Budget Busting E-bike Comparisons

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hi folks and welcome back to a bike comparison video so we're going to talk about the four bikes in front of us compare features and specs um just so that hopefully you can work out maybe if you're looking at one of these which one might be best for you um so we're going to first of all run through the spec of each one um and then obviously from there um how well they fall down if they fall down to what sort of size uh how much they weigh uh what sort of range you can get out of them and how long they take to charge etc etc so we're going to start off with the my rider GB3 um and this has a 250 W Motor with um a 7 amp battery which we roughly in real world environment um get you to probably around about 25 miles maybe 30 Mi top end range it's got three gears uh it's a folding bike folds down to a very small footprint um and takes around about 3 or 4 hours to recharge um obviously I've got it in the chunky Tire model um also comes with hydraulic disc brakes um belt driven nice comfy seat um like I say got all the features on the handlebars including a nice little screen on there as well um and there's a complete full review video on that bike uh down in the video description right and then we move on to the engu uh ep2 Pro uh which is a fat tire folding ebike got a nice rack on the back nice mud guys to protect you against whatever's going to flick up uh 20in by 4in Wheels um again it's got disc brakes they're manual though they're not hydraulic in there you've got a 13 amp hour battery um with a sspeed gearbox you know nice handlebar controls and with a combination of the seven gears and the battery inside there um then you should easily get 50 Mi to maybe 70 M range on that one the more cycling you do obviously the greater the range so this one's got a 750 W rear motor um and throttle control uh one unique feature not found it on any other ebike is that if you hold this throttle for about seven or eight seconds turns into cruise control you can let go and it'll carry on going the same speed and um yeah quite a nice bike uh lights front and rear um and again there's a full review video in the video description of that bike as well um that's going to take quite a lot longer to recharge Maybe about 5 or 6 hours depends on how much or how far you have depleted the battery so this is the S rusher uh commoda uh this is a fat tire ebike um it doesn't fold so bear that in mind it's got full suspension including the uh proper Forks at the front disc brakes which are hydraulic seven-speed Shimano gearbox slightly wider handlebars with a slightly higher rise on them as well um again because it's not worried about it folding down or the compactness of it so the handlebars are about 13 cm wider than the handlebars on a folding bike which do give you a little bit more of control if you do use it Offroad so this one's got a 250 W motor on it um with a 14 a battery which means the range on this one is just as good as it was on that one so you should easily be look in at around about 50 Mi if you want to do a lot of cycling yourself as well um but again if you use the motor assistance then you're going to decrease the range dramatically so with the wider bars it also stretches out the distance between the rear of the seat and the bars itself so unlike the folding bikes where they're kind of restricted where the way they fold so you get a shorter distance between the back of the seat and the bars um on this bike you got a slightly longer distance mainly because the headstock reaches forward and the handlebars allow you to reach forward slightly as well so you do get a slightly more Lean Forward kind of approach to it rather than a situp sort of seating position on them and then it's almost like this bike the dyu ff500 has been somewhat of a lovech child between these bikes because it's a step through Fat Tire um bike but this one folds so you got folding handlebars and a fold there so it does actually get to quite a compact size um again this one is a 500 W Motor you got thumb control for the motor seven-speed gearbox manual disc brakes um folding pedals you have got a lovely carrier on the back there nice rack same sort of tires 20 in x 40 this one's got quite a unique feature in the fact that there's a suspension post seat post as well as the seat itself is pumped by this little air pump underneath so you can get that quite comfortable obviously front suspension as well that one's about 1,400 this one's about ,400 this one's about £850 and this one's about £2,400 so hopefully that'll help you make a decision about which one you want 19 kilos 31 kilos 31 kilos 31 kilos Real World Range 20 to 25 um the more you cycle without assistance the bigger your range but say 20 to 25 in real world uh in real world conditions probably about 50 um same with this one about 50 um and that one 40 45 miles out of that now they've all got color displays on them that will tell you their level of assistance the speed you go in um some of them might tell you the voltage of the battery if you can work it out that way um but they'll all tell you a rough battery percentage um and most of them as well will tell you a trip so actually um like a how many miles have you done since you switched it on and went out on this cycle trip