Budget DIY Supercharger Part 1 - Eaton Superchargers

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[Music] [Laughter] [Music] hi and welcome back to the channel before I get going on the technical portion of the video I would just like to take this time to first thank you for for watching the videos the channel does really really well in views but it does not do that well on on subscribers I would really appreciate if you could take the time to subscribe to the channel and it'll help me on my way to getting getting the channel in shape to monetize it at some point thanks again okay so the secret to the budget supercharging is to make use of a second hand super charger from an OEM like Chevy or Ford and most of these super chargers are probably going to end up being eaten super chargers like the first generation of eating super chargers these are roots-type supercharger z' I'm going to tell you how to install these and pretty much most cars I'm gonna say and my installation was was on a Ford Crown Vic a 2010 Ford Crown Vic X Police Interceptor and I'm going to walk you through how how to put the whole thing together from start to finish and and where I had troubles and just you know trying to save you some time in doing it if this is something you want to do yourself so I think the video is gonna cover a lot of technical details as much as I can remember anyway and I'm gonna break it down into three videos probably the first part is going to be just selecting your eaton supercharger and and what you need to look for what horsepower levels you might you could expect from this sort of installation the next video will be the installation the mechanical installation and then finally the third video I think is gonna probably just focus on tuning and that sort of thing so just finishing it off and getting it all working anyway here we go okay what we have here in front of us is a selection of eaton superchargers of the more or less the same type of design and technology they all came off american built cars i purchased every single one of those secondhand and I'll just walk you through models we've got here which cars they came off and about what I for them this smallest one here is a meetin m62 it all other than the supercharger itself it's just got the the snout and the pulley and it did have a very nice feature on him that was it had a manifold that came off the bottom which would make it have benefits in terms of installation now something it that's that's worth noting with Eaton superchargers of this style which would have in fact be applicable to all three of them is that they don't mind as long as you've got the the axis mounted like this you can rotate them around like this and they don't care the the transmission or spur gears in here will well stay lubricated no matter how you orient it so if it's it is convenient for you to mount it upside down like this it still works just fine or on its side it's fine as well so this one here has and it's got an 8 8 rib pulley on it yeah a trip pulley on it I hope that's the factory one I bought this one secondhand off a guy who was selling them and I think I paid $50 for that one that was out the guy who had was dismantling 40 Birds and parking them carting them out the next one here is probably one of the more common ones yet not the most common one and this is the Eaton m90 and this is common to Pontiac GTP's and a certain number of Buicks this one I believe I took this one off full-size Buick can't recall which model it was or what year the this one has an interesting feature on it and you don't need to actually use this and when I mounted my on on my Crown Vic I actually cut this part of the supercharger off and it's got a bypass valve here and on the I guess if you want to call the back end of the supercharger which allows air when the when the car is idling and not boost it allows air to bypass the veins of the supercharger and the internal workings of the supercharger and send air directly from the intake right into the ink into the engine itself and what that does is what you'll find is and this happens on my car is when the car is idling and it's not under boost there will be a certain amount of pulsing that the the intake will affect the the supercharger way and it causes because of a series of spur gears in here to spur gears in here it will cause the the spur gears to rattle back and forth on the backlash of the spur gears and it just makes a it makes kind of a clattering sound goes away as soon as you touch the throttle so it's something that only happens at idle it's uh it's a known thing it's not really something that it doesn't it doesn't hurt the car or supercharger within that matter but but that's why they put the bypass valve on is I see I did not have room for it the overall link it increases the overall length of the supercharger quite a bit so I like just cut my knot it's got that valve butterfly valves actuated with this vacuum actuator here so you can just take the whole thing off if you don't need it if you can use it great it's not a bad thing to have I did read somewhere that some guys do take them off because they think it impacts the how quickly that the car will go on boost like there'd be a little bit of a delay how it long that would be from that the valve closing the bypass valve here and although that's true or not but anyway I read that somewhere anyway these are very solid units and it's the case with all three of them if they're built to last I mean the the OEMs don't want problems with stuff like this so these are heavy heavy duty units they don't break they don't wear out other than changing the oil on them every once in a while there's not really anything to replace on them so good units now this one here the biggest one is an M 22 this came out of a Ford GT 500 so somebody I guess upgraded their supercharger for good reasons I'm sure this one is a bypass valve on it as well just notice that now so very very big unit so when you see this this end of twenty-two and ninety m62 that relates to the amount of air load these superchargers can produce and it's through it there's a direct correlation between the horsepower they can make and the amount of air they can push through so I'll talk about that later here's the the pulley this is nice thing about this pulley here and this goes on to the needle 1:22 is it very easy to replace this one in size an upper size it down or whether whatever it is you need to do this one was a pain this one is