Build a Tableau COVID-19 Dashboard (PART 3) The Best of the Series

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[Music] all right thanks for tuning in everyone this is anthony smoke and check me out on anthony smoke come definitely hit subscribe here on youtube as always if you learn something go ahead and leave a like in the comment and make sure you ring the bell so you get that update when i drop a new video so today back in tableau so you know i've i really want to thank you for all of your comments and likes on the first two videos in this series everyone leaving comments asking when this third one is coming out so i appreciate that just took me some time i wanted to make sure that i was bringing you some value bringing you a quality video this stuff isn't as easy as I make it look you know how humble brag right so again again thank you thank you so very much for for checking out checking out my videos here so in this video I want to cover four different areas so number one I want to show you how to defeat the hard coding and manual sorts that I had in place in the first two videos so if you recall we had to hard code and then we had to do some manual sorting so if we use a level of detail calculation we can get rid of that hard coding in the manual sorting so that's good then I want to show you how I lay out the dashboard on you know all my different chart aspects here on the dashboard want to show you that and then of course everyone wants to know how we do the the chart swap so we'll show you that how to how to do that switch from the default access to the log axis and then stick around for for bonus material I'll show you how to make that tableau data connection to the to the data service there so again want to cover those four points and again if you completed this exercise feel free to post your tableau public and in the comments here right I won't be able to you know comment on every submission but I will take a look at it you know give that thumbs up if I like it and then everyone knows that I'm here in Atlanta Georgia I really appreciate appreciate the fact that I have people watching all over the world all around the United States so if you're watching please leave a comment just where are you watching from you know a city and state if you're outside of the United States I'd love to know what country and city you're watching from so go ahead and drop that in the comments as well so let's go ahead and get started here I want to get out of this version right here and I've got where we left off right we didn't have a dashboard in the last last video so we completed all of these pieces and again go back and watch part one go back and watch part two before you watch well you can watch this part 3 version but go back and watch part 1 and part 2 first so you're not lost so I want to show you right now if we go in here this is our confirmed cases bars if I go in here and I edit the filter right you recall we're looking at the top 10 countries on our max date in the data set so my max date in this data set is April 7 2020 right and it's hard-coded so we don't want to do that so I got a suggestion from a user the name was in Arabic you know my Arabic isn't where it needs to be right now but I put the name in Google Translate and it came out to Apogee right so in English for an object in orbit and Apogee is the greatest distance from the center of the earth so so thank you Apogee for suggesting that I use a level of detail here so the brilliant thing about the level of detail is that you can it's not an aggregation so I can mix see if I just do this right if I go max date right that was giving me that was giving me the issue right see there's a squiggly line underneath it that's right I can't do that if I try to apply write cannot make segregate non aggregate aggregate arguments with this function okay so what we can do to change that is using LOD let me brilliant because the LOD is just going to return the value it's a diss aggregate right so if I just say you know I'm gonna put the curly braces and I'm gonna say fixed not by any field and then just put another curly brace there and I don't even need the fixed here I just do that just because it's it's a good practice to let someone know this is an LOD so what this is gonna do is this is gonna return the max date in the data set so if I hit apply nothing will change right no nothing changes it's still it's still giving me the top ten countries on four seven twenty twenty so what I want to do now and if you'll recall we had a manual sort right so we're gonna fix that as well so let's take let's go back in here and edit the filter I'm gonna take this just copy it cancel I want to create a calculated field so let's put this whoops didn't mean to do that let's show the sidebar but I put this in a in a calculated field and I know come on here here we go create calculated field just gonna paste that for those of you that want to take a look here maybe if I did this if the if the date equal this and the case type equals confirm then then cases and maybe maybe that maybe that makes it a little easier to read right so basically I just want to some cases on the maximum day in the status set which for me is four seven twenty twenty if you're just starting this today it's gonna be today's date so let's go with this let's call this calc confirmed cases so we've got this this value right this some of our confirmed cases on April seventh or the max day in our data set so just gonna say Cal confirmed cases so we just have that as a measure so now what I can do if I go into the filter let's edit this filter instead of by formula let's go by field right and now top ten calc confirmed cases if I say apply let me move this out of the way so when I hit apply nothing should change great we know it's working so all I've done is I've substituted in this this measure we're filtering by the top ten confirmed cases here on our max day so that'll give us the countries here that we want and so now I don't even need a manual start here let's do this let's clear the sort right okay so now everything's you know not in the order that we would like to sending order so now if we put a sort on here I can do this I can go not manual sorry we want by field let's go descending and not cases are calculated confirmed