um as well as how many miles have you done overall the seat and r in position on this bike is quite good the crank's quite low um but I have my seat quite high so when I'm cycling like sort of roughly like that is where your leg should be not fully extended almost extended and that way you get a maximum power as you pedaling through your legs so that's why on this one the seat's quite high this one is quite different though and the crank on this bike is quite further up so you've got more ground clearance on it um so it does mean this is good for sort of like Forest work or you know really rough roads and you've got more ground clearance underneath um but again that does pose a little bit of a problem which is I've marked some points on the seat post there which is my comfortable riding position like I say with my my leg kind of like you know at its most powerful um the issue that I've then got my feet won't touch the floor whereas this one the crank is much lower down which means I can have the seat much lower which means I can sit very comfortably with my feet flat on the floor and I feel more comfortable as I'm setting off or as I'm sat at traffic lights so this one again adjustable seats adjustable handlebars but the crank is higher so I'm on tiptoes but I'm still all right I've got a degree of control there one of the downsides therefore of this bike is that as you're turning and cornering and pedaling that the pedals do touch the ground so just be cautious of that if you are turning quite tightly and you're sort of leaning over H don't pedal at the same time because what you don't want to do is catch your pedal on the floor and it flings you off the bike right so really what you want to find out now is how small and compact they all fall down so let's do that then so first thing to do to make it fair is we'll take the seat off all the ones that fold fold the pedals fold the handle bars and then fold the frame that's that one folded up so we do the same on this one take the seat out fold the bars and that's that folded down obviously this one doesn't fold so for this one I'm going to wheel it out the way so same again pedals seat post flick the little lock out the way fold that down there we go right so take measure I'm going to do the widest bits of each roughly 56 CM width 80 cm that way and to the widest bit on the head stock up there or the tallest bit on Head Start 55 oh you were paying attention cuz I forgot them already but I'll put them up on the screen for you next one the widest bit 57 by 103 these are in centimet by the way and again the tallest bit which is is going to be this headstock is 78 and then this one is 60 cm width 103 length and again we'll go for the tallest bit there is 80 cm so that'll give you an idea of the fact that obviously you might have the space for that one but not that one or that one so in my van I made a space for the my rider GB3 and I then got this bike and uh mainly because I want to do more riding I want a longer range and a little bit more comfort as well as I go over through forests and just adventuring in sort of like off-road kind of places so that actually still fits in the area under my bed that that went into so I quite pleased with that um and this one fits under my bed as well so um yeah my bed is 79 cm in height from the highest point of my floor which is a padded floor to the lowest point of the beam um three beams that support my bed and all I really do is basically put them on an angle put them in and then bring them U right again and then sort of strap them down inside um and that's why they're higher um obviously than 79 CM but I still get them into my van so I thought it was worthwhile mentioning that whilst those are dimensions and obviously the dimensions of the space I've got between the floor and the lowest part of the beam in my van is one thing um obviously under my bed is much higher and the floor the sponge does give a little bit too so yeah you'll be surprised that that and that can go in the same space as that um and to be fair uh so can this by taking the front wheel off and adjusting this part of the handlebar so that the headstock and handlebar Bend fully forward and removing the seat um I can get this in my van it just goes in lengthways and um yeah it fits under the bed and basically as you've probably worked out um that's my bike of choice to be fair um yeah we'll talk about that in a minute right so let's just go through reassembly just so you can see again there are more dedicated videos um on each of these bikes so if you want to go and watch a more dedicated video where it shows me riding it and talks about other things you know features that I might not have all included here um go and watch the dedicated video for them so as you can see folding them all up it's nice and easy um that one I'm going to convert the front wheel to Quick Release the handlebars I'm looking at but other than that it's just an allen key just to fold It Forward um and then it just goes in my van just straight under the bed um and to be fair once I've got the quick release on the front um to fasten that in place and put the front wheel on it's probably the same amount of time that it takes to do these you know you talking 30 seconds or something like that maybe a minute if you want to think take it out of the van put