Building a Beautiful Porch & Baking Traditional Bread | Amir's Family Project

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let's play, Shadoo. hmm. The color of our hats is the same. turn off the stove when it boils. let me add some seed leaf. did you add the required stuff? yes. Remember to pour water into the pot, close the lid, and let it cook on low heat. OK. tell Ghadir to set the time. is the kettle clean? I will wash it now. this is my hat. no, it is Tiyanaz's. why does it like this, Shadoo? where is my hat? you have two hats here, my dear. this is yours. give him another hat. I want another one. Your hat shields your face from the sun all around, but Tiynaz's hat only shields her from one side. your hat is cute. let me find his another hat. look at Aynaz... look at me... Shadmehr, come here. you must not go next to the hives again. otherwise, the bees may sting you. look at your cheek. I want to eat the bees. as you wish. come here. do you want to eat the bees or their honey? they may sting you again. let them produce honey, then you can eat the honey. I know your meaning was honey. come here, my dears. tell me, Shadmehr. Ghadir! yes? turn down the stove, Mahin. Milad, come and help us with the dishes. come here, Ghadir. take some dishes. you are so handsome, my son. Milad, he shouldn't put on his pants up there. he is handsome. Let Shadmehr take the glasses, Milad. let me kiss you, Shadmehr, my son. Shadmehr! Hassan, look at Shadmehr. do you want to sit next to me, Shadmehr? hello, Mr. Shadmehr. sit down, my dear. who has put on your pants like this, my dear? no, my son is handsome. my dear son. it is beautiful. Mashallah. sit down next to me. is it enough, Tiya? sit down here next to me. is it Kebab? no, it isn't Kebab. it is stew. my son, sit down cross-legged. like this. you are a man now. pour more stew for Aynaz. give this bowl to Shadmehr. this is yours, Shadmehr. sit down cross-legged. sit down cross-legged. I'll give you a spoon. here you are, Dad. sit down cross-legged like Aynaz. decrease it, Hassan. do you want some raisin? give me the spoons. let's eat. Bismillah. I want a fork. a fork? here you are. come here, Mahin. give me that spoon, Ghadir. do you want some meat, my son? put the meat there. they can pick whatever they like. please give me that fork, Ghadir. We need to create a platform here, Hassan. To start, we'll lay down a row of stones and then add soil to the area, smoothing it out. After that, we'll put up three beams to make a shaded area. come back, my dear. the bees may sting you again. I'm going to carpet Teddy and Leopard's new home. why? don't dig it, Hassan. we're going to build a platform here and after that, build a shaded area. follow me, Teddy and Leopard. let's carpet your home. Shadmehr. carpet it properly, Ghadir. also, don't forget to feed them. is it beautiful, Tiya? I appreciate your opinion. go and bring an Aftabeh of water, Tiya. what? ask Mahin to bring an Aftabeh of water. say "I want it for my Uncle". what should I bring? water. for what? just bring an Aftabeh of water. don't ask the reason. Have you built a new house for the dogs? yes, my dear. do you want to feed the dogs, Aynaz? yes, let me feed Teddy, he is more kind. they have a cute home. wait. hold this dish, Aynaz. no, I'm scared. don't worry. they won't bother you. no, they will come to me. he licked your head, Ghadir. don't lie. OK, come here. come down. where is another dish? Leopard and Teddy, you have a beautiful home. do you agree, Tiya? hurry up, Leopard. eat your food. Teddy will come and eat it. Teddy closes his eyes when he eats. Leopard will finish his dish faster. Leopard is clever. come and water the garden, Ghadir. I have watered them recently. we have to water them later. you can go now. we are watching them. watching what? let's go. measure it properly. 4.5 meters. good. come to this side. it's good. wait. move your hand a little bit. don't go to that side. why have you installed the alignment string there? we can change it. Hassan! change the alignment string position. little child. what are you doing, Aynaz? Aynaz, let's play with the tire. give me some water, Ajav. Ghadir, I want to carry a stone. what? a stone. come. go. tae the stones. I can take it. yes, you are doing well. place one more stone. *hard to hear* it is under the cabinet. where should I unload the stones? up there? I think it's better to start from that side. *hard to hear* remove it. it is in the passage. don't tire yourself, Mahin. enough. let me assist Hassan. come here, Milad. can you move it without destroying it, Hassan? it's not possible, Mom. remove the roof first. Hassan has built that doghouse. let me move the roof. take it, Mom. where should I place it? wherever you want. we have to stack these bricks behind this building, Dad. good idea. so break the walls. *kidding* they are not lots