Building a CRAZY $12,000 Gaming PC With Tavarish! (Part 1)

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hey there i am in a probably familiar place if you're into car youtubers i'm into car youtubers hello we're not scripting anything no i apologize this is really awkward but uh i'm here with freddy because he's building a super super expensive system actually this is probably the most expensive system i've ever even like been around really yeah i i mean maybe some crazy mods or exceptions but well would you like me to throw some of this away just so it's a little bit more accessible to you i will lose half of my subscribers if you burn that 30 90. what about both of them these are endangered species okay they deserve their own private habitats yes and uh that private habitat's going to be the o11 dynamic xl we have a lot of ek gear freddy bought like all of this stuff like with the exception of a lot of the ek stuff thanks ek for sending that out yes but uh yeah freddie dipped into his own pocket and bought two rtx 3090s which were not cheap he bought a bunch of other crazy stuff like a but you have the 64 core yeah i got 64. this is a big one it also it's a coaster okay so you put this down it's a very expensive coaster this is something where um i don't even know am i holding this right yeah yeah okay all right we just lost half our viewers okay so uh we're gonna be building this he's gonna be filming a thing of his own we should link that down below as well but i hope you guys have fun watching this one here we go let's do it with tech selling out in seconds it's nice to get a head start and evj's elite member program gives shoppers just that become an elite member through either the purchase of qualifying hardware or community engagement and you'll be able to purchase newly released products a full 24 hours before the general public that's a huge head start you'll also have access to daily giveaways and the evj associate program where you can earn money and rewards by offering discounts to others learn more by clicking the link below and use offer code salazar for a discount at checkout why are there two big boxes are there two motherboards in here uh there should be actually it looks like you get like a graphics card in there too i i know i know you got a ps5 it looks like a graphics card this is an m.2 expander card and it's arrow for more error because it needs to go fast yeah you should probably take the paper off first you sure i'm not i'm not sure you should do that so what i'm my main goal for this is just to not be the verge and if i can avoid being the verge uh with their pc build then i will have one caution slide out the external cap before sliding in the carrier frame with cpu do i have to do this so yeah you should if you don't want to break your socket or your chip yeah okay uh yeah it's it's like a torx it's actually proprietary there should be a tool in here to be honest with you i think there's a tool in here i mean so we're grinding oh look there's a tool wow yeah i know this special ek block here how beautiful that thing looks you're gonna get full ihs coverage with this bad boy awesome awesome so take this out and okay unlock still trying to get it out of the box there's a lot of steps to this man am i supposed to i can't touch the underside of this you're supposed to sing while you pull it out slide that in boom that locked into place sorta so put this guy down that seems like you're careful don't you don't touch it don't touch it two seconds in there okay yeah it's in there it's in there it's in there just gotta get it real hard uh then it's closed one two three sorry compared to a normal cpu install it's a little a little more involved that's it boom we're done are you sure no we're not done what do you think ram or oh no no the water block oh yeah you could do another one first wow yep nice yank on everything oh that's so good um where's our paste uh so do you like set it down and then kind of like work it around a little bit like kind of shimmy it once it's on there yeah do you do that or not no okay well i don't know it's like a soothsayer way of doing it i'm it's my first that's not your first it's just my first time with the with the thread ripper oh and i i missed a line of things oh yeah all right now we've gotta throw the whole thing we gotta wipe up the thermal paste and redo it well if it doesn't go into the notch you just have to hit it just yeah take it a hammer will work so this by itself 64 gigs of ram actually no that's 128 gigs of ram oh 128 that's right yeah this is like supreme overkill for what you're gonna be doing i like to play minecraft uh backwards other way out of the way by the way are you sure yeah you're gonna fry that stick i'm not gonna fry push it in the other way are you sure have you done this before i have totally trashed and stick around doing it backwards [Music] all right you get to do wiring now listen wiring is always the fun part it's so funny this is like very uncomfortable and i can't see anything what's going on here but i'm sure it'll be a nice angle um now what do we have is this is this wire no this is not the wires we're off to a great start where where are the wires being they're in the case they're right there are those are all of that