Buddy Rich and Mel Tormé on Merv Griffin Show - 1978

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Griffin show its any the show that receives thousands of letters each week from all over the country but we're gonna stay on the air anyway oh I'm sorry they fired the band well Nick is left as you know we have devoted a number of our shows to the big-band era that time in America's musical history when fans turned out by the thousands to hear the band's Glenn Miller the Dorsey's Benny Goodman of course my former boss Freddie Martin to name a few with us today is a musician who is a product of that musical experience and I'm very happy to add that he is more popular than ever when he performs with that band what you get is the best in contemporary music headed by the world's most famous drummer and one of the world's great colorful characters I might add today we're presenting the sounds the great Buddy Rich that's horrific listen save something your little hands are gonna be hot and red by the time with we finished with his show today and so we'll buddies as a matter of fact what Buddy Rich seems to have done is to take his years of musical know-how and showmanship add a band whose average age is something like 25 years the guys in and I'm talking about not a 25 year old band and he's come up with one of the most dynamic groups to ever offer today's music so while our show involves one of the great big bands what you'll be hearing is not nostalgia but the rest of today here with and to join Buddy Rich is a man who's been a belly laugh getter from the Apollo in Harlem to the Las Vegas Strip and of course is one of televisions most popular comedy stars redfox and I can't tell you how appropriate it is that this next fella is joining us he's not only one of the great interpreters of songs I have seen him perform with Buddy Rich in New York and the experience is singular this man's talents as a singer composer and arranger are very special to everybody who appreciates musical excellence the great Mel Torme now this next comedian might well be experiencing a first in his very long career his one-liners today may get some of the most expensive rim shots in the business in the person of Buddy Rich with us is royalty in comedy the king of the one-liners Henny Youngman and we'll also be entertained by a man who spent over 40 years working in live variety shows he's worked with Frank Sinatra Tony Bennett he's currently with Paul Anka and he's does his unique jazz tap dancing or you might even say drumming with his feet with a man himself Buddy Rich I want to introduce to you today one of the great acts and show business Jack Ackerman is here so as you can see today it's a big salute to Buddy Rich in his van and he'll be surrounded by all his friends the folks who've worked with him over the years ever since he played in vaudeville at the age of seven he was known as baby traps our special guest today has been the most brilliant and dynamic drummer of all time he's now the most active entertainer around today from the big-band era and his drumming is as popular and as brilliant as ever he's the drummer who can fire up a crew of musicians better than anybody I know here he is with his band the mighty Buddy Rich the dressing was a benefit we doing yes sir we're talking about a night two years ago I dropped in to see him in his club in New York it's red one of the great musical experiences of all time thank you oh yeah man whoo Hut yeah well this whole land is hot I'll say I mean is this the hottest man you've ever had since you're going to the post office it is yes that's where I've seen him go right it well what were baby traps hey what was that baby that's the past oh we have a trot well while I was a little kid I play drums and I'm a big kid and I play drums yeah but he's old but starting out you were baby traps yes what parents were invertible and I was brought up in that thing playing drums when I was 2 years old or 3 years old but it's a bore yeah no it's not what would be boring if you were still doing the same act like you come a long way since same thing with a little bit and everything everything missing is a Salus which is the big bands though influenced you the most come along I think every band and every musician that I ever heard and every musician I ever played with you've never heard a bad musician in other words oh I've had a lot of bad musician sound David for whisk me on my bad nights yeah but I mean mostly I've been brought up I was brought up rather with people Count Basie Lester Young Charlie Parker diz and my house and Freddie Martin all the great jazz greats he said his name did you hear it Freddie we'll put that on his next album cover buddy rich said I'm one of the drinks one of the children do you deny me my past is that why you're hitting at me so I didn't know you had one yeah really you recognized the fact is you're the greatest living drummer don't you wait only when I'd like to put everybody add myself on but there are so many really fine young drummers today no I have great respect for a lot of the young players today there's some people like Steve Gadd who does a lot of recording in New York and Harvey Mason out here and the Billy Cobham that I'm not especially crazy about but he isn't you know he's a new breed drummer and thereabout Louie Bellson of course yeah there's it there's Eddie Shaughnessy there's a lot of them you know why so little above today's top 40 why why doesn't it last buddy because they're only good for that period of time when the chart has something to say about it you understand yeah you're in the music business aren't you yeah but if it pays I am it does not get into another business you passed are you