of bricks, Ghadir. those stones are to build the row, Milad. don't break the bricks if it is possible. bring them out completely. we should fill that hole with soil. break this stone. remove these bricks, Ghadir. they're talking about destroying the old doghouse. gather the complete bricks. separate the complete bricks, Ghadir. bring the hammer and break this. *unintelligible* it came out from this clod. how big it is. what is that, Ghadir? a Diplopoda. look at this. come and sit here, Shadmehr. don't move the stones. sit down, you and Tiyanaz. can you help me in cleaning these Deramas? you are cute, my son. clean it like this. no, it is not like that. look at me and learn how to do it. Maman cleans them like this. look at Tyianaz. she is doing it well. bravo. Bravo, Shadmehr. this is not Berenjas, my son. it is Derama. look... Berenjas has a yellow flower. this is Dareme. can you repeat its name? Delama. we boil it with tea and drink it. it is delicious. also, it is beneficial to cure coldness. like Owrishom and Pashmuk. is it good? yes, if you catch a cold, I will give you some Derama. let him go with Ghadir and herd the flock today. it is delicious with tea. yes, it is. is it enough? when you go to the mountain with Ghadir, pick some Derama. I want a big one. OK. let me set them. I want a big one. a large one? look at me and learn how to clean them. I can do it. bravo, Tiyanaz. look how much Derama she has cleaned. Shadmehr helped me too. I am cleaning it for Shadoo. a large set. give me a large one. like this? who is in the car? Shadmehr or Ghadir? Aynaz. yes? come here, my dear. Grandma! yes? he likes the car. yes. I want to set up small collections. these stones prevent the sand from spreading everywhere, Ghadir. don't go on top of the sand, Shadmehr. go and bring some water, Shadoo. don't go in the sand, my dear. Shadmehr! Ghadir! yes? can you give me one of the shovels? where do you want to go? in the pickup truck. it's dangerous. I want to go. why are you placing these stones around the sand, Hassan? I want to prevent the sand from spreading everywhere. who did it? don't do that. be careful, Shadmehr. give me back Shadmehr's at. you may fall, my son. be careful. give Shadmehr's hat. come here, dear Tiyanaz. you have to put on your slippers properly. put off this slipper. and this one. bravo, good girl. grab this tray, Milad. wait a moment. come and drink some fruit juice. let's drink some fruit juice. come here, Ghadir. let's sit there and drink fruit juice. very good. do you want more? no, thanks. come here, Ghadir. bring some stones. I placed some stones around the sand, Dad. good job. give a glass of fruit juice to Baba Amir. enough. Aynaz: give me a glass for Ajav. Ask Mahin to fill your glass. do you want more? don't you want? make a full cement concrete, Hassan. then strengthen the row with it. here you are, Ajav. thank you. have you drunk fruit juice? yes. Aynaz, can you bring the rolling pin for me? let me help you in making dough balls. no, I don't need help now. I almost did it. you can help the boys. I want to feed the chickens with this. feeding the chickens? yes. do it, my dear. don't get yourselves dirty. are you baking bread? yes, we are. we're baking bread to eat. can I eat the dough? no, you can't. we have to bake it. Grandma wants to bake it. Ajav, should I start baking? don't be in a hurry, my daughter. Ghadir, Have you watered the garden? look at Shadmehr, Grandma. stan up, my dear. give me that rolling pin. go aside, my son. I want to feed the chickens. OK, go and feed them, my sweet son. go aside, my dear. don't touch the dough and the flour. don't make yourselves dirty. go aside, my son. don't remove the fabric. should I bring another rolling pin? yes, if it is possible. don't touch the flour, Shadmehr. I'll come back and help you with baking. don't the boys need your help? not now. place it horizontally. OK. we'll carve it if it is all. Singing: Love me always. Let my trust in you be real. The contrast between your presence and absence is like the difference between life and death. how many stones do we need? a lot. pour more water... more... more... pour water here as well. I need a shovel, Ghadir. bring that shovel, Aynaz. I need it. give me one of them. take that shovel for him. be patient, my son. let me finish baking bread. do you want to pick the loaves of bread? yes, bring the basket. put the basket next to the pan, Shadmehr, my son. *Hard to hear* now we should pour concrete on the row, Hassan. we need stiff concrete. we should flatten the area as well. Hassan. come. I will come back. just give me a moment. please, Shadoo. *baby talk with Shadoo* Ghadir, where are you? where are the other chickens, Ajav? *hard to hear* this chicken is looking for its mother, Ajav? where is it? in the coop? Ghadir! you should go and herd the flock. no one is looking after