Build a Bulletproof Toyota V6!

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foreign and now you got it uh we had a lot of requests for a V6 Toyota video and here it is uh this is a 1gr Fe engine but um the stuff I'm going to talk about probably will work for anything in the grfe family and there's a few variants some of them have just intake variable cam timings some of them have variable cam timing on the intake and exhaust this engine finds itself in just about any Toyota in the 2000s from the frontier to various lexuses to various Toyota models so it's a pretty widely applied engine and since a lot of you want to know how to build one here we are so this engine is being built for uh turbocharged application and it's an engine that's going to have a lot of torque not necessarily very high revving but pretty high boost high torque good low RPM Power you know a lot of this can be changed up with just a cam change and a different turbo selection but this engine wasn't built to rev super high just withstand boost so that being said let's get into it uh the first thing about this engine is it has a really Stout block uh the bottom end is built to build really tough amazingly tough it has this uh bottoman cap this is probably the toughest main cap I ever seen um from the factory on anything you know let alone a Toyota so you have four main bolts and your cross bullet with two bolts here and here I mean this thing is stiff rigid it's made out of steel this is going to withstand a lot of forests a lot of boost man it's strong I mean the only thing that is maybe like that is maybe the ls engines but uh you know this thing can can really take a lot of boost pressure um I mean that's one of the sweet things about the motor because once you surpass them out of horsepower I mean nowadays with our technology we kind of find it that now we're surpassing the structural Integrity of a lot of the blocks of engines we build and this can take a lot um I mean you could see the beefiness in the webs and all that um it's really strong and we kind of dig that since this is going to be a boosted engine uh this thing has a semi-closed deck conversion let me flip this over so you can see it so now you can kind of see what's done to the block uh so it had freestanding cylinders so we did a semi-closed deck conversion uh they're Darton sleeves uh they're real close to interference fit uh they're the mid sleeves so they have this passage which allows the water to flow freely into the head and freely around the top of the bore now some people say that that's important because this is the hottest part of the bore um you know like this purchases the cylinders pretty well this is at the customer's request now if it was up to me I'd probably be using a top register sleeve this means that the registers at the top of the cylinder and there will be a CNC step and then the sleeve of register totally on that like the darn sleeve registers on the sides and then on the bottom and then the cylinder head kind of holds it open I I prefer top register just because um uh the block the coefficient of aluminum is about twice that of Steel so a lot of times the block will be expanding more than the sleeve and the sleeve will lose kind of its clamp and then you then you lose your head gasket seal and blow a head gasket a lot of people will say oh the sleeve dropped but a lot of times it's due to this now darn has a lot of experience and they machine the sleeve with the top of it a little bit proud to kind of make up for this and to improve clamps around the cylinder and it's also pretty tricky to machine this just right so if you're going to use Darden I really recommend you do what we did and then send your block to darn and have them do all the Machining I mean they're the experts they know how to install their sleeve so you're going to have a good outcome with Darden installing those sleeves I don't know what could happen if you use your local machine shop I mean this is a lot of precision work in a lot of area and a lot of things that have to be really dead nuts for it to work so send your block into Darden and it should be good so the key to any good engine build for durability and good ring seal and power is really good Machining and this is where a lot of engine builds go south now we pay a lot of attention to Machining and we control our tolerances very tightly one of the tricks we use is to use a torque plate that torque plate is a thick stiff metal plate that bolts to the top of the deck and it simulates the Distortion to the block that bolting a cylinder head will do so you get the exact same Hardware that you're going to bolt the head on and you get the torque plate you torque it down to the manufacturer spec and then you bore and hone the cylinder that way the Distortion of your cylinder is going to be the same as when the head's on there now a lot of people say that's not necessary but what we've measured is sometimes the cylinder walls can distort up to almost two thousandths of an inch and with modern Pistons that's more than half of the Piston the wall clearance that's getting out around that also when it's all around it makes a lot harder for the Rings to achieve good seal so uh regardless of what some people say we think a torque plate is really important and we use that on our engine builds uh some of the other things is we check all of our blocks to see if they need to be a line tone some blocks like a Subaru they're not as substantial and they get out out of whack and every almost every single one of them needs to be a line board uh an engine like this Toyota that's built like a brick house 95 of the time you're not going to need to line board now when you align board is you shave a little bit of metal off the caps and you run