Build a CRUD REST API with Rust Axum | Tutorial

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At the end of this video, you will be able to  create your very own backend CRUD application   with Rust. We will be using the Axum framework  and Postgres for our database. The repository   for the source code of this project will  be linked in the pinned comment below. In your terminal, create a new rust project by  typing “cargo new” followed by your project name.   Next, cd into our project directory and open with  your favorite editor. [Use vim and switch to code] From the command line or pgadmin,   create a Postgres user and database  for this project. I will name both   the user and database axum_postgres and the  password of the user will also be the same. Now, log into your newly created  database and create a tasks table,   which will contain a task_id  column, name, and priority. If you use Linux or macOS and you have trouble  setting or logging into your Postgres database,   be sure to confirm that in your pg_hba.conf  file, you have your authentication set to   md5 for all users, but you can leave  it at peer for your postgres user. By default, rustfmt uses 4  spaces for a tab indentation,   to switch to 2 spaces we create a rustfmt.toml  file and specify the tab spaces to be 2. The cargo.toml file in your  project directory contains the   list of dependencies we’ll make use of in  your project. To run our backend service,   we will need two main dependencies  Axum and Tokio for the runtime. Sqlx is a crate used for validating and running  our SQL queries. Since we are using SQLX for   the Postgres database we add Postgres in the  features array, we will use tokio as our runtime,   and a native TLSl. We want our SQL queries to  be checked at compile time. The macros that   run this don’t come by default, which makes us  add macros in the features array to enable this. An important crate to use is Serde  and Serde_json, which helps in   serializing and deserializing rust structs.  Whenever we wish to send and receive JSON,   this would require the derive feature from serde.  So we specify by adding it in the features array. Our last dependency is dotenvy. This helps in  loading variables in the .env file which we   will create in the project’s root, to  the program's environment’s variable. The .env file we created, will contain  two variables. Our database_url which   is the postgresql connection string of  our database and server_address which   is the host and port we wish to run the server on. The database connection string is formed using  the following. First, we write Postgres followed   by a colon and double slash, next, we input  the user, a colon, and then the password,   followed by an at sign and the address of our  Postgres db, a slash, and the database name. We can now get into writing  our rust codes from here. In the file, first, we bring in  the structs, traits, functions, and macros   which we will make use of into our program's  scope. So with the “use” keyword, from axum,   we get the path and state struct from the  extract module, the status code enum from HTTP,   the get and patch function from the routing  module, and lastly the JSON, and router struct. From serde, we will get the serialize and  the deserialize trait, and from serde JSON,   we expose the JSON macro, which will be  used to create the JSON we send to a user. In SQLX, we expose the pg pool and pg pool  options which are type aliases for pool and   pool options structs specialized for Postgres and  lastly, we get the TCP listener struct from tokio. Every entry point for a rust binary is the  main function. Here our main function will   be async and with an attribute  macro called main from tokio. The six major steps we will take to create  our service is to first expose the environment   variable from the .env file. Create program  variables from the environment variables.   Create a database pool. Create a TCP listener.  Compose the routes and serve the application. To expose our environment variables from the .env  file into the program, we achieve this by calling   the dotenvy function from the dotenvy crate.  This returns a result enum which errors if it   can’t access the .env file. When that happens, we  want to stop the application and print the error   message. We do that by calling the expect method  on the result enum. The environment variables can   now be accessed by the var function from std, ENV,  when we pass in the variable name in the argument. We can now create a server address and  database URL variable in our program,   and their values will be gotten from  their respective environment variables.   