Build an AI Image Captioning App With GPT-4 Vision API in 3 Min

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Hi everyone, in this video we're going to create  an AI image captioning app that will generate   social media descriptions and tags for your posts  using the newly released GPT 4 Vision API.   Let s get started. Alright. The first step is to install   the packages and download a few sample images that  will use as examples later on. Once that's done,   import the Open AI package along with the getPass  package, enter your open API key and run the   following sale, now, before we can pass the images  to Open AI, we need to encode them, for which we   will use a special function named ENCODE image.  Keep in mind that with this new update, the chat   completions endpoint is now located under the chat  property, which means that it might break your   previous code. Also, with the GPT 4 Vision Preview  model, you can now pass an array of objects into   the content field in the messages with different  types for image and text. So for the text type   will'll ask a question like Can you please tell  me what is displayed in this image? And for the   image URL type we will insert our encoding with  the encoded image itself. Now let's also run the   display function from IPython to showcase our  image and then print the response from OpenAI   Just take a look at how accurately the model  interprets the image. It goes beyond just   identifying the lion in front, but also discerns  the lioness in the background and points out that   it's looking away from the camera. It's truly  remarkable how this language model can detect   such fine details that even few specialized  image captioninging models can do. This is   why I believe this API has a huge potential  for all AI developers and founders. Okay,   let's now proceed with the AI captioning app that  we will build with Gradio. For the main function,   which is called Caption Image will pass in image  path parameter that will encode the image and then   pass the encoded image to OpenAI just like  we did in example before. Here you can get   really creative just by switching the prompt.  For example, you can make the model create.   SEO tags for ecommerce or you can pass multiple  images and make it generate a full script or even   diagnose medical images as I explained in one of  my previous videos. All Right. For this example,   we're just going to use a simple prompt. Like provide a descriptive caption for the   image along with 10 to 15 relevant tags. Now to  build our UI with Gradio, we'll just use a simple   Gradio interface that takes our image captioning  function, the Gradio image component as an input   and text as an output. For the examples, let's  include our downloaded images. Now we just have   to add a demo. launch command at the end and run  this cell. You should see your Gradio interface   appear below this cell, which you can also  open using the following link. So now let's   try to use it with some example starting with  an image of the Eiffel Tower. As you can see,   the app provides incredibly accurate captions  and tags. It even describes the silhouette of the   tree branches which are not easily noticeable  in the image, and it also includes tags that   indicate the time of the day. You can try it  yourself with a few images downloaded from the   internet and you can even share this link with  your friends and others. So that's it for this  video. Thank you for watching. I will do a lot  more practical tutorials on all the crazy stuff that openai has just released on the Dev Day so  make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for that.
Channel: VRSEN
Views: 4,938
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Keywords: GPT-4 Vision API, image captioning tutorial, AI image analysis, social media automation, OpenAI tutorial, Gradio app development, AI for social media, image tagging, AI developer guide, machine learning, visual content description, AI API integration, GPT-4 tutorial, AI image captioning, chatgpt tutorial, chatgpt, ai, artificial intelligence, openai, openai dev day, Gradio, AI Development, gpt 4 vision, openai assistant api, chatgpt 4 vision, openai vision api
Id: -ETwGfjt5ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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