a a home down the center of the main boards and this keeps everything straight and parallel that way you get good bearing wear you don't get interference as the crank spins around and less friction and stuff and long life when you take apart an engine that has correct Machining like the bearings all look evenly worn and everything and when you see engine builders that skipped this get the step if the engine has been run hard the bearings really look hammered and all over the place but if you do a line bore check to make everything straight and square you won't have that uh after doing all our Machining are boring we do a standard hone like we'll probably use anywhere from uh 480 Diamond home to a 600 usually it's something around the 480. um especially with the turbo motor and then we do a cart bonded Plateau home on top of that so what that does is the 480 gives like scratches in the cylinder wall they act like an oil reservoir to lubricate the Rings even with a lot of cylinder pressure from boost but the plateau hunting gives this super nice uh smooth surface that you can probably see in here um you know this is low friction it doesn't have the asparities that hook under the Rings and cause them to wear so you get the both dust of Both Worlds you get the oil reservoir from the coarser hone but the smooth top finish from the plateau home we usually do variations of this on all our engines and it depends if it's a actually aspirated engine revving high or a turbo engine with a lot of boost we might change the base hone grit some but uh getting the proper cylinder all finished is really important for your end use um after all the Machining and all that that's when we apply WPC so the WPC is done last you can see it in this thing it's the smooth uh like lusterous finish on the cylinder wall but with good Machining everything lasts long you don't have an oil burner you have good ring seal and every everything is happy so the Toyota has a really Stout bottom end and that extends to the crankshaft too now we're using the stock crank but uh I mean this stock crank can take a lot of power I mean the main journals are huge there's a lot of overlap between the raw journals and the main journals which really helps stiffness um good counterweight it's a forging this is a really nice crank and I mean this thing could probably hold a thousand horsepower no problem some of the things we did is we chamfered the oil holes uh balanced everything and uh cryo tree and WPC treated the crank you can see the journals or have that kind of lusterous look and that's the WPC so that's improving fatigue strength and reducing friction it's a really good unit um probably not going to have any problems with that crank ever uh for bearings for main bearings uh we were using ACL bearings um these are tri-metal racing build bearing uh the tri-metal has a harder substrate and a kind of a thinner medium uh layer that kind of absorbs shock and provides some embeddability and a very soft break-in layer on the top that's the tri-metal where WPC treating the bearings uh WPC treating usually increases the bearings load capacity by about 20 percent so that's a you know must if you have a non-coded bearing the the WPC will take off the coating so if you have a coated bearing you probably don't want to do it but anytime you have a non-coated bearing especially if it's engine that's going to be run hard I mean it makes a big difference so a good application place for the process we like ACL clevite or King bearings kind of depends like what company has applications but we use those three companies bearings pretty much interchangeably they're all good they all hold up in racing engines and they're all decent on the street um the rod bearings are also ACL good stuff for the rods we're using Brian Crower rods these are a pretty nice strong Rod they're made out of uh 4340. that's a high nickel and chromium Steel this this alloy is particularly well suited for rods it has really good impact strength and really good toughness you know it's way stronger than what your stock Rod is made out of um the bottom end has like a lot of beef around the bolts that's a highly stressed part the boats themselves are ARP 2000 and they're about 180 PSI yield strength so they're really strong bolts I think I calculated once and they're close to three times stronger than the stock bolts uh small end has a silicon bronze bushing with the oil retention Groove kind of he keeps the pin lubricated this is a really good piece it's shot peen the shot painting itself improves the fatigue strength about a hundred percent uh fatigue strength isn't tensile strength but fatigue strength is the number of times that a part can be cycled before it fails so if you're pushing your engine hard and you're getting close to the yield point of the rod and the bolts shot peeing like will improve the amount that of cycles that could take by about a hundred percent in addition we also WPC treated the rod and the bolts and the small end bushing WPC also improves fatigue strength it improves the really improves the fatigue strength of bolts bolts have threads cut in there and the threads are all stress risers which could lead to failure but WPC kind of helps it gets into the thread roots and then gives it uh makes it less likely of a place that a micro crack to propagate and cause failure the WPC also gives the brisity and the bushing um you know even though you have a boiler hole the top and this Groove that the hole feeds you can still use all the lubrication on the small end especially on a turbo engine that has a lot of pressure now turbo engines Pistons are critical so for Pistons we chose je since this engine's not revving really high but um you know needs to withstand boost pressure the construction