Build an Expense Tracker | React Hooks & Context API

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[Music] what's going on guys so as a lot of you know I released a 20 Web projects course with using vanilla JavaScript a few weeks ago and a few people asked me to do a course in react basically take all the projects and turn them into react projects and that might be an idea down the road but I figured we could at least do one of them for now so we're going to take the expense tracker app and convert it to react and we're going to use hooks we're going to use the context API so I think that it'll be interesting and I haven't built it out yet so I'm kind of just gonna freestyle it basically I have an idea of what I want to do just we'll just break everything up into components I do want to use the context API so we'll have a global state global context and we'll pass everything down to the components basically I just want to put all these transactions in our global state pass it down to the components and then we'll do our calculations and stuff inside the components okay so this is the repository for the vanilla JavaScript version and if we look at the script j/s it's just basic JavaScript we're just bringing in all of our Dom elements we have an add transaction to actually add an object to the array we have a add transaction Dom which will update the Dom and that's what's nice about react is we don't have to manually you know create elements and stuff like that and then we have the update values function which will calculate the total the income the expense and then we output it here and then let's see we have removed transaction we use local storage here I'm not gonna use local storage in the react version we're just going to keep everything in state I might in the future out of back-end where we can get to basically have the transactions come from a MongoDB database or Postgres or something like that all right so let's go ahead and get started I'm gonna open up my terminal and we're gonna create a new react app with create react and I'm gonna use npx so that I don't actually have to install it and of course you need nodejs and npm installed on your machine to be able to do this and let's run create react app and we'll call this expense tracker oops expense - tracker - react and that'll just generate all of our five folders and files okay so that's all set let's clear this up and I'm gonna CD into my expense tracker app and I'm gonna open up visual studio code so now we have all of our files over here and I'm just gonna do some basic cleanup and by the way I'm not gonna explain every little bit of react like all the basics I do have a react crash course I have react courses on udemy so I do expect you to have at least a basic level of knowledge in react so let's go ahead and delete the logo we don't need that we don't need the index CSS file we don't need this app dot test or setup tests we don't need the serviceworker and now let's go into app CSS and just delete everything in that file I'm gonna keep the file just delete all the CSS index J s I'm gonna remove the import of index CSS the import of the service worker and the unregister method okay and then in app J s we're going to remove the logo import and everything within this div so basically this header I'm gonna get rid of that and just say hello world for now and we also don't need this class right here I guess we'll keep a div okay so we'll save that and I'm gonna open up my integrated terminal and just run NPM start and everything should start correctly and we should just see a hello world up here okay so now we have our file structure cleaned up so the first thing I want to do is and I'm gonna keep this open for reference this is the vanilla project and also the code here basically we're going to just create components for everything so we'll have a header we'll have a balance component will have an income expense component will have a transaction list with transaction components inside of it and then an ad transaction component so that's what you want to do when you use any framework is any front-end framework is break the UI up into specific components once we get the UI displayed then we'll add the functionality we'll start to add our global context our state and all that good stuff so let's create a folder in our source called components we'll start off with the header because that's really simple so header j/s and I would highly recommend using the vs code extension es7 react Redux graph QL react native snippets has a whole bunch of good stuff you can do one of the nice things is that you can generate components really easily so I'll be using functional components with hooks so I'm going to do are a FC enter and that will give me a functional component to work with and this header is an h2 so let's just change that to h2 and say expense tracker and then we'll save that we'll bring it into our app J s so imports had R from and that's gonna be in components and header and then we'll just go ahead and replace hello world with our header component and save oh I forgot my curly braces and if we look at our app we now get expense tracker now if you want to make that a prop if you want to make this like a title prop you can but I don't want to waste time doing stuff like that I do want to add our CSS so we're bringing in this global app CSS file which right now is empty and I'm just gonna grab from the vanilla JavaScript project the style CSS so just copy all this and if you want to I mean you could separate it out and put your CSS in each component if you want to do that but this is a small enough application where I think having a just a global CSS file is fine so now if we go and we look at our react app it now has the styling everything's in the middle we have our gray background so now we can continue on creating our other components and the next one I want to do is this right here the balance so if we go to our HTML here so we already have the header which is this h2 now in this container is where we have everything else so I'm going to grab the h4 and the h1 and that's going to be our balance component so in our app CSS we'll create the balance component in a second but let's create our container here and inside here we'll have our balance