What are microservices?!?!? Let’s build one with .NET and Docker!

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Have you come across a situation where you need to change something in production to implement a new feature that will affect thousands of users probably change the data type of a column in a live database. However, getting through a complicated approval process, implementing the new feature and many regression tests later, you're still nervous and sleepless before. Rolling it out to. And in the end, if that didn't go well at many more nights of stress, I take for another instance where you need to wait on the entire project release cadence to just patch a bug in your project. If you know what I'm talking about and have that kind of. That is gold people. And today we hear companies that roll out features to production multiple times a day, and probably a hundred times a week. How does that mean? The software developers don't sleep jokes apart. I was comparing the pros and cons of monolithic architecture and microservices architecture. There is no old or new about these architecture styles. It is all about choosing the right architecture style that fits your team and your. My name is Nash, and I'm a PM on the darknet community team. Focusing on helping developers build production-ready apps with.net. Today, I'm going to talk about building your first microservice indoc net. This is the first video in the series, and we'll only scratched the surface on the topic. However, there will be videos that will go in-depth into microservices later. Do you know what is cool about this? Every video will give you links to hands-on tutorials that you can try yourself for free. Also included are the links to free eBooks and reference samples that will make you a zero to an expert in just a few days. All right, let's get started with microservices. Microservices also known as microservice. Architecture is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of smaller services. They are highly maintainable and tests. When the services are small, the code base is much easier to maintain and test the loosely. Coupled this is an important point services connect with each other on a service end point. So no to services, no. Any implementation details about the other or have any direct references, microservices are organized around business capabilities. What that means is instead of splitting a large application into more minus services based on. You decouple them based on the business. Often patterns like the domain-driven design are used to identify the business problem and separate them. They're in their own domain logic, they're owned by a small team. This is why people often talk about implementing microservices. Need a cultural change in the organization to every microservice is usually managed by independent teams that give the autonomy to decide when to release a feature or fix a bug with a weighting on the entire teams released. Microservices are independently deprived. Having a service model based on domain business, domain, autonomous teams, managing them and loosely coupled their package and deployed independently to understand this. Let's look at how microservices are compared to monolithic applications in the monolithic architecture, even though the app is decompose into multiple modules and fragmented into layers, like there's a user interface layer, there's a cache layer. There's a service layer, a data access layer and the database itself. However, when they are ready for deployment, the package has a single deployment unit, meaning they all are deployed at once with specific configurations and have create scripts. And. To a known infrastructure. The critical thing to note about the monolithic architecture is that the modules are tightly coupled. Hence the feature roll-outs must have a specific release cadence that all teams must work together to prioritize for every release, increasing friction, also in a monolithic architecture, you have a common database for all your modules are often the bottleneck for performance and implementing change. And scaling monolithic application means often scaling VMs or the infrastructure itself in microservice architecture. Since the app is decomposed into multiple independent smaller services that focuses on specific business functionality, they can be scaled independently. Every micro service is responsible for processing the data or external state in their respective databases. Individual services can now do. If they want to use sequel or no SQL database or any database of choice based on the business need. Unlike the monolithic architecture, microservices do not share databases. And that is a crucial benefit because the teams can now independently deploy applications into production multiple times a day, without breaking other services, microservices communicate with each other by using well-defined. Hence the internal implementation details of each service are hidden from the other services. It also supports polyglot programming. For example, microservices don't need to share the same technology stack libraries or frameworks. So you can have a dot-net application for one service and a Java application for the other, and they all can run within the same infrastructure or entirely on their own. As you rightly guessed, this kind of implementation is complex. Since the services are loosely coupled, the data will be depleted. EPA calls needs to be resilient. Maintenance will be complicated and you will need to invest in technologies that give you a holistic picture for logging and debugging and fixing box. And that's why monolithic applications are still