is a lot beefier than we use on some of our naturally aspirated Motors and then since it has a lot of rock because of all the pressure on it we have we were using full full skirt Pistons love or other like road racing motors and high revving Motors we use the strut type forging with like a you know like the thinner skirt surfaces for Less friction but in this high boost turbo motor we we have a full face here so the maximum bearing area we also move the number one ring land down so the number one uh ring is supported better and it's less likely to bend there's more material up here so boost pressure and then Nation pressure are less likely to bend the top of the piston and pinch the ring so with turbo Motors you want your ring package down lower um oems put it up close to the top to reduce HC emissions but since we don't care about that we'd rather have our engine strong we move everything down um we were not using any uh gas ports like I kind of feel like on a high boost turbo motor you don't need the the gas ports to help your ring seal because you have a lot of gas pressure again behind your ring anyway so I didn't think they're necessary so we're we're not running lateral gas ports but we are running a pressure accumulation Groove between the one and two compression Rings this kind of acts like a reservoir to keep the pressure on the second ring and help second ring ceiling it also kind of acts like a detonation trap that prevents any donation pressure waves that might get past the first ring from upsetting the second ring so um pressure accumulation Groove and we're running um Standard Oil ring the ring set is kind of a cool ring set I I kind of like Jay's standard ring set a lot it uses a nitrated steel number one compression ring they're thin like 1.2 millimeters so your top ring is nitrited steel um your second ring is iron with a Naper profile the Naper profile has like a hook on it on the face it's really hard to see in video but what that hook does is two things it helps scrape the oil off the cylinder wall better it actually gives like a more narrow surface so there's less friction it also gives a narrow surface that kind of breaks into the cylinder quickly and it also is a narrow surface that helps seal compression better so any blow-by that gets past the number one ring the number two ring with the neighbor profile is going to get the oil rings are like low tension narrow they're light and won't flutter pretty good scraping oil off and any oil that gets by them the Naper number two ring will take care of so even you know if you're an old timer you look how thin these rings are you think there's no way that they're going to seal or be durable but with modern technology the Rings are a lot lower friction more durable and they waste less power do the frictional loss um another very interesting thing about this piston is the the these um Fe motors have what they call a tapered quench so the clinch areas of the cylinder head are aimed right at the spark plug so you can see these clinch pads on the Piston there's four of them um you can kind of look they're all tilted at an angle and if you look at the combustion chamber on the cylinder head you can see the matching flat quenched things so they're tilted so what happens is the Piston comes to TDC all these dead areas of the combustion chamber they get squished and the squished uh jets are directed right at the plug so all these areas that are dead that don't directly contribute to combustion all that fuel air mixture is actually being forced into the central part of the cylinder right by the plug where it can ignite and then take part in power production so I mean you can kind of see that this this is coming and gets close it squishes all this stuff out and they call these squish pads and um all that all that squishing of this dead area into the center of the combustion chamber that creates turbulence so you get better mixing better combustion a cleaner burn less likely to have detonation all that stuff's cool in the turbo motor I mean it's good in any motor uh so that's a unique thing about this engine and like a lot of Builders will just like machine it all and make a flat top or something or uh you know not take advantage of the squish because they don't probably because they don't understand what it does but we designed the Piston top to exploit the squish uh we also WPC treated the skirts and the ring grooves for lubricity and hardness and we have je's top ceramic coating so this is uh an option you can order from je so it's a thermal barrier coating it keeps heat out of the Piston aluminum starts to really lose strength after 350 degrees so if you keep the heat out your piston is stronger one of the most important things about a turbo piston is the material now these je Pistons are made out of 2618 that's a low silicone alloy particularly well suited for Turbo charging any kind of force induction or nitrous 360 there's a lot more ductile than other common piston Alloys it's a lot more ductile than hypertechtic cast Pistons like a typical stock pistons and it's also a lot more ductile than 40 32 High silicone which is used for some foragings in the past the drawback to 2618 has been um it expands more with heat and it rattles a lot more on even sounding like a diesel sometimes because you have to run a wider piston the wall clearance but je has a lot of different cam designs and with their FEA and thermal analysis they have a lot better idea of how the Piston is going to expand with heat like of course it's going to expand a lot more on the crown side a lot more on the exhaust valve side so what they do is uh uh alter the skirt profile or what they call the cam of the Piston so for the Pistons going to get hotter and expand more they have it