Building a New Gap Jump and Berm on our Backyard MTB Trail! // Choose Your Own Trail Part 3

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do you remember the choose your own adventure books if not there were a series of books where the reader got to be the star of the story and could actually make decisions throughout the book that led to different endings well that's what this trail building series intends to do with you the viewer but instead of only you deciding where the adventure goes my subscribers as a whole get to vote each week on how the story unfolds i'm uncreatively naming this series choose your own trail in the last chapter you guys decided a small gap into a berm was our best option and it definitely turned out great when i had brian over from the youtube channel bkxc he made it look too easy actually it is really good because it forces you to not pedal you only focus on your momentum and your pump it's a pump track now at the end of that video the options you had to choose from were a shark fin or another gap into a berm and you guys actually surprised me and voted again for a gap to berm and before we get started i have to say a huge thanks to u-haul because they're actually going to support this week's build and a few others which is absolutely incredible but more on that later let's get to this week's build there is a life i lead in this city hurrying to cut my teeth i can take what i need to get by it doesn't make [Music] since we had a bit of a down slope this time i wanted to try using only dirt straight from the ground for these features which oddly enough i haven't done yet i do know missouri has premium dirt for trail building but i got a bit curious to see how quality the dirt is that i have so i decided to do a mason jar soil test doing a soil test is super easy and actually kind of fun so i encourage everyone to try this grab yourself a tall mason jar next go to the area you want to test the soil from and fill your jar up then find yourself an area where you can dump your soil out and sift through it a picnic bench works great for this or a table with some newspapers laid out sift through your soil picking out any sticks leaves or debris then after that try and crumble up your dirt as fine as you can and refill your mason jar about a quarter to a third of the way full if you've got a dog handy they do a fantastic job smelling for debris you might have missed next you'll fill your jar three quarters of the way full with water and then add a teaspoon of non-foaming dish detergent which is most dish detergents once you're done with that place a lid tightly on your jar and get to shaking try and shake it for about five to ten minutes you're trying to break up everything so that it's suspended in the water and it can settle nicely once it's shaken up stick it somewhere and wait within a day or so you'll be able to distinctly see the different layers of sand silt and clay and that's when we can start getting into the math of it but while we wait for my mason jar to settle let's test this jump in pardon my form i'm just trying to land flat here so we've got our landing pegged out right about here i might even drag it a little further out it seems like once you make your landing and you have something to actually aim for you tend to be able to pull up a little more and then start to tilt into the landing and you can get a little further a couple feet out i'm going to start digging down and we're going to dig out this whole section so i think most of the berm is going to be just dug and then i might add a little bit more coming up on the ledge but yeah i think i'm just going to dig this whole section out i think that would be really really nice let's get to digging a fun little snake here [Music] so [Music] i don't know how you guys do it i am just coated i feel like i just got out of the shower so hot gotta keep digging gotta keep digging [Music] foreign [Music] so i think we're done looks good it looks super flowy um only concern i have is when we come out of this berm kind of points you right towards the tree so let's see what happens here i'm gonna see if it is go aroundable i don't even know if i'm gonna be able to make this gap i made it a little like a foot further than uh how far i was actually getting assuming that i'd be able to like really pull up and get over to it so yeah let's see if i can even make this gap hey oh boy this one might take me a few tries i know it doesn't look like much but i've never really read anything like that [Music] yeah that's fantastic so i cased it a little bit but i did make it and i was going pretty slow so yeah that's awesome all right let's let's get this thing nailed i never got to fully clear the gap on this day because it started to rain but i did take advantage of the rain making sure my drainage was working right a little cleaning out at the end but it looks pretty dang perfect looks like we've got one little spot out fixing drainage issues fixed i was also able to fine tune our jumps while they were wet [Music] after putting the finishing touches on the jump i was ready to give it another go i realized after looking at the footage i was riding too low on the berm and not pumping through it like i needed to so i tried to focus on that this time and it actually worked [Music] the new features you guys picked turned out great and i'm still casing it a small amount but that's the whole point i need to get better at jumping and cornering and this is going to help me with that and for those of you who want to know the gap is six feet and lip to lip it's seven feet now as much as i love these new features i'm so excited to show you guys what i have to choose from for next week but before we do you know i have to say a huge huge thank you to u-haul for supporting this week's video did you know u-haul actually sells bike racks i didn't but when they reached out to me i realized they have almost any bike rack you can think of online and they all ship free plus if you want to check out some of the bike racks they actually stock a lot of them in their stores and i'm willing to bet you've got one nearby so if you're in the market for a new bike rack or just want to try out something different head over to your local u-haul today or check out the link in my description to browse their huge selection online okay it's time to choose your own trail option one is to come out of the berm into a banked wooden drop feature that heads into a big dirt landing sounds pretty cool to me but option two we could keep the trail dirt and build a long roller that would probably go into the biggest gap i've ever ridden which is anything over eight feet so option one is a banked wooden drop and option two is a dirt roller to gap i gotta say i would absolutely be stoked to build either of these options so i'm excited to see what you guys decide on you can either click this link here to vote go to my link in the description or head to vote anyway thank you guys so so much for voting and watching a giant giant thank you to my patrons for supporting me this channel could not operate without you so again thank you oh and if you're wondering about the soil it didn't actually settle down enough because i just did it yesterday so we'll have to check that out next time when we build the next feature so go cast your votes now and i will see you then good boy good boy you did a good job buddy you did a good job huh you did a great job bud thanks for the [Music] help
Channel: Backyard Trail Builds
Views: 323,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mtb, trail building, backyard, mountain biking, biking, cycling, dirt jumps, dirt berms, mtb jumps, mtb tricks, how to build a jump, how to build a berm, mtb berm, bike berm, bike jump, nature, trails, downhill, pump track, dirt jumping, backyard dirt jumps, mountain bike, garden, mtb trails, building
Id: wdw3awzgllE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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