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hi everyone I hope you're all doing great and in this video I will start installing the electronics in there was a 250 and as I mentioned before that I will be using some high quality bars in this area because it deserves some really high quality bars and lucky we got the best in the market I will show you that later in the video but now let's start working because I'm so excited this is my first part and so let's get to work [Music] look at this it's like paper to hell like the whole fuselage because it's all as one B's is really strong and amazing when you take your sounds oh my goodness like this is very strong but like this I have to reinforce the whole thing inside [Music] [Music] [Music] this hatch door is amazing strange is there is crazy and super light a super light I just added five millimeters deep wound and I sanded the edges around 45 degrees and that gives it a really good goods train and so and I made those two cuts in here for the locks and I will be using four inches so the door will open like this down and yeah very happy with this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and that's their bu exhausted I'm actually gonna keep it open so the air will go out from you and we need another hole for the led [Music] so right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right the horizontal stabilizers are finally finished and attached and I'm so happy with the results there are two carbon fiber rods in here let's hold them together Plus this also a small carbon fiber that I made it here just a small piece of carbon and this thing is just to look Valley the the tester blasted in place with one school and the connector is here and this thing's looking so strong and just rock solid it's perfect so how did it end with the finish everything is smooth and clean now I have to make the connectors that goes in the main fuselage for free service plus the strobe light at the pin and yeah this video is sponsored by PCB way PCB way is a full feature custom PCB prototyping service and if you are like me who loves electronics then BCB way is the place to go go to BCB wacom to learn more [Music] [Music] all right I think I did a good job these are the cables and I use this 3m tape it's it's double-faced but like this it's so good and these wires will never go loose and this is the main connector for the servos and this red one here is for the lights - all right I think we are done here tail is very nice all right I think I will start preparing the electronics and the brain of the airplane and as I mentioned in the previous video that I will be using some top quality bars in this airplane and so let me show you what I would be using so I would be flying the airplane using a jetty system and the jetty is one of the best in the market this is the central books 400 and this thing is a beast 24 channels this will be like the main the brain of there then everything would be connected directly in here I'm so excited to start exploring this one and I also got the this beauty this is the Diaz 24 this transmitter is dual band that means it can run in two frequencies 2.4 gigahertz and 900 megahertz this is like a backup frequency which is awesome and this thing is a beauty okay it's very cool already registered my a350 I'm so excited to install this system and I have two batteries these are each one is a five thousand milliamp so there will be two batteries connected here that means I have 10,000 milliamp batteries this is just for the the system which is the servos and the controls not the idea the ADF will have several batteries this is the lighting system it's nothing special just whatever it's fine that's the controller and this is the retract controller also from it's very odd this one from my from the Dreamliner's this the only butter I'm choosing from adrenal still works and yeah these are I made this myself I will be installing one is for the batteries and the other one is for the electronics three millimeters light wood covered with carbon both side here if this thing is solid gyro I will be also installing this under 350 and now I have to cover the whole plate with masking tape and start drawing and drilling and cutting for all the circles or the cables and screws and then I glue this inside the fuselage and install the electronics on top of it later that's about that I love the most but this is awesome [Music] [Music] all right everything is looking great inside here and very strong so pleased with this these are the batteries will go here and all the electronics here and this made the whole structure so strong these are the hinges for the hatch and that's the hatch the locks are awesome so happy with it yeah I would say this is my best work so far so the next step is to prepare the main connectors for the wings they will come out of here plus another connective here and yeah maybe start adding the the wires inside [Music] these are the wings main connectors look so good I'm loving this change of plans I was planning to install this inside the fuselage and turned out it's a bad idea because these three wires they have to go outside this hole and in this case they SC to go deep and then there will be no not enough air to pull it I'd like it to be flashed like this and I have to add some extensions to it so this would be so many things and I heard that it's not good to have this long wire from the motor to the AC it's more preferred to have the shortest possible but when they see in the ADF and the batteries to the the wires to the batteries doesn't matter how long they are but between the more trained AC the shorter is better so I thought this will shorten the wires install the inside here and make some air inlet somehow to get enough air inside include the AC and these two the battery cables will go off here directly to the batteries I mean honestly it makes more sense like this so let's get cutting and rewiring everything so three hours of digging and cutting and and and and arranging stuff this cut is so small for the AC and it's finally inside with two wood brackets whatever inside for screws these things hundred percent secured and now I have to cut the cables and solder them directly here and this promised I'm gonna cut which is good and to the battery and this is the signal yeah there was a mess I should have done this way before I closed the wings anyways [Music] I think until now I don't mention that I'm using the costly Isis 160mm VCS is worth every single cent because they are in my opinion the highest quality they're so amazing and yeah they can run on 12s so I'm running my a 350 or 