cases and you'll see it puts it in a nice order we don't have to do that manual sort right so that is great use this technique that way when you update your CSV right or if you using the web data connector you'll always see the top ten countries by confirmed cases so go ahead and make that change obviously you want to make sure that your your filter is is confirmed right so go ahead and make that change let's do the same thing on the confirmed bets right so what we need to do is we just need to duplicate this and I'm gonna call this Oh let's hit escape right there this is gonna be confirmed deaths and it'll get rid of this copy right so we have that confirmed deaths let's go ahead and edit and we want to make sure this is deaths right say ok so we have that and we're just gonna do the same thing here for our desk make sure we're filtered by deaths all right we're gonna go in here we're gonna edit the filter and we're just gonna go by field confirm deaths all right say apply and again I'm just gonna move this over here so you can see nothing should change and apply and nothing does change great and then our sort we're just going to again it will clear the sort just so you know it's working we'll go in here to sort and we're going to sort by the field and this is going to be a descending sort not by cases but by our calculated confirmed deaths right and it comes in very nicely so you see that is a much more elegant way of going about this again shout out to user Apogee in Arabic that was a great tip to use the the level of detail I love learning from you guys that's why I love when you leave comments I love learning from you just as much as you may enjoy learning things for me right so number two let's get into formatting with containers all right so let's pick up here on on formatting so I'm gonna go over to a dashboard and so the size here is automatic and so with automatic the dashboard will resize to fit any screen it is displayed on the problem with automatic is that when you post your your viz on tableau public or even to server you know things tend to move around and shift around it doesn't look nice on tableau public sometimes so you know you can save yourself a lot of hassle now you use automatic you know when I'm recording here and I want it to fill up my whole screen so there are some some use to it but for this for the purposes of this this video let's go with a fixed size here and let's go generic just generic desktop right so we're gonna we're gonna start with that right so what I'm gonna do I'm using a technique employed by Curtis Harris he has a great video explaining tiles and containers it was it's just a phenomenal video if you go over to my my twitter at anthony smoke i'll probably place a link to the video but but shout out to curtis hara so i'm gonna try and use his technique here so we're gonna go with a a floating vertical so i'm gonna just grab a vertical and and toss it out here and i want to make sure the whole point is if i go to the item layout i want everything or not everything but i want most things to be with inside this this vertical right here right whenever you have tiles so let me just do this for let me get rid of that whenever i throw let's just take something it doesn't matter what oh sorry get rid of that let's go back to tiled when i throw something on here you'll notice when you go to the layout okay tile the horizontal tiled vertical it just makes it very hard to read when you have these tiles so i'm gonna try and put this together in a way that we don't have any tiled charts right everything is within a container right so let's let's do that and so we're gonna go with a floating vertical and again our size is 1366 by 768 so I'm gonna go over here and let's just change the the position to one and one right puts it puts it in the corner there and then we know that we are 1366 right by 768 right and that covers the whole right our whole dashboard area here so now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna drop I'm gonna put two blanks in here so let me just do that and put a blank in here and so even though it's floating I can hold down shift and it will drop it inside so you see I have that vertical and I have a blank when I go to my layout right so we're gonna do that I'm gonna drop another blank let's see if I can put that at the bottom right again check in my layout I have two blanks inside the vertical and so the whole point of doing that is now I'm gonna take a vertical because I want my title to be in here right I'm holding down shift so when you hold down shift you'll notice right it'll fit in between here I see this line so I like seeing this line this lets me know that hey this is where you're gonna drop it right it's a little harder down here but I see that line I know I'm good so what I have now is I have a vertical in between two blanks if I go to my layout see how easy that is to read I have one huge vertical and I put two blanks in a vertical in between and so this vertical is going to hold my my my title right and image so let's do that so let's take the let's take my title here image sorry image put that here it's gonna fit the image Center the image choose the image and I got this from flat icons right so if you get if you get something from flat icons just make sure you give give credit there when you post up to tableau public so that's there and then I also want to place in there so I place this image in here I also want to place a some text here so let's go ahead see if I can get that in here and what do I want this to be it's going to be coronavirus kovat 19 confirmed cases by location and I don't really feel like typing so I'm just gonna paste that in there and I am using tableau tableau medium alright and let's go with a font size of 18 all right and do I want to make this all right let's leave this the color what it is for now so I have these two items within within a vertical I can do something like that let's go to the layout so you'll see I have the vertical so I grab the horizontal sorry I have my vertical and then I grab the horizontal he turned into a horizontal because I have them side-by-side so let me let me correct that but but see how easy this is to read you know I have two blanks here and then I have a horizontal cuz it's side-by-side I've been saying vertical