um uh more clearance and then where it needs to be tight like in the skirts they have less um this way the Piston could be uh pretty tight in the bore and not wrist seizing this is also Jay's engineering so modern uh Pistons 2618 particularly uh Jes are actually amazingly quiet when we're kids these things used to be like diesels they used to like rattle around burn a lot of oil and you know the Rings and everything and the cylinder walls would wear really quickly and but it was considered to be the price you had to pay for the toughness well now you don't have so much of that and uh I mean I've used 26 18 daily drivers and it comes out fine maybe some of the disadvantages of 2618 is you don't have the hard carbide inclusions like you do in hypertechnic Alloys so they wear out a little quicker than stock Pistons now I've always said that there's a lot of difference between long wearing and strong these are strong your stock hyper tactics are long wearing that's why some of your Toyota engines can last half a million miles um they can last half a million miles but they're not going to put up with the Boost now these will put up with the Boost and maybe you'll get a hundred thousand out of them but it's still pretty good for a highly modified engine this being a turbo motor we specified a thick wall a stiffer piston pin and the high revving naturally aspirated lightweight It's always important but for a turbo motor high boost stiffness of the pin is important one of the main reasons why you want a thicker stiffer pin is that the thin pin tends to flex and grab in the small end of the rod and uh what it'll do is they'll spin the bushing right out of the rod and uh then you'll have plane you're small in they'll bang around and eventually the rod and and the pin will fail catastrophic engine failure so stiff pin with Boost very important so now on to the cylinder head there's not a lot of camshafts available for these engines but for a turbocharged you don't really need to worry about cams too much especially if you're building it for quick response torque and bottom in so we're using the stock cams the Cavs have some interesting features like Toyota does some cool things to help their durability um they use like a like a chill when they cast the cab and the chill is like a heat sink that sucks the heat out so uh it it as the middle like cools down it actually gets harder so you can kind of see the lobes kind of look different on the flanks and at the tip that's because it's chill cast and uh the low Parts actually a lot harder so you uh have the cam itself it's pretty malleable and not likely to crack but the lobes are are hard and they're um not going to wear out too quick kind of like a summer ice sword we also WPC treated these for um for a long life and good wear and low friction for the valve train we used all super tech stuff uh so we have a super thick intake and a super tech exhaust valve the intake is uh black nitrite stainless steel and it has like a flat Contour kind of like a nail head and so when uh the fill air mixtures coming into the port a flat Contour works better especially at lower lifts it helps turn the air into the combustion chamber smoother in this turbulence and it improves your flow the valves also have a reduced stem and believe it or not that that helps Port flow maybe on some Motors like up to 15 percent I didn't flow bench the difference so I don't know exactly what it does in this Toyota but it's a little free thing that gives you more flow and the valves also above the 45 seating surface have a 30 degree back cut like a top of the 45 and that also helps low lift flow um that kind of like makes like a smooth Venturi from the valve seat to really help the air get in there now uh low lift flow is probably the most important thing when doing heads and head work and consideration because your valve actually spins more time opening and closing than it does in maximum lift so of course it's it's good to have flow all throughout the lift curve but in low lift you have two chances to get the stuff in and out and uh there's more dwell time there so it's good to do all these little details to help your low lift flow that's like free Power now our exhaust valve is in Canal in canals they like heat resistant alloy they can take high temperatures exactly what you need in the exhaust valve it also has this reduced diameter stem to help flow but if you know this the exhaust valve has more of a tulip shape to it so when the intake valve is flat the exhaust valve is more tulip and what this does is the Tulip shape helps flow and flow is going the other way like out of the combustion chamber into the exhaust Port so you can kind of see it here like a flat nail head on the intake and a tulip on the exhaust uh like the intake there's also a 30 degree back cut on top of the 45 what we like about super tax is they're all forged as as one piece a lot of the performance valves even like famous name ones the uh stem is spun welded onto the head um you know that's a fine procedure and it works pretty well but uh my feeling is that a one-piece forging is stronger and safer and less likely to come apart if bad things happened in the engine like if you tag a piston it's less likely to crack the valve head off it might bend it and some things will get messed up but hopefully your engine won't get totaled um good valves and and they're really reasonable price now turbo engines with a lot of boost pressure in the intake Port they tend to blow the valves open especially with modern engines that have really low tension valve springs so a lot of times they need some help by helping the valve spring tension that's because the the boost pressure is working against the Springs so we used super tech dual valve springs um