kidding no I don't think that this should be such a thing as top 40 there are so many marvelous albums and so much marvelous music being recorded by some great people and unfortunately the other jocks who like to think they have all the power and the station managers who give you a lot of problems about playing jazz or playing good music consequently you are inundated with top 40 garbage and that's the prior 'bitch well have you heard anything you like today I'm all out there's some clean garbage that doesn't offend me but the mostly mostly is rather dumb and there are some great groups really great groups Chicago is a great group blood sweat and tears when they were together were marvelous there's a young group out here tower power that really are knock out a Beatle fan yes and uh a sick on the way on account of my daughter I had to become a fan of Ringo Starr yet right yeah your own daughter had you in the house and chose no one's gonna told me that I held a sticks wrong because Ringo holds him this way cuts a little that she probably was right I don't know are the fans turning out today they're marvelous I just ruined today as a matter fact from Dallas Texas we played the University last night and almost every place that we play most of the work that were involved in involves high schools and colleges and I gotta say that the young people are really into what we're doing and I think they're really becoming more involved with a combination of the what's called jazz fusion today between the rock things and the jazz things and very healthy music and the kids are totally into it and they're very healthy for a while it was really all kind of confined what was old saloon Lewis on one side yeah you know there was a Elton John and his mother Olivia and she I didn't even know that and there was that kind of thing and that kind of took over the music business for a while now fortunately music is getting better we got the punk rock thing hell you were punk rock - thirty years ago yeah but I babe oh yeah but she used to still occasionally stab yourself in the heart I remember though right I asked buddy about this is his new album and he said this is a collector's item and I thought gee that's odd for a guy to say about his own album and I didn't once I said oh I'm sure they're great things in it he said no no no the picture in the front that's the first time I've ever smiled true and that's a lot of smile there's a lot of teeth oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you could play it out play a great number on those yeah yeah no no black keys though you're a lot of trouble what was what you put in here Berlin Berlin Berlin is the thing that was that's another great group that I've buried it like that I forgot to mention it but there's a great group jazz group called weather report yeah and they're marvelous and they had a thing that they wrote called Birdland and we caught copped it we just stole it and said it was good enough for the band bouncing with Bud Basel with butters Ernst Welty's and what Cape Verdean blue yes that's that's called actually that's called coronary blues coronary blues rather for the brass uh no particular human there but I'm just a big killing yeah sack who Chuck where were you surrounded you Cerrone what are you doing up there I need you for the bad ones Fiesta Fiesta Fiesta is Korea chicka roll hey man he's here Oh every good what chick corea oh I fought there oh love chairs that well Funk City hola what funk city hola good yeah be Marie there the first time um first of the Olin is kind of a funk city blues mm-hmm but we're not gonna play it now no we're gonna play Birdland oh you know who's gonna be in yes let me let me take a break and we'll get going here sure anything you like singers I love singers they never get in the way of the band most singers I love but unfortunately it's two or three that I really can't stand well don't name well I have to because oh one in particular you got a name yeah is totally offensive to me and Torme is the name have you been uh he's here for this year for the salute I love him you do great singers of all time we'll be right back after this message he loves well here he comes joining us now a great friend to buddy riches and like buddy one of the great stylists of jazz he and Buddy have performed recorded together and it's a special occasion to have them on our stage today welcome if you will one of the great names in music mr. Mel Torme little sad little blue loser don't you fear don't you friend you can bet some lucky day you waken and your blues will be forsaken some lucky day lovely love will come your way if there is love in your heart to share dear please enter some blue boy is waiting just like you to find someone to be true to to lovin arms you can Nestle into sleep Get Set loser true love is gone she will be ha should end in Madhuban Oviedo pretty little bluesy muscle me Amana have you heard the news yet Bob's around the corner bowls and rivers to make your next time your gold wedding-ring don't cry don't cry to breath good answer there is love in your heart to share is waving just like you to buy someone to be true too lucky day lovely love will come your way every day must be on just loser Buddy Rich and his champagne singer we'll be right back eminem boys Melvin and Mervyn are happy to welcome you here but I'm Eminem may I ask you a question sure why doesn't he let the brass section sit down I don't know guys don't even have any chicks poor guys huh fellas when it's my band you'll have chairs I promise he's not gonna have the band for this an old man why do they lose their lips if they sit on when it's his band there'll be no work I'll think of something you'll think of something