12 s that means two batteries for each EDF two 6s and so 12s to each bed to each mortar and I already checked left wing I took it outside after I connect everything and connect the batteries and I went full throttle on the SCN it's flawless it's amazing and so now I have to do the same procedure here again and get this thing mounted quite ESS very highly recommended [Music] just start installing the cables this is coming from the noise to the center and this is the tail we average and I made it myself and yeah they will go to the central box many more to go so let's keep going alright I decided not to use this this thing is garbage and I switched to this from uni lights it's very good lighting system sequencer and yeah it's much better so that I am preparing the connectors for the wings these are the lights in the landing gear and because I changed the lighting squint search I led they're installed they can only handle 4 volts maximum actually went a 2 to 4 volts maximum then they were burned and then used when surf ones the like the em but just like the output so 7 point 4 volts n 7 point 4 volts out and for that I have to use those resistors to each led I hope I have enough I already tried one resistor on an LED and it did not burn what so we're all good [Music] I had to add this aluminum heatsink on the resistors here there are five resistors and this thing really gets hot and so I thought it's a better idea to add this to keep them cool at least all right we're done these are all the connectors for the lighting system all of it these are all the resistors and this is also one resistor for the landing light and all the cables are protected with electric tape very good - unison with them so nicely let's go ahead and start installing all these [Music] this thing has four screws - and here to the other side and because I'm so smart I cannot reach the screws inside - so I should have flipped 90 degrees okay I just installed the receivers and even the retracts the nose is also attached and connected because before I fix everything in place I would like to make sure that all the connections are right and especially the landing gear and that's when I'm trying to program the landing gear Swinson here so I programmed the doors with the gears with the right timing with wind when the door opens and closes and this procedure really takes so much time to program every channel with every servo the nose doors and the main landing gear doors I already programmed the main gear Blas those two main doors and I think I did it flight and I have this retracts just for testing so gear up and doors closed again get down awesome that squid sir is really amazing and I'm loving it yeah so there's still those two small doors because the main those blasts the main nose gear doors are connected to one channel because they operate the same they open here down then they're closed but there are two small doors they have to stay open wide then it is down so I have to add another screen setting here in program that this will take why looking good so far all right I've got the landing gear done with the screen so everything is so amazing I will show you that later when I assemble the whole airplane and now I will this is the dirty RC switch this thing is so amazing because I can turn on and off the airplane from my transmitter so I don't need any physical switch in here well from the from my radio I can turn the whole airplane on and off and this is so amazing so let's put [Music] these are the main boiler connectors directly from the batteries this one goes from the first battery to the central box and another lead goes to the control that attracts control box and the second one is also from the second battery to the central box and another connector goes to the Lighting's Windsor and this central box has two power outputs and it's for powering a receiver or something like that and it's VEC output that that means the voltage is exactly the same as the servos output and that I said this one in here to six volts to power all my servos and the thing is I was thinking of connecting like from central box to the to the landing gear school store and the lighting but I thought this will draw more amps from the central box and I don't want to risk anything and so I thought I connected directly from the batteries and so the central box would only bother the receivers and the service okay now I need to find out where to mount the satellites these are the two 2.4 gigahertz these they will go and top I will keep everything outside the fuselage so no signal interference it's everything is God with him here and so I still have to figure out if I have to keep the whole receiver outside or just the antennas outside I don't know yet and this one is the 900 megahertz with these two flat and Tanner's this is like a backup receiver I'm thinking these they will go under the airplane somewhere and I want to mount these outside somehow I will need to do some research to see what is the best direction how to mount them but these they have to be also outside and for the ones on top I will freely grant like a housing for it that looks almost scaled light everything and for that I'm social we need longer cables [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay it's been an hour and now I managed to connect the flaps and ailerons the spoilers all in here and I will have to connect the wings to make sure that everything is correct then I can remove this the steps where I wrote each individual one and I think that's it I still have to get an extension cable for the main landing gear plus two extensions for the throttle which they will go through this speed controls and I think that's about it all right I black the wing let's try to with fine home for the first time so I assigned the RC switching here so if I click it tells me turn the model on yes okay it's on the lights are on perfect all right let's see if I made everything correct everyone get it all and my flaps are in the right map beautiful spoilers they're working all right all the connections are perfect left wing right wing rudder two elevators to the back LEDs and these are the two receivers 2.4 gigahertz connected to the cortex brought to the gyro and from the gyro they are directly here using serial connection that's very good saves a lot of time just connect the receivers and the switch for the gyro mode and it works and also you can access the settings of the gyro on your transmitter I can adjust anything from from my transmitter and the nine nine hundred megahertz satellite is connected directly here I still have to put these somewhere and then continue