Build a Swap Top Foldable Sawhorse

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[Music] you hey y'all in the middle of something again and I need another sawhorse so I thought I'd take the opportunity to show you the type that I like to make and I think when you see them your eyes are pretty pretty useful saw one of these years ago and I thought man that is a really good idea so I've been making them like this ever since and why is a big reason I like these this right here you'll never mess your frame up you just replace the top when you get it all cut up you just fold these up and put them away let me show you a little bit about them they fold up like that and all we're going to do and we're going to cut four legs exactly the same they'll all have a 22 and 1/2 degree bevel cut here and we're going to use three braces and we'll do those we'll do the legs at 40 inches and we'll do the braces at 30 that way we can get this whole thing made with three two by fours two by four bay and the other thing you're gonna need is some two four inch carriage bolts and I would recommend a string or strap of some type to keep it set and you'll see why that that's necessary when we get it all put together so let's get started alright we're ready to start making our cuts like I said there'll be 22 degrees when we're all said and done what you're going to want is basically a parallelogram something that looks like this that's what our legs are going to look like basically so we'll go ahead and mark off line wings start with I have this set at 22 degrees also have my saw set at 22 degrees we also I'd said forty inches is how long this needs to be for the legs you can make them shorter or taller it's up to you forty inches gives me a working height of about 38 inches high so if you need something a little lower make them shorter this number is not set in stone it's just how we're making this particular one right here now when we make our cut what we want to do like finding my pin remember here is the again here is the board that we're cutting when you do your measuring you want your cut to be from here to here is going to be 40 inches or here to here is going to be 40 inches if that makes sense so when you do your when you lay in your lines that's how you want it to be so as an example or tape out see we're measuring from this corner right here and we're going to come out - right here so our new beveled line or angled cut would be from here up so from this point all the way down along the end is 40 inches and a cheat that I like to do so I make my first cut to get my first cut made I get these here lined up good and tight make sure everything's good tight and square all the way down then I will just come and drop me a mark there now I know that that is the same as this and I'll do that for all four of them now we're going to cut our three braces and I always like to clean up the end of these two by fours for I cut just to try to make sure things are square as they can be [Music] and then we'll just measure 30 inches over to get our mark and there again reason we're doing this is so we can get all the the board's all our cuts out of this one board we'll just use this same board right here to make all of our cuts because we know it's the length that we won't make another cut all right now we're ready to cut our notch in the board so we got to get it all lined up and ready to go let's go ahead an get some things set up first first thing we need to do is to establish the center of this thing and we want to keep our 22 degree angle it's important that we have these that that we can use this this because we need it to be able to draw parallel lines here from side to side where we have a centerline and we're gonna need it to transfer that angle here so what we want to do we know let's get the center the center of a 2x4 is really three and a half inches half of three and a half is one and three quarters so we're gonna put a mark at one two three quarters there's the center of our board so we can transfer remember we want everything parallel here we're gonna transfer if if I can get things oriented trying to stay out of the way of the camera is as much work as anything and this is just a reference line okay this is not we won't be using this line here to cut but we need that so now we also want to put some other reference marks on here so we're gonna come down from the top of our cut and we're gonna put a mark at three and a Marquette for this for where it meets Center here this is where we're going to draw drill our hole the three inch mark is a reference and now we need to go back across this is our reference mark this is a line we are going to be cutting on right here it's just three inches down from here to here so want to come across now we want to come two inches in so I mean that centerline can get a bit confusing but it was just a reference there's our two inch our two inch mark this is something that we need right here we need this angle we need this to be a right angle so we're going to transfer here's a something I could get in the camera it will create a right angles it's 90 degrees we're going to transfer this 90 degrees angle on to this board here and this is the cut that we need to make this right here that's going to leave us that's the magic right there so let's get that cut out now I always find it easier to make these type of cuts that need to be straight and flat and not cut in with either a jig saw or a handsaw because if you use a circular saw or chop saw on this you're going to cut in deeper on one side the other if you do it's not a big deal but I have this so that's what I'm going to use [Applause] [Applause] there's our cut now what we'll do is we'll transfer this angle to all the other boards and cut them exactly the same way okay after I've got everything cut I'll go ahead and drill my holes and I've you know had it mark and what I like to do is just clamp the two up that are going together and go and put my hole through them [Music] there's a lot of SAP in me [Music] there we go wash and repeat okay now we're ready to bolt our legs together remember we've when I cut them or I drilled the holes I had them lined up like this drilled on the same spot now what you want to do is just take one of them flip it over the opposite way what I like to do is to drive one in when it starts peeking out the other side put a washer on it just peeking out put more so I have something between these then just drive it through the rest of the way and I did say four inch carriage bolts but I didn't have any 4 inch I've just got six inch so I have to cut mine off just drop your washer in you don't have to get them tight right now like you don't have to get them real tight anyway but there you go now we're going to attack our legs together it's something that's important and to keep in mind when you're putting these together is you want the legs to be mirror in the pair of legs to be mirror images of each other you see how I have these not showing the face on the inside and the face being shown on the outside that's going to be pretty important when we put the braces on I'll show you why okay here's where we get the wrist everything put together the main thing here is that you get it square so butt up against that boys I know that's in so what we want to do is make sure these are arbitrary numbers you use whatever you want just make sure you do the same thing on each side but I like to come in from the top I like to come down about 11 inches that'll give me a close right there again this doesn't have to be exact but it doesn't need to be square so we get at square one board let's grab a speed square it'll be helpful and we want it to where it's even with outside because we're going to be attaching these two boards here to the outside and we want it flush with outside so let's just move it up we get it squared with one board then we get it squared with the other okay and where's that market there's our eleven come up and we're pretty flush with a side again this isn't exact because you can use whatever word you want and then what I do is I love these decking screws I use them for all kinds of stuff so here we go now I just want to make sure that we're squared with the other side where's our arbitrary Marcius and the thing to remember about this these are sawhorses you're not making furniture things just have to be closed people can get too caught up in some of this stuff about the exactness of it you just don't want to cause yourself a problem because of something you could have avoided but so want to lean on me so what it is get more square along there okay don't go and drop a couple in there remember outside and outside now yeah same thing from the bottom come up about 11 inches put her other board again outside the outside let's get it squared up on that and flush with the edge and come and check our square over here we should be it's close enough yeah don't get hung up I'm guaranteeing these two by fours he's framing two by fours they got all kinds of little bins and bows in them too now all we do is flip it over what I like to do is about the same thing here so the bottoms close you don't have to do that just my little thing is this will be bolted inside to inside down but got me a wrong went in there inside the inside there we go well here you go in just a few minutes you made yourself sawhorse now what you need a cable or string in here is you so it can only open up so much you want it to try to stay tight so again that side tiffy else if you tighten your drill up just read a couple holes and I just run some high use paracord you use anything you want [Music] let's go just make sure you have a knot it's bigger than the hole that you just drill so it cannot be pulled through and then don't find my wire just push it through this way nice - it just want to pull it tight we do is just pull it on around and tie it off however you want to do it but that makes it so it can't keep opening and there you go so now you can cut where this thing here out when you're done you're two by four just throw it away get you another one and put on there when you get finished you're so horse just fold it up and hang it up that's all there is to it these are really handy again don't uh don't get all hung up on something not being perfect all the point of this thing is is to be up off the ground and holding you a board level so you can cut anyway hope you found this useful and as usual good luck with your projects [Music]
Channel: TigerCreekFarm
Views: 18,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sawhorse, folding sawhorse, foldable sawhorse
Id: Cu0gNo6genw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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