I have a horizontal because they're side-by-side and you know I can just I can just size this up you know and I want this to be at the top so guess what I can get rid of this up here and that that brings that to the top kinda size this size this up a little bit over here and let's go with a so what I can do right I know when I double-click right when I select on a container I can double click on this here and it grabs the entire container and I go to the layout I just want this so I can do this I can edit hide let's edit the height I want this to be about 50 so let's say I put 51 so that's fine all right and I'm not gonna change any colors for Wow let's do that let's let's edit the if I do that and it takes no it's not that that's right if I got to go here sorry so the background sorry if I if I click that yeah there we go I want that I don't want any oops gonna make sure that I'm there I don't want any padding there and then I can go in here and just change this too she's just too white okay and see right you'll notice that that I do that I do have some some space here and what will fill this up basically this is saying hey you have you have some more room to put some things in here if I go to the layout you'll see I have a horizontal and a and a blank right here right so we'll don't worry there's we're gonna put some some more information in here that that's my blank right so we're definitely gonna have some more stuff down here so all right okay so next up I want to put another horizontal in here so let's take a horizontal make again I'm floating let's take that horizontal I'm holding down shift and you see I have my line there I like when I see the lines here I'm gonna drop that here so if I go to my layout it's easy to read I have a horizontal and a horizontal within our mega vertical that I'm calling it right so there's that there's that horizontal and so what I want to put in here I want to have the map so let's go ahead and and drop the map in here there's a map hold down shift and the map drops in there and so what you'll notice in it puts in a lot of junk right so again I like having this blank at the bottom right because I know anything be yeah easy for me to say anything below this blank right this tiled it's it's trying to put in you know the the ledge aim and some other information here that I don't want if I look there's a tile the horizontal tiled vertical sea tiles just make it very hard to read and I just want to get rid of this remove that container right and again anything below my blank I just want to get rid of removed from dashboard delete containers yes so having that blank there just lets me know that anything that appears below it I need to get rid of so that's why I like having that there and so we we have our map here I want to go in here well yeah let's go ahead and edit the title and edit the title let's go ahead and what is it format title yes so let's do the shading make sure that is 3rd there we go so so that shows up as well I'm gonna make sure let's go back in here get rid of this let's make sure this background right so that gets rid of that line so that's good so we have that confirmed cases for seven I can actually you know expand that out so you'll see again go to the layout very easy to read have a horizontal with with a map in it right very easy to follow now I'm gonna go to my map here if I can find it there we go in the map and then one thing that I did in here if you want to switch these I had the effects of the border black I think you know I want to make that that white and then the halo black so I think that's how I had it in my my original video there so it looks good either way if you do want to swap I mean I mean that's fine let me get out here and come back Oh sometimes it's sometimes it yeah there we go so it so it comes back sometimes those go away but anyway if you like this look go ahead and use it if you want to switch it back you can do that as well so just wanted to to show you that all right one last thing here on the map just want to show you the tooltip I change this up you can see I have the country region date I typed confirmed cases and then we insert the some cases field so if you want to look at the text size on that 16 12 10 20 so going for an interesting effect there so if you want to look at the color again you should already know that color this is the color that I'm using whoops let me go here more colors right 6 380 f2 so that's what I'm using there so kind of gives a tooltip you know this this affected a little better than just the generic one so just wanted to show you that on the mat so let's go back to our dashboard we go great oh I don't know what's going on there we have some there we go sometimes it just kind of does interesting things there but as you can see we have a map so let's take a look at our nice clean item hierarchy we have our mega vertical and then we have a horizontal up top that horizontal has our our image and our text in there real easy to follow and then we have a horizontal here in the middle with just the map and we want to add another vertical here so what I'm gonna do let's go over here and I'm still floating we got our vertical gonna drag it out here I'm gonna hold down shift right that's the key got to keep shift held down and it will put that vertical here so sometimes if you don't hold that shift down see it's there strange things will happen so what I want to do is I want to stack this with four different charts right so let's do our confirmed cases ban first so there's our confirmed cases banned want to grab this guy holding down shift and I'm putting them here in that vertical so you'll see that weird things are happening here so we have to go to our layout let's make sure it's in the vertical it is and there's a tile we don't want it just just remove from dashboard yes delete that delete that so that's gone right we want to stay clean anything below blank we're getting rid of right so we have a vertical and we have confirmed cases banned in there just gonna get rid of this we don't need that title so now we're gonna stack right we're gonna stack our confirmed cases line so let's take confirmed cases line pull them down shift trying to bring it here right and then you again weird weird stuff filters coming in here I'm just gonna hide