Building A Chest Mounted Rebreather The O2ptima CM!

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hey everybody Steve blue Shawn here today we're going to talk about the Dive Right Optima cm it's a chest mounted rebreather it's one of the most versatile rebreathers on the market and I want to actually explain to you why we're going to go through break it down piece by piece show you the internal workings of it I'm going to actually build the unit for you so stay tuned I hope you like this video if you haven't done so already hit that like button hit that Bell subscribe to this channel let's get started [Music] thank you foreign ly versatile self-contained and travel ready the Optimus CM will change the way you think about rebreathers the chest mounted design easily attaches to almost any harness using four bolt snaps this means it's fully compatible with your current open circuit diving system be it side mount back mounted doubles or even a single tank any harness that can accommodate two high shoulder d-rings and two waste d-rings will accept the Optima CM the rebreather can easily be added or removed for any mission on the fly or even underwater now let's take this rebreather let's build it from the ground up and let's get this thing ready to go in the water before you build your unit you want to make sure you follow your checklist and remember you should never dive with a known failure you will notice there are four O2 cells one is dedicated to the HUD we're going to take Phillips screwdriver and we're going to take off the screw and actually open the head up so you can see inside gently remove the pre-mixed tube you can detach it as well if you notice the solenoid is right there we also have the wiring harness and of course the 402 cells will reattach [Music] now it's time to grab and attach our nerd foreign [Music] let's now attach the HUD [Music] we're going to now turn on the HUD you'll see that it'll show that it is oriented the correct way the red line at the bottom you'll see it will blink eight times that is showing a 0.2 or a 0.21 which is ambient air we are now going to turn on the nerd we're going to now check the millivolts on the HUD sensors at ambient air it's showing 11.6 11.7 and a 13.1 this is well within the proper range that Dive Right recommends you'll want to write this down on your checklist all right at this time we're going to take a look at the O-rings on the head as well as the water trap making sure that there is absolutely no dings Nicks and that everything's seated well I'm going to take a little bit of tri-loop on my finger and very lightly coat everything I'm going to make sure also that the pre-mix tube which is that plastic straw looking thing is actually the O-ring is pulled up about an inch and a half I'm now looking at the canister making sure that the Delrin canister is not ding nicked cracked or scratched everything looks good here I'm going to take my EAC cartridge you'll notice the markings that are pointing up we want to make sure that is in fact up and we're going to slide that in now we're going to take our little nut there and we're going to screw it in making sure it is aimed downward you'll see it can flip depending on what type of sword you're doing if you're doing the granular or the EAC cartridge it will be opposite all right now we're going to take the canister with the cartridge installed and we're going to line up the arrows and very cautiously take that pre-mix tube I'm going to slide it in line it up and you'll feel it seat it'll clip now I'm going to take my water trap and I'm going to also line it up and press it down you'll feel it seat I turn it slightly and then I lay it on its side and finish turning all arrows line up all right at this point you'll want to do a pressure test on your canister by blowing on one side holding with your hand now I'm going to take my calibration caps and I'm going to install them as so make sure that the one that has the gasket is on the left on the head now I'm going to take the first stage of the regulator and cautiously screw it into the O2 bottle now I'm going to take the hose I'm going to connect it when you turn that on you want to go real slow we'll do that just in a moment but first we need to connect the nerd and the HUD if you're using a petrol it's the same exact thing I do not have a petrol to show during this video now we'll connect the Hub once that's connected I'll turn on the HUD I'm going to check my O2 cells on my nerd I'm going to very carefully open up the O2 not too fast you'll hear me back it down take a listen once my po2 is stabilized I look at my millivolts and they're well within the manufacturer's range I'm going to take these millivolts and write them down in my checklist [Music] it's time to calibrate the nerd controller click calibrate I confirm and there you have it it's time to calibrate the HUD we turn it on by pressing once if we press two times it'll bring us to the calibration menu we hold down firmly for all the lights to Blink it'll cycle through and it should blink a solid yellow a solid green once signifying a 1.0 and we are good I'm going to start to take everything apart here and get ready to start installing everything on the counter lungs I'm taking off the calibration caps I'll put those away foreign the first stage off of the dim on the O2 bottle set that aside we'll reinstall that later now I'm going to take some Tri Loop just a very little amount I'm going to apply it on all of the O-rings I don't want to use too much on this just enough now I'm going to grab my water trap tubes I take the white one and I firmly grab and press it in cautious not to hurt the bag on the inside and then of course the black one goes on the right side the shorter one once those are installed it's time to assemble the dsv and hoses you'll want to inspect the dsv and mouthpiece again a little bit of tri-loop just lubricate on the inside lightly it is very important to be checking to make sure everything's at the correct