even in concert you don't let them say no no William are they your uniforms I want to muster pants I don't know it's very difficult to get these guys to press their clothes you oughta see when they stand up in the bus see I know this but it's been a little difficult getting your clothes pressed - no it's getting me press this toy I know different all right where did you first know I met buddy at the Palladium I was I was 16 he was 34 were you standing right there brother I was just a little kid and I said to him gee mr. rich my mother used to bring me to see you all the Tauri so how come they're laughing larger belly I wanted I wanted to oh shut up leave me alone god I don't know if they're getting along if they're not I must say that this is later than he's been up in a long time really yeah alone oh I met buddy I have the Melton's and I met buddy explain you updo updo up it up babe what is this thing called ahaha this funny thing called ah nobody who can stop this this mystery bio Bob I'll tell me why is it make a fool of me DeMille I saw you there one day am i right do we need him no got such a great Rhino that record that was pretty close very very close today's you want to know what's funny that you were the only one in tune do you know something else is funny that's a nicest thing he said to me all day long that's the nicest thing he said all year as a matter of fact it's a nice thing he said all decade I met be at the plating and he had just come out of the Marines and he had to hear about I swear but that long he's practically you thought in on our side no oh he killed a lot of our men yeah he was a karate and strategy no instructor the Marines and I was a in those days before I knew better I was a Buddy Rich worshiper and consequently I met him at the Palladium and he came in the man had not had a pair of drumsticks in his hand this is on a level for probably eight to ten months and Charlie Spivak band was playing and I wrote an article about him in the American Way magazine and I mentioned that night the fact that Bobby Ricci was the drummer and Bobby Ricci sort of reluctantly handed the sticks to Buddy Rich still in his Marine uniform he played an arrangement he'd never ever heard before on Hawaiian War Chant and paralyzed the Palladium paralyzed the audience Bobby Rickey I think went into the clothing business after that I never wanted to play drums again and was that special night a beginning of a whole any return to civilian life no no that was the first night I had gotten out of boot camp I was down in San Diego for about 12 weeks in boot camp and we finally got a three-day pass and I came round up Los Angeles and the Palladium was running full blast in those days right and Charlie's feedback was occurring across the street and I was just I would have played anything with anybody just to get a pair of sticks in my hand you know and so I played which always be they it was a very exciting experience to hang out in those days try to stay awake he actually was we started hanging out almost instantly after that I can't tell who you guys do like and respect name somebody you respect I'd understand smell and melody I can I say that's it can I tell you something seriously huh there are too many singers to sing with the band right yeah you know because I'm not really into singers that much yeah that's why I actually I questioning you dodged it a while was it I said how are singers do you like singers with a band not with the band got on the way like a lot of great sings a lot of great things but I forgot what I was gonna say so what he want to ask it was something nice about me don't stop now for God's sake it'll be--it'll got one in a row you're right you're right we just completed an album together first time that I've ever done an album with a singing right and we did it for century records which is a new record company same one that this album is on and he and this sounds like one of those routines you know you're the greatest sees the greatest you know in my case I am and you know I don't know about him uh how do you think I feel now really the best album that he has ever done it he's had some great albums in his life with it yeah this is the best thing I think I've ever heard do you feel any vinden yeah Oh will you do that now yeah we have to preface this by saying I think for the first time on record that I know yeah somebody has dedicated some lyrics to lady that I feel is the greatest singer of all time this Ella Fitzgerald here and Mill Road kind of a verse and special lyric to the first course and it's really dynamite Willa blew it okay okay bloody riches BAM the great Mel Torme from their new album lady be good it's all USB they call her the first lady of song I call her the High Priestess of song she can do no wrong she can do no wrong she's been the greatest in the land since she sang with chip webspam that I love her we love her I tell you people we love her sweet lovely Ella be good Oh Ella and the bigger booty because our kind of music is sometimes misunderstood LM l a-- you are so good some say the jazz just isn't sensible but the way she sings it makes it comprehensible here's a bow to the great first lady of song Ella Fitzgerald can do no wrong like for instance tezcan gosh my basket ah hmm oh but overdue video duty ha ha ha ha nothing de hot sitter - Roberto did it did it did it a little bit Duda did it did it did it didn't do it but a little bit interminable yooba dooba dooba dooba dooba dooba dooba dooba dooba dooba robot arm to the oboro-sama robot dog did it did it did a little subdued us did it get it did you didn't do it he didn't need a lead only donate over they don't Swilly do do do we do do we leo motorboat or Dido