the title and then you know let's let's do something like that for now let's go to our layout what's happening you see we have the confirmed cases line within our vertical and then again it tries to throw extra junk in there remove from the dashboard we don't want it right so you see how easy it is to follow along doing it in this in this manner again you got a hold shift to put these in here right and then the next thing we want to do we want to have a text all right so I'm gonna grab a text I'm holding down shift actually the line is here so that gives me some comfort that it's going going in I'm gonna take my chances I'm gonna I'm gonna put it down here and what we want to do is we want to call this top 10 countries with with confirmed cases so I'm lazy I'm just gonna paste that in there I want tableau medium right just just tab low medium medium right and let's go with center all right we're gonna Center that and we want it to be a white text and nine points okay so that black text let's go ahead and change this to if I can white Texas we're not gonna be able to see it now but when I go here and go to the layout and change this to write our background color there it shows up and of course I can woops yeah get rid of that padding I can do that for all of these let me just go ahead and do it right and same thing for this guy right here right but you see what's happening I'm placing all of my charts within this this vertical and I go to my layout they're all stacked in my vertical alright nice and easy to read and then now we want to throw in our bar chart right so let's go to confirmed cases bars if I can find that confirmed cases bars there we go I'm holding down shift and it's gonna go not here right in here right and I'm gonna hide this hide the title and you'll see everybody is just kind of kind of Oh top 10 countries with confirmed cases I'm gonna hold down shift let's see if I can let's see hopefully it won't give me some tile stuff going on here if I do that let me go back and check okay good so it did it did put it in here gave me some tiled crap we're gonna remove it remove dashboard item oh not renamed let's go and move from dashboard there we go alright so now and again I'm gonna go in here so you see how this process is unfolding everyone loves a kind of the the formatting here right but hey once you see it hopefully it becomes second nature to you so they're all stacked in my vertical right I mean that's great alright I mean that's that's that's really nice and clean we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna put another vertical over here and this is going to be for our confirmed deaths right this is this is going to be fascinating to watch and make sure you stick around again the payoff here gonna show you how to swap out those containers so make sure you you stick around for that all right so let's go ahead and add that second vertical here next to our map right and we have a vertical that's at a second vertical here so this one's always a little tricky so bear with me let's see if we can get this in one take we may not be able to but let's see here we're gonna try and put this here right all right so we have that going for us now let's take a look right we have that space going to take a look at the layout all right so we got it there now let's try and stack these in here let's put our confirm deaths BAM let's start with that I'm holding down shift I'm gonna drop that in there so good that takes let's hide the title and let's get rid of our junk right remove from dashboard delete the container okay so we have that another vertical we have that in there let's see if we can stack in our confirmed deaths line from vets line holding down shift let's see if it'll get in there same thing let's hide the title go back to our layout and it is there that's good and then I'm going to remove from dashboard delete the containers sure I'm not gonna touch this because look look what happens I'm gonna controls you see when I try and size this it wants to throw sometimes it'll throw an extra tile in there so I'm surprised that let me do that right you know when you try and size this up a little bit it'll throw a tile in there but it didn't do it this time so all right that's great let's just let's just go with that and then now let's throw in the instead of the text let's just go straight for the the the bar charts so confirm death's bars it's couldn't grab that guy let's see if we can put it down there let's see if it's nice enough to take us all right so there's a confirmed death bars it is there let's go ahead and hide that title right it didn't give us a child so let's go and remove that from the dashboard as well we're gonna delete that so we're keeping it clean right we're stacking and so now I want to take I want text right and we're gonna stick that right here and I am going to cut and paste because that's how I do it and again I want this to stay tableau medium don't want it to change or at 9:00 and then we will go with then comes a my centering this that kind of centering that and then let's make this white okay and then if I go here go to the layout and change that to our background color we have that right we can get rid of some of the padding on this guy it's gonna do that and there we go let's get rid of padding on all of this stuff while we're at it no padding there no padding here and then no padding here okay and so what I was talking about before you see it looks good now we have a vertical with our four things in it so what ends up happening when I try and size this it wants to throw a tile in there see that tile I'm just gonna control Z out of this I don't know why it it does that but I know the proportions that I want here just cuz I've done this enough times so for this right here let's see if I can edit the height we want to go with 85 all right we'll do that and then for our confirmed cases line let's say I keep wanting to do that I wish it would let you change it there let's edit the height here let's go with 254 right this this height right here that's right I have to go here that's right at it height edit height let's go with seven and then right here I want this height to be let's see if it'll let me do it if this will let me extend all the way down a little bit and at the height let's go with three