Build Your Boat Battle! | Who Will Sink First!?

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I may be in trouble guys this is not working this isn't gonna end well hey guys we are team edge and I am Kevin your host for today's build your boat challenge today we gave each player $200 to go to a store and buy materials to make their own boat so let's build the boat and see whose is the best one hour on the clock time to rock all right so tell us what did you buy with the $400 I got some styrofoam boards here bad idea I've got some of these things which are gonna make up the raft and I'm cutting the styrofoam up and putting it inside these things and then I'm gonna have a ballast what's called what's called a ballast on the boat which weighs the boat down so it doesn't rock back and forth tell us what did you buy with your $200 I bought all of these PVC and I'm gonna make like a raft kind of thing where it's gonna be a big huge rectangle all right just don't fight it I'm not gonna fight it what did you buy with you $200 you got me some buckets piece of plywood turn welcome Matt are you decorating your patio or building a book wait and some vinyl floor vinyl flooring you know not hardwood flooring now I was on a budget hey guys I have a surprise for you no oh dang it they're all gonna switch aren't they so we got some extra flex tape or the person to bring me the red light all the players have 20 minutes to build the boat and in the 20 minutes when that ends they have to present it players are you ready yeah Dominic I can't do this in 20 minutes I'm hearing a lot of good was the Mona Lisa painted in 20 minutes actually it was painted in 19 minutes no it was painted in night the 1900s that's true so you want this to be a fully functional hangout boat I'm gonna have turf so if I want to do activities maybe do a little golf chip chip off the mature how are you gonna get this to float though buckets added the other two players who are you most concerned about Bobby for sure I'm not concerned about Brian I don't even know how what he's doing there I feel like I'm not moving with enough urgency so out of your two other opponents who are you most afraid of I'm most afraid of Joey I think he has a lot of point materials Brian I have my golf clubs I should get my golf clubs he's just trying to make a wall a front lawn it's not as many buckets as I thought it was gonna be the side of your opponents who are you most afraid of I think Joey's has the best floating potential all right they sink no I I just don't see what he's doing with all that foam so but yeah I'm most afraid of I'm determined on these videos this is my forte oh shoot I may be in trouble guys this is not working like 12 24 36 [Music] 1:36 / - 18 let's go Cory alright so we have rich our resident creative builder who's gonna have the best boat kind of leaning towards Bobbie a little bit yeah and why was that I just think the PVC concept is going to work how's that thing three feet - um maybe I messed up everything is going according to plan you just said you should have gotten more maybe bad calculation right there alright so Bobby's short a couple pipes because Brian hits on his pipes hey Brian I wouldn't make fun of him too much you're using buckets Bobby trying to think did you order enough supply [Laughter] although that was very funny I let it play I do have to penalize Brian one minute you can not touch your boat for messing with somebody else's both materials oh one minute penalty that's messed up you let me do it his job is not to stop you you see somebody playing basketball and the guys about to travel the rest of analogy smells a great analogy Brian you get two minute penalty for letting in your big stupid whore space I'll just take a seat then really Whitney we get another 30-second penalty because when he calls it he is touching one of his materials Brian 31 seconds all right guys I want to get you the viewers to get involved click on that there's a poll let us know who you think is gonna have the best boat I put it on hello you there's like a 50/50 chances is not gonna work hey Bobby what are you trying to do right now trying to build a raft can't you see it let's do it I gotta go oh no to himself oh I'm screwed y'all know is there an award for best looking boat no almost done here but first gotta you gotta have a table if you're gonna you know entertain company for nice little sunny day just go hang out in the back oh hey when you guys are done what you want to play around over on my boat stop what you're doing okay stop what you're doing how do you feel about your boat man I'm feeling pretty good I'm feeling pretty good did it come out the way you wanted to yeah this looks like the day after Christmas when you throw all the wrapping and trash into a plastic bag Brian looks like he's been living a year in a radioactive sewage treatment plant and he finally decided to make an escape I feel really good the thing is I didn't go for anything aesthetic like no aesthetics with it I just wanted to wanted it so I know oh really you can go for aesthetics all right ladies and gentlemen kevin has left for some reason because he's not a very good announcer he quit and it's time to load Brian's boat up into the pool everybody's doubting my boat but I think grab it by the bucket dude you have to get up here here's the test we have a floating green ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna be floating in style y'all oh he's not even gonna stand he's not Oh get in the middle are you gonna stand bro how much would you swing your golf ball all right ladies and gentlemen for Brian's first test we're gonna create a wavy little situation and see if his boat can withstand the term both I didn't go okay not quite Poseidon but it's getting there all right we're good we're getting some good waves here all right Brian wins good dude which are you like easy I mean I thought that was really the wave 10 out of 10 for that round this is the face it is not surprised by the score all right guys our next test is how maneuverable his raft is so he's going to have to make a full lap around that giant flamingo wait can I just say one thing no you are all welcome sweetie oh that is slow oh yeah oh yeah he's rocking back and forth brian has turned his welcome mat upside down so I no longer feel welcome so I feel hostile so I'm gonna attack him with everything I have weapons with some Archer tech bows so welcome to the weapon round we have rich right over there with the Widowmaker shooting cannonballs the whole purpose of that round is to destroy the boat there's no what actually went for the boat nothing had been there now for the weight test before you guys get on hi y'all hi bro Wow that is a failure folks for that you got a seven out of ten what you haven't seen ours yet so that means you have to adjust accordingly mine did better than I get made you've seen Shamu [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah talking about right there it's floating dude you're already sinking right there bro oh oh that's not good what's the first test hey Bobby Bobby you know you got a layout Bobby this is not going well for you all right so Bobby's dropped a floater in the water and we're gonna see if it floats real well time to make some way wow that failed all right so Bobby's first test didn't go so well he got a 1 out of 10 and it kind of ruined him for the rest of the test cuz his nest next test is maneuverability oh look at him he's running over how long the putt huh he's going faster than Brian hey mommy go happiest boot is still here doesn't doesn't count go Bobby go hey nobody said you couldn't end time all right Bobby I have to say I think you're DQ'd unless you want to see the load test all right ladies and gentlemen it's time for me to get on my boat I think it'll be a little more stable once I get on it but it also could possibly be a lot less than 3 2 1 go [Music] this thing is solid oh dude this is perfect get down on it get down on it all right time Joey your score is 9 out of 10 in bringing in a 10 well Ozel in an island all right Joey your next round will be maneuverability no you can't make ways bro Oh whatever is gonna be factored into my door you got 41 seconds yeah that is what I call a victory for that round [Music] next round is the weight test this rap is solid bobby was deke used so he gets last place the winner of this challenge had 30 points and the winner is Joey yeah you guys go check out our shelter building battle right over here that's what we had to build the shelter that had to withstand Yaman we had tsunamis we had hail those crazies will watch crazy mommies and go watch a video the YouTube reckoning for you right over here I'm cold good I'm sure cookies right over here go watch it you hate it comments on that video you hated a recommendation [Music]
Channel: Team Edge
Views: 8,995,334
Rating: 4.8229356 out of 5
Keywords: team edge, team edge challenge, teamedge, challenges, competition, giant games, battle, Diy raft, survival raft, Dont sink, how to make a raft, build a boat, raft battle, diy, mini boat battle
Id: 5oEGhFvW8vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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