nobody hello foremost I think the two most the two foremost Staters in my life in my mind the two happiest Thetas I've ever worked in my life the Apollo Theater and the Paramount Theatre in New York both theatres in New York City all right for New York all right those were the greatest days that were I work with the greatest people from Bill Bailey Pearl's brother to Spyder Bruce to pigmeat Markham red lucky millander I've worked really some of the people that I guess a lot of people out there wouldn't remember but the happiest times of my life what are your first memories of red fox laughing yeah yeah that's all I mean if you say red fox jeez have to say laughing sure I've laughed at him since the first time I ever heard him he's brilliant man they always said he could never make it on television he couldn't be on television because of his material and we figured away with red and red has never forgotten that you got rid of Laverne and Shirley yeah well certainly the man about to join us is one of our funniest and most beloved characters of all time you know him from a great series called Sanford the son into his own variety show and certainly movies Norman is at you good friend to buddies and you're gonna we're gonna see you in a new light now no I they can do it without me oh I thought we might just discover they can read yeah well why would you hire a band like that cuz I wanted one like me Oh a great friend a buddy which is a great friend of audiences everywhere here's the great Redd Foxx you got fine train I wonder were to be building your look good to me but all I can see Big Town scream cuz I've never seen Oh square why don't you come over here we with booty me now that I have miss a broken-down don't be no square goofy go you got plans really goes out Elysee Oh oh yeah in another show yes yes his first song ever on television away from his own show there right yeah this the first mixed band you've ever worked with no I work with Gerald Wilson I know you I like weeks whatever here listen can I can I just interrupt one second okay just let me thank one of the great drummers in the business Dave sitting in with us Nick sir Olli who's been nice out to play it's funny I just saw the man signing a petition to keep him on permanently god I hope so no more buses do you remember a first meeting read our first meeting yeah no buddy buddy yeah but it was in New York Apollo Apollo Theater yeah backstage Porterie good right resume yes right it's been like 35 30 years 30 years ago is it that one but then it song I sang you know in st. Louis about 1944 I was doing so bad you know sleeping in front of a Chinese restaurant doorway this is truth and I just couldn't seem to get things rolling and Buddy Johnson's band came to town and they were playing there next door to the Chinese restaurant so when I saw the bus pull up off the price I was singing with the band so I asked him to help me God Saint Louis give me a chance to go with the band on the bus do something this band boy you know set the sail so everybody's there was no room so I'll the process I said I got the whole back bunkers he was a star of the band then Arthur price I got with Johnson and so father let me sleep in the back in the book of the bus with him because he had a big white boat and I got to New York I was seeing two teams with the band and so and now people don't know maybe Arthur Prosecco he's the voice of lord broch you know no big deal he's got the big door for him too so is not the price huh he's responsible I think for me being here because I was really at my fellow heir been my life in that true about sleeping in the doorway ever yeah Chinese restaurant yeah it's a new song Delmar and your dad huh yeah it's really bad but that was 44 you know I thought 44 was a good year wasn't except for him so long it was bad for me you know like that some people do it little 40 for me would I be doing good now maybe not even with us but I feel good that I made it you loved big band I love the sound everything even final thing I'll ever just die away this is 10 you know and I think it's time for him to come back you know that Glen Melissa that kind of sound the big rings mr. said and now is a great arranger do and writer remember the days of the Apollo they probably never could come around again to their no because I think it's a vacant lot now oh oh it's no it still it wholly on the bread Akbar around the corner that's the biggest answer I remember that but I mean it doesn't have the shows you too heavy for you they still are empathic is a loss religious place now preacher bread really hmm so seen you won't be appearing there then I thought no I don't think so I have another denomination did you get downtown often in those days to perform know it on your following in the mid forties no you weren't Paramount no we never got the Paramount Theater you know you lucky get out a pair Central Park big I mean the guy from musician Union was there saying no wrong card or no just wrong color ah had the car didn't help who's the biggest band ever appeared with um biggest and I repeated I don't know can't think of any big bands that I appeared with you know I always went to see him you know like I said Tommy was Jenny doesn't but not on the stage not on stage uh-oh Erskine Hawkins you know how busy is a big band is it ever you know and in fact I be white man we had a comedy team called Fox enlighten we were always traveling with the top may see on the road or with the Dinah Washington I came to California Dinah Washington I was known as the Queen and I by the way in Las Vegas her last night Lola Falana did a tribute to Dinah at the sands you know she's there with Alan King and it was fantastic you know I was going to