Build Shelter In The Rock Cave, Bamboo, Make a Fire, Cooking, Overnight- Mountain Life Alone #3

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welcome to my video This is the intro Find shelter I see a cave that is quite ideal for shelter Now go find materials to make the wall of the shelter and i decided to use bamboo for the wall Measure and cut bamboo for wall posts Finish the column, now move to the wall Measure if the distance between them is balanced unbalanced so I'll fix them fixed hour column It's too difficult to go up and down, so I made a ladder to move around for convenience recheck the ladder now make the wall for the sleeping place make window frames make windows When we're done with the window, we put it in the window frame we just made make a place for me to sleep continue the unfinished wall measure door 0:09:35.425,1193:02:47.295 continue the unfinished wall proceed to make the door Roll the door up make campus
Channel: Mountain lifes
Views: 68,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Build shelter in the rock cave, Bamboo, Make a Fire, Overnight, Mountain Life Alone, Mountain Life, mountain lifes, bushcraft, bamboo house, building craft, mountain lifestyle, mountain, camp, camping, cooking, Mountain Life Alone #3
Id: T1uyS19bN2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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