oh nine let me do that probably because this this blank is here but did it take it didn't take that's all right we'll fix it wolf but I want to do the same thing here if this height is 85 then I want this height see again whenever I try and just oh let me just move it it wants to throw a tile in there I don't like that so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna go here if this is 85 then I want to edit the height here to be 85 and then you can play around with this on your own you don't have to use exactly the same Heights that I'm using I know that's 254 so I want this to be 254 that's it at the height let's go with 254 and what are we having 37 yeah it's kind of trial and error to play around with this I know that I wanted this so this should be the same that's 298 that should be 298 and so okay we still have this blank here so once we get rid of this you know we can we can size it a little bit more appropriately all right next up let's add another horizontal so again going back to our layout right we have two horizontals inside a vertical right we have this blank as well so what we want to do is let's take another horizontal holding down shift looking for my line right I'm gonna drop it there and then I don't need this blank I'm gonna get rid of the blank here so we have this this horizontal actually I'm probably gonna put the Technic yeah I'm just gonna put the text in here let's put the text inside right and so I'm just gonna cut and paste this is a you know just some text to say here's who created the dashboard it here's who you know inspired the dashboard you can't see it right now I like a little copy and paste let me go back in here sorry and let's move that all the way over and so you'll be able to see it a little bit better when I do background right get the background to match right and let's do this patting and oh no I have any beat gotta get that last name in there smoke aspired by nothing to be smoked so all I ask is if you're going to upload this to tableau public just put this in the bottom corner inspired by Anthony B smoke right I've taken all this time and give you this great content just give me a shout out when you put this up on on tableau public if you decide to do that so alright so we have that let's go ahead and do let's create our line next so the line is going to be a horizontal all right it doesn't matter where you put it just make sure it's it's obviously floating and then for the width just gonna give it a width of one right and then a height of 605 and then we can just place that all right I'm just gonna place that right about here all right that looks yeah that looks good and that's how we do the line all right fair fairly simple going back to our right our layout here this horizontal I'm just gonna rename this red rename dashboard item to line so I know what I'm looking at and so that line is floating right the line is floating it sits above you know the the vertical here are floating on top of that vertical so again I just wanted to call that out and so next up let's do the I think what I had here before I had a little as of date well no you know what going to map on a size this map appropriately so this mat should be let's do this cuz everything is kind of scrunched let's let's make the map with here edit with let's see if I can get this map 6:38 oh is that right so that's gonna move that's going to affect our our line so we're just gonna take the line and move that over here right see how that looks yeah that's fine that's fine okay there we go so now that spacing is a little better with that map 638 and then if I go in here 684 that's fine all right so next up let's let's see if I can pull this off here I want to float the legend for this map so let's see if I can do that if I go in here maybe if I right-click on here legends there we go show the colored legend now it's gonna put it in right it does that alright so it put it within our line if you if believe it or not right we created that line and put it inside the line so I'm just gonna do this really quick let's make this this with you know just just gonna do that for now and you'll see right you'll see it put it inside that line that's okay we're gonna do something like this and we'll just replace the line it does kind of weird stuff like that so let's see if I can if I make this yeah let's edit this edit the code not edit the colors edit the title and let's make sure these the cases shows up as white okay and then over here I can not add a title format legends it is font the title we are to change the height so let's see that in the body here okay alright so we have that so again this is floating just wanted to write and it put it it it put it in line let's let's make sure this is floating go back over here now it is floating if I go over here floating there we go I want that floating there we go so we had that there and so what it did when I and I showed it and put it inside the empty container that I had so let's go ahead and remake we make our line should be fairly simple enough again back over here let's do it let's do a horizontal throw that in there layout we know that we want this to be one right and then we said we wanted our line height to be 605 so we'll do one of these great and then we're just gonna move it over here like it kind of just right in front of the UK okay so now we had that I just wanted to take care of a little formatting little housekeeping things so far before we move on okay what we're gonna do now we're gonna put a nice little as of date for our data we're just gonna float it here in the corner so what I'm gonna do let's go ahead and go to our confirmed cases band let's duplicate this right and this is gonna be as of date right and obviously we have to we have to make some changes here I'm gonna go in the tooltip and just get rid of that we don't need to you don't need a tooltip in here let's remove this some of the cases we we definitely don't need that and I'm gonna add prep flow runtime right this is when the the data was prepared so let's add prep flow runtime to text here right and instead of year let's let's make sure it's the month and year right okay and let's add another prep flow runtime and let's add that to the two text and then let's make sure that that is the that's the day alright okay and