them in the mountains. look at this, Aunt. bring the concrete to apply, Ghadir. the dough fell down, Aunt. don't leave these coals here. put them in the brazier. we can use them again. these two chickens are looking for their mother. is the hen in the coop? no, I didn't see it enter the coop. it is down there. it will come back. Ghadir, inflate the wheelbarrow tire and bring some concrete with it. eat some bread, my dear. should I lead them to the coop, Ajav? catch them. help Amir in catching the chickens, Ghadir. help him, Milad. my daughter is baking bread. five him some flour, Mahin. let's apply the concrete, Milad. I'm tired... where is the trowel? look at these chickens, Shadmehr. their mother has lost them. don't bother them, my son. I found a piece of dough. dough? put it there. the chickens will eat it. make a full cement concrete and bring it, Ghadir. I'm coming. are there any shovels? yes, there are two shovels here. don't waste the water, my dear. come here, Master Ghadir. where? here. bring the shovel, Hassan. is it good? pour more concrete. bring the gloves for Milad. they are in the niche. give them to Milad. don't cover the stone face. which hand, Milad? left or right? left hand. look at Aynaz's home. wear it, Milad. hold the wheelbarrow, Ghadir. pour more concrete, Hassan. cover this stone. we have lots of concrete, Hassan. was it too much? yes. let me fold it, Tiya. do you want to keep baking bread? what are you doing, Tiyanaz? do the chickens eat it? do you eat some bread, my dear? let me separate it for you. it's hot. give my daughter some bread. should I cover them with the tablecloth? yes, it keeps them soft. it is heavy. someone should pull it. Mashallah. take it there. even if you say "Mashallah" four times, I can't carry it anymore. you can. only one "Mashallah" is enough. turn it and carry it. come and put on your slippers, Shadmehr. put on your slippers. come, my dear. put on your slippers. does it need more water? yes, add some water. *multi-speaker conversation* Ghadir! you're not a child. I'm just playing. apply less concrete, Hassan, my brother. translator: in the Luri language, the word "Gow" means "brother". don't apply concrete here. we have to put more stones behind this row. don't walk on the concreted row. go from that way. what are you building? we're building your home. that's my home. are you eating bread? give Baba some bread. did you see him? give me some bread, my grandson. give me a bite. give me all of it. give me all of it. no, I don't give it to you. my dear. let him eat. apply the concrete here, Hassan. I want to cover that stone. *unintelligible* bring out all of the concrete. Shadmehr! don't touch it, my dear. let it get hard. *muti-speaker conversation* please flatten all this edge, Milad. Shadmehr. good job. Leopard is always sleepy. morning, afternoon, evening. Leopard. Who put your pants on like that? a piece of bread is stuck in my teeth. a piece of bread? I can't bring it out. bring it out. my hand is dirty. let me wash my hands. please wash the wheelbarrow, Ghadir. wait a moment. wash the shovels too. take the shovels and trowel, Ghadir. one week? yes, Tyianaz and Aynaz will stay with us for one week. we have to flatten this area completely. they are talking about installing the beams. Ghadir, water the garden. let me water the garden. Shadmehr. Shadmehr, look at me. place a block here, Hassan. whose shirt this is? how did you open the door? in a way that you don't know. have you planted any flowers here? yes. what kind of flower? water this area/ fill the watering can again. fill it one more time. give me. Tiyanaz, what are you doing? look at your strong Uncle Hassan. Mashallah. water the upper step. here? water the edge of the area. why? what have you planted here. fill it one more time. it isn't needed. I want to water the sunflowers. Tiya. Mahin, what have you planted in this step? cucumber. I mean this edge. we have planted sunflowers there. will you go to purchase the planks tomorrow, Hassan? if the man prepares them. go, Ghadir. I won't do it again. once more, please. I won't do it anymore. Shadmehr should ride it. come here. sit. I may fall. I may fall. so what do you want to do? Shadoo is a little child and can't handle it like you.
Channel: Daral - Iranian lifestyle
Views: 150,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Family project, porch building, traditional bread, home improvement, DIY porch, bread baking, family bonding, homemade bread, construction, baking, Amir's family, Milad and Mahin, cooking, architecture, local bread, teamwork, outdoor space, culinary skills, home renovation, baking tutorial, vesht, plerd, peren, daral, viral
Id: KN7dBRyHyuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 53sec (4253 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2024
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