great for smaller teams and projects. You don't need to start writing micro-services for every single project out there. Remember most applications that referenced themselves as successful microservice implementing. Started as monolithic as a team size group, they migrated to microservices. Okay. Back to microservices. Let me tell you about how microservice are package and deploy, even though Docker containers and Kubernetes are not a requirement for microservices based applications. Most discussions around microservices involve talking about them. The reason for that is the significant benefit that you get with these cloud native technologies that help teams shift features to production foster. What role do containers? Containerization is an approach to a software development in which an application or a service its dependencies and its configuration of packaged together as a container image, just as the shipping containers allow goods to be transported by ship, train, or truck, regardless of the cargo insight software containers act as a standard unit of software deployment that can contain different code and its dependencies. All the concept of containerization is more than a decade. This technology has gained popularity since Docker's open-source implementation. Docker is an open source project for automating applications as portable self sufficient containers that can run on the cloud or on-premise. Docker is also a company that promotes an evolved as technology, working in collaboration with cloud Linux and windows vendors, including Microsoft when using Docker, a developer creates an app or service and packages it and its dependencies into a container image and image is a static representation of the app or service and its conflagration and dependencies. It's the image that when run becomes the container. Are in the other words, the container is the in-memory. It's tense of an image in a typical scenario using darker, you package your app as an image and store it somewhere. I just need a container registry. And when you want to run your app, you pull that image from the container registry, deploy to the host operating system and run them as container instance. For scalability, you can scale out quickly by creating new containers, and that is a crucial benefit for cloud native. Another benefit is that a container image is immutable. Once you have built an image, the image can be changed. The only way to change an image is to create a new image and replace it. This feature is our guarantee that the image we use in production is used the same in the development and QA as well. So how does this compare to what your machines in a traditional virtualized environment? You will have the hardware, the host operating system hypervisor and the isolated virtual machines was apps. Most often there is a low utilization of resources. And if you're hosting this on the cloud, chances are you're paying for some underutilized resources. So whenever there is an under utilization of resources, you can migrate containers to underutilized VMs for improved density, isolation, and cost savings containers are lightweight. You can spin up a container within seconds as compared to Williams, which will take longer to boot up, whether you're spinning up multiple containers to scale out or migrating continuous to underutilized, VMs, to lower. You will need to do it in an automatic fashion. And that's where the orchestrator comes into the picture. What is an orchestrator using orchestrator for applications is essentially if your application is decomposed into multiple smaller services running in containers, in a microservice based approach, each microservice owns its model and data to be autonomous from a development and deployment point of view. This systems are complex to scale out and manage them. You need an orchestrator to have a production ready and scalable multi container application. Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for orchestrator. It's open source supported by the community widely used, and it is when the neutral you can run Kubernetes on a local. All in the cloud on Azure. Now there's lot more that I want to share about Kubernetes, but I'll keep that for another video. All right. Enough of me talking, let's go write some code. We will look at a simple demo of creating a micro-services and pined in Dr. Containerizing it and running it locally, that's it. I could start showing you everything from scratch, but I thought it was best to show you a free interactive hands-on training goes. That is part of the Microsoft learn part. The link for that is added to the videos description, or you can find it somewhere on the screen. This is totally a free course. Either. You can start this module with me, pause the video properly and execute the steps along the way, or just watch this video for it. Later you can run them at your own pace. The important thing is you complete the module, answer questions, pretty easy ones actually, and earn your badge. All right, let's get into it. Go over to AKA Ms. Slash eighth PayNet hyphen microservices. That will take you directly to the learning part with so many modules covering cloud native technologies, starting with building your first microservice in dotnet to more advanced ones like covering darker Kuvan. Helm Linka, the service mesh best practices for logging and monitoring, resiliency, DevOps, and more hit the start button and let's get straight to the first module. Prerequisites include installing dotnet SDK and Docker, desktop locally. And of course having basic knowledge about executing commands in your favorite terminal. If you know the copy, the snippet from