nice and dirty all right we brought our Cutlass displayed on our nice little television screen up here and the first cut on the list is top and bottom at 33 inches by 28 inches you go by Sir John nice little line across her just because Mike saw is not the best on the planet so to have a nice little guy is good [Music] all right on to the next cut which is the front and the back now obviously it divides it into two sections because it thinks the front is its own separate piece of wood that's three inches thick but we're just going to be layering a bunch of three-quarter-inch wigs so with the pieces that are gonna be our baffle we're just gonna layer them up right now and put some screws into them so that the cut will be exact [Music] so what I'm doing is I'm kind of using my body weight and going back and forth and I can feel this liquid feeling underneath me so I'm getting this both layers kind of saturated in it almost like I applied it on both sides to waste that many screws I'm just using them as clamps I'm kind of going into the cut because I don't want to have it interfere with my other screws that we're gonna use to assemble the box that would be a pain now it's a nice wood glue sandwich if it's a really nice wood man 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ply from Lowe's I don't know what they're doing in your neck of the woods no we don't have that here you're lucky and now we can take that piece cut it'll be a nice piece for our baffle now speaking of the baffle we don't want to confuse anybody so if you're wondering why it's not cut exactly to size yet we're just letting the screws and the glue finish doing their job and after it dries we'll worry about trimming it to size and laying the sub out but for right now we can just cruise through cut by cut moving on to the next cut we are about to start the two side pieces now these also need to be a little bit modified because we ended up making the back double layered and placed it on the outside so instead of 33 we did a 31 5 and luckily looks like the people cut in the wood over in the store knew exactly what we wanted today because it is damn near perfect look at this we only got to trim off a little bit and this was a spare piece money in the wallet right there cruising right along here with our cuts I'm not really filming too much of that because you guys know what a piece of wood getting cut looks like right a point we're actually gonna have to back off one of our screws because when we double layered this piece you can tell that line is gonna go right into that metal screws and this is actually gonna be the back piece and it looks like a perfect fit buddy nice now the side pieces will make her come together even more and then that will be a common wall of the port in other words the side of the box is gonna be a part of the port and to get even better idea we did some tracing with pretty much the port outline this will give us a good idea of where everything is going to be laid out slap in the spare piece which is the same dimension as our side wall and as you can see it is becoming our port wall now let's give it a four and a half inches to be consistent with the rest of the dimensions for our port let's go ahead and make that about yeah stop it right there now as you can see the distance between there and here diagonally is a little bit out of whack but if we take a piece of wood and basically imagine that the tape measure is a thickness of a new piece of wood we can actually make the port width another four and a half inches flush with this little elbow in the port and then it will transition into the next little section to get the desired tuning we just did all the math and we're at four point five cubes still tuned at 28 Hertz guys it is a looking good alright guys here we are the next morning we've done a couple more extra things with the Box disassembled or labeled everything because we have reached the next spot which is a turning point for us look what we have realized we're gonna be able to fit this big box into the trunk pre-built originally we thought we're gonna have to you know piece everything together and slowly build it inside the trunk change of plans everything is big enough well I could say small enough to be assembled right here right now but we're about to make the circles for our subwoofer cut out we measured the center point of this piece of wood down here which is the baffle obviously and it ended up being that bad boy right there we marked it with a pencil now I'm gonna use this screw as kind of an anchor point for the center mark and that is going to become the center of our circle and then this screw is the perimeter and when you do a rotation you get a nice guide and the circle that you end up making actually ends up helping you along while you try to cut out the hole with your jigsaw [Music] there you go perfect circle and I'll just emphasize this screw a few more times that way the blade will just be like remember you can totally see what we're talking about here here's the beauty piece even though these are two different pieces we got to be aware of one very important thing because once this circle comes above the top we're off of this piece and on to the next piece which is actually our top so we'll notch that out eventually [Music] [Applause] can't go wrong with that right a little bit of sanding she'll be right as rain [Music] the double-layer battle we used a longer blade so we could get through that and it was nice clean cuts there you can see there's no burns it was going through like butter actually [Music] alright