Buddy Brown - Trying to Make Burt Reynolds Proud

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[Music] if you can't take a leak in your backyard or crack one off with your own 22 if you won't do a Burnout in your driveway if you spit out that hunter 20 proof you don't run that moonshine after church till the preacher man to look the other way if you dogs are often still not running loose if you don't know about the bandit then you don't deserve those boots we're all just trying to make [Music] the fruit [Music] [Music] take over rentals feel free one-nighter come on in we got enough jobs in this country flooding and if you were here we make it right again this country still had balls they would've made you president we're all just trying to make [Music] not afraid to speak their minds we're just trying to make he's out today I just can't stand ain't no good old boys like you and old snowman these kids today know they don't even understand but when I'm watching you I swear the south is gonna rise again we're all just trying to make over we afraid to speak their mind we're just trying to make [Music] Reynold Brown [Music] I'll try Burt Reynolds proud [Music]
Channel: Buddy Brown
Views: 145,896
Rating: 4.9350381 out of 5
Keywords: Buddy Brown, burt reynolds, coon dog, driving through the ghetto, back at the barn, kids that never got spanked, is there a man i can talk to, screw the hoa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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