Budget DIY CNC Plasma Cutter for Small Business | Pt. 4

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it's a beautiful rainy afternoon I am ready to start disassembling this I'm going to take this back over to my work we're going to get it powder coated reassembled there do a few test cuts and make sure everything's squared up I'm going to bring it back for those of you that have not been following along for the past few episodes I've decided I wanted to start my own CNC plasma business but there was a few problems I didn't have a lot of money for the equipment and I didn't really know how to get started I took a leap of faith and decided the best way to get started was by making my very own CNC plasma table today we're picking up by reassembling the freshly powder coated parts off camera I installed these sheet metal gussets by throwing a few self tappers into the square tubing frame I put those there to tie everything together and really give the structure some rigidity so far besides the gussets I haven't done anything new so I went ahead and zip tied a Sharpie to my torch holder and I just ran a generic program through it as you could see before it was ready to accept a torch it needed a little bit of work and this is what I'm going to call the cheap version one which is a perfect time to interrupt our regularly scheduled program to tell you guys that I had a cool opportunity for you guys potentially if this looks familiar then that's good so a lot of lot of you guys that are watching actually have your own JD's garage plasma table and most of their parts Hardware is made out of 3D printed uh material it just seemed way too light duty for my needs and what I wanted so I went ahead and got a few quotes on a 6061 aluminum piece I have two I have yet to try this on my actual machine um I'm assuming it should work since the 3D printed version works but if it does work I will give the second one away so whoever wants it you got to like comment subscribe on all three four now of the past plasma cutter videos I'm going to be honest but I've never really shipped something out like this so you're going to have to be in the US and when we're emailing back and forth you're going to have to take it easy on me cuz like I said yeah never shipped anything out like this but I'm really excited to start engaging with you guys more I do have material to make probably 8 to 10 more of these if there's interest and I can figure out how to ship these out I will probably put these up for sale on my website if that's something you're interested go ahead drop a few comments down and we'll see what what happens anyways back to the video just a small disclaimer for clarity this entire build is my own creation while I did take inspiration from JD's garage and Lan mirar systems crossfer Pro I made substantial changes to the design from the frame and the electrical system to the bearing blocks although some components might be compatible with those systems my primary goal was to create a costeffective machine suited for production work customized to my specific needs I appreciate the innovative ideas from JD's garage and langar which influenced my project the final product is a unique result of my efforts and modifications as you guys can see I opted to go with the hypm 45 XP with the machine torage mount it was a bigger pain in the ass trying to get one than you might think but nonetheless it's here it's slick and it's ready to cut kind of so I ran into a problem at my job where we only have three-phase power and this machine ended up being a singlephase 220 volt system this got me thinking that I never really checked out the power specs before I bought the machine not the end of the world I just got to do some rewiring at my job but at my house that's going to be another story though will cross that road when we get there I decided to take it slow here and try a few test pierces and they really didn't turn out that bad I mean granted the torch was crooked and a few other things yeah so what you're seeing here is my live reaction to me realizing that the ground clamp was never actually attached and I was just mind blown that is you would actually get an arc much less pierc through the seven gauge material then you see here the Pierce time is literally cut in half with the ground cable attached I felt a little stupid but at the same time I was really impressed with the machine and its capabilities and the next logical step was to try and cut a straight line but I had a curious coworker you're a little crooked don't say oh what here without the ground so I ended up taking three passes one at 15 amps 35 amps and 45 amps and you can tell I'm definitely going to need a water table cuz all that smoke I was not having that yeah so here we have the 15 the 35 and the 45 amps with the few Pierce tests flip it over around the backside and you can definitely tell that the 45 amps was the way to go for this s gauge material for those test Cuts I was actually using a remote onoff switch that came with the hypertherm well I had to actually pay like an extra 200 and something bucks for it but what I'm doing here is just wiring this into my control relay so the computer can actually turn the torch on and off once I got that wired up I threw in another generic program and decided we should probably test this out so right here it's just mapping out the envelope of The Cutting are area just to make sure nothing crashes we're about to just full send this I didn't even test fire through the computer yet I just hooked up the relay to the plasma cutter here I'll just show you real quick before I fire it but I haven't even test test fired or anything I don't know what's going to happen cable to the relay in a normally open State going to the back of the plasma cutter I don't even know what speed they have this going at to be honest but running 35 amps and we have an error I don't know what that means I might have to look at that never mind I know what that means it means the torch is off it has its own off button on the side here I just turn that off cuz I was programming now it's good ready for this okay go to zero going to zero and if I hit space bar it'll run the job so let's find out it didn't do anything Why didn't it do anything oh it did hell yeah yeah to this day I really not quite sure why it didn't fire but I'm assuming it had something to do with me hitting the space bar not the actual cycle start button but who knows once the tests were done I just finished hard wearing everything in and what I wanted to show you guys here is this Arduino cable there's like a female to male and a flush panel Mount where you guys don't have to open your cabinet once you want to connect to the Arduino if you like to check that out just uh look in the description and you'll find something down there here I'm just showing you guys how I mounted my control cabinet which I kind of mounted it on the back side of the actual machine this gave me a little bit of worry because I wasn't sure what was going to happen when I put the water table up there and how much splashback I was going to get it is a watertight en closure but I mean even just with all these Sparks getting flown around I'm a little concerned about that here there's just a programming error where I cut the outside before I cut all the inside shapes so I just went back and redid that and confirmed everything was working all right but if you notice here on the other sheet I was actually testing out some engraving and a lot of people don't know you can actually engrave with the plasma cutter though with the regular compressed air it turns out a little sketchy but if you throw some argon on there at least that's what it said in the hyperm manual and it looks pretty crispy this was pretty much the last part I cut out and by that time I was really sick of sweeping up and inhaling all of the plasma dust so I got to work on making the water tape I realized how much of a Silver Spoon I have with the opportunity to use these industrial machines for personal projects and I couldn't be more grateful it saves me time and money I know not everyone is fortunate enough to have things like these at their disposal and I promise you guys I'm not taking it for granted but that also doesn't mean that I'm not going to use these every chance I get here I'm using this 350 ton heroin press breake to actually form up my water table it was my first time I'm making a program for this thing so I mean it could have been better but it it's working for what I need so I made this water pan out of seven gauge material which has like a decimal equivalent value of about 1793 let me tell you this thing was heavy as a mother it might not look like it but trying to pick this up and place it inside the water table and then combining with the fact that my Bend lines were off a little bit it was it was a good workout woo looking back I think I probably should have designed these slats so I could actually cut them out on my own plasma table which I still might be able to I haven't really tested it out yet but I figured if this machine's here it's going to be 10 times better than anything I could ever make so I might as well use it after we got them all cleaned up I assembled everything together threw a few tacks in each corner and then just plopped it in the water table it was a perfect fit and it really brings the entirety of the table together that's all I have for now guys thanks for watching and see you next time if you like this video go ahead and subscribe and click on one of my other previous CNC plasma cutter videos
Channel: Thyial Industries
Views: 4,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY CNC plasma cutter, budget CNC plasma cutter, small business CNC, CNC plasma cutter assembly, CNC plasma cutter build, water table CNC, CNC plasma cutter test, DIY CNC fabrication, CNC machining, affordable CNC cutter, DIY CNC project, CNC plasma cutter parts, CNC plasma cutter for business, homemade CNC plasma cutter, CNC plasma cutter tutorial, welding CNC frame, CNC electronics setup, CNC plasma cutting, CNC plasma cutter reassembly, CNC plasma cutter painting
Id: YyEe5t9JjrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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