component and we're gonna have to bring that in I know we haven't created it yet but we'll be well in a second so balance balance and now let's create that in our components folder balance jas sorry if you guys can hear that banging upstairs and we'll generate a functional component called balance and then let's paste in our h4 and our h1 although we don't really need this div we can get rid of that and just use a fragment and save and now if we go back to the react app we should see our balance and like I said we're not adding any functionality or anything just yet it's just the I just want to build out the UI first so the next piece of the UI is gonna be this income expense box right here so we'll go ahead and grab the mark-up for that which is gonna be this div okay so if you're following along I will have the link to this this repository in the description so we want to create a new component called let's call it income expenses dot Jas ok and then we'll generate our component here and let's just paste in that div that I just copied ok and we'll save that we'll bring that into our app j/s copy this down so income expenses and income expenses and then we'll put that right below our here okay and if we save that we go back to the react application we can see that being output here now the next thing we want is the transaction so this is actually going to be two components will have a transaction list and then each one of these will be a transaction component but I'm gonna hold off on creating the actual transaction component until we actually have the data until we have some state so let's create the transaction list so in our components folder transaction list dot j s and will generate a component here and let's grab the markup so in our HTML we have this h3 with history and then we have this UL with a commented out li so I'm just going to take that and put that in here we can actually get rid of that div and I'm gonna uncomment this Li for now and just just leave that okay but later on this is going to be replaced with a transaction component so let's save this let's go to our app J s and let's bring in transaction lists and we'll put that right below income expenses and that should show up for us good alright and then the last one last component is going to be this form right here and this is going to be the add transaction component so let's copy from the HTML the h3 and the form so we'll grab that and let's create inside our folder here add transaction J s and then we're gonna put this right in here okay now we don't need these IDs because those were used in because we were grabbing on to Dom elements with vanilla JavaScript also I actually have to go through these and get rid of any class and four attributes because when we use JSX which is what we're using here with react we can't use class attributes it has to be class name so I'm going to select all these change it to class name also the four attributes should be HTML four so that one and that one and I'm sure we did it in other components if we go to our react app and we open up our console we're gonna see some warnings so yeah did you mean class name so let's just make sure we change that so in transaction list I have a class right here and here so change that to class name balance no classes there we actually don't need this ID C income expense we don't need the ID and let's see classes we want to change these to class name header that's good okay so everything else should be good we don't actually need this ID so with the form let's go back to add transaction I'll close up the rest of these for now so with the form we do need some component level state because when we have inputs like this they need to be part of our state so we're going bring in a hook called you state and if you've never used hooks before basically we need to create a piece of state I'm gonna call this text and then we need a function to manipulate that piece of State which I'll call set text and we want to set this to use state and then whatever you want for a default goes in here which is just gonna be an empty string and then for the amount the default will just be zero and let's say set amount and the piece of state will be called amount and then we just want to connect those to our inputs so this input here will have a value of text and then we need a non change event because whenever it's changed whenever we type into it it needs to update that piece of State so we would just want to call a function here and then call set text and pass in here whatever we want to set it to which is what we're typing in and we can get that with the event parameter here and we can say e dot target dot value that'll give us whatever is being typed in and that'll set the text and then I'm just going to copy this value and the on change and then go down to this input and this is gonna be our amount and then on change we just want to call set amount instead of set text okay so that's just component level state and controlled components within the form so let's go back to our react app we didn't bring it into app KS so an app J s we just want to make sure we bring in our add transaction okay and then that's going to be the last component we put here and now that should show up good and let's see we have we still have a class somewhere transaction list let's see where do we have a click all right here all right so that should get rid of all those warnings now if I go to my react dev tools components you can see all of our components here and if we go to add transaction under hooks you'll see we have two pieces of State and if I start typing in here and in here it's going to show up so we know that that's connected correctly so now we have our basic UI down so we want to start to think of our global state now there's other there's a million ways we can do things we could put our state right in the app file here and not use the context API at all just basically prop drill and you know pass props down which isn't isn't a bad idea for an application that that is this small however I do want you guys to get familiar with using the context API with hooks with the use reducer use context because that's most likely what you'd be using in larger applications either that or something like Redux so let's