Building a Brick Rocket Stove - Rocket Forge Experiment

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hey everyone Nick here so I'm back at the grass hut today I'm going to be working on a different project now somebody suggested that I build a rocket stove and I got to thinking about it I've built small rocket stoves before but I was wondering if I could build a bigger one to forge it so today I'm going to be building a brick rocket stove and seeing if maybe we can make a Forge out of it so we'll call this the rocket Forge experiment here we go I'm planning on putting it over here so I'm going to pull out all of this grass kind of clear this area and then this section that I have cordoned off with this bamboo I'm going to be taking down to soil so that I have a nice flat base that won't catch fire and we'll see how everything comes together all right now that this section is cleared we can start setting it up so now I'm going to start building the rocket stove and I'm basing this off of a video done by Survival common sense he built a really neat simple brick stove and I'm gonna modify it a little bit to see if I can get it up to the point where I can Forge with it so I'm going to be doing some modifications and once I build it I might tweak it a little bit but for right now this is going to be my base I've got three cinder blocks side-by-side and then one on the end this is going to be where the fire chamber is on top so I wanted this to be one solid brick then this year will be if I wanted to add a tool rest or a rest four sticks or work pieces so let me start putting this together so I've got these five bricks in here this one is removable in case I want the air to run all the way through and this is just a placeholder while we put some of this rebar wire down that way we can have an area so we can place wood on top and still have air come up underneath here so right in here is going to be our main air chamber where air is going to come in and then on top of this is going to be where everything is going to get burned I'm going to start by cutting this wire and laying it across from front to back so now that I bet on my wire cut I'm going to be putting down four more bricks to lock everything in place and then I'm putting this brick in the back this is going to be a removable brick so I can open this up in case I need to forge longer thing all right now I'm going to remove this brick then I'm just going to start stacking up my bricks here it is so I'm going to go ahead and see if we can get it started all right so I'm going to see if I can get this thing to start I just wanted to give a shout out to fire strikers comm there are a local company here and they make these strikers it's got a magnesium rod and a Ferro rod in it it's also got a piece of padieu con it and this is kind of neat the idea behind this is that if you wanted to you could scrape this down to make tinder if you didn't have anything available so here we go all right let's get that in there that is looks like it's working pretty good so far okay so since I'm going to try and use it as a forge I need an anvil to beat on so I've got this twelve pound sledge hammer head I'm going to be sinking it into the ground right here and just using it as a ground level ándale I'm really inspired by the way the commies and Nepal work with kukris and this is the type of anvil that's most commonly used just a sledge hammer driven in the ground everything's diet ground level the forge is at ground level the anvil is at ground level so I'm going to give it a shot all right now that I've got my hole put this in there it seems to fit pretty well so now I'm just going to drive it in there's no anvil so the rocket stove is going and I'm going to see if I can get this file hot enough to Forge this worked really well as a stove though it didn't work so well as a Forge I think part of the problem was that because of this here there was a separation between the hot coals that fell through the bottom and the burning wood so I think I'm going to take this out and try again I might be able to get enough heat to Forge because the like this file was getting red-hot not quite the forging temperature but it was getting close so I'm gonna try that again see if that works but that's all the time I have for today I managed to get a little bit more done on the grass hut hopefully I'll be able to get the rest of the bottom done pretty soon and I think the other levels would be much easier because I'm really trying to make this bottom level as dense as I can so that's it thanks for watching I'll see you guys next time bye you
Channel: Nicholas Tomihama
Views: 379,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Backyard, Bowyer, Tomihama, DIY, rocket stove, outdoor cooking, survival stove, wood stove
Id: hZQ3O1XuKAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 06 2016
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