working that's okay I love it so nice [Music] so these things are their satellites covers on the walls I tried my best to make the mass scale as possible like the ething and the airbus a350 has this detail and I don't know what is the biggest is it for something like things Wi-Fi satellites I think I don't know and a small one in the phone now the big one will will house the whole satellite inside the whole receiver and the one this goes in the front this will be just for the antennas one goes from here one goes out from this sides and this one oh my god the grant is barely dry this one one and ten goes from the back and one from the left and there they look they look good so let me show you how is whole thing so they have to twist like this so what I'm Tanner goes here other one goes straight at 90 degrees mounted both of them and so my plan yeah the antennas won't look so nice outside the fuselage but that's my only way I don't want to risk losing signal so one goes like this one goes like this and I would just cover him cover them with the same coloring of them the delivery and hopefully we won't see the money maybe we see the buds on the nose I kept the receiver inside and I took the antennas outside something like this with three screws the other one and four screws at left script [Music] then batteries will never go anywhere this is perfect [Music] and here is the other side of the board and we saw all the cables I think I did a decent job kept infringement I tried my best to keep this area as flat as possible because the landing gear will go here and there is only around 15 millimetres clearance between the wheels and the board and this is the best I could do in here all the cables are secured this is the first antenna then 900 megahertz I kept it here hopefully the signal is fine and the other antenna I would put it outside somehow here after I finished delivery just make a small cut for the cable and just with the buffers keep this outside let me connect one wing and the tail and the elevator and show you everything in action because everything is working amazingly so happy with it I deserve to give myself some credits was I'm a piston so I assembled the left wing and I wish I have a bigger space to assemble the whole airplane and show you everything but unfortunately I have a very small workshop so I barely managed to assemble one wing nose is already there and that here is also assembled with elevators and so I will turn they have been on and check all the control surfaces the lights and the landing gear the know the ending get I had to make the screw answer and all by myself and it's working so nicely and yeah so let's turn it on and to turn the airplane on it's on this switch turn the model on there was a 3050 yes there you go it's on now the gyro will kick in it's blinking that's it jar was activated very nice so on the screen I had the telemetry that the RX voltage and the antennas the the signal strength with the 2.4 gigahertz and the 900 megahertz I got all the telemetry here's really nice and unfortunately the airspeed indicators that I installed inside the wing I would remove it because it doesn't work with jetty and that's a pity but I will buy the jetty and airspeed indicator and store data and yes oh I don't have a telemetry from the airspeed yes alright everyone walking laps that's awesome and stuff spoilers are not installed yet but the servos are connected and they're working perfectly the waters so lovely and the elevators [Applause] and the nose landing gear [Music] and it is so bright and steering is awesome I added like one second DNA this is so cool this rotates around more than 45 degrees which is awesome the taxi light when I retract the gear up and then when the gears up the steering servo is deactivated amazing and I'm working on the windows of the refinish them so beautiful so just to give you a perspective of how small my workshop that's my door well then this the tail is almost hitting my screen and that's one wing to the and that's a switch for the title all right we're done everything is working perfect turn off yes and it's off I love this radius that's so cool alright that's it for this video it's been three weeks just working filming this video for you guys and I think I will take a day off just at least to shave my beard so the airplane is finally almost done I mean with with all the connections and like the structural self is done the frame is finished and with all this stuff installed and like the amount of work and money I spent on this airplane this will make me now even more nervous to fly it you know it's yeah it all comes down to that moment the takeoff moment and yeah but I think that's the joy of the hobbit who really do something yourself and and they make it work and for delivery I decided to go with the Airbus a350 Carbon livery which is an epic livery is so cool but it is so hard to do so I will do my best and you guys also voted for it on YouTube was more than 80% agreed and I know that some of you want an airline livery which is it's also cool but I think no one had done the car whenever yet and I think it would look so cool especially that this have been made out of carbon fiber so carbon livery would be something special and this emblem would be a really special area special to me because I worked so much on it and I used completely new methods and everything and yeah so the next video would be the literary and I'm so excited to start doing that it will take time but I believe that it would be something very very special so stay tuned for the next video will take a while because it's so much work involved and I really want to make it perfect and so this might take some time thank you for watching thanks to my bad shows for the enormous support they allow me to keep those videos coming and those builds and I really can't thank you enough guys thank you thank you very much thanks for all the love and support and see you the next video bye bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Ramy RC
Views: 347,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airbus a350, airbus, A350 xwb, Boeing, ramy rc, rc plane, airplanes, airliner, diy, rc airplane, rc, aviation, a350, a350-900, model aviation, rc plane build, aerospace, planes, aircraft, avgeek, giant rc airplanes, rc hobby, scratch build airplane, homemade airplane, rc planes, airbus a350 xwb, jet, carbon fiber airplane, rc airbus, rc airliner, Jeti, castle esc, jeti ds24
Id: Z30vNqOQg4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 34sec (2134 seconds)
Published: Fri May 08 2020
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