"Build Your Bunker" Battle!!

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what's up team edge what's up team edge what's up you guys welcome to team edge today we're doing the battle bunker challenge and we got two teams here we got the Christmas team which is Jordan I and we got holidays Luke's populistic team which is Kevin Seto and Brian or Oni all right guys so this challenge were really building our own bunkers we're gonna theme them Christmas and apocalyptic whoever's four can withstand the most money damage and protect us from the other person's projectiles wins their what for deck tiles eject house whoever wins this challenge yes get an edge boy so if Bobby's team wins he takes the point my team wins I get the point and if you guys don't remember the edge games are coming back it's where we're gonna have this big season ending event where you can take all your edge points and use them to get perks for the final event so I need you at a hundred and ten percent and the reason why I'm doing this is because I don't trust you I didn't keep you at a distance so an edge points up for grabs and you know how to mess around when the edge points are up for grabs okay here's what we got we've got some boxes cool we've got some squares and Christmas stuff so we have metal framing we have boxes we have some masking tape some camouflage and some spike pipes oh it's about to get risky over here risky can you hear yourself talking this helmet I can hear myself talking regardless of other helmet comedy oh great this is how concerned I am of their building on threatened meaning they are to us over/under no this is for structural integrity just like you have integrity in life you need integrity with your bunkers that's gonna stop anything from just rolling up on to our boxes that's all you're building you can't rush the spirit of Christmas I'm not even concerned about losing the spirit of Christmas will make us lost forever dude this is taping forever so sketch on this one Oh Bravo daddy look if you don't get your presents this Christmas blame them because they're about to destroy them all right both bunkers are complete it is now time for the battle the first team to destroy the other teams bunker and hit the two players wins this challenge technically brother this is behind our bunker it is and bro we also have a ladder wherever you place yourself you have to stay until they are done throwing there's much battle begins battle begins I wish this is real wood it is real wood what do you tell Oh take out the fireplace fireplace all these are not behind it there'd be cold for winter we're all finish it take that center part out you monster oh thanks wrong with you that was good aim defective Oh actually win issue here Bobby a stepladder so we can see over the wall ha ha I don't know how this is gonna shoot so we'll find out Merry Christmas you filthy animals Oh 3 2 1 that's what I'm talking about next is our treat at archery attack oh I love a good archery attack how many shots did we get with as many as I think I didn't do anything what happens when you don't listen to words of encouragement instead of words oh it's called words of telling you what to do fireplace hey wait you know that I've never shot this before all right here we go I'm about to hear myself I feel it a little nervous about being up here I have to stay here don't I yeah we had our planks it was part of their supplies yeah baby do me tissues Bobby to your tissue three two one one I made it through it went through Wow great two one Bobby you I like a big old garbage bin and see to dude our bunker is legit hey that garbage bin is starting to fill up they need PVC to hold their structure up oh hey we should too because there's no heavy Ken hole bro I've got some heft to it oh dang jiggly jiggly stuff jingled their bells that's Christmas spirit dog let it go let it go let it go let it go now so they'll just stay up go on we'll have all day here ready go oh dang it bro we just lost the panel I can't it's balls over there please there are none hey Wow Brian you got me all now I'm like what balls are on this side hey Kevin if you throw anything like your brother will be fine for like the throw such a oh shoot how did you do that come on you're like a tiger on an elephant you guys just want to ruin Christmas that's all it is all right there just weaken it oh I like these these are dope these are for this round you get to use the ATV right I'm gonna aim for the right pillar ready okay here we go in three two one remember wherever you guys shoot from that's where you have to take defense from okay hey Brian right hi look at me Hey you could technically then okay not technically I did Bobby you're gonna go behind the boxes all the way behind Bobby all the way behind my foot was right here hey I got to go for it if I miss oh I know you still have a chance yeah go out there you go you have a ladder behind there oh yes Brian great idea bro hey bro great idea hey great idea ha I didn't know he launched that I'm in trouble 3 2 1 Bobby you get this bro you're doing great Kevin I can probably just stand like this I got the boys I got the H boy hey guys click right here this is Kevin's Instagram handle go check him out go say hi to him also Brian takes home the team edge point so he's gonna use that later that's gonna come in handy you want to remember that also yeah click this video right here does the video that you two think you're gonna like click this video right here this is when rhett and Link came over and we did something kind of like this but not really also subscribe right here and get some of this don't sleep merch man we're all wearing and also become a member go click that join button bye
Channel: Team Edge
Views: 1,703,246
Rating: 4.9220309 out of 5
Keywords: team edge, team edge challenge, teamedge, challenges, competition, giant games, battle, Bunker battle!!, fort battle!!, christmas games, christmas game, holiday games, exercise ball, bow and arrow, Build Your Bunker Battle!!
Id: avWeMTArlbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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