that's what we got to do yeah i thought we were going to run the power supply stuff now oh no no we'll do that toward the end you want to take care of the small stuff first so that the big wires from the power supply are easier to run uh are you a fan of the bread ties uh no take them out they they disgust me they disgust you i mean i didn't know you had such a this case actually so when we get our power supply in here and we like just we just shove all the cables behind this panel and then they're completely hidden you don't even need to use velcro straps or anything i know but i'm gonna know that it's there wow that is beautiful this is really nice it's also kind of heavy oh my god i just thought of something how heavy is this computer gonna be probably close to 80 100 pounds a hundred pounds for a computer it's going to be pretty chunky yeah we got a lot of glue this has to be on my floor now uh no no you could put it on your desk just keep it near a leg so i have my my current pc is being suspended underneath my desk by like a mount i don't think that mountain is going to hold this no yeah i think it's going to be a little low much so this is going to be a floor pc now oh no don't say that oh okay i mean i don't want to put it on my desk because i have the the g9 and it takes up all the space why don't you wall mount the g9 because my desk is in the middle of my room what who who does that me okay so uh plate yep that's the pump right there that's the pump so this is just mounted onto here yeah i'm not sure i have to check and see if it slides in in place of the glass or if it slides in behind i think it slides in behind the glass is there is there a manual [Music] that's probably a dumb question is there a person we can call it is there is there a youtube video we can watch so this this obviously goes on to those tabs like yeah so well that's not right would you like to tell everyone how much you hate usb 3.0 headers now i don't hate them i just they're misunderstood you know dude this distro plate looks so good in here oh yeah it does okay so um this is a modular power supply and i'm told that makes things a lot easier now if we add up the amount of wires that is going into this computer pretty sure you can go around the earth one thing i'm noticing now is that when you have a pc that is of this kind of like high caliber like this high profile uh there's not a lot of instructions you're actually doing pretty good i mean like i'm not having i'm not having to coach you much at all you remember all this pretty well it's not like super difficult no it's raw to be fine to be fair it's really easy at the end of the day but yeah i mean the wiring is i would say probably one of the hardest parts and you're breezing through it so well the wiring is is easy now because the power supply is out of the case uh when everything has to go everywhere and it's not really i mean it's not color coded everything kind of looks the same that's going to be interesting which is worse wiring harness or power supply cables oh wiring harness for sure now if you were the verge make sure your fan is facing inward so that it can breathe installed or just yeah just set it on top that looks good too did the verge really put the oh yeah they did they flipped the fan like inward so that it was pulling in air from the back of the motherboard which yeah that's it's not not a horrible thing to do if you want to have your computer overheat yeah it's not horrible anytime you work on a computer make sure you have garbage bags underneath um just that's a that's a pro tech tip uh does cpu one and two matter as far as placement no no they all do the same thing they should be identical headers okay all right that fits pretty good look at that top and bottom i mean it literally fits almost flush with the base of your motherboard and the top of your motherboard so this is it we're done right this is yeah you could just turn it on we don't need fluid fluids for chumps no we don't need video cards or nothing so is this can we put in video cards now or no uh yeah we actually could um that's probably one of the only other things we need to do to be honest uh we've got the drives in there already we've yeah we've got everything else in there if you wanted we could put a few fans kind of in this area and just have those like maybe set to intake so you have some positive pressure in here do we have fans uh some extras we should if we don't i mean i have some at the house i can always bring them later i got two i got two more two more okay we need one more other than that one i have three more boom there we go so we could totally like get a little intake thing going here and um so what the fans go like right in this little array thing yeah yeah so they'll just mount you can mount them on either the back side here or on the front side and then you'll just have air pulled in uh yeah so the only other i would say difficult part apart from two bending is going to be a graphics card water block installation so we need to put the blocks on the cards and then do they just uh connect through the sides and then uh what do you mean the tubes no no i mean like yeah the tubes for the um are there ports at the sides or they're in the front yeah they're in the front so you have like ports here and then ports here for each card so there's not a lot to the video card really i mean it's just this this wafer i bet you could sell this and then people wouldn't even know dude dude you could sell the box probably for like 200 bucks with a brick in it i'm not no with nothing you just sell the box itself for 200 bucks so we need to take this off correct oh yeah the thermal pads should be removed they'll have new thermal pads included in ek blocks and then we also need to remove the old thermal paste so we have to remove these these guys yep all of that okay so all of this um what what is your method of choice for removing that uh if you had pry tools those would be really handy um but we don't have pry tools so we'll be using a plastic razor uh like oh actually that would probably is it pretty small it's the size of a razor yeah let's use that yo how do you find your way like around this place um i'd like to have a car just like floating in midair with two engines below to my office uh you want to do some pull-ups see what happens uh no thank you air compressor oh my god so we'll be cleaning this up next he's got the air compressor on that is an industrial air compressor which is why it is so loud [Music] i need one of those for my pcdc series oh yeah it's supposed to be a diy thing okay and boom what do you think of the backplate oh the back plate's awesome it's shiny yep very shiny shiny equals good oh it's so much nicer when you have the actual screws that you need yep that took us about 45 minutes off camera to figure out yep all right now we have a completed video card oh this is nice so you'll just put it on that that the first one that you touched there no yep well it's going to be awful tight in here we've got the first card installed this will be the lower card and then we're going to put one more of course up top and that upper the most 16 lane slot and uh the distro pretty much does the rest so i have a bunch of 90 degree bends coming straight into a distribution block up front and it'll be pretty straightforward i think it'll look really nice having a bunch of horizontal lines going across i think freddy's pretty much toast for the day a little bit yeah yeah no i'm good i'm good i'm ready to get this i mean i'm let's go until midnight or whenever who needs sleep i mean compared to working on mclaren's and stuff this is probably a piece of cake i'm not tired at all this seems like it's just it's so fiddly there's so much little like small details and we're all also doing this as a like a pioneering exercise not a ton of people are doing stuff like this this is all custom so there's not any like off-the-shelf solutions so you really have to be creative with a lot of these things you know sometimes you don't know whether it's a specific bolt that you need or you know a standoff or or whatever um like the fan orientation we didn't know how that was gonna go so we have to all think about that before it goes into a build and that's sort of how it works with cars anyway but uh i think it's coming together pretty nicely you know nothing's uh screaming at us yet so we'll see how it goes awesome all right well that's the end of part one i think freddy might be coming over to our place to finish this off we have the you know the tools and stuff for bending but i don't think it'll be too complicated after the fact although we do have so much crap on this table that uh maybe i'll just have to come back here maybe we'll we'll see i mean this is going to be a lot to put into any car and then i'm going to forget lots of things so yeah and a lot of tiny screws too a lot of things just hanging out everywhere so i'll be sure to put them all into one container and then it's going to be impossible that will be lovely that'll be a dane of itself just sorting screws all right everyone thank you for watching i'm doing this awkward vlog thing that i'm not used to doing oh you are so blurry back there i love this bokeh this is nice and uh smash that like button yeah smash that like button yeah i mean freddy you're actually better at this than i am you want to go ahead and uh okay sure so you just yeah i'm not good at this you just saw it yeah this is why i take multiple takes uh so definitely go oh geez so definitely subscribe to greg's channel and his channel subscribe to mine if you want um but uh if you are watching this and not subscribed which usually 50 to 60 percent of people are then uh definitely subscribe because uh you have a lot of stuff to catch up on he has a lot of really really good content oh is that it yeah is that it okay you keep going i mean you're i love it when you um bye-bye bye-bye
Channel: Greg Salazar
Views: 136,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech, pc gaming, computer, how to build a pc, gaming pc, tavarish, tavarish pc, tavarish pc build, crazy pc, crazy pc build, insane computer, expensive computer, rtx 3090, amd, amd threadripper, threadripper 3990X, 64 core, NVLink RTX 3090, dual 3090 build, ekwb, custom loop, custom loop water cooling, custom loop pc build, cars, computers, how to, how to build a gaming pc, pc build, custom pc, gaming computer, extreme pc
Id: Ze8nDE4eliE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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