it on the floor you know that sort of consideration um do consider that these are 31 kilos that's 19 kilos so if you are lifting it in and out of a van um that's the a big difference for example Mandy can lift hers her my rider in and out of the van not a problem she can barely lift these up they're quite heavy um but saying that you know they're built for quite robust environments let's talk about which one I prefer riding well in the history of my bikes there was one before that um but let's kind of exclude that one it was um a very cheap and cheerful folding mountain bike that did the job for quite a while until I needed something much smaller so the other folding mountain bike was about 25 kilos and probably the same sort of size as this um but it was a full folding mountain bike with 26in wheels so yeah bigger whereas uh the my rider is obviously much more Compact and um obviously is lighter as well so carrying two of those around which we used to it was quite a big difference in weight so we moved to the Min Rider and probably had it for nearly two years or thereabouts now two years um and yeah very happy with it it's a very capable bike very safe to use um it may look dainty and um you know a bit sort of like small but it carries my weight um so I don't know how much I weigh in kilos um but I weigh 16 Stone so I'm probably at the upper white range of the my rider but it's still been totally okay whereas these I think it's 150 kilos for this which I know for a fact is way more than 16 Stone um so yeah these will carry much bigger people um and um yeah obviously they're built for that and they're built for a bit of exploring as well um but I really like this bike and I bought this bike after um using that for a while because um I did a bike Challenge and I got into cycling so I'd go out and basically do 30 odd miles about 20 odd 30 odd miles a day um and I just found that perhaps that isn't the best seating position and configuration for really enjoying longdistance cycling so I got this which is um a slightly um greater distance between handlebar and seat um bigger wheels and tires softer tires so you got more suspension um and generally you know obviously having the bigger battery it got me more range as well so so I could go out there for longer enjoy it without having you know sort of like discomfort um and um it's a cooler that's just such a cool bike so yeah while that's a cool bike this is obviously you know the the bigger version of that and whilst you get the mud guards on there the full mud guards on this one help me sort of um in mud and water a lot more um and personally having the seven gears whilst the three gears in that are great having the seven gears did mean that I didn't use as much as the battery inside of that and this like I say the battery cuts out at each level of assistance so I got more range out of it I then made a review of the bike I bought and then these two companies sent me bikes to review because apparently once you make a bik review video um you you're into doing bite review videos so everyone's sending B There is actually another one on the way uh by angu um but basically it's almost the same as that uh but it's the 250 watt version of that if you like um but other than that it's the same sort of configuration I will make a review video of that but I didn't think about including it at this point in time or waiting until it's arriving because it is so similar to that it really wouldn't be worth doing a proper comparison these two companies then sent me these bikes to review um and this one isn't a folding bike so I thought you know what I'll just review it um and then sort of you know pass it on to somebody else but I love it so I've had that one for maybe about three weeks now three four weeks and done couple of hundred miles on it while I did the cycle challenge I've been using it and love it obviously it's got a few little compromises in it with it being a folding bike whereas this isn't a folding bike and just a couple of things that I really love about it I actually really like the step through bit um I'm not saying I'm old and decrepit but I just really like the step through bit it's so much easier to get on and off obviously you can see there the my rider roughly has the same thing with it being quite low you can step through the frame quite easily with this one there's see you got a swinger leg over the back and then get over it that way and then because of the fact that the um crank is so high the seat's got to be higher so you can get full use of it yeah anyway so yes that is by far the better way to get on this bike um and most bikes in all furnace um and then the fact that it's obviously got a nice big battery in it slightly bigger than that one um still got the seven speed meant that I was going to get the same range out of it in fact probably getting more range out of it than I got on that one um because it's actually even longer between seat to handle bars which means along with the lower crank and the longer kind of distance that way uh my riding position is almost perfect I've been able to drop the handlebars a little bit riched it forward and everything else so yeah this for me suits me perfectly and the fact that I was able to squeeze it in the van just with a few alterations um means that yeah I'm keeping this one