the portal and paste it to the. Yeah, good. I'll go straight to unit three so I can start executing the hands-on labs, but you should check unit two hours later because it has a good amount of content explaining what microservices are and what role containers play in building microservices. Copy the code and paste it into the terminal. I want to make sure the directory is empty. All right, clone the code, the repo has partially completed files for the exercise. Once it is done, navigate to the. Go ahead and open the source code in your favorite editor. There are many files in here, but the important thing to notice is that there are two main projects that we will work on. One is the end. And the other is the front end. Typically in microservices, you'll be working with multiple smaller applications. You may have to run hundreds of services to get a holistic view of the application itself. However, for this module, there are just two. And as the name states, there is a backend that provides the data and a front end or UI that connects to the back and then displays the data to the. The backend project is an esp.net web API project. It has a controller called pizza info controller, which is nothing but a restaurant pine that other services and clients can talk with ESPN often. It lets you define valves and verbs in line with your core using attributes data from the request part, quite a string and request body are automatically bound to method parameters. In this case, we have a list of pizza with. Ingredients cost and availability stored in a local variable that is returned. When a hedge DB get request is made to the API, not as how we adjust returning populated variable in the get method. esp.net automatically see a license, the classes to properly format a Jason out of the box. If you're new to asp.net, very API, go to the darknet website, scroll down and hit the web link. Then click on the API and hit. Get. Alternatively, you can also check out some fantastic videos. Put together there by my good friends sessile. All right. Back to the terminal. Let's go to the backend directory and build the product. This is great. Execute the dotnet run command. The web API now is listening on finite zero one port. I'll go ahead and click the link since there is no homepage map, I'll go straight to the swagger, which by the way, it comes included in the latest asp.net project templates. As you can see, there is a pizza info in point with the get method. Let's try it out. Oh, cool. That is the pizza data that we can consume in our front end project. Okay. That was easy. It feels good. When the code you cloned from the internet runs successfully in the first attempt. Well, isn't that what Docker also promises. Once you package your app and its dependencies into an image, it should work everywhere. The Docker host runs next out. We're going to create a Docker image. What you need is a doctor. The project already has an empty Docker file, which we will fill in with instructions from the module. Notice that there is no extensions for this file. It is just the Docker file. Go ahead. Copy the instructions and paste them into the file. So what is DACA file? A DAGA file is a text file that has instructions for Docker to build your image. You need to create an image out of an existing image or start from scratch. Pun intended. Gratz is a minimal amaze that you can use as a starting. Five images, especially building an operating system image for almost all scenarios. It is recommended that you create an image out of an existing popular image. In this example, back in projects, it means it's based on Microsoft official dotnet SDK image. Using the official images will ensure that you have the correct operating system. And the dependency is included in order to run your doc in an app, each instruction within the Docker file corresponds to a read-only layer that is created while building. The work DIR command changes the current directory inside of their container to SRC the can't be command tells Cod Docker to copy the specified files on your computer to a folder in the container. In this example, the back-end Nazis proj file is copied to the current working directory. Then the dotnet restore command is run and then other fats are copied into the image. Finally, dotnet publish builds and package. The DLLs into your app folder, you may be wondering why did we copy the dot CS proj file separately, and then ran the darkness restore while the darkness published command would have done it. All. This is to optimize our image. Building process darker creates a separate layer for each instruction in the fine, the layers are stacked, and each one is a Delta of the changes from the previous. Docker also Cassius, this layers. So it doesn't have to rebuild a layer when it is unchanged. That's why we copied the CS proj file and ran dotnet restore first. So all the packages are cashed within that layer and they don't have to be relearn when the, when we rebuild the image for that optimizing the DACA bill process. If your bill contains several layers, Docker recommends you. From the more frequently changed to the less frequently change. Go ahead and build a measure using the Docker build command, and then tag it as a pizza backend. Ah, that's an editor. If you see this error, there could be two reasons. One, your Docker desktop is not running or second. It is not confident correctly. I'll go ahead and start the Docker process. Once it turns green. I'm good to go. The simplest way to check the Docker is configured correctly is to run the Docker, run command with the hello hyphen world image. It's not going to find the image locally, so it will go