Build YOUR OWN Dockerfile, Image, and Container - Docker Tutorial

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you may have noticed that we spin up all kinds of containers on my channel they range from containers for media consumption containers for creating content containers for monitoring containers for logging and metrics containers for home automation containers for custom code and even containers for gaming and while all these containers are really awesome it gives us a ton of utility i realized that i might have skipped over a very important and essential part of containers and that's creating our own container you might be asking what is a container a container's a standard unit of software that packages up code and all of its dependencies so that applications run quickly and reliably from one environment to another that helps prevent the works on my machine symptoms you sometimes hear in software development but it's even more than just working a docker container image is a lightweight standalone executable package of software that includes everything needed to run an application code runtime system tools libraries and settings think of it like software that has batteries included and so once you bundle all of that up it's called an image and these images become containers when they run and this image can be lifted and shifted to windows mac or linux and it will run the same regardless of infrastructure and that's what makes images so powerful not only during development but also during runtime so that aside i mentioned we want to build our own docker images we're going to create an image that's a little more useful than the typical hello world tutorials you see out there for docker it's going to be a tiny web server to serve out a web page through nginx we're going to make sure we can build it run it and test it on our own machine and then we'll touch briefly on how we can automate this making it repeatable on other machines and we're going to do all of this in a couple of minutes and after that we'll have a custom docker image that we can spin up and self-host in our own environment so it all starts out with a dockerfile now at first glance this isn't anything special if you look at it it's just a file named dockerfile but that's really all it takes to start your first docker image in the first line we're going to type from from specifies what base image we'll be using to build our own image almost every single image for docker is based on another image and most of them are linux you can specify an image like ubuntu and this will give you a good starting point with all the dependencies from ubuntu to build your image but if we're building a web server we don't want to base it off of ubuntu we want to base it off something much much smaller and as i mentioned we want to do that off of nginx so if we set nginx now our base image is from nginx and this is actually coming from docker hub and in docker hub you can see many different tags for this image we have version tags we have unversion tags and then we have some that include some additional dependencies like perl or we have some that are based off an entirely different base image altogether like alpine and we can pin this to any of the tags we just saw so if we want to get the latest 1.10.1 this will give us the latest nginx image but this image although small is a little bit bigger than the alpine one i think the base nginx image is around 50 megabytes but we wanted this to be tiny so we're actually going to choose the alpine version and this is super tiny it's like 19 megabytes and if you're not familiar with alpine linux it's a super tiny linux distribution i think it's only like five megabytes so super tiny and a lot of image maintainers base their images off of alpine because it's so darn small so we're gonna go with alpine next up are environment variables and they use the keyword env you can see we get some intellisense here and you can see it's just a key value pair so if we wanted to set an environment variable of foo equals bar we could or bar equals bats we could do that too now we're not going to use any environment variables if we do need them we'll pass them in when we create our container rather than specify them here but if you're inheriting from an image that requires some variables to be passed in you could do it here too but we don't need them for this so the next command we're going to use and you see often is the copy command and you can see the copy command takes two parameters it takes a source and a destination now what are we going to copy and where are we going to copy it to so the copy command can actually copy files from the host machine so this machine that we're on into our actual image so for us that means copying in our website or some static pages for this to serve up so we haven't created those yet so let's create them real quick so first let's create a source folder and in this source folder let's create a new folder called html and in here let's create an index.html in this index.html let's copy some html so this is a real simple web page html tags body tag h1 tag saying hello h1 tag again saying it works on my machine and then a p or paragraph sing and it works on every machine then we close out the body then we close out html let's format this this there we go and then let's also add a couple of images a wave and a whale so let's include these in our web page so img source equals wave close out copy this guy instead of wave do whale okay so now we should have a simple web page but let's test it really quick okay just did a file open on the index.html with the browser and it works it's not winning any awards but it does work please don't judge my web dev skills based on this page i promise i can do a little bit better than this and who knows by the time you see this i might update it and style it a little bit better oh which is a good reminder if you're looking for the documentation you can find it in the description below there should be a link in there to my documentation site which also includes a link to all the source files for this repo and more so as i was saying maybe i'll style that a little bit more before you see this anyways so now that we have our web page we can go back