create a folder in our source called context and inside context we're gonna have a global state dot j/s file so this is basically where we're gonna create our context now if we had multiple resources like if this was a larger application and we had maybe a profile you know profile stuff shop I might have a shop context or a profile context a profile state but since this is such a small application we're just going to have one single global State so in this file what we want to do is import react and we want to import create context and also use reducer because we're gonna have a global reducer as well and this is all from react okay no no other libraries or anything like that now we need an initial State okay so let's create a variable here called initial State actually I don't want capital I okay so we have our initial state which is just going to be a single object so any global state would go on this object however all we need is our transactions because as long as we have access to the transactions in certain components we can do our calculations there like for the balance and stuff like that we don't need that stuff in our state we just need to be able to pass this data down and then we'll have actions that we can look for instance delete from this piece of State delete transactions add transactions now I'm just gonna copy from the script j/s here and this in this repository these dummy transactions so just grab those paste that in and I'll uncomment these so basically each transaction has an ID a text value and an amount and if it's an expense it's a negative number if it's a if it's income it's a positive number now we need to create our global context using this create context that we brought in so let's just put some comments here so you know exactly what's going on so we want to export here a Const of global context because they're going to be bringing this into other files into components and we need to use it and say create context and this gets passed in our initial State now in order for other components to have access to our store or to our global State we need to have a provider we basically need to wrap all this stuff all these opponents in a provider component so that's what we're going to create here provide our components and that needs to be exported so that we can bring it into our app file and then let's say Kant's global provider and this is gonna be just a function and arrow function and since we're wrapping we're going to be wrapping this stuff this is going to be these are going to be children so in the props here we're gonna use D structuring and say children okay and in here we need to this is where we use our use reducer because we need access to state and dispatch whenever we want to call a reducer action we need to use this dispatch okay so this comes from use reducer and then use reducer it takes in whatever are wherever our reducer is I'm gonna have it in a separate file called a producer and then it also takes our initial State okay and then we need to actually have our provider component so let's return and inside here we're going to have our global context and attached to this we have our provider okay like that and then inside here we put our children prop and basically this is going to be whatever we wrap which will be all this stuff all of our components alright because what the provider does is it provides our state it provides any actions and stuff like that to the components that it's wrapped around now this provider is going to have a value prop and in here we're going to have an object and we want to for now let's just pass in our transactions and the way that we can access anything in this object right here is simply by saying state dot and then whatever we want which in this case is transactions so that way we can access this from any component that we requested from using use contacts which is another react hook so I'm gonna save this now before I try to pull this into any components I want to create my reducer this a producer so I'm gonna bring it in I don't haven't created it yet but let's say import a producer we could put the reducer right in this file but just to clean it up I'm gonna put it somewhere else so we'll just say dot slash app reducer and then let's go in our within our context folder say a producer J s okay and a reducer if you're not familiar with with like redox or anything like that it's basically how we specify the application state changes in response to certain actions to our store to our context so this so that the bare minimum we need is to just export a default function that takes in state and some kind of action and for now let's just have a default with basically I'm sorry we need to switch so we have a switch based on what's called a type which is kind of like kind of like an ID like we'll have a delete transaction type an add transaction and then a default so when it's default we just want to simply return our state just as is so that's the bare minimum that we need right now so we have this reducer we're passing it in here and then we're passing it in to use reducer and then we can access state values even you know from our initial state and then we're passing that in to the value of our provider now this provider we need to bring into our our app.js file so let's go right here and let's say import global provider from and that's gonna be in contact slash global state and then to wrap everything let's go we'll just replace this div right here with the global provider like that make sure you have the ending tag too so let's save that don't worry about this dispatch is a sign but never used and our application should still work and you can see over here we have our global provider and if we look in reducer we have our transactions array so this is now accessible to any components that need it such as transactions our balance income expenses we're going to need our transactions for all that stuff so let's start to pull that in to where we need it so I'm going to start with transaction list so let's go into our transaction list component I'm just going to close these up and the way that we can basically pull our global State in is first we need to import our global context and that's going to come from our global State which is going to be