a press spent on and I went with the smallest pulley I could get on my crown vic in order to get this sucker to spin as fast as possible so i had to replace it with a smaller one and it was a it was a real nuisance to get the thing off really the best way to do this they they do sell a puller tool and i it was on there sometimes just a press fit there's no key way there's it's just the press fit and honestly its own they're so tight at least mine was that I end up mangling the tool trying to get the thing on and off so what I ended up doing was taking it to a friend who had a press and I use this press the pulled up pull the pulley off and put the new pulley on and all those well so you have to dismantle this here there's no gasket in here so it's easy to put it all back together these are very very well made to position precision devices I really can't say enough good things about them the only issue with this particular supercharger style is that it's not a particularly efficient device and I'll talk about that later ok I want to talk about what is good with these superchargers and the best thing about them really is the price because they're they were installed in enormous quantities on OEM cars they're inexpensive very inexpensive now I picked this one up as I said for a $50 in my depend on hundred dollars I don't recall it was $100 or less anyway I could probably get them all day long at that price the EM 90s which are very very very common you can get good workable units out of a pickup archetype auto record four I paid $75 for this one and I I picked up three of them at the local auto wrecker for that price I had this maple from the car which is fine anyway all day long $75 I've seen guys selling them used and of course they they'll they might mark them a bit online on either Craigslist or Kijiji here in Canada and you know if it's worth your work you wanna pay that extra money it may well be it's not a small thing to take these things off the cart it probably took me an hour to crawl up on the cart my tools on Hyundai and dismantle this thing so keep that in mind you if it's worth paying $100 for it instead of $75 or maybe hundred fifty for a good one because people do rebuild these things and that's that's worth having I mean this one they'll clean up nice if this thing was just cleaned up nice and painted they would look brand new probably behave like a brand new one to this one here the one off the the Mustang gt500 I paid 450 dollars for which I thought was a reasonable price and what I like about this one is just the orientation of where the the intake into the superchargers that's a very convenient spot for me on a v8 or a Crown Vic this one here not so convenient comes straight up the back and that's because on the Buick the Buick engine is mounted transversely in the car and they have a lot more room to make it work that way so that's why I'm cutting cutting the supercharger off right here and attaching a ll fact it was the throttle the manifold upper manifold elbow and I just jb weld that that right on there with lots of JBL the no problem at all it's good stuff I wouldn't recommend welding I want to be unit C although it's a big heavy casting I'd be starting to book warping the casting in some way and at that point it's John so the JP will use lots I've had no troubles with it so I put this slide together to give you some idea what cars to find the superchargers on if you're gonna go look for them and it's worth noting in particularly with the Eaton m90 there's different variations of the m90 and through the years Eaton improves their superchargers through the years and I would recommend if you're not sure what you're looking at to do some research online and there's there's some good pages I found that tells you what the the different advantages are for the the upgraded versions you'll find basically they usually just end up flowing more air and that's that's always a good thing so anyway I've also included the kind of levels of horsepower that you maybe can expect to get out of these super charges if your it'll give you some guidance on what size the supercharger - - what can work with different sized engines you know typically that when I say can support tuned to seventy-five horsepower for in a horsepower that's the upper limit so you can always put the larger supercharger on a smaller engine and it should work just fine if you go online in particular also you will see the m62 in the m9 is a lot of good data online as to the horsepower requirements to drive these superchargers and and what sort of efficiencies are involved and it's lots of good information so I would recommend that you go and look look for that I'm not going to provide it here it's just there's too much information so anyway the the super the supercharger horsepower levels I put are just it's just a guidance if your engine is is got the enough upgrades to sort of support those levels that's that's kind of the upper limit I mean you might get a little more and certainly people do they can port superchargers and get a little more power out of them a little more airflow but I I would say if you're you know if you're gonna budget supercharge your car then if you start looking at porting them it's kind of like lipstick on a pig and and maybe just not worth doing just at that point just sink the money into getting a better supercharger in the first place it's up to you you know I like when I see when I'm able to go out and buy a Ford Shelby gt500 supercharger the reason that thing is off the car in the first place is because someone wanted more power another car and they they went out and got an upgraded supercharger probably a Kenny Bell unit or something like that there's a few good ones out there and those something like a Ken Belle unit there they're a much better unit they're a twin screw type instead of a roots-type supercharger and I will talk about supercharger efficiencies in the next video anyway so I would recommend if you this sort of thing you find an interesting stick around for the next video I will include a lot more information on installing the supercharger and what you need to do to proceed so anyway until then let's see you next time don't forget to light and subscribe
Channel: Make Cool Stuff
Views: 297,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, cheap, supercharger, eaton, m90, m62, budget
Id: LpeORB0Lmrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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