see you next week we're doing the show from yeah you gotta see is it but see that's his thing about whenever you talk to read and I know him a long time you read will always tell you about who's got him started in the business who helped him along and then whenever read does an appearance read always says I'll do the appearance but I want to help somebody else along - that's so really great that's wasn't stupid okay time for the big band again with Buddy Rich and this time is from his album Buddy Rich class of 78 you're gonna hear featuring Steve Marcus on soprano sax you're gonna hear Berlin you you you you you you hey Marcus Oh I saw well no stage show in a world yesterday or today would be complete without this crazy person yes and he's not only crazy but he's beautiful yes he is and he's been where we're going the king of one-liners Henny Youngman of all my introductions that was the most recent one thing about Merv you have that Midas touch everything you touch ties to a muffler I flew to New York got the flu and flew back oh this weather out here with the rains I left a window but I got home I found the water bed last week assistant ever heavy dew out here they say to do ice to wait three bridges he's just got the news about the Helen Reddy was arrested for loitering me in front of a band loved his audience how awful night a judge there's all new kind of jokes nowadays other dissent a priest up to Alaska's there for a month two months the whole year nobody here soon Dupree Scout the Bishop goes up to visit he's how do you like it a face as well if it wasn't my rosary my two martinis a day I wouldn't like it up here he said Bishop would you like him Archie and he says yes rosary get the fish of martini are you Milton Berle 1912 it's a matter of the boys he's another man falls off the chair he was off he helps him puts him on his chair again again he falls down helps him again he says look I want to help this man you know his address so the bartender tells him where he lives so I guess the man he takes him out pushes Emily Carrie falls down again he gets home knocks on the door he says mrs. Jones I brought your husband home she says where's his wheelchair I don't get it listen in the words of mrs. I'm lost at that who said to her husband I'm gonna make peace already I'm dying for a corned beef sandwich and the voice of Menachem pagan who said to mr. Carter I forget the joke he said give him the pen on Palomar Canal oh he wants to loss here it is Valentine's Day you know what I got for Valentine's Day my wife ate my heart out my wife don't show a raise you know she wears a ski mask I want to tell you what's going on with the jokes there's two dumb guys walking along once they look at a dead bird he said where where well Halloween two dumb guys would burn faces they were bobbing for french fries I'm not myself today yes you notice the improvement I feel good though I really do a lot of people say take weight off go to Vic Tanny go to Jack LaLanne take weight over the equipment and it works in front of my went to took about 20 pounds of one week the machine tore his leg off some lady named Inga yeah you're my goddamn Inga she hears if you wrap yourself surround wrap you take weight off so hundreds of zone season the red saran wrap he's the leftovers again there's a real celebration for me celebration here we aren't the palm out ladies gentlemen paramount did how many years ago was that fellas 49 we were to get a male and a drummer the kid there buddy traps and there's none requiring Walker Street ready we were there the Paramount did I want to tell you hi the pencils are so bad once the doorman got locked up for loitering there one lack all of you sir what time's your shoulder on us what I'm gonna make it we had those rough night clubs those days I had a boy I've worked in the night level Radisson that was so tough to the checkroom girl's name was Dominic had a tough boss used to stab me good night one fellow said I'll bet you ten dollars you're dead what do you believe in that was afraid to bet him one night we had one customer we made money we rolled him they were rougher time for a little music people asked me do I know anything about music I know one thing that Loveland von Beethoven the great composer one time in his life couldn't write anymore he was drinking a lot he really was he looked like a bum and his wife threatened to leave him he said don't leave me don't leave me I love you I love you she says you love me ha ha ha give me a name please hey everybody give me a tomorrow Lobby can you thank you very much Oh oh my god this is real really do you know how excited we all are not to hear you play smoke gets in your eyes when did you learn that I didn't let it in okay let's study it right and your what happened innate two bit Oh Boxster it's thick last time you were all together at the Paramount that's right that amazing in the audience or on the stage they're both really oh yeah a lotta the old front row is my kids Gary Maryland Larry all my whole family with every show I used to spend the weekend there they get the food there anyway behind them not too many Shawn didn't know there was great days I mean how many times did you work with buddy uh 30 or 40 right and what do you call mil well tell men well Tommy we went to London was did we leave we drove up to a Manchester we did a big benefit up there he slept all the way he was knocked out you were flying that dayit glasses on plenty though I didn't miss that she wasn't a rubberband Brook well anyway this is great I'll never forget one funny rich Buddy Rich was at the Paramount Theater damn broke but he was at the Paramount and the rehearsal was several in the morning they didn't show up it yeah