Build And Deploy a REST API with Django REST Framework #1 Introduction

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hi everyone and welcome to this series of videos in this series of videos we're going to be putting together a rest api with the jungle rest framework genres framework is a set of tools that allows you to build a rest api on top of the jungle web framework it gives you a set of tools that enables you to implement the best practices while building a rest api so we're going to look into the various concepts uh involved while building a rest api with django and january's framework so the success code for this is going to be the github repo which i'm going to leave in the description uh feel free to follow along we also have the api deployed live on heroku which is a platform as a service tool that allows us to build to build and deploy our applications in a very easy way we're going to look into how to deploy this application to heroku as well as to document it so for example here on the docs endpoint we have the documentation of our api in in swagger so the purpose of doing this is to allow front-end developers to make use of our api without having to be confused about what each endpoint does so right here we have the different endpoints that are associated with our api so we have those that are specific authentication as well as those specific to orders so what we're going to do is to implement some of these so let me actually show you how some of these endpoints work so right here we have the authentication endpoint so the first thing i'm going to do is to create a user so i'm going to go to the signup endpoint and let's say try it out so right in here what i'll do is to come and let's say register with a username so the first username i mean to provide is going to be jonathan and then let's say i provide an email so i'm going to provide that email as let's say so what i'm going to say is so i provide the phone number so i'm going to look into how to also implement phone number fields with jungle so in this case i may provide my number as zero eight so i mean provide the phone number and after providing the phone number i'll also provide a password so let's say i provide my password as pass white and then let's say one two three so after providing this password i'll click execute and this is going to go ahead and create the user so for the user to log in we're going to use jwt authentication so user logs into their credentials and then accesses a token pair so this token pair has a refresh and then access token so let's go ahead and do that so using our email and our password we're going to be able to access the different endpoints that are protected on our applications when i go to authorize we are going to provide a bearer and then the api key which is going to be our access token so what i'm going to do is to get an access token so i'll go to off dwt create and when i try this out we provide our email so i'll provide an email so i'm going to say jonathan 35 at and as well provide my password so when i provide my password i'll come and say the password is password one two three so after doing this i'll go ahead and execute now since this user exists we are going to get a token pair we are going to get an access as well as that refresh token so i'll copy the access token and right after copying this access token i'm going to go to our authorize button and within our authorize button i'm going to authorize and access the different protected endpoint of the application so in this case i mean it's a bearer and then that token so i'll authorize and this is going to give us access to the various protected endpoints of our application so let's say i wanted to get a list of all orders made so i'll go to the get all orders endpoint and let's try it out so when i execute since we don't have any created orders on our api in production it's going to return an empty list so this series of videos is going to be uh dedicated to those who want to learn the january framework as well as those who want to gain some known knowledge about the junglers framework thank you for watching and if you're new to this channel please consider subscribing as it helps me out and also leave a like comment about what you feel about this video thank you for watching and see you in the next video bye
Channel: Ssali Jonathan
Views: 59
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: django rest framework, django rest framework tutorial, django, django rest api, django rest, django framework, rest framework, django tutorial, rest api, rest framework django, django rest framework api, уроки django rest framework, django rest api tutorial, python django rest framework, django rest framework viewsets, serializer in django rest framework, django rest framework full tutorial, django rest framework tutorial for beginners, django python
Id: oaptkD4iVgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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