If there is no server address we assign a  fallback value. But as for the database URL,   if it doesn’t exist, we stop the  program with an error message. To create our database pool, initialize a pool  options struct, specify the number of maximum   connections, and connect to the database. The  connection is asynchronous and returns a result   enum, so we need to await it and if it errors, we  stop the application and print an error message. Next, we create our TCP listener simply by calling  the bind method from the TCP listener with the   server address, await it, and if it errors we  close and print the error message. If successful,   we print a message in the console with  the address our API is running on. The routes for our rest API  can now be composed. First,   create a router struct and add a route for  the home path. For start, we accept a get   method and return a hello world string when  we receive a get request from the home route. We assign the route struct to a variable, then  go ahead and serve the application and test   if the setup is successful. We call the serve  function from axum and pass in the TCP listener   and route struct, await it and if there is an  error, we close the application with a message. When we test the API on Postman, we get a hello  world response and our setup was successful. Now we create the routes for  getting, creating, updating,   and deleting tasks. We get and create tasks  from the “/tasks” route, but to update and   delete we need the task ID of that specific  task so we use we add a task_id parameter. Each of the handlers needs  access to the Postgres pool,   hence we add the db_pool in the route’s state  and each handler will be able to access it. The get, create, update, and delete task handlers  will all be asynchronous, get the db_pool from   the state, and return a result enum whose ok and  error value is a status code and string tuple. For the get_task handler, we will need to  fetch tasks from the Postgres task table.   We will do this using SQLX, but first, we will  specify the type of the rows fetched from our   query will look like. So outside the get_task  function, we create a struct called TaskRow.   The TaskRow struct will have the task_id as i32  and name as string, and since the priority column   is an integer but can be null, it should be an  optional i32. The TaskRow struct also needs to be   serialized to JSON before sending as a response,  therefore we need the serialize trait from serde. To get the rows from Postgres, we  call the query_as macro from SQLX,   pass in the struct the rows will be  cast to, followed by our SQL query.   We select all rows from the task  table and order them by their IDs.  We then call the fetch_all method and  pass in the database pool in its argument,   await the result, and if it errors, we  map the error to a tuple that contains   a status code enum with the internal server  error element, and a string of a JSON value,   whose fields are a success with a false value,  and a message whose value is the error string. We return the mapped error  early, but if there is no error,   we assign the task rows to a variable named rows. Lastly, we return an ok value that  contains a tuple that contains an ok   status code together with a JSON string  that contains a truthy success field,   and a data field that contains the task rows. To create a task, we will need to receive  a JSON from the request. This will require   us to create a struct in which the JSON  from the request body would be extracted.   Our CreateTaskReq struct will have a name  field which is a string and the priority   will be an optional 32-bit integer.  The JSON from the request would be   deserialized into this struct so we derive the  deserialize trait from serde to enable this. So in the create task handler, we  extract the JSON from the request body,   by adding this in the function parameters. Since  the JSON is extracted from the request body,   it needs to be the last parameter as  any extractor that consumes the body   should be the last parameter in an axum  handler. You can read more about this   in its docs. The link can be found in  the pinned comment and the description. When we create a row in the task  table, we will need to return the   task_id of the created task and add it to  the response. So just as in the get task,   we create a struct that describes  the row we return from the SQL query. Since we will need to return  just the task_id from the row,   the CreateTaskRow struct will only contain  a task_id field of type i32. This will also   derive the serialize trait from serde as it will  be serialized to JSON and added in our response. In the create task function, we then  call the query_as macro from SQLX,   pass in the CreateTaskRow struct, and the SQL  query for inserting a task. In our SQL query,   we add the name and priority of the task  and return the task_id of the task created.   Looking at the query, we can see a $1 and $2,  this is where the task name and priority we   pass in the next arguments are added when  SQLX prepares this query. The “task dot   name” and “task dot priority” are gotten from the  task extracted from the JSON in the request body. Since we only return one row from the query,   we call the fetch_one method and pass  in the database pool in its argument,   await the result and if it errors, just as in  the get task we map this to a tuple that contains   a status code enum with the internal server  error element, and a string of a JSON value,   whose fields are a success with a false value,  and a message whose value is the error string. We return the mapped error early,   but if there is no error, we assign the  returned row to a variable named row. Lastly, we return an ok value that contains  a tuple that contains a created status code   together with a JSON string that  contains a truthy success field,   and a data field that contains the created row. Recall that in the update and delete task route  we specified a task_id parameter in its path.   We will need to extract this path in the request.  