now let's take some of this glue here and make this the final product which is gonna be 4 layers thick at the end lots of strength there I think that should especially do it yeah once we start spreading it up we're gonna go ahead and just paddle this all around here [Music] all right you just grabbed this up and we got her on the floor here we just finished cutting out the sub cut out now we did a test fit of it and guys I'm feeling good it's so tight that it's actually hovering right now press fit around the edges now for the moment of truth check this out guys look at these little beauty panels coming together it lined up perfectly and there's what its gonna look like the top of the box is gonna have a tiny little notch out it'll end up looking like it was meant to freaking feet we already these holes in see how it just kind of just like scooted itself back in to where it's supposed to be that's why we did the gluing after we did the screwing and then we can add the rest of our screws after these act has a little clamp in the meantime and that means that the piece goes right where we wanted it to from the start everything's looking good guys we've got some screws laced in to the top and this is also going to be filled with some wood filler or whatever we got on hand next step is assembly now what are we gonna do first to attack all this we're gonna clear out all the sides the port the baffle and we're gonna start by mounting the rear I'm gonna do like we did before and add some screws and then add the glue so when we glue it the screw acts as a guide as our clan [Music] oh you can kind of see what I'm talking about here we got a nice layer of glue down and the screws are just acting as little position points just barely sticking out and it fits into the hole just like that and because this piece is two layers thick I'm gonna just stagger each screw to kind of alternate between each piece of wood and what's you know given the nice bite [Music] look at this scene without even sanding yet this is a pretty beautiful scene I gotta say our cuts were not so bad for doing a Ryobi table saw that goes on the inside right there imagine if this baffle was mounted in front of this this 3/4 inch piece of wood would be the only surface that the screws would be screwing into and that would promote splitting and not as much strength so having four layers stacked we can actually just alternate pieces and get a much better ba pour out some nice glue here and I always like to try to bring the pieces faced up as much as possible that way I can lay the glue out like that trying to lay glue down when it's a vertical surface it's kind of a pain in the butt so right now we can join both of these with a flat glue job [Music] movin right on to the next piece which is gonna be the first part of the port the inner portion try to do a nice thin layer of glue down there I should do it and then we'll also apply the glue onto this strip right here which is the four layers right there that way both surfaces are nice and heavy [Music] yeah take a look guys we got the baffle all screwed in got the alternating screws holding her in stronger than ever now the next part of the port is the next part of the process so the reason why we save that for this side is because with the other side of the box in here it would actually block us from even being able to screw it in so if we put this in here like that we have a perfect way of accessing all the screws [Music] [Applause] [Music] so here's what that piece is looking like right now get the better idea what we're working with and then we'll plop that down right here I bet people watching this like what the hell is going on over there they're just dumping it like a freaking gallon of milk everywhere but hey look at what we've accomplished so far and this is the exact method that we used the entire time it actually looks free damn good dude good job [Music] that's all right that happens sometimes but what we're gonna do is put some glue in there and take some sawdust and just spill it in first we'll take a lot of glue and just splooge it in and then take some sawdust and then coat it and then press it very hard into this crevice in the glues slowly disappearing because it's absorbing into not only that hole but the pores around it and check it out it already looks like we filled up that whole gap and when it dries we'll just sand it real good and it should be like it never even happened [Music] and just like that guys we've got that piece in and we're moving on to this side piece this is the second to last piece Oh nope I shouldn't say that because we still have some dowels to worry about and some of those little elbows but overall I'd say that we're doing a good job here guys it's looking great [Music] alright fast forward just a little bit guys we got kind of in the groove things started Sanon and things got crazy we added the first elbow in a little tiny wedge and you can see that I'm just giving it a little bit of a clamp edge down the side we've got six screws holding in this side it kind of looks like we use the Kreg jig but we actually just used it by hand and next up on the menu is probably gonna tackle these little dowels right here for the bracing we're doing one top to bottom and one side to side and this cube I think we'll also add a dowel right in between those two services alright we just cut the dowel to size and right around 21 inches and if we'll pop it in there it's really tight fit you'll actually kind of have to push that piece of wood over a little bit just like that wedge it in real good that is nice