we're just going to format here a little bit let's go in a tooltip no sorry let's go into text right and you'll see let me bring this over here we have what we want is let's do this data right as of the day prep flow run time and the month prep flow run time and so I want this to be let me just over here let's make this we don't want it to baby let's go let's go small 8 here and on here let's make this let's go 12 want that to be kind of big and then let's go yeah let's leave that at 9 that's fine and then let's make all of this white oops let's see let's see how that looks data as of 7 April 2020 right and so obviously that's going to change depending upon when you download the CSV here and so I don't need all of this I don't need the case type confirmed it doesn't really matter I don't need pages on this so we're just keeping it real real clean here entire view that's fine so we have as update its gonna bring that down here right close to the dashboard and actually it doesn't really need a color so we're gonna none on that anyway on the dashboard we go back here let's bring our as update it's floating and obviously we don't need the title we're gonna hide that and then I'm gonna change the size up here a little bit and let's see if we can squeeze it in the corner you know we could just squeeze that just a little bit in the corner here there we go right and so you end up with something something like that data as of April 7 you know you can size it and put it put it wherever you want so if we go back to our layout again we want to keep our layout clean right you see we have write a vertical three horizontals oh there's a case yeah there's our cases that's fine this was our line so let's go ahead and rename that again rename dashboard item that's our line again keeping that clean and the as update is floating so these floating things are going to be on and then this is our main mega container which I'm which I'm calling it so now let's take a look at the the page control because we want these things to be dynamic and we want them to move so let's go ahead and show our page control alright so let's take a big vertical here it doesn't it doesn't matter I'm just gonna take a vertical here and I'm just gonna drag it all the way to the end here right let's not worry about what it's doing what's gonna end up happening is on the map here when I show show page control it's gonna put it in here and we are going to float this so I'm gonna make that floating everything comes back right and so now we have our our page control here and let's can I size this up here I don't need all of that space but in any event let's play around with the sizing here you see we have this and so I'm just gonna put this in the corner and let's go in here let's play with some options here so if I do oh I wonder if I if I remove container can I do that yes so I just remove the container so it's there by itself perfect and then alright so let's look at some customization options here and I don't want to show the page readout right and then customization I don't want to show the history we always want to show the history but I don't want to have that as a selection option so now I'm just left with this right here and I'm just gonna size this up and so what I ended up doing I end up playing around with this I don't even think I need the get rid of the title right I always end up playing around with the sizing cuz when you publish the tableau public it did you know when you're floating things you know how that go so you're gonna have to play around with it with it a little bit and let's see so it's only affecting the map right now so we need to get it synchronized with everything else so let's see if I go here so it says synchronize I'm gonna uncheck and then I'm gonna check right and so there we go and that seems to get it in sync with everything else as I move this right so that is good just gonna take a look at the the animation here and that seems to be working the way we intend it to work so we've got the page control working I'm just gonna go here and look at our our very nice and a pretty layout and we are looking good here so these things are floating our cases that's our again this is our how many times I have to rename this right so this is our line I'm gonna rename this to two line once again right there's our line there's our as update and then we're gonna rename this to page control so let's get do that rename dashboard item to page control again a lot of you probably don't pay attention to the item hierarchy but you know I like to keep it clean it makes it easy to follow you know exactly what's we're right horizontal for our for our title our map and then our two verticals within the within the horizontal and then we have another horizontal down here right for our inspiration right so so there we go last but not least right stick around for this I I was thinking about putting this in a separate video I probably might end up still putting this in a separate video as a separate lesson but I'll keep it here cuz I don't want to keep you waiting I know you've been waiting on this let me show you how we do the container swap right stick around let's do the container swap alright let's do a little let's do a little quick sizing here first I just want to play around with this the sizing here so on this right here let's see if I can edit the width let's make this a little bit wider here I'm gonna go 652 move that out a little bit and then let's see if I can get this to be again I want the whole vertical container edit with let's see if I can get this to be about 357 and hopefully that leaves 357 right so I'm just just sizing that out just just a little bit there so now let's go ahead and move that line right so there's our line let's go and shift that over just a little bit there there we go that looks good all right so now let's get to that swapping that container swapping right so here's the trick for container swabbing again just want to make sure these are this is everything that we're floating that's okay and then this is our giant container a mega container and within that we have three horizontals so what we want to do now for each vertical within here for each one of these these charts here we're gonna float another chart so let's go ahead and do this make sure we run