Build your own Tall Wood Planters

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tall tapered planners like these can be so expensive if you want to build them yourself they look intimidating right well in this video I'm going to make it easy and cost-effective to build this planner I'm using cedar fence pickets some 1 by 2 and 1 by 3 furring strips using a speed square tape measure safety glasses a circular saw and an 18 gauge brad nailer I'll also use a drill later on in the project [Music] all right so I've decided to try a little bit different way of building this tapered planner just because there is a lot of cuts and there's a lot of cuts at an angle so what if you don't have a miter saw and you know it gets really time-consuming to make all these little tiny cuts so I thought what if I lay out all of the cedar fence pickets and you can go as many or as few as you want and then I just cut four one by twos to the width of all the fence pickets so I'm right at 22 inches and then I took my speed square and marked a five degree angle on top of the cedar fence pickets I'm just gonna lay out the first 1x2 on top of the cedar fence pickets this is kind of like quilting where you'll cut you know so fabric together and then cut it all at the same time so you're not making a zillion little tiny cuts you're attaching the fabric together first and then cutting them all at once so it reduces the number of cuts and it also gets you a more accurate cut it's you know when you work at an angle it's really hard to get exact cuts from a long point to a short point if that makes sense so I'm just nailing the 1 by 2's to the top of the fence pickets with one-inch Brad nails and I'm you want to make sure you're not going too long with your nails so they go through your cedar fence pickets so what I'm gonna do here is make the next side and don't worry about writing all this down I have the free project plans that have the exact pattern of where you need to nail every board and how far the spacing should be and all that so just enjoy and watch and if you want a builder you can head on over there and download those plans and this will all make sense so no need to take notes ok so you can see here I've got two sides already created and then two additional sites that aren't attached to one by twos that will attach later steps and then I thought you know what let me go ahead while all these boards are attached together and cut that angle at the on the end at a 5 degree as well I'm just gonna go ahead and mark it that's the 5 degree and you don't have to use a 5 degree but I wouldn't recommend anything more so you could use a smaller taper like a 2 or a 3 degree but anything more than a 5 degree that the taper is gonna be pretty heavy okay so it's really easy to cut all these boards when you can just clamp one down and cut them instead of having a clamp multiple so I'm gonna go ahead and take care of cutting that end off and getting that 5 degree cut on that entire end is it all making sense what I'm doing now alright so these will be the three pieces that all attach them later steps and I'm you just follow the 1x2 don't cut into it just cut right alongside of it [Music] there they are all cut so I'm gonna say if you aren't experienced with the circular saw this is probably not the first project that you want to try because you do need to run that saw blade right next to that one by two it's not hard to do but definitely it takes a little bit of practice to get it just right and you can see I use that 1 by 3 to support the other end of my circular saw foot just so that I can hold that circular saw exactly level as I'm cutting all right so I'm going to trim off that end while I still got a lot of material to work with and it's easy to clamp to my table so all those little pieces falling to the ground are just gonna be scraps alright last cut in this one so I had been kind of dreading building these tapered planners because it's thinking of all these cuts and it's going to be time-consuming and are all the angles going to match up but seriously I'm into this project about 10 15 minutes at this point and that's all the scraps that are left over all right so assembly time so I wanted to have like the framed corners on the outside of the cedar fence pickets just so it gives the planner kind of more of a finished look so I am adding some one by threes to those one by twos this is gonna serve as really the structure for this project so I'm using glue and I think I put an inch and a quarter nails there so this is not hard and then I'm just lining my 1 by 3 up with my 1 by 2 so you may be thinking you know why would planners why not just buy a plastic planter and there was there's quite a few reasons one these are really inexpensive so depending on how cheap you can get your cedar fence pickets the planners can range from anywhere from like 10 to 15 dollars to 20 to 30 dollars so very inexpensive especially if you're making a lot of them and you know if you're trying to add that rustic wood grain to the exterior of your home this is a great way of doing it you're using real wood and it's just going to add a texture that you can't get with plastic um the other thing is with plastic it's not biodegradable so if in 5-10 years you're like I'd like to you know change up the look of the front of my house the plastic container is not biodegradable so it's gonna live indefinitely in a landfill whereas the cedar is not only is it biodegradable but it's renewable so this is just such a better choice and it's expensive you don't have to it's not gonna be very painful if in 10 years you decide you want something different so that's why I love wood you know it's it's just a better more responsible choice for home projects especially if you're like me and you're always updating and changing your mind okay so if did that make sense what I'm doing here I just took those boards that I'd cut off and just started laying them inside the planter and nailing them down with nails you can see I'm at a little bit of an angle that's to provide a little bit of a strength and also because I got lazy and kept the inch and a quarter nails in and if I went into angle it makes the what a little bit longer so my nail doesn't come through the end okay so I mean that is it I think it just turned out beautiful I was really like in shock here so I loved it so much I wanted to add a little bit more strength to it so I have some inch and a quarter screws and the structure is really in those corners so I'm just adding a couple screws to the top and the bottom row of the cedar fence pickets to give it some more rigidness isn't that pretty if I will say the corners at the top and the bottom are not going to be perfect on these guys the only way you're gonna get that is if you do like a double bevel on the corners but I didn't think it was necessary because my plants are gonna cover that whole top so I felt like this was just fine I just wanted to make those wood grain pop just to give you that benefit of it not being plastic so I'm using this clear cedar finish it does have a slight tint to it I think it is just really a pretty classic light wood look [Music] the taper planters are all done and I put the stain on them and they look really fantastic but now what so you could put just a plastic pot in there and grow a plant in there the other thing you could do is just put landscaping fabric and throw soil in there but that's a lot of wasted soil if this it's not on a deck say it's just out in your landscaping what you could do is fill the bottom with like large rocks something to keep it in place then put landscaping fabric down and then fill it with soil so you're not filling the entire thing with soil and you know spending a lot of money on soil but what if you wanted on your deck and you don't have a potted plant so I want to show you how to kind of put a false bottom in here just feeding it some scrap wood that I have nothing fancy is needed here so just kind of figure out how deep you want that soil to go down so you know different types of plants will need more or less soil and then just take a measurement so and you don't have to be exact here so I'm getting about 70 motion I'm going to cut two of these at 17 inches but I'm gonna recommend throwing a screw you know those internal order ones in each corner and hold it in place [Music] okay so that's that'll bottom in there so you can screw those down nail them down you can set a pot in there now or landscape fabric and fill it with soil and you're good to go [Music] alright guys they're all done I found some trees to put in it and I just love how they turned out you want to build these yourself head on over to my website the link is in the description below and I've got the cut list and the patterns and everything that you need to make these in three different sizes so you can get the exact size I do want to warn you that the large one is very large and even the smaller one is quite considerable in size so I don't know I just wanted to warn you because when you make anyway enjoy building them thank you again for watching this week's video and we'll see you next week [Music]
Channel: Ana White
Views: 448,504
Rating: 4.9494257 out of 5
Keywords: anawhite, ana white, woodworking, build, wood, plans, project, howto, how to, how-to, diy, doityourself, do it yourself, do-it-yourself, easy, simple, 2x4, free plans, make, tutorial
Id: 9e9ZMVcc9iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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