and strong now our sub-woofer is actually gonna have a mounting depth that's pretty close to this dowel but as long as we don't get it directly in back of it we just don't want to cover up that poll vent and since this is nice and curved on the back side we'll be just fine and here's the other piece that we cut to the top and bottom dimension and I really want it to sit either in front or in back of this but in order to do so we kind of want to make the profile a little bit smaller and you cook you can kind of see it's it's almost begging for you to take a pencil already and kind of just trace around it right here I think it'll be a nice closer fit all right so I just took the jigsaw and I cut it down you can kind of see it wasn't perfect but I think it's gonna be just enough to oh yeah if I just continue on the cut a little bit further we'll be able to get this a little tiny bit closer all right guys coming in the next morning look what we've done now just a little bit of silicone around the edges and we really didn't even need it because the cuts were so accurate but I used my nice long my nice little squeegee from Amazon and look at that little silicon bead pretty much matches the rest of it pretty consistent job I did some filling in here because it was not like a perfect notch out but it matches up pretty damn well so with a screw in the back going toward the back I think that'll hold it in pretty much as good as it needs to be [Music] and there she is nice and snug in there wood glued on both sides and when we went on the other side and started doing our screwing you can see that it really did some tensioning down there and it gave it pretty much all the strength that's gonna need with it when it sandwiches along with the top so looking over here you're probably like what the hell is that thing that big freaking tumor hanging off your box well I just wanted to fill this cavity and it's been long enough that I can kind of trim it down and hopefully there's not too many wet spots in there that you can see it's nice and flush now we'll sand her down nice even though this cavity is pretty much irrelevant you can tell that the very core is not quite cured up so once we you know take care of the rest of things it'll get exposed to the air plenty more [Music] [Applause] [Music] moving right along to the top piece we've done some quick marking out of where this piece is where that piece is and where this goes down because we'll be able to see this piece and we can just draw straight line down from the front but the pieces that we can't see once the top goes on we just pre marked them so now when Wesley puts that piece right on top we'll just show you real quick here's where that elbow is here's where the support brace is in the center and then we marked out right here for the different parts of the wood that's going down that way all right moving right along guys now you probably noticed this the whole time the top and bottom piece needs definitely a big trimming this gasket will kind of tell us where that needs to be so we'll take our marker and kind of just follow this Ridge just to give us an idea of where we're gonna take our router and make it perfectly flush [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and it changed the depth of my blade see how I'm just barely grazing it I'm gonna change that a little bit just so we're better safe than sorry [Music] and there we go not too bad if I do say so myself it almost looks like this right here which is a mid cut is its own little piece of wood take a look at that guys the bracing the ports everything is complete except for you know making it look good and getting it installed but for the most part you guys know what's next there's the DC audio level 6 that Wesley got just try to test fit this 100-pound thing I'll let you do all the heavy lifting we got the big guy with us still enough of a job for him I'll tell you that let's pop her in see how she goes Oh watch your fingers Man 1 here that's uh let's try to redo this alright we just had to uh pull it out a little bit but it definitely will fit it's just that we had this thing accidentally slip off we're gonna install the sub first and then pretty much mount everything afterwards and we're gonna go through the port for now because Wesley's gonna have to come back and we'll finish the job with the rest of the foam we're gonna be sealing this off from the trunk so stay tuned for that today we're just gonna stick with the box and get him on his merry way we don't want to send them two and a half hours without some jams you know what I'm saying oh boy wait guys check it out we've got the sub installed we've got the wires coming through the port pretty much everything is in a temporary spot but look Wesley's gonna be bumping up bass all the way up the highway he came we saw we conquered be aware of this this hinge at the door hinge yeah [Music] all right we're over to live though let me go back here and I'll pull it right yeah yeah she's a tight fit all right ready all right and now granted this is just for temporary equipment they're supposed to be facing the other way but until we can seal it off this is what you're gonna be having that's perfect man I said just for fun so you can get home once you seal up that huge heavy it'll sound better and face the other way all right here we go moment of truth everything's wired up well temporarily until we can get back but I feel good about what we've done it's it stinks though cuz I wish I could give you guys the whole the whole project in one video we'll go for a quick couple minute