BuildASoil: WELCOME TO THE 10x10: Episode #1

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come on in the front door here let me show you so let's go on in and take a look at the grow [Music] come on in welcome to the build a soil 10 by 10. so just to get to this 10 by 10 setup where we're doing these videos it's actually been over eight years in the making and evolved into this warehouse where you see the 10 by 10 and into a 30 by 144 greenhouse that we have next door to the property and we actually sell fresh produce here in the store and we distribute to a number of restaurants around colorado and that's lended us some confidence right we know that what we does what we do works not only with the cannabis but also with the vegetables and because we have that confidence because we know we don't need to bring in any chemicals any pesticides any gmos any of the stuff that they typically say you're going to need we've proven it from end to end year to year back to back multiple grows that you don't require that you can get better quality and you can get all of the yield and instead of just teaching you a snippet here and there we want to show you the entire system because organics and nature take an entire ecosystem and so that's what we want to show off here that's why we have the 10 by 10 and that's where build the soil is coming from we're transparent with our ingredients and we're actually going to teach you our recipes how to make them from scratch so you don't have to buy anything from us we just want to empower organic growers by providing the best quality products and free education so if you have a question along the way make sure to write it down here because we actually read every single comment on these videos and it's really important to us because others might benefit from your question so please don't just skip through subscribe to these videos hit the like button make sure that you're interacting and asking questions and if you know somebody that would benefit from this send it to them you know when we do this a lot it's hard to remember what the beginning questions were we need that [Music] we've got the gorilla grow tent 10 by 10 and this is their heavy duty grow tent with a 10 by 10 it gives us more ability to instruct let me show you the tent if you look up and around you can see that it's got all these different poles to hang stuff off of it's got vents for tubes to come in and out of it's all ready and if you look at this area over here there's a a one foot divider you can actually set up your tent to be right here at this height by dropping this down but it comes with the extra one foot extension and an extra one foot piece of pull and so you can make it a foot taller they actually sell a two foot extension kit and you can make it two feet taller and so there's a lot of flexibility with this tent depending on what you're doing what kind of grow lights and so that brings me over to the grow lights i'm going to grab these glasses these leds are really bright and i want to look at them these are the led full spectrum grow glasses and they are made by method seven we just got the most affordable pair because they're just here for the grow room and it really makes a difference on your eyes and up here as i look these are the cypress eight there are eight bars of led strips they're one of my favorite grow lights we're going to be using them in these two areas they're both the same light and then over here in this area i'm going to break it down by quadrant but in this area we've got cobs or chip on board it's a big led instead of hundreds of small leds and this 50 watt cob there are 12 of them so this is a 600 watt setup these are over 700 watts and then above the vegetables in this quadrant four we've got a really interesting uh do-it-yourself setup they're 100 watts it's a vero cob and i had these in the garage at my house i just brought them down clipped a wire onto it super easy to grow food in an area like this so now that we've discussed these grow lights i'm going to take my glasses off and i'm going to talk about each one of these quadrants what you can expect in the coming months that we're going to document and why you might want to watch along um so in this front quadrant we're actually going to be moving the lettuce out of here but this is there because we have extra space these are jericho lettuce heads i'm gonna actually move this into the food growing quadrant four and we're gonna take two earth boxes and we're gonna grow them in this area part of what we're doing to highlight the difference is we're gonna do a brand new earth box which i'll show you we'll put some wheels on it so it rolls around like this one but it's got a special tray that holds the soil and a reservoir below that will hold the water and what's so unique about this is that means the the water roots can go deep and drink pure clean water while feeder roots up top are going to eat the compost and organic amendments we put in here and in that way it's a powerhouse and one of the most unique components about this is that it is a self-watering device so that it comes with a black tube and you put it in there before you put the soil in and you're just going to water down there and that's all the roots will do the rest of the job it wicks the moisture and it makes you a professional because watering is really one of the hardest parts there is about gardening getting that right allows you access to nutrients and it allows you to grow healthy plants and then over here this one you notice is already full we actually grew the max stomper in this one in the last round then i'll show you a peek under here we put some cover crop and chopped it down and look at all the mycelium growing in here what that's from is from the kashi blend and the craft blend that we put in here and you can't feel this but in underneath here it's a little bit warm and it's stimulating the biological activity on top of the cover crop over the weekend i sprinkled a little bit of worm castings and now this is just growing with life we're going to keep it in the dark let it keep decomposing and we're going to reuse this soil so we'll have a new one and a used one and we're going to grow two earth boxes underneath the 600 watt timber cob setup and i can't wait to show you how to do the earth boxes but over here we're going to quadrant two quadrant two is going to have these cypress eight that we talked about and we're going to be growing cannabis as well we've got them spread out kind of absorbing the light that we're getting kind of together in the carrier tray and i really need to transplant these to one gallon in fact if you just take a look i'll grab one they're very healthy but they're ready to go i like to keep them mobile meaning i don't want them to get root bound i want them to be ready to go and if you look they've got healthy roots they're ready to go to the next cycle and so it's time we're going to transplant these in one gallon show you how we sex them we're going to move this white table and we're going to unfold this 3x3 grassroots planter bed you can see right here and it's a three by three it's a foot and a half deep which is really nice it holds like 11 cubic feet of soil um and to give you a little bit of room still and that creates a big ecosystem and the plants really produce well it doesn't take a lot of effort not everybody can put this much soil in one place it weighs a lot you might be on a third story you might be renting and not want to have this much non-movable soil but if you really like no-till this is kind of the end goal and i want to show you what it looks like and then alternative to that if you're thinking hey a 3x3 bed tons of soil in one space may not be for me i want to show you to show you that it might be worth it for you but we're also going to highlight over here in quadrant three another method and i'm probably most excited for this because normally we do 15 gallons or larger and this is only one bag of soil seven and a half gallons and it's in a ten gallon container and so over here we're going to use one of each of our recipes to really highlight the differences and talk about why you would use each soil we're going to put one female plant into each one of these and show you how we brew teas do top dressing and even use some of our organic fertilizers here to get the quality that we're after but still get the yield out of a smaller container and then over here you're going to see how much less work you can do to get the same quality and yield out of a 3x3 container and then a lot of our customers do more than just grow cannabis they want to grow their own food some people came because they grew food fur they grew their food first and so over here we're doing some indoor growing i've actually just watered so it mattered it down a little bit and we've harvested some yesterday today i brought a wood bowl and some salad dressing and i'm actually going to harvest a whole salad out of here and it's kind of like a slice we would take i'm going to keep going around and in about a week or two after harvesting it'll be fully grown again and so you can take food out of here every day and then it grows back we're gonna be constantly harvesting filling these racks with food and rotating crops in here so you can see how your family might eat from your grow tent seven days a week and i want to show you the highlights of that because eating fresh grown fully vital food right from living soil without shipping it around the country literally when it's alive chopping it putting it in your food bowl putting on your burgers tacos just adding it to your regular diet without having to change everything can really change your health and that we think health is really your wealth and we'd like to share that and so this is what we're going to document right here some kale we've also got um some of this miner's lettuce it's not doing as well in here it's actually a cold weather crop and it's really warm in here so we might change that up but really fun to show how one might grow food we're also going to do some sprouts we're going to be doing different seed germination different food propagation sprouting so we're going to have lots to teach you along the way for this 10 by 10 grow tent journey up top you see we have this little power strip it's actually an intelligent power strip and it's running the lights it's running the humidifier it's running the fans we're going to talk about how we did that and how you might automate it either with regular timers with bluetooth and wi-fi products or just doing it manually what you can expect so in here with four different quadrants one earth box one 3x3 one with the 10 gallons and one with the food i think we're gonna have something for everybody if you've made it this far you have questions please be sure to put them in the comments section again what helps us here is uh subscribe hit the like button share it with your friends we're really excited to make more content people have been asking us to record videos and we needed a space to do it and this will allow us to show off over the coming months every step in the process from planting the seeds transplanting putting them in different containers and more importantly seeing the differences as we go between the watering how much work is needed to put in we're going to teach you both how to do it efficiently how to get to that harvest and because we have this entire 10 by 10 we'll be able to show you every step of the way with good audio with a good video so that you can get all of the benefits of these recordings so we appreciate your time watching and like i said before if you need anything just reach out we've got a whole crew here that loves this stuff we'd love to answer them
Channel: BuildASoil
Views: 76,096
Rating: 4.9513345 out of 5
Keywords: buildasoil, build a soil, 10x10 grow tent, 10x10 gorilla grow tent, gorilla grow tent, indoor greenhouse, 10x10 indoor greenhouse, how to grow vegetables in a grow tent, living soil grow tent, organic indoor growing, organic living soil green house, living soil 10 gal pots, living soil 3x3 bed indoors, how to use living soil indoors, build a soil light potting soil, yt:cc=on, how to living soil in grassroots fabric raised bed, grassroots 3x3 raised bed fabric pot, 3.0 soil
Id: MQw6Rbw5V14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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