Build a JET ENGINE using only a DRILL, GRINDER and duck tape (NO WELDING)

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hello I had no idea can we make jet the same as what's in the barbecue using only adrylek grinder and stopping getting on everyday shops you don't need any skill you're not going to need a workshop welder or anything like that you can make this in your bedroom let's start with you're going to need Turner bow off the band or a small car toilet brush holder this is a stainless steel one it's pretty tough it's quite solid med toilet roll holder also stainless steel right let's get to work we start by separating the earth turbo then we need to cut this across there there we go now we need to make this edge here as smooth as possible because I've got to make a seal with that so just get the grinder kind of face it off a little bit okay I saw it that out cut it off got a nice flat exhaust exit now we've got a nice flat bit where we need to try and make a sail now and while we got this off we're going to put some brackets on there because we need to fix that to our toilet brush holder I'm gonna get some our brackets and just put touch them there and there like that this is the crudest system ever right next bit we're going to get our toilet roll holder and cut it down to 20 centimeters okay Bob brush thanks now take the lid off just need this bit for the time dear dinner okay that's cut out it's a bit rough but don't matter I mean we're only doing this for an angle grinder at the end of the day that goes on there like that get the toilet roll holder and then we need to mimic that on the end there so what we'll do is put that in the center and then draw around those holes and then that will fix on the side does that make sense cutting yourself on the frontier that this is not very neat it's not gonna be easy running even a driven an angle grinder this is just so mr. no tools and no shed and the full blue decision run-through just another can have a go it school just turn it up the way them was my targeting device oh I because of the jagged edges inside titans of what nicely so where are we are well we've got a toilet roll holder the turbo bolt into the end of it and inside you can see the end of our toilet brush if we get our toilet brush holder this one actually comes with a little plastic insert don't throw that away that is going to come in handy later get to it for a shoulder put it in the end for the lid off so it sits above it and then basically measure I think you've got sticking out the top and then cut that off the other end shove off 15 centimeters so cut your brush holder down there we go up it in there that's our plane tube blame June I'm going to get the lid for the toilet roll holder bolt it to the middle of that and it will sit down and kind of form our Austrian chamber research but okay this is the plan 18 for little holes across the first bit by 7 mil holes and then five and never knew oh there we go toilet brush holder now at flame choo now one last job me to drill a hole in the center for the fuel rail and then just stop setting it for the spark plug now feel we're going to use a 15 mil tank connector and the thing is these they stopped the pipe going all the way through so we need to get a 15 mil drill or a foil and kind of drill it all out so this can slide all the way through so now a pipe slide flame to put a hole in the end to that Pope's brew now what a big hole you might need to buy a drill bit but yeah I can't hold the camera and do this as well I'm sorry okay let's drop that all in there now we need to get the lid of the loo brush hold now that's all a trowel god I keep getting in the wrong room anyway get the lid of the toilet roll holder and we need to make the same hole in the center of that you try to render with that effect just give me amazing work okay thrilled thrilled put your nuts on which is at some point don't worry about washers who cares without that there's so many things missing on this old washer is and I'm a collector okay but sparkplug it next they can get a spark plug get enough to fit on as well Dave can help you out a lot so the spark plug wants to go in just stop Center the spark plug done oh yeah now we need to do our fuel route she could be a bit of copper to this may melt when it's working but if it works ah nothing get the copper pipe let's go in about that much you imagine actually primary air so Gaston's be coming out here so if we want to fuel its if it's going to be going in there and there's a little bar there typically so we have to crush the end of the pipe drill a few holes along there I'm out drilled for to knock no holes around they'll get it in it so I pit up back in there it is there's been aa tire up so then plane ship your anything's all done spark look at marking back to this bit now I'll get the turbo for the rest of it and put this back in its housing now connect these two together and get that bit looking right angles to that okay let's get the V band if you're still before over the simplest thing I could find to connecting this through this little washing machine wait oh and file extension about five or six squared what a terrible amazing so we've got a botched air inlet and then that wants to come in to the side there like that and make a nice hole right and connector okay oh we're nearly done we're actually nearly done I know you're thinking what about the oil system filler system is even more of a botch oh yes look amazing here we go housings done looking out look so Padre of tape and rubbish so now we've got to do now is slot our flame shoe which is the rear just put that in there try and line up our little bit okey-dokey wrong gonna want a bit a bit of Melly in that so there we go there we go right let's tape it up this is our firewall Delta call it our toilet roll holder turbojet engine now I think this is probably talking about two and a half hours two legs it's not that long really now all we need to do now is kind of have some rudimental oil system connect it to the gas get us bark generator on and we're going to fire it up so all system is a funnel tube on it which I'm just going to shove in the top of the turbo and then at the bottom of the turbo literally just got a piece of two now we'll catch the oil in an ice cream tub how simple is that it doesn't work it doesn't matter I'll blow the turbo up but that means it was running now for the sparker I'm going to use one of these it's off a cutter you can get them off eBay for like seven quid I'll put the link in the box and you just attach one end of the spark plug type the other end anywhere on the engine because it deserves it why so then is it gonna work ah
Channel: colinfurze
Views: 6,684,191
Rating: 4.6645737 out of 5
Keywords: colin, furze, jet, engine, no, welder, welding, grinder, drill, toilet, brush, roll, nuts
Id: InvF9e5kyjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2013
Reddit Comments
👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Noir_Ocelot 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2014 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Capt_TittySprinkles 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2014 🗫︎ replies

He's insane, i've been following him for a while. But his fab skills are top notch! The DIY mobile scooter video is pretty cool.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/djfoops 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2014 🗫︎ replies

Mad rocker scientist anyone?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/xgokamikazex 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2014 🗫︎ replies
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