Building A Diorama For My Tmnt Figures!

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today I'm going to be taking a look at the brand new Playmates Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figures from the new movie TMNT mutant man as well as making a diorama to display them in before we start these figures our label is four plus but remember that's a suggestion they have to put that on there flipping the packaging around you'll see that each of the turtles comes with their very own character card and this small overview on the top right as well as pictures of all the characters you can currently collect in line such as Leonardo Raphael Donatello Michelangelo Splinter Rocksteady Bebop Superfly and finally Leatherhead now that we got that out of the way let's get these guys out of their packaging and take a look at the figures inside oh groovy now that I have all four turtles out of their packaging we can take a look at the size difference between all four Leonardo stands at four and a half inches while Michelangelo stands at four and a quarter inches Raphael stands just above four and a half and similarly the Leonardo Donatello also stands at four and a half each Turtle comes with a bunch of other accessories which we'll take a look at in a minute as well as their very own baby turtle but before we even take a look at those let's move on to the articulation the head can rotate a full 360 Degrees the arms can go up about this High single jointed elbows the swivel at the wrist as well as a full rotation of the shoulders the legs can pick up about this much forward and then switch sideways single join your knees and a swivel at the ankle but why each Turtle does come with their very own slice of Raphael comes with twin tiger oak swords two throwing stars one kunai knife and a canister of ooze Donatello comes with a naginara asanjigon one throwing star and another canister of ooze Michelangelo comes with the kusurigama this pretty big slice of pizza microphone nunchucks a canister of ooze and two throwing stars last but not least Leonardo comes with yet another canister of ooze three kunai knives and one throwing star now that that's out of the way here's a final individual look at all four turtles and let's move on to making that diorama first things first I'm going to start off by laying down my foam and putting on my gloves I wanted this diorama to be pretty big so it fits all four turtles so I made it 15 inches wide 12 inches long and about 17 inches tall once I had all my pieces cut out I made sure to do a test fit I want to cut out a hole here another one here and add an archway along the top starting off with the floor let's add some raised details here here and here and let's put this to the side so we can punch out those sewer holes as soon as I was done fisting those holes I glued each of my walls together as well as to the floor and I got to work on laying each and every inch in Brick this was one of the most tedious things that I've ever done and it took me two hours two hours eventually I got all the bricks laid out and I can get started on working on a base coat I chose a cheap black acrylic so that I can get into every crevice so you wouldn't be able to see the pink underlying foam to match the vibe of the movie I took inspiration from the packaging and painted the bricks with this light purple that for some reason it dried black and I had to go over it like seven times and then once everything was dry I dry brushed the entire thing with some pink to make sure some of the details really popped out moving forward I originally wanted to paint the floor with this blue color but I just really didn't like the way it turned out so I scrapped it and went for a more basic gray to bring out some of those hidden details I did some watches starting with black green and then Brown once that was all dry I went back over the floor with the light dry brushing of gray to knock back some of the harshness of the washes and catch some of those raised details to match the style of the movie added some thick black lines over the entire diorama and it turned out like this at this point the diorama was pretty Barren so I added some props I made off camera this pipe a refrigerator some pizza boxes this couch and some hand-drawn signs that I was originally gonna print but I accidentally broke my printer foreign and on the back wall for some final touches I'm going to add in some bars and to close off the entire thing I'm going to add some black foam to the ends of the sewer holes with those last pieces being put in let's paint the sides black and take a look at the finished diorama [Music] I want to thank you all very much for watching and be sure to subscribe on your way out and I'll see you next time on my next build thank you
Channel: HeroHQHobbyHour
Views: 22,694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tmnt, ninjaturtles, actionfigures, marvellegends, toys, reveiw, diorama, artsandcrafts, hobby
Id: DDtLPl2crzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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