Budapest Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations

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[Music] a many people refer to Budapest as one of the most beautiful capitals of Europe like the neighboring Vienna and Bratislava the city lies on the banks of the River danu due to its geographical position the city is very colorful it emerged in a place where different types of Landscapes meet the hills and slopes of transdanubia and the flat surface of the Great Plains its 2,000 years of History however made the city even more colorful and attractive leaving its marks on the face of present day Budapest the quiet and Noble Buddha built on the hills of the West Bank of the river the pleasant old Buddha and the Lively past stretching on the lowlands of the East Bank were United in 1837 the first people to settle here were the ancient SS who called their town a in meaning abundant in water it's the origin of the name acinum given by the Romans to the capital of panonia following its Conquest in the 1st Century ad the city had 100,000 inhabitants at that time the memories of that ancient age can still be seen mainly in present day old Buddha [Music] the first princes of the Conquering Hungarian tribes settled here in the 9th century following the destruction caused by the tartar Balor IV the founder of medieval Buddha created a town surrounded by walls and fortified by a tower during the reign of King matius corvinus it was the intellectual Center of Europe then became a Turkish town in the 16th and 17th centuries under the rule of The Sultans the Turkish bads today are memories of that era [Music] the Baroque monuments of the city were built mainly in the 18th century Budapest started to grow into a big city during the reform era in the 19th century when the current structure of the city was constructed with its streets and gorgeous buildings admired by so many people following the Union in 1837 it was the thousandth anniversary of the Hungarian Conquest in 1896 that caused a new boom in the development that was the time when hero square and vaah hunyad Castle were [Music] built the city reconstructed from its ruins after the destruction of the second world war is continuously developing renewing changing even growing but still cherishes its memories in the vicinity of the present Elizabeth Bridge there's always been a crossing point on the river danu around which the historical heart of the city was [Music] founded one of the most beautiful promenades of the capital is the danu prominade where markets with traditional arts and crafts often take place from aboard the pleasure boats floating in the danu we passed numerous Pleasant [Music] sites [Music] the [Music] bridges yeah L too the [Music] Parliament and the [Music] castle the building of vigado is still the home of concerts and other cultural [Music] events great composers like list Vagner Johan Strauss and Bok used to play [Music] [Music] here British Marty square is the part of the pulsating and bustling inner city one of the end Stations of the so-called small underground is located [Music] here when the weather's nice the Terrace of the famous jerbo confectionary offers a delightful view of the city's whirling [Music] life [Music] the statue of the great Hungarian poet Vish Marty after whom the square was named stands in the center the most elegant and expensive prominade of the city the vzi street starts from here the decorative pavement of the street incorporates the remains of the Old Town [Music] walls [Music] Among The Terraces of confectionaries and cafes and fashion boutiques traditional crafts and gift shops offer their [Music] products the 100-year-old [Music] restaurant the Baroque Sita [Music] church and the column of Mary in front of it are worth mentioning here the giant building of the Town Hall was intended to be Barracks for war invalids and was built at the same time as the Baroque churches and houses of the city [Music] center in the Magnificent building of the Parisian Courtyard Pleasant passages connect petto fandor street with Kido Street and hsh [Music] Lane on the ramps of the Elizabeth Bridge the clld Palaces stand as guards built at the turn of the century in Baroque eclectic style the buildings are now home to shops and offices a casino and an exhibition Hall the Fountain of the nads was the first public fountain of the city ornamented with a statue a remarkable fact about the church standing on fedak square is that there's a plaque commemorating the hero of the great flood of 1838 Baron velen The Boatman of the flood looking at the mark of the water level it becomes clear why more than half of the 4,200 buildings of Budapest were destroyed in the flood the recently renovated danu Palace stands at the beginning of vzi Street leading to the great Market [Music] Hall [Music] the attractive great Market Hall with its brick facade and glazed tile roof is situated at the foot of the Liberty Bridge covering an area of 10,000 sare [Music] M it proves a very interesting site for every tourist with