they were at fry VL I see Harry James up at the Capitol serving up to say hello to Harry I got my music Harry is in there but is a director there with a whole new band so I take my music out they give it out and they played my music and I went back to the power1 that's it that's the Jim that's the joke they played by musi they didn't know me they thought I was on the bill you lost me what do you mean we didn't show up you didn't get there so I won't have to say hello to Harry James never gets direct don't every host my act up oh but he wasn't with you the burma jessie was he came back he was there they will look you're giving red fox a headache listen roman polanski will not judge that beauty contest this year oh the teenage hunter slipping us are you playing the college campuses Oh palace campuses it's know who you are when I get there they just how do you do these joke sir do you have hipper never I have wife jokes everything ready yeah my wife want to go some way she's never gonna be forced to try the kitchen tell me this does the garbage this the garbage man ever come by the house yes my wife says are you ready for the grab he said no jump in we'll be right back he hasn't forgotten one of them we'll be back after this very special treat nothing quite like you see on television young man is coming out he has carved a very unique career for himself with a jazz style of tap dancing over his 40 years of performing he's played with and amazed the likes of Frank Sinatra Tony Bennett Woody Herman he's currently right now Caesars Palace with Paul Anka but he's going to come out here and he's going to give an exhibition of dancing like I assure you you haven't seen before here's a very talented Jack Ackerman Jack you but when you first knew him like I first knew him he was not a dancer you were singing with the whips right the whippoorwills oh yeah yeah and then when I saw him dance it was such a shock how'd you get from one to the other survival oh yeah I don't know what the answer yeah I'm surviving I like that laughs II just survive down there all right where's your mummy I say this such an honor to be among this group of heavyweight champions and I thank you that's a good for me really in that mega dance it's not unusual for drummers to dance no I don't think so did you ever tap Oh once in a while when I was a kid yeah yeah I'm serious I'm serious actually yes but no joke the greatest tap dancers of all time get out of my life we had true that's true it's true don't hey red you do it okay ever do what you know Cal Tjader yes right yes pretty famous on vibes right excellent great okay yeah one the best tap dancers you've ever seen really yeah I didn't know that they must go together vibes and taps oh well he was a drummer first he wanted he won the Gene Krupa contest no kidding yeah I hate to tell you all this wet yeah yeah somebody did ha ha ha ha gene wouldn't work good enough no the greatest dancer I ever saw my life baby Lawrence all right I don't want it like it was wonder he was the original jazz tap dancer he was like Lester Young Byrd he was the daddy of all great jazz tap dancers really and then there was who's he had he said where the floppy bow tie played the paramon with us and uh me Anna Bonnie Brae Bunny Briggs I want the Commodores brothers great Steve our mr. Stuber stubby Oh tip tap until right haven't totally healed my brother brother Lester Lester he'll Kesley mister he'll my brother Lester just doubled up at Orlan shop in Tokyo you'll probably be back pretty fast woman what a thousands of these cameras back they all go quick yeah it is interesting if you just look at them they flow huh next listen barbershop huh my brother Lester I get it he's a character you know yet he's he Erica he over people on a thousand garbage trucks he sounded to people as kind of mini as with escalators you're not testing stuff honest I'm not normal who you remember the great comics that played the the stage shows you see yeah I think the first great comic that I ever worked with I was with Tommy Dorsey's band in 1940 we worked loperamide with Red Skelton that was the very first then I think I work with that everybody Lenny Bruce you know the guys I think of the funniest people in the world um George Carlin George Carlin I had a television show in 1967 we did a summer replacement for Jackie Gleason thing called away we go buddy Greco George Carlin and the band and guest every week very bright guy really Oh Jojo geniuses Barbara's pupils as we wrap it all up buddy what do you hope for the future to do the same thing I'm doing concerts just getting better hoping to get better and playing music and having a good time that's very that's it that's the most we can hope for we'll come back back well buddy all your friends here read Hanny especially Mel who works with you so much agree you've hit the jackpot this the top is the greatest Buddy Rich motion consideration for the appearance of buddy with his band paid for by sensory records promotional consideration furnished by Delta Airlines Bali at true value hardware store next reply Delta the airline run by professionals we fly to 92 sees every day Delta ready when you are beautiful new Pontiac Grand Prix destined to take his place beside the classic Grand Prix's of the pack brand new luxury brand new breed IBM at true value hardware stores quality selection and service they're number one because true value is more than just a name you
Channel: Bob Kaye
Views: 151,057
Rating: 4.8389935 out of 5
Keywords: Buddy, and, Merv, 1978
Id: peq_bNru4NM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 9sec (3969 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 01 2013
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