So we make use of the path extractor from axum,   and since the task_ids are integers we use  an i32 as the path type in the extractor. For updating a task, we will need to send a  JSON in the request that contains the fields   we want to update. Therefore, we create a struct  that describes the JSON type. This will contain   a name field which is an optional string and  a priority field which is an optional 32-bit   integer. They are both optional, since we may  need to update only one of the given fields,   and the other needs not to be specified.  Just as in the CreateTaskReq struct,   we derive the serialize trait for the struct,  and we can now extract from the request. So, in the last parameter  of the update task handler,   we extract the JSON as the UpdateTaskReq struct. For updating a task, we don’t need  to return any row from Postgres,   so we can just use the query macro from  SQLX, and pass in the SQL query, we will   use for updating the task. In the update query,  we can see we have some Postgres parameters $2,   $3, and $1 for the name, priority, and task_id  values. Therefore, in the next arguments, we pass   in the task_id from the path first, followed  by the task name and priority from the JSON. Since we aren’t returning any row, we call  the execute method and pass in the database   pool in its argument, await the result whenever it  errors we map the error as usual and return early. If our query, is successful, we return  an ok value with the usual tuple,   but in the JSON string, we  return just the success field. The update query, we just used isn’t the best  for some reasons which we shall see later on,   but let’s move over to the  delete task handler for now. Just as in updating tasks, when deleting tasks,   we don’t need to return any data from the  query. Therefore, we call the query macro   from SQLX and pass in our delete query. In  our delete query, we only used one parameter,   which is the task_id, so we pass in the  task_id from the path, in the next argument. We then follow the same procedure from the update  task handler, which is to call the execute method,   await the result, map the error,  and return early if it errors. If this is successful, we return  an ok value with the usual tuple,   and the JSON string will contain just  the success field with a truthy value. Now to test our API, on Postman,  we send three post requests to   create tasks and they are all successful. We then test the get request and we can see   all three tasks. We delete one with the API,  and when we test we have just two tasks left. Let’s try to update the task with task_id 1.  We update the name to study and priority to 4,   and when we fetch the tasks,  we can see it’s updated. If we try to update just the name  field of the task, it is successful,   and when we fetch the task we see that the  priority becomes null, since SQLX takes a   None option enum as null in Postgres. And  when we try to update just the priority,   we get this error, since the name column  cannot be null according to our specification. To resolve this. We create  our SQL query dynamically   at runtime to update only the fields  we specify in the JSON request body. So if we want to update just the name, our  SQL query will look like this. For priority,   it will look like this. And for  both, it will look like this. While examining these three queries  we can see that our dynamic query will   begin with “update task set” and  ends with where “tasks_id = $1”. A challenge we will face is the  commas in between the fields we   need to update. If there are no  fields specified in the JSON,   our query has no field to update,  which will throw an error when we run. To solve this, we update the task_id field  to itself, making the query always contain   a field and we can add a comma and  the other fields we wish to update. The code to build our query in this form will look   like this. Next, we dynamically add  the parameters of the Postgres query. From SQLX we call the query function and  not the macro this time, since compile   time checking won’t be suitable in this  situation. To add the task_id parameter   we call the bind method and add in its  argument. We assign this to a mutable   variable ‘s’. And if the task name is some  value, we add this parameter by calling the   bind method on ‘s’ and assigning it to  itself. We do the same for the priority. Now, we can call the execute method on ‘s’,  while passing the database pool in its argument,   await the result map the error value  as usual, and return early if it does. We can return an ok value with our  usual tuple if the query is successful. We can now update just a single field in a   task record without affecting other  rows and we are done for this video. If you enjoyed this video, please  support me by giving me a like and   subscribe for more videos.  If you have some questions,   you can let me know in the comments, and  feel free to suggest a video you need. Thanks for watching till  the end and have a nice day.
Channel: cudidotdev
Views: 5,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rust, Axum, Postgres, Rust programming, database interaction, web development, tutorial, learn Rust, Rust framework, Postgres database, programming tutorial, CRUD application with rust, Axum rust backend framework, rustfmt
Id: NJsTgmayHZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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