this one is so cool I do like the wider bars like I say I think they're 13 cm wider um than the folding handlebars so I get much more control and stability out of them um it's got obviously um you know same fat tires 20 X4 fat tires it's obviously got hydraulic brakes as well which do help um on that one I did have a bit of brake fade coming down when it pass which is quite a steep hill um and I was about to make some upgrades um so that had hydraulic brakes um so the fact that this has got hydraulic brakes it's in a cool color as well almost matching the the the orange theme orange and black theme going on um but yeah this is such a cool bike I am still going to make that one change to the back though to change the cassette so that um it's better for climbing Hills and better for you know long flat straight as well um but I do find that having dual suspension um is really cool however if you notice the seat post is slightly different on this than standard because I stole the idea from this one of having the shock absorbing seat post and bought one so this one not only has rear suspension but it's got a shock absorbing seat post and a nice gel seat as well so this so comfortable to ride really really comfortable to ride really really like that and obviously having a 250 W motor as well makes it completely sort of road legal and everything very happy with that and then obviously this company sent this and I was thinking oh but but but it's step through and and and folding and it's like oh um oh I don't know now um but I have to say it wasn't the fact that it hasn't got hydraulic brakes that upset me or the fact that handlebars are narrower um or the fact that it's not in orange and black um which is quite a nice color by the way if I don't know if I said that um it just was it's not that so the compromises in making a bike folding just how can I say spoil it a little bit for me personally so for that bike that's perfect for me and what I do riding wise and where I'm going exploring and all that love it um this is the next best thing to that so the comfort of this back seat almost I would say actually um means that you don't need the rear suspension of that bike um so this is a fixed rear tail if you like um that and the airbag in the seat thing are so comfortable to ride it really is it is just the fact that I don't actually need the folding nature of it um and I love that bike so yeah the range on it everything else about it love that bike but this would be my next choice um if people are asking you know if you're on a budget you don't want to spend a lot of money the enu ep2 Pro is a fantastic bike like I say for the price brilliant these two both come in under ,00 if you don't need a folding bike get this one if you do need folding but you want the same rough thing as that get this one and just upgrade to hydraulic brakes if money is No Object and you want a folding bike that's lightweight that can get you everywhere because it folds down it's compact it's light uh um takes less time to charge obviously if you're not going to ride so many miles it's got a good range on it so yeah if you can afford it and you need a a small form factor folding by get that one um I know all this is my personal preference and I know you've probably got hundreds of questions that I've not covered I'm really sorry I was just thinking from the top of my head and all the review videos that I've seen when I was looking for other bikes after I was making a change for that one and before I bought that one I was thinking in my head what sort of information do you need to know and most of the time people want to know range how long it takes to recharge um and then they want to talk about um you know sort of the weight of it um and you know either will it fit on a rear bike rack or will you have to get something else or will it fall down so you can get it into the back of your van where it's more secure uh so I've hopefully covered everything it's probably been a bit of a long video but hopefully worthwhile um don't forget links down below to where you can buy all these um and obviously watch the uh separate review videos for each of them as well before I go a lot of you have said are you selling your my rider GB3 John and yes I am it's a fully loaded version fully spec and was £2,800 when I bought it and it's one of two so if you are interested in buying my bike uh please do get in touch there's my Instagram details on the screen right now um and my email details find me an email like I say bear in mind that it's one of two so it's um very very very unique and is specked up with every conceivable extra on there so um yeah just get in touch and uh we'll sort something out but yeah thanks for watching and um if you do have any questions left over please comment in the comments section down below and I shall do my very best to answer them thanks very much [Music] bye
Channel: Gadget John
Views: 7,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: product reviews, gadget john, tech advice, van life, van conversion, vanlife, solo travel, 12v electrical setup, off grid electrics, living off grid, full time vanlife, campervan adventures
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 30sec (1470 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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