drive listen to it but I'm feeling good [Music] I mean that's the night and day different I agree that's enough for me right now yeah dude I'm feeling great I've never felt that you know I've never been in anything [Music] [Music] it's tickling my face yeah we've got sand feel how much air is how much air is being pumped out of that thing oh you're gonna be one happy camper oh yeah man god damn it I thought it was so loud before and then now get in this and I'm like God leading good I mean it's so much lower [Music] [Music] dude that's 26 Hertz right there my god I've never heard that I know you you came here because you wanted some lows and we opened your up dude you're I will say though because of the difference in frequency right now you're CR experiencing some new type of flex so I would go ahead and and maybe the next time we come down here we could fix out together okay frequency test here yeah we're just gonna go from like 20 let's just go from 20 to 16 sweet yeah whoa real slowly and just see how she she sounds in the car oh wow that's making that's making pressure that's 20 Hertz dude holy Sh that's not bad for us that's actually not not bad so let's go up oh yeah you got some serious place holy man yeah dude I'm feeling it I'm definitely feeling it definitely billing is a goddamn be indifference like I'm not used to even with the to wolfram that you were it was nowhere near what this is so this is louder than your 2:15 slightest oh yeah this is loudest the loudest I've ever heard period you know I mean I've never had a demo or anything so wow this is as loud as I've had and wait until we finish it some people call it a trunk wall set up so it's like your own little knob you know he's like no I don't call it that [Music] and there we have it a nice solid sound and box filled right here on the exo channels I really hope you guys enjoyed watching it because holy crap I put in a lot of extra effort to make it nicely fun to watch a hundred and thirty hours of editing into what you just saw so proof definitely not the most fun sitting in this chair but I had so much fun having Wesley come over here working out in the garage basically acting like we're best friends he only had a day and a half to finish this whole thing was so with filming and and building combined it was definitely a tall order but I had a great time I'm glad we were able to at least film and piece together what we did in this video and he's going to come back a second time we had to send him home with the box face the other way we'll have him come back around seal up the edges with expanding foam and make it a real nice sounding box without any of the Flex from the trunk that's what's so kind of annoying when you have your box firing toward the trunk the whole thing just goes absolutely nuts and it takes away from some of the sound quality this project was purely for fun and very spontaneous one day we just came up with the idea he came over and we basically just whipped it up I know there's people out there that build extravagant boxes with curves and this and make it look blah blah blah but this was just a nice simple project that anybody could do we didn't really want to go extravagant with it show you that you can use easy tools like jig saws and free apps to make a box that sounds pretty damn good in the first initial results I was very happy and Wesley was blown away I couldn't be any more thrilled with the results and we are actually gonna be tailoring and dialing in the system even more down the road like how we mentioned in the beginning of this video we oversized things so we can get that perfect sweet spot by taking away volume slowly and I'd like to send a big thank you to the people who helped make these longer more time intensive projects possible from our patreon members at Sunset Dragon UVM base Wesley McLawhorn thank you for coming over man I and for being a part of the the patreon page TJ Emery the car audio guy Mark shepherd and trucker 9000 Dylan Flores and Cody to go all of these people contribute to the channel each month to help offset the little trials and tribulations and ups and downs of YouTube's policies and allows me to put in a hundred hours into a video like this instead of having a beef four and a half hours long this is how much the video was when I filmed it and this is how much it was after we edit it down into something more cohesive so if you did enjoy watching be sure to engage with the video because we're giving away a 315 inch subwoofer a mystery 15 inch sub that's right nobody knows what its gonna be just a random subwoofer is gonna show up at your door one day and you'll be like hey look a random sub from EXO pretty cool I'm very glad to be in a position to do this for you guys so thanks for watching subscribing it really makes a big difference over here on the EXO channels so until the next video guys stay loud and stay proud I'll see you on the rebound [Music] [Music]
Channel: EXOcontralto
Views: 2,124,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to build a subwoofer box, subwoofer box, build, building, sub box build, make, how to make a subwoofer box, ported, port, ported subwoofer box, ported subwoofer, making sub box, how to, loud, deep, low, design, how to design subwoofer box, desiging, aeroport, slot port, slot, tuning subwoofer, enclosure, box, subwoofer box build, how to build subwoofer box, subwoofer, tuning ported subwoofer box, subwoofer bass, vent, vented, tuning, deep bass, tune
Id: ACbadruOgC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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