Build and Release For iOS - Flutter Programming

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hello in this video I am gonna show you how to build and release your flutter based application for iOS ready for distribution it could be distribution to the App Store which is most likely gonna be the case or distribution may be internally within within a team that let's say everyone call me connecting you know their devices to your computer ok so to do this you just want to go to iOS and actually I want to say a few things so this video assumes that if let's say you are making it for and distributing you for the App Store which again most likely scenario that you ready stood the bundle ID on the iTunes Connect website they develop on your developer account for iTunes you created the application on the App Store connect as well I'll provide a link the official documentation flow for flutter wait and check more information about this entire process but fine because the last generic across the ghazal what framework you're using and I was find like the hard part is a quick just notice Gainey exported though is something going wrong we don't know exactly what to do so what you want to do it go to iOS and let's just open any file to know anyone it doesn't really matter once you're open one you'll get this button here open iOS montjoy next go click that I've already opened it take a few seconds because Xcode will launch and voila you're have you also want to project but just the io West portion of it and then from yeah the few first things that you want to check assuming you might want to change some stuff so if you go to run app go to this and then go to wanna make sure you know your display name is set to what you want your bundle identifier obviously a lot of this will be you know dragging stuff over from your fluency based project if you're happy with that that's fine make sure you know you've selected the right signing certificate make sure you selected the right team again this is assuming that you've gotta apply count and that you've signed into the applicant and once you've done all of the stuff make sure you've added an app icon as I wish you know you even do all of that extra so he's an app icon sources again to claim resources online for that weather such as pre news I wanted to create how to build and release regarding flutter and in Xcode so now what you want to do is essentially create a build archive so first of all we want to in Xcode go to product so right of the product and from here let me go to scheme and select gonna this should only be the one just make sure this is selected you want to go to product destination and from here you wanna select generic iOS device you can also select us from here as well then you want to go to Runner and in here you meet all your settings you want to click then you wanna select the run up from the sidebar and you know obviously update the version and the bundle identifier make sure this is we know what you've put in online when you created all your bundle ID and then from here we're ready to go you want to go to product or kyv and this will essentially go for the process of no you know this archive any project and will be presented with some you know next steps of what we can do so then your open up this page select the application that you need so gonna is you know in this case the one I want I think Thea did one about 20 minutes ago just to make sure he's all working now from here I'm gonna go to distribute app and there's a few different options iOS app store ad hoc so that's more for its own installing on a few devices if you want to distribute to your organization and then development this is most likely the option click Next you can upload directly to the app store connect so if you click Next it's not analyze the signature and I would you know you know you just go for the regular process through that the other option is to go to export so sign and export so you put your just kept tough files locally and let me just show you what that looks like but our recommend the other option but the other option you can just do the steps you will don't need might help beyond that I thought you just click Next Next and I'll say it does next so you can select a specific certificate and profile from your team but or you can just automatically manage the assignment well this is going to communicate with Apple servers get all of this sorted so just take very long at all this is a really exciting process as well once you know spend weeks months know maybe run it over a year making an application you get this stage is one to get e you know out of the world distribute it and okay this will just you know show you the required frameworks again you don't really need to concern ourselves with that click export specify the location for me on the desktop click export and we're done so now if we don't look there we go so we have the IPA the log a couple of pieces so you can see the distribution summary and the export options path from now that's really all you need to know and then from here you can upload it to the Apple App Store and wait for them to review it then get all your millions of downloads that's if you have any questions feel free to pop me a message and unusual I look forward to seeing you in the next video
Channel: Sonar Systems
Views: 109,552
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Keywords: How, to, Program, flutter, flutter tutorial, flutter tutorial for beginners, flutter course, flutter widgets, programming, flutter for beginners, flutter sdk, flutter app, ios, flutter crash course, flutter app development, flutter getting started, learn flutter, google flutter, flutter tutorials, flutter app example, how to build an app for ios, flutter android, flutter app development tutorial, flutter programing, flutter explained
Id: 1Ak6h1wGPO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 58sec (358 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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