floating and I'm just gonna grab you know a horizontal I'm gonna do something like this see if I can put it well no let's just for now let's just see if I can float it all right so I'm gonna float it right hold shift to drop floating objects into this container right so I want to drag oops I want to drag the log confirmed cases right and I want to drag that into there and I want to hide the title and of course our line goes away you know next time add your line last that's that's the only thing I can tell you so what did it put in there put the case type in there you know and we can remove that if I remove from dashboard right it does get rid of the line there so that that's fine so anyway we have this we'll put the line back so we so we have this this floating container right and in a horizontal and that's okay and so for our we're gonna not remove the container so it's in a horizontal so that's good so let's note right here let's note the position of this 653 138 right 357 and 254 so we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna position this in the same place right so let's go ahead do that let's go ahead and if I select that the X is going to be 653 and then 138 and then we're gonna have 357 here and 254 and that fit exactly in the space where our other container is right and let's good move this over a little bit give us a little little room if I can here all right we don't want to lose there's a million so so again that's fitting right in the space and it's in a container so if I do if I select that I see I can select container horizontal right so that's what we're looking for so let's go ahead and do the same thing let's note the same positioning here for this 10 10 138 357 254 so let's go ahead and do the same thing here and so it puts a horizontal here that that's okay you know that's our you know that's our floating container here so we're gonna take another floating horizontal I'm just gonna throw it here again it kills killed our line but that's alright we'll put the line back I swear that line and let's go ahead and put the confirmed deaths line log in here right so we put that in a container and let's make sure that that is indeed the case right okay good we will go ahead and hide the title and again it's all about noting noting the positioning right so again let's go ahead let's go and change it to the to the to the positioning we noted earlier and so oops let's do that and this is gonna be 1010 138 right 357 254 puts it right in there is there some room to size up a little bit here yep there is okay great and that is in the same place and I just want to make sure it's any so I can select that container great and so if I look at my dashboard sorry how am i layout I just have to horizontals here that's okay I know these floating horizontals are gonna be for my sheet swapping so now how do we get the button in there so what we're gonna do is you have to select the container that this this chart is is held within so let's select the container horizontal right and then once I've done that I can say add show/hide button and it puts a little little X here right but so it puts a little X here and obviously we can we can change this over to a text so let's go ahead and mess with some of the options here let's edit the button and I don't want it to be name and you can make it an image you certainly can I want it to be text right and then I want the the title here to be for items shown the title I wanted to say the fault axis right so I'll say the fault axis tablo you know I could probably leave a tableau book tableau mediums fine let's go with a font of eight-point right and then for the color I can't I can't figure out how to put a custom color in here so we just got to make it as close to the color that I'm using as possible so that's gonna be four items shown and then for item hidden I wanted to show log I want to say log here and this is tableau medium once again this is going to be eight point and let's see let's see what that does if I sized this out a little bit bear with me alright so default axis alright and so now if I go into this mode right here does it work oh I need to change that color but you see it does work right so boom that is how we do that that that is the magic right there so let's go back in here let's edit the button and for item hidden let's make sure I got the right color right I think I selected that we'll say okay just just gonna play with that a little bit and default access look at the switch that's the magic and so once you know how to do it for this one you'll know how to do it for this one so again just gonna recreate that we're gonna go over here select container horizontal I want to go in here add the show/hide button and you know we're just gonna place it here for now again edit button and then for items shown I'm sorry so we want this to be text right and then I want this to be default axis right I'm gonna go with the tableau medium 8 point and again I can't pick the exact purple that I want so let's try this purple right here say ok for item hidden right this is I'm just gonna have it say log tab low medium and let's go with the point again let's just pick that purple again say okay and size it and if I wanted to I can I gotta line this up what is this 776 138 you know I could make this 138 to align it to the same if I wanted to here and I'm just gonna sighs this out so that says default access right so now if I go in here I say default access log there you go that is the magic you stuck around this long to to understand how we get that that chart swapping a sheet swapping action so glad you stuck around for that and again I'm gonna put this stupid line back here make sure you put the line in last don't be like me put put the line in in last right so again one more thing here let's just do this otherwise it's gonna bother me so our item hierarchy is looking good we have we have our buttons so if we go back to our item hierarchy we have two buttons and we have our floating horizontals here that represent our sheets these are our floating things and then this is our mega vertical oh we've got a tiled here I don't like that what is in that tiled see how we don't want tiled we don't want any of this stuff so just remove that container whatever that is just go away you know remove this remove