up one level in context and then global State and then down in the function here we can pull out anything from our global context using the use context hook so actually we need to bring that in up here so use context and then let's say Const context equals use context and then we just pass in here the global context and for now let's just console.log our contacts just so you can see that we can actually we're actually pulling this in so if we go back here we go to console right here what's this let's just nevermind that but you can see right here we have our object this is our global state all we have in it is our transactions but that's being output are logged from the transaction list components so we can now use this within our component now instead of having to do you know contacts dots transactions let's just use these structuring right here so we'll just use some curly braces and we'll pull out transactions now transaction is it's an array right so we need to loop through it or map through it rather and then output each transaction which I'm actually going to make a separate component so for now let's go ahead and put in an expression here and say transactions dot map and say for each transaction we want to output for now just this list item I'll just cut that and put that in right in here in the parenthesis and we'll save that and now actually let's replace the text right here because now we have access to each individual transaction value and let's get the text and output that so if we go back to our react app now you can see each text is being output this is still hard-coded the negative 400 I'm actually going to wait until we you know create our transaction component to deal with that so let's actually do that now so in our components folder let's create a new file called transaction dot j/s and generate a component here and then I'm just going to take the LI right here and cut that out and let's see we're gonna put that right here in transact okay now yeah I guess you know what we'll do is let's just save this as is we'll get back to that in a minute and we need to bring that into transaction list so up here let's import our transaction component from dot slash transaction and then instead of outputting an Li directly we're gonna output in here our transaction component now it needs to know which specific transaction to render so we need to pass it in as a prop so we'll say transaction equals transaction which is coming from this right here so we're mapping through we're bringing it in from arcs global state or global contacts mapping through so for each one we're going to render a transaction component in passing a prop now when you map through like this and you output something this is called a list and it needs to have a unique key okay so for the key I'm just going to use the transaction ID because it needs to be unique alright so we'll go ahead and save that inside this transaction component it's saying that this is undefined and that's because it's being passed in as a prop right right here so this is it's being passed in as a prop so we have to catch it here we could either say props and use props dot transaction dot text or we can D structure and just put in transaction and then save and that should work so if we go back to our app you can see it's still rendering the text now let's take care of some other stuff like the price here and also the color of the border it should be red if it's an expense and green if its income so to do that let's see so we'll take we'll take care of the amount first now if we look at the vanilla JavaScript version we have either a plus or a negative here so we need to determine the sign and if we look at our JavaScript from the vanilla version here and we go down to where we have this add transaction Dom we're getting the sign based on the amount of the transaction amount is less than zero then it's going to be a negative if not it's going to be plus okay they were just using a ternary operator here so I'm just going to grab this line and let's put that right here so that we know the sign so we have transaction we're checking the amount to getting the sign and then right here and the span let's put in the sign and then we'll have a money sign and then we'll have the amount so transaction dot amount so we'll save that let's take a look at our react app and now we have either a negative or a plus wait a minute we don't want that oh you know what to get rid of that so you see how what the negatives is actually two negative dollar sign negative twenty we don't want that we just want the the sign this right here the variable so what we can do is wrap this in math dot apps and make this an absolute number which will always be positive so now if we take a look so now we just have negative money sign 20 all right now the last thing we want to do in this particular component for now is handle the border because the border should be green if it's an income and red if it's an expense and that goes by the class so in our CSS we have a minus class which gives it a red border and a plus class which gives it a green border so let's make this dynamic okay so what we'll do here is we'll say transaction dot amount we're gonna use the ternary operator we'll say if the transaction amount is less than zero meaning it's negative then let's have a class of minus else we'll have a class of plus so if I save that we take a look now anything that's income has this green border all right so that's all I want to do for now later on we'll handle the delete action but we're not going to do that just yet now I want to handle these components up here because these need to basically take in the transaction from the state and then get calculated so we want to do a lot of the same stuff we did here we want to bring in the global context so let's start with balanced Jas we want to bring in the global context we want to pull out the transactions now we need to do some calculation here and then we can go to the vanilla JavaScript version and if we take a look down here and the update values function let's see to get the total balance we just need first the amounts because remember each transaction is an object with an ID a text and an amount here we're just mapping through and then getting all the