Build The Greatness Kings Underground Temple & Swimming Pool And Feed the Crocodile
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Channel: Tube Unique Wilderness
Views: 3,180,165
Rating: 4.5533938 out of 5
Keywords: Tube Unique Wilderness, Primitive Technology, Wild life, How to make, How to build, How to do, Minecraft survival, build in jungle, Build Swimming Pool, Viral Trends, Tutoriales, How-to DIY & Tutorials, Primitive Builder, Unique Wilderness, Feed the Crocodile, Kings Swimming Pool, crocodile, Greatness Kings Underground, feed crocodile, Underground Temple & Swimming Pool, Survival, underground swimming pool, Swimming Pool, Underground Temple, Minecraft, catch crocodile, natural
Id: DEobiCzGEvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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incredible but so not practical. cringe worthy watching them get the croc
what kind of ground are they digging into? If this was plain sand, it would never keep its shape. if it was clay, you couldn’t sculp it that easy. it looks like the sculpted edges and plains have enough strength to not break off when stepping on them neiter do they expose footprints. how many days have they been working and what about rain? Is this a fake snd the helping crew of 30 people is outside the picture?
These videos are huge piles of bullshit. I’d rather watch them with the mechanical diggers they are actually using. It doesn’t have to be “by hand” to be interesting.