and pull the image from Docker hub and then run it not as a hello from DACA message. If you see this message, you're good. I'll go ahead and read on the Docker build. The first time it is going to take a little bit of time because it needs to pull base images and then create layers and catch them. Notice how it is running each command from the Docker file. If you want to see all the images in your system, run the Docker image command. There is a pizza backend and the hello world image that we ran recently, I go ahead and run the mate's Docker. Run it to be. And I'll also add on him to remove the container when it stops and the image name. And now we are inside the container. If I run L S inside the SRC folder, you can see all the souls that we had copied in order to build the image. Let's go one step up and navigate to the app for them. And there is the fines that dotnet publish. Um, actually copied too. So to recap, we included the dotnet SDK into our image by basing it out of the official Lockland image, copied our source code within it and built it right inside it. But if you had noticed the size of the image, it is about 600 megs. And that is because we have the SDKs to build image. And even the source code is copied right into it, which are unnecessary for the final. The final image can be much more compact if you just include runtime and the package deal, it's only luckily Docker provides multi-state bills that allow you to reduce the size of your final image drastically in multi-stage. I can base my image out of another image, the asp.net runtime, which is substantially smaller. And use the copy command to copy only artifacts from the previous stage, which is named built, not as the hyphen hyphen from keyword there. This will ensure the final bill will only have the artifacts and runtime required to run our image. Now, if you run the build again and then check the size of the final image, you'll notice that we have drastically reduced it to 200 max from 600 multi-state builds are super helpful in UCI pipeline, not just running continuous builds, but also. When you're testing your applications, you may require other tools and dependencies. Since they are darker images, you can easily pull them into your bill crosses and ignore them as part of the final bill, you can include your unit tasks, integration tasks, or any other checks as multi-stage is, since the final image will ignore all the other stages, you can ensure that the final image is small and QA is checked. Now run the image this time with the hyphen. Five to double zero, that maps to the internal port, ITI of the container. Run the code command to the pizza and point with port 5,200. And you'll get the same bid sign for restaurants. But this time the app is running inside the Docker container. Well, this is. But let's go ahead and run our front end to, to see this data nicely visualize in a UI to run multiple containers locally, you can use the Docker compostable that comes with the Docker desktop. You will need a Yammel file to configure your services. And they're called Docker compose files. Go ahead and copy the instructions from the model. And paste it right inside the Docker hyphen composed dot YML file in the root directory. Since this configuration will explicitly define the name of each service, the image name, the ports, it is going to expose, and the context of the Docker file you can build and run all your services with a single command instead of. Darker build our Docker run for every container. By default, it also sets up a single network for your app. Each container joins the default network and is reachable by other containers on the network. That's why you can call the other servers directly with Heshie DB, colon, double slash, and the name of the service, not as how we pass in the back and Euro as the environment variable to the front end container. Since it is within the Docker network, this name will not be access to. If you need to expose them out to your host machine, you need to specify the port separately. In this case, finance it or two for the front end, the back in the model, the environment variable will be picked up by the dock and adapt when you use the configuration dot get value method. All right, now that we have the Docker compose file configured correctly, run the Docker hyphen composed bill command to build a boat images together. It's going to be faster this time because Docker is going to use the cash for most of this. Done. I will. Once again, verify they may just using Docker images command, and your lot is that we now have the pizza front end image also built. Let's go ahead and run this together. Using Docker hyphen compose up command. This command will set up a default network using the port expose to the host. I can navigate to the financier to port to see the pizza in for Jason data represented visually in the beautiful. And that's it we're done. If you like this video, do the usual thing like this video, share it with your friends and subscribe to this channel. But most importantly, run the hands-on module that is linked in the description of this video. Answer some simple questions and earn your badge. Thank you for watching. My name is niche. I'll see you in the next.
Channel: dotNET
Views: 18,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: .NET, microservices, docker, microservices architecture, asp.net, asp.net core, micro services, asp .net, docker file, dockerfile, multi-stage dockerfile, dotnet, net
Id: DFDbh1c9zyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 23sec (1343 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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