amounts into an array and then to get the total we just use reduce to basically add them all together and use to fix to get two decimal places so I'm going to copy these two lines here and we'll go ahead and put those in here and then output right here we should be able to just output the total oops we need use clients so since we use the use context hook right here we need to bring that in all right so now let's check our react app and now we have our balance based on our transactions and what's nice about this is anytime these are updated whether we delete out or whatever this will automatically render correctly all right because it's just being passed down so let's take care of this the income and expenses which is going to be pretty similar we want to bring in our global contacts so let's open up income and expense paste that in let's grab our transactions we need to use use context as well so use context really really helps if you remember using the context API before hooks we had to use a what was it a consumer and it was just it was very messy the way that we did it now we can simply grab from our contacts using this one hook which is nice and we can take out whatever we want from our state so now we have our transactions but we need to do a little bit of calculation to get the income and the expense so if we look in the vanilla JavaScript version we can get the income pretty easily we just have our mounts so used to be still do need the amounts and then we filter through and get any anything that's greater than zero so all the positive numbers and then add them all together using reduce and add a decimal so I'm gonna copy and and then for the expense we do the same thing we basically just say anything that's lessons they're all the negative numbers we add them all together with reduce so I'm just going to copy these lines here and paste those in here although we don't need the total okay so we just need the amounts and then we're calculating the income so the total of income and the total of expense and then we can just simply output them here so this will be the income and this will be the expense and let's take a look and there we go so that's correct you can tell by you know 300 150 income 1020 is our expense ok cool so let's see what should we do next I think yeah we have the transactions from the state coming in to all the components that need it now let's work on some actions so we want to be able to delete from here and once we delete this stuff should get automatically updated like I said so let's go into our global state and we need to have an action in our global State so inside the provider component right here above the return is where I'm going to have my actions that are going to make calls to our reducer so let's create a function called delete transaction which will take in an ID because we need to know which one to delete and then we can use dispatch because remember we brought that in from here because we have used reducer so we can dispatch to our reducer an object and we're gonna have a type and the type is just a string which I'm going to call delete transaction and then it needs a payload so basically any data we want to send to it which is going to be the ID okay so that's all we need for our action now in the reducer let's save this and let's go to our reducer which is a producer Jas and let's create a case here for delete transaction and we want to return so like I said before reducer is just a way to change your state and send it down to your component to your application now we can't just change it we have to basically create a new state and send it down so we're going to use the spread operator here and then just send the current state state and then what we want to change is our transactions value so we want to set this to basically send down all the transactions except the one that was deleted okay so we have that ID sent in the payload so what we'll do is we'll take state dot transactions I'm such a via dot and then we'll use the filter method here and we want to in the filter we're going to say for each transaction it takes in an arrow function you want to say where a transaction dot ID is not equal to the action dot payload all right this action right here if we look at our global state when we did our dispatch we're dispatching an action with a type and a payload so the type is delete transaction so it's going to run this because we're checking the actions type and then we have the ID in the payload so we're just filtering out anything that has that ID because this is a delete all right so let's save that now back in our global state in order for us to use this action we have to pass it down in our provider just like we did this this transactions so we'll simply say delete transaction and now we should be able to pull this out just like we did transactions so the delete button is in the transaction component right here right there our delete button so let's bring in our global context I'll just copy it from one of these so bring that in we also want our use state hook or use context hook and then let's go right here and instead of pulling out the transactions I'm going to take the delete transaction action and set that to use context and that comes from our global state global context so now we should be able to fire this off let's go down here to the delete button so we have button say on click equals and then we'll have an arrow and then call delete transaction and we need the ID which we can get from transaction dot ID so let's try that out let's go over here let's say book click that and book goes away all right cool and if we check out our components and if we look at transactions so in our context we have our delete transaction props ok so delete that you can see it actually deletes the component from here good so the last thing that we need to do is we need to be able to add a transaction so that's going to work pretty much the same way we're going to first create an action in our global state just like we did right here actually I can just copy this so here this is going to be add transaction instead of an ID it's going to take in the entire transaction and then we want to dispatch a type of add transaction and the payload will be the transaction itself I feel like