there's an inner spring and outer spring the fit's pretty tight and the reason why the inner spring on the good quality race spring is tight is that friction kind of acts like a damper and helps reduce spring surge so um your bitter Springs have a really tight fit there we WPC treated them um valve springs are a really highly stressed part and breaking valve springs then the race motor is not unheard of it's a fairly common problem and we found by WPC treating the springs is they run cooler and they last at least twice as long before they lose their tension or break um Believe It or Not fell Springs actually run pretty hot so if you're running at like seven seven thousand RPM and even if you're getting into the eights or higher it's not uncommon for the Springs to reach 350 400 degrees or more some engines that run at high RPM for really long periods of time like NASCAR engines actually have oil Jets pointed at the Springs to keep them cool like any metal the hotter they get the more they fatigue and they're the less long they last so having your Springs get hot it's not good and we found that WPC treating the Springs actually has them run a lot cooler like I don't know exactly how much cooler but I have noticed that some of our high RPM engines you could tell the Springs are hot like they're all discolored and everything but with leave WPC the Springs I haven't seen any WPC treated spring that has that heat discoloration on it so it's got to be running a lot cooler now uh we're running um we're running this uh lower spring seat from Super Tech that keeps the lower spring perfectly centered and we're also running a super tech uh titanium retainer now on Race Engines I've actually seen the uh the hole here for the keepers get uh worn out and kind of wallered out it's because the Springs rotate as the engine's operating and the retina rotates too so the keepers actually wear into the retainer especially titanium ones because steel doesn't necessarily wear too well on titanium now titanium is a lot better than like some of those aluminum retainers but it wears faster than steel and when you WPC treat them the wear rate really drops the word maybe it even wears better than an untreated Steel part as far as like keepers um we run super tech forged machine Keepers they're really strong they're hardened keepers are critical to prevent your valves from dropping now the part number we use is the same as the Honda came out here in K20 K24 it also works on the super tech Toyota parts so um if you're using that that's a that's the way to go so for the cylinder heads we talked about Toyota's Innovative tapered squish zones that we really like uh these heads uh we did some hand porting so it's fully hand ported you know what we tried to do is keep the overall volume of the ports low so we have our high Port velocity but we did the usual tricks of blending the valve seat into the bowl and the bowl into the port and cleaning up the short side radius and this is where you get most of your flow improvements and we also opened up and knocked the port splitter back that's where flow usually chokes down a lot so these guys should flow pretty well we're using super tech bronze valve guides that wear better so we cut the seats on our new and CNC valve cutting machine this makes a smooth radius from the combustion chamber to the 45 and into the port so it's a nice smooth flow transition really helps low lift flow I mean we've seen up to 50 horsepower gain over like a just regular three angle valve job from a 30 machine which is a good machine in itself so the new one's the way to go it's free free horsepower and of course we've done the normal tricks like surfacing and all that but um it's nice turbo porting it's small High Velocity it's not going to make the engine laggy or anything and it should pick up really well there's some other things like small details that we do on our engines that um maybe other people don't like if you look at the Block and some of the heads all the oil galleys we removed the freeze plugs we found that sometimes on these engines they fall out and you lose oil pressure so we uh we tapped them and we're using screw and plugs so there's no way they're going to fall out you should also usually remove those things whenever you do a motor because in this particular motor there's a lot of sludge behind the OEM plugs so it's in the main Galley plug in the front and the rear of the block and the oil Galley plugs and the heads we did this and there's also an oil Galley plug in the cam um so after all that the WPC training everything was ultrasonically cleaned to make super clean and now it's already to assemble so if you have a Toyota grfe family engine um these are some of the things we can do to get you more power and more durability I know a lot of you Tacoma guys want more power so here's the basis of it um if you like this content be sure and subscribe to our videos uh you can go to and read thousands of tech articles no matter what kind of car you own there's probably something that we did in there that will interest you if you want us to build your motor or do work on your car or truck you can go to moto click on the garage service link and fill out the form and we'll be getting back to you um I hope you found this interesting we had the ton of requests on this motor so I hope you like it this is for a particular type of application but we can build a motor that's tailored around whatever you're going to do for it so until next time I hope you enjoyed this video
Channel: MotoIQ
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Id: Qkwh3TBvjaw
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Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2023
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