container sure and this horizontal yes Oh what is this towel right here nope I don't think I want that here let me go back to my again whenever we have tiles it kind of screws things up so there's our vertical there's our vertical with our horizontals you know with the three horizontals and what horizontal is this I don't know what horizontal this is tiled and case type I don't need it remove from dashboard yep delete the containers your gun alright so then this is the clean this is the clean the cleanest that I wanted right so this is our bottom horizontal perfect so we're just cleaning up here so now we just have our buttons we have through our line in here so now floating horizontal again we've done this a hundred times it feels like our width is gonna be 1 our height is going to be I think it was 605 I feel like I know this by by heart by now let's see if I can get this right what is this 1,000 two and then 136 somewhere somewhere in there there you go look at that boom so we got our line back in here so this is the dashboard I think the only the only thing that I'm missing here is if you want to see web data connectors so stick around stick around if you want to see how we make a connection to tableau web data connector alright welcome to the bonus round you're still here we're going on almost an hour so your real diehard fan so I appreciate you you watching so let's do a a web data connector here if you want to get to this data without downloading the CSV you can use the web data connector so I've got a blank tableau public open and just gonna go web data connector and so what I can do is it's gonna ask for a data connector URL here and so if we go to right this is the tableau tableau site right here and once you go here I'm gonna scroll down you're gonna look for access the data and you'll see data dot world you're gonna need an account on data dot world right so if you don't have one go to day 2 dot world make an account and link for web data connector so what's gonna happen is it's gonna give me this I'm gonna copy it right and we're gonna go back into tableau and I'm gonna paste it here say enter and I'm already connected I thought I was already connected all right that's fine so you're going to enter in your credentials right here and then once you sign in right you give you no tableau access to your to your firstborn here just authorize them access your profile information and you'll notice you're adding a data source from data dot world it's a SQL query type and it's a simple you know if you know SQL select star from Cova 19 cases right so you're grabbing everything from you know this must be a table that they have set up to share the data so I'm gonna say connect and just to show you once we do that it's gonna think about it and so I can say update now right I'm say I'm not gonna say automatically update you know I like the update now have had more control and it's gonna crank for a little bit and then the data will load and you'll see we have all of the latest fields here so if you don't want to download those CSVs every day and so there are some new fields here from when I first looked at this in on April 7th there's gonna be some some some new fields here you can see this is as of May 12th I did people hospitalized wasn't a thing population count wasn't a thing what you can do if you're not sure what things are if we go back here if I if I log into data dot world data stray data dot world right it can it'll show my my updates and so I can go here to to Anthony and I'll show all my my different projects activity followers following I'm not following anyone I can come over here to knew how to check data sets and data dot world I selected data over here global coronavirus and I can come in here and take a look at there should be some some metadata within here contributors discussion activity that's good that's the CSV but I want to see the the columns here if I go see all right you'll see the table columns here so when they were added things of that nature I can go over here to data dictionary right and then it'll tell me give me some metadata information so so there you go there you have that that information on how to navigate data dot world let's go back into to tableau here whoops let's go back into tableau here this was our database that not database this is our dashboard that we created and so I've stepped you through all of this what I would appreciate again if you completed this exercise feel free to post your tableau public link in the comment I'll take a look at it like I said earlier you know give me a shim in Atlanta Georgia give me a shout-out where you are if you're watching I'm just curious where you are in the United States or where you are in the world but your city and put your country in there again I do this for you so what do we learn we defeated the hard coding and manual sorts using a level of detail in calculated field right we did formatting with containers and again I got to give a shout out for Curtis Harris for this technique find the video it is it is an awesome video right you'll never lay things out on a dashboard again you'll never want to see tiles again right we did the container swap you learn how to do that as well right for for both of these and then I showed you the tableau data connection web connector so this was an action-packed video this is the longest one I've ever done and again I thank you for making this series of success again appreciate the life so this has been Anthony smoke hope you enjoyed what you saw here hope you enjoyed this series I think this is gonna masterclass something a baseball cap get out there do some great things with your beer thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Anthony B. Smoak
Views: 19,389
Rating: 4.9905882 out of 5
Keywords: Tableau, Anthony Smoak, Business Intelligence, Data Visualization, Tableau Tips, Tableau Charts, Tableau dashboard, tableau dashboard design, tableau dashboard actions, Tableau bar chart, Tableau Public, Tableau Youtube, Tableau Training, Analytics, Coronavirus, Dashboard Example, Tableau Layout Container, Tableau Project, Tableau Publ
Id: RJaDUuwZQ_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 22sec (3802 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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