I've said transaction like 10 million times so we have the action here and we want to make sure we were able to access it through other components so we want to pass it in the provider and the provider value now we need to create this in our reducer so let's go to our a producer here and let's create another case for ad transaction and we want to return ok return our initial state and then transactions so what we need to do here is is basically return the transactions that are already they are in addition to the new one which is in the payload right so the way we can do this is set this to an array and we can get the the initial transactions by using the spread operator and then state dot transactions so the spread just basically takes out all the values from the array and puts them in here and then in addition to that we want our action dot payload which is our new transaction that's being added because if we look in our if we look right here we're sending that as the payload you can send whatever you want is the payload here we sent the ID here we sent the entire object and then in our reducer we're just adding that in addition to the rest of our transactions that's going to get sent down to the rest of the application ok so you can think of your your state as just hovering above your all of your components and you can send down what you want you can also call actions to send up alright so now let's go to add to our add transaction component and we're gonna be using our context so might as well bring in use context and we need to import our global context so I'll just copy that from here paste that in and then we're using the add transaction so I'm gonna copy this from the transaction j/s this was the delete now here we're actually using let's see we'll go right here and we're going to use the ad transaction action and where we want to use this let's see how do we want to do this let's on the form we'll add an on submit and let's just have that go to a function called on submit and then we'll create that up here Const on submit and we want to pass in our event parameter and we want to e dot prevent default okay and then let's build a new transaction object remember it has an ID so what I'm gonna do for the ID is just generate a random number if we look in the the vanilla JavaScript version I have a function where is it right here generate ID that just uses this math dot floor math dot random to generate an ID not the best thing to do but I mean it's a you know small enough application so I'm just gonna grab this this math dot floor math dot random and just put that right in here that'll generate an ID if you want you could use something like UUID or whatever so let's see in addition to that we need our text now the text is gonna be that whatever is in the form and that's already defined as text so we can just go like that same thing with amount which is the same as doing this okay so hopefully that makes sense we have our component level State hooked to these inputs and they're the values our text and a mount and that's what I'm passing in as just into this new object and then the last thing we want to do is call add transaction from our context and we want to pass in the new transaction okay so let's try that out so I'm gonna go ahead and add something here let's say payment 100 and AD transaction alright so let's see my own start reduced to fix is not a function in balance see balance so amount start reduced so we're getting amounts by mapping through our transactions and then getting each amount let's see what that gives us so I'm just gonna console.log amounts from balance let's see what happens if I just try to add something here oh so this is actually getting added as a string that's why we're getting this error because what we're doing with reduce is adding all these together however this is a string so let's get rid of that so back in add transaction when we add the amount right here let's actually parse this to a number which we could do in a couple different ways we could use parse int but a really simple way is just to add a plus sign to the amount and that will turn it into a number so let's save that and let's try this again so say payment 100 add and there we go so now it works because it's a number so payment plus 100 so 5 20 is our balance got 550 income minus 3 so everything looks correct good and then the last thing I want to do is just get rid of from our global state get rid of the initial state so transactions will just make this an empty array and then we don't have that stuff in the beginning it's just blank ok so we can go ahead and say payment 400 say say we bought a book for negative 50 all right so everything seems to be working correctly so we've successfully converted the vanilla JavaScript version into a react app now obviously this is a lot more code it's more difficult however it is much cleaner we have all of our UI components separated we have a global state that gets passed down to any components that need it we have actions we can fire off we could have made this a little simpler by putting all of our state in the App J's file as opposed to using the context API however that's Messier because you need to pass things down and props and stuff like that if you have events you need to pass them up in props and you definitely don't want to do that in a larger application so if this were the final results of what I wanted to build I wouldn't use a framework I wouldn't use a reactor view or anything I would just do what I did and use vanilla JavaScript however if I planned on adding more to this or adding a back-end which I actually might do then yes I would use a framework like react okay and there's there's pros and cons to both usually if you're gonna build a large UI you would probably want to use a framework but something as simple as this you could certainly do with phonology of a script but yes so that's it guys hopefully you enjoyed this and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 430,502
Rating: 4.9732485 out of 5
Keywords: react, react hooks, useState, react context, context api, javascript
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 40sec (2980 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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