Building 4 in 1 Workshop (Homemade table saw, router table, disc sander, jigsaw table)
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Channel: Gökmen ALTUNTAŞ
Views: 11,932,749
Rating: 4.8207097 out of 5
Keywords: homemade table saw, table saw, el yapımı tezgah testere, router table, homemade router table, freze tezgahı, disc sander, homemade disc sander, jigsaw table, homemade jigsaw table, homemade scroll saw, disk zımpara makinası, самодельный стол пила, sierra de mesa casera, serra de mesa caseiro, hausgemachte Tischkreissäge, 自製的台鋸, tabela de roteador caseiro, mesa de fresado hecho en casa, lijadora de disco hecho en casa, lixadeira de disco caseiro, sierra de calar hecho en casa
Id: ZGTIxb5esAQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 29 2016
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