Install pfSense On Proxmox

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hey y'all it's Brian the Ramblin Tech and today we are going to install pfSense on proxmox so you got a proxmox server you've got all of that set up you've set up a few VMS but now you want to build that Network and let's go ahead and install pfSense and get that set up for us so that way we can isolate our prox MOX or our home lab from our actual production or home network so let's jump over here on to proxmox and get into installing pfSense all right y'all so I am here on my proxmox server and the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to go to PVE I do know that I have two Nicks on my proxmox server if you do not have two Nicks on it you will need to go get a piece um one that you can add to your PF to your proxmox server you can do a USB or a PCI I would say if you are able to do a PCI and add an expansion card in there that will be best I will put some links to some PCI expansion cards or some PCI network cards in the description below if you do go in and buy them there will be a commission I will make a percentage off that at no cost to you but go ahead if you do have two multiple Nicks like I do we are good to go so the first thing that we need to do before we need get it is we need to download pfSense you'll go to PF andd downloads right here where it says architecture we're going to go and select amd64 installer ISO and then for your mirror you're going to click where he is closest to you I am in the United States so Austin Texas is going to be close to me go ahead and click download once it has downloaded you're going to come over here to your proxmox server if you do have a network share that you're already using for your isos that is where I would install it but if you don't and you're just using your proxmox local storage for right now that is perfectly okay you'll come here to local and you can upload your isos right here and to do that you're going to click upload select where that folder where you downloaded that to and select that ISO and click upload I've already installed or I've already uploaded my PF sense so what we're going to do is go ahead and create that BM once you come up here you can I like to use the button you're going to click create VM we're going to leave it everything 103 sounds good to me that is just so we vmid is what's how proxmox knows which virtual machine you are talking to and how it identifies it and we are going to give it a name that we can read and I'm going to just call this PF sense we're going to click next we're going to select the storage where that we installed that ISO or uploaded that ISO to we're going to select PF sense and next leave system we're going to leave that as default dis 32 will be fine I'm going to give mine four cores and I'm going to change my CPU type from x86-64 to host click next memory I'm going to give mine 4 gigs so 496 and next and we're going to leave this ver vmbr0 we're going to go ahead and leave that we're going to verify that everything is set up correctly and you want to ver you want to make sure that start after created or start after start after created or boot after created is not selected you'll go ahead head and click finish and we're going to sit over here and you can see 103 PF sense has came up now we need to create another virtual Nick using one of those Nicks that we have on our proxmox server so we're going to come up here to PVE you'll come to summary or you'll then you will come to network go to create and we are going to do Linux brid bridge now I am going to use this um F1 so we're going to leave it as vmb br1 and our Bridge Port is going we have to type in the name of that bridge or of that Nick that we want to use we're going to select create you do not have to fill any of this in you do create now it will you will need to click apply configuration and it will change right here it will say no you need to apply configuration for it to say yes once that does say yes that configuration has been applied jump back over to your PF since BM we're going to go to hardware and then we're going to go add Network device VM br1 select next and we are good to go now we're going to go to console and hit start now this will take a few minutes to kind of get into PF sense once it's there we will start installing I'll fast forward through this part while it's booting up all right y'all so now we have popped right here we're going to go ahead and select hit accept and then we are going to do install pfSense and hit enter right here when you how would you like to your partitions we're just going to use the auto um ZFS guided route on ZFS and then once it comes here proceed with installation and we're going to leave it as striped no redundancy we click okay we are going to use the space bar to select this one the da0 qem and we are going to select yes because we do know that it is going to destroy all the stuff on there now this will take a few more minutes for it to install so I'll fast forward through this part one more time all right y'all so that has installed and now it needs to go ahead and reboot we're going go we're going to reboot so once we get here and it is prompted for us to enter our when interface name I'm going to do vtn net Z if this is not right we can change it in once we get it in or once we get to our boot menu so we we're going to do that and then we're going to type vtn Net One enter we're going to do y for um do you want to proceed with that yes all right y'all so now our PF sense has been installed and we are up to go so you can see right right here that I have a wi address of 10100 1.47 yours may be different that it's going to be whatever your firewall or your router gives this virtual machine so we are going to leave that alone for right now and then if you look right here that the win is going to be 1921 1681 so this will be the the IP address of the firewall of how so you can get to the gooey of this firewall and go ahead and start set it up but if I'll come right here and try to hit that 1 192 168 1.1 it will not respond for me because from by default even though I am on that 10100 network with my with my PC that I'm working on right now you are not able to communicate with your firewall from the outside that is by default we will have to change that if we want to communicate from one side to the other but what we're going to go ahead and do is now that we've got this set up on our Network let's change over our PF or abunto desktop so that it is on that Network I'll go ahead and log in here open up terminal run if config and right here you can see that this current network is 101001 146 I want to change that so we're going to come to we're going to go to hardware and then Network device we are going to remove this network device and we're going to add VM br1 we're going to add VM br1 because that is the land port that we have selected as for our BF sense firewall select add go over here to console and we are going to reboot reboot our a bunto desktop top and let it go ahead and add that Nick in once yours is booted up go ahead and log in if you type your password right go so now that that P now that we have logged into our auntu desktop go ahe and type in terminal run if config one more time and you can see that we have a 1 192168 1.100 so from here go ahead and Firefox we're going to go to 192 168 [Music] 1.1 advance because this is it we know that it is safe for us because we just installed it we are here on our PF sense pfSense is installed and it's actually handing out DHCP to the VMS that you have specified and changed over to that virtual to that vm1 in a in an upcoming video I will show you how to set up pfSense for your home lab and make it so that you can start learning a little bit about networking and keeping your home lab safe safe or even your home network safe so I'll see you in the next one and please like And subscribe and I'll talk to you then bye
Channel: The Rambling Tech
Views: 2,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fXeU6HFz9Co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 39sec (699 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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