orientation turn and it'll should click kind of spin everything making sure that it's all proper do the same on the other side press spin click we're going to make sure that the air is moving in the right direction now it's time to assemble the dsv and hoses onto the counter lungs press and spin make sure this is tight again press spin make sure not to cross thread make sure it's tight and it is good to go making sure everything is the correct orientation not flipped now it's time to install the nerd what I like to do is I like to take the end of the nerd first slide it through the bungees once it's through the bungees I will put it through the bag and you'll see there are two holes on the right side I will actually go through open the velcro slide my hand in push that through and then route it through the other hole like so pulling in the excess wire and spinning it and then taking that velcro you'll see in a moment and I like to press that velcro holding the wires like so now I'm taking my HUD doing the exact same thing now I use my HUD differently I do not mount it on my dsv but I am going to route that through those holes again pulling it through all the way through I'll pull it I'll put it up through that little Loop right there so I can grab it if needed on my dive but then I'm going to take the excess I'm going to pull it on that wire spin it maybe a few times and I'm going to tuck it and put it in with that velcro piece and tuck it inside so it is stowed away now what I like to do is take a little bit of tri-loop not much and just coat the ends of those connectors I do this every time just to make sure there's no corrosion everything's looking good now it's time to install the head onto the counter lumps get ready and line everything up we're going to be placing those batteries inside the bungees there I like to have the blue wire coming out from the right side I'll tuck that excess there inside you'll see goes inside there I like to have the green wire coming out from the left side and you'll understand why in a moment here it's just an easier way more clean way to Route those wires now when you're doing this and you're lining up the counter lungs and you're trying to thread everything onto the head be cautious not to cross thread and if it if you feel like it's not screwing in as easily as it should stop back it up and do it again and I had a little bit of trouble on the left side so I stopped went to the right side lined it up the right side end went in much easier and you'll see that you want to make sure these are snug nice and tight grab with two hands and crank it there you go on this side I finally got it and yes there goes threads nice and easy making sure it's nice and tight all right so once everything is done now I'm going to start connecting my wires green to green blue to Blue tighten those up just ensuring that the cables do not get bent or disconnected again connect it tuck everything away now it's time to clip everything and secure it I like to give it a good little pull just to make sure it's tight and we're good to go looks nice now we're going to grab our oxygen hose and we're going to place it like so and then we're going to grab and attach the other side of the hose to the oxygen MAV once that is connected we're going to attach it to the head this should only be finger tight you don't want to use any tools for this this is the oxygen solenoid hose we're going to make sure that the inline shut off on the Y block is turned on and is locked now I'm going to install the oxygen hose but first what I'll do is I'll take the oxygen bottle and I'm going to put it in like so I like to slide it a little bit left and then go to the right makes it a little easier I like to line up everything so it's centered as much as possible now I'm going to connect the first stage onto the din of the oxygen cylinder and I'm going to connect the oxygen hose to the Y block by sliding underneath and I'm going to make sure that I lock this down using the little plastic locking clip then I like to spin it underneath this is important if not it will become unclipped looks like we're all ready to go we are ready for the next step we're now going to do our negative pressure test for 30 seconds sucking all of the air out of the counter lungs you'll see the hoses are Contracting we'll look to see if those hoses expand or if we hear any hissing if that's the case and we have a leak somewhere everything's looking good no leaks we're going to release let the air back in now it's time to do our positive pressure test for two minutes we're going to blow air into the counter lump we're going to completely fill it we're going to tighten our opv and we're going to close it and leave it for two minutes again feeling it listening for any hissing if all is good then we're ready to move on to the next step it's important to check your o2's pressure and write that down on your checklist before you pre-breathe you want to make sure your set point is at a 0.5 and that your oxygen is fully turned on you might also want to open up the opv slightly to make it easier to breathe hold your nose the entire time you want to pre-breathe for no less than five minutes the entire time you want to be checking that your po2 is able to reach setpoint if everything works out good then you're ready to go [Music] I've been dreaming not in my head like I've seen it a life worth living is demon [Music] [Music] now we say I need a break time staying strong need to move on to beat what I want I'll keep dreaming [Music] [Music] I wanna be so hard
Channel: Dive Current
Views: 2,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dive Rite, Optima CM, O2ptima CM, Chest Mounted Rebreather, Chest Mounted CCR, Choptima, Cho2ptima, Rebreather, best rebreather, building a rebreather, rebreather build, scuba, scuba diving, lamar hires, jared hires, gilboa quarry, side mount rebreather
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2022
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