to the docker file because we were talking about the copy command little side quest there creating a web page but the copy command takes a source and a destination so the source is all of src source.html and the destination where is the destination so the destination is going to be slash user slash share slash nginx slash html now how did i know that well i've used enginex a few times before but this is where nginx keeps its default site that it's going to serve out notice i'm mentioning nginx so this is copying it inside of this image where nginx lives in a location that's going to serve out these files automatically and a quick and easy way to do that is to copy it to here okay so far inherent from the base image engine x that's based on alpine we're gonna copy in our web page our source files and next we're gonna expose some ports now we don't really need to do this but let me show you how this works now we can actually expose a port of 80. and we can specify whether it's tcp or udp and if you don't specify at all it's tcp but really we don't need to do this at all because when someone uses this image and they create a container from it they can specify any port they want so really this is documentation telling the person who uses this which port they should use nginx with the default configuration is set to use port 80. so this is documentation really and really we can just comment it out next we'll need to define a command use for the entry point and the keyword we use for that is cmd you can see we're getting some hints here so we should specify an executable the executable is nginx but we also want to pass some arguments to it now i know we need to pass a g and turn daemon off but we don't pass it in like this we actually need to pass an array of parameters so this looks kind of funny but we would do it like this so this is saying when this container starts up run nginx dash g and daemon off and if we wanted to run nginx in debug mode we would run nginx dash debug with the same parameters but we don't want to run it in debug mode this is the same command that the nginx image passes in when it starts up by default so you can leave this specified or we can remove it and let's clean up some of our contents so now we have a really really simple image but how do we build it how do we spin it up it's really simple but first you need to make sure you have docker installed and you can check by running docker info if you see this come back with some information and not an error means you have it installed so to build our container we need to make sure we're in the folder where our docker file is and if i cat it out you can see the contents from nginx copy some files we should be able to just run docker build dot so this is saying docker engine run build and basically look for a docker file in the relative path which is here the current path so if we run this command we see it's starting to build we see it loading the nginx image so it's pulling the nginx image down extracting building and it looks like it's built so to check this image that was just built we should be able to run docker images and see our image here we can see we have an image id which is the one we just built and it doesn't have a tag if we wanted to build one with the tag we would run docker build dash t name your image hello dash internet and then a path to the docker file which is this current directory so we've run this again it'll build the container really quick and if we run docker images again we can now see our tagged image so the name is hello internet the tag is latest image id and about a minute ago so great we have an image but we don't have a container yet so how do we create a container remember i said an image becomes a container when we actually execute it so we execute it by running docker run dash d or daemon dash p to expose some ports and then the ports we want to expose this is why i said when we're building our image it really doesn't matter if you expose those ports within the actual image because we're going to expose them here in our container and then last we actually need our image id which is right here so this is saying daca run as a daemon expose port 80 on the inside to the port of 80 on the outside and use this image id so if we run that we get this long id back and our container should be running but how do we know if it's running well we should be able to run a docker ps and see it running here and we do so we're seeing this container that has a name of brave carver and it's running created 11 seconds ago and it's been up for 10 seconds and you can see on my machine or all ips 480 is mapped to 80 tcp this is a good sign so we should be able to go to localhost 8080 and see our webpage and here it is that is awesome so we have a docker container running that was based on the image we created which was based off of nginx we created some html and some images and put it inside of that container image now we've run it on port 8080 and we see it serving our files so this now will work on any machine that supports docker or container d as long as it's running a container engine we could run this on windows mac or linux and it'll execute and run just the same so that's awesome but how do we actually stop it now you can see it's still running and it's going to run indefinitely so to stop it we just run docker stop and then the image name or id finds brave carver and say stop and that just stopped the container so if we run docker ps we don't see it anymore but it's actually there stopped we didn't remove it so if we run docker ps dash a we can see this container is here and it's exited and it was stopped two minutes ago so we want to run this again we don't need to create another image we can just run docker start and this image name brave carver start it back up if we were on docker ps we see it's running and if we refresh again it's running again so let's actually stop this let's actually remove this container so this docker rm and the container name that removes the container but if we look we still see we have the image there so if we run docker images that's still there to remove an image we just run docker rmi and then the image name or id and now that deleted the image off of our machine another thing worth mentioning is a docker ignore file a docker ignore file is a simple file that tells docker to ignore files when it builds your container image similar to a git ignore file so if we create a new file and call it dot docker ignore we get an icon meaning we created the right thing and then we can specify files to ignore now in ignore files you usually see some of the usual suspects artifacts of builds or errors or things while you're debugging that you actually don't want to put inside of your container but as you can see we don't have any of these files here so it really doesn't help us but let's say for instance in here we had a password dot text file and in here we had some secret password if we have this password file in here i know this is a contrived example but bear with me if we have this password file inside of here and we run the docker build the docker build is actually going to copy everything from source html which includes this password text and put it inside of our image so that means that file will live inside of the image and anyone who spins this container up can actually see that file let's do that really quick so let's build that image again really quick and then let's run that image and turn it into a container we see it's running now let's exact into this container and take a look around so exec is a special command that you can do to actually execute inside of a container while it's running so you can inspect things debug things or run things or really do whatever you want but we're going to exec into this container and see our password file in there so we're going to run a docker exec it and then the id of the image that's running right here and then slash bin slash sh so what this is saying is docker exact in interactive mode into this container that's running and when you get there execute slash bin slash sh now sometimes you'll see people executing bash when the execution but alpine doesn't have bash so we have to execute this slash bin sh and this pretty much works on most containers and so if we execute into here now we see a terminal so we're actually inside of this container so where did we put our files if we look in our docker file we said it's in slash user slash share slash nginx slash html cd slash user slash share slash nginx slash html and if we list out we can see our password dot text here if we count it out we could see our secret password here so like i said not ideal and not optimal to include additional files within your image so let's exit out of here let's stop this container let's actually remove this container and let's rebuild this with a docker ignore file with the password text file inside of there and so let's add that password text to our docker ignore file you might think we just add password.txt here and we're covered we're actually not because docker ignore files are relative to the file that you want to ignore so since this password.txt file is inside a source html it won't get ignored so we can fix that by simply adding starstar so this is the glob pattern basically saying ignorepassword.txt anywhere in the path as you add files to it so that's a little trick i just picked up now let's build this container using this docker ignore file with the ignore for this password.txt file so docker build dot then we get our id here then we want to run this image with this id turning it into a container now we have the container id then we want to exact into that container id again and then we want to change directory to where all of our files are and if we do an ls we see that we don't have a password.txt file so i know this again is a contrived example and you would never include a password you never know inside of your image but it's really just an example of how to use a docker ignore file because they're really powerful and they should be used otherwise you can add a ton of bloat to your container without knowing it and we want to keep these container images really small and just because we built this image on top of nginx it doesn't have to be nginx it could be python it could be go it can be node or it could even be net or it could even be something full featured like plex really there's no limit to where you start so i hope that gives you an idea of just how easy and how powerful creating your own custom docker images can be we started out with nothing created a docker file leaned into a base image created a web page built our own custom docker container from that and then created a container running on our very own machine serving up a super not so fancy web page we built ourselves and if you're interested in how to build these container images during ci i'll add some examples to my repo that's in my documentation and in the future we'll be covering how to push these images to our very own self-hosted container registry so be sure you're subscribed to see how that turns out so what do you think about building your own docker images was it as hard as you thought it was going to be let me know in the comments section below and remember if you found anything in this video helpful don't forget to like and subscribe thanks for watching yeah it's it's a it's a ton of fun well until it's not anymore traffic is it's kind of tough because it's a different paradigm uh and it's a lot of yaml and it's a lot of it's a series of tubes that you gotta all connect and then when they connect you have tls and things work great when they don't there's a lot of hunting and packing so
Channel: Techno Tim
Views: 218,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dockerfile, dockerfile tutorial, container, image, docker, custom docker, custom docker image, custom docker container, how to build a docker image, how to build a docker image from scratch, docker ignore, create docker image, turotial, beginner, devops, container image, nginx, build, run, test, automate, repeatable, self-hosted, containerd, alpine, linux, techno tim, homelab, home lab, technotim, env, copy, environment variable, cmd, expose, port, docker exec, docker run, images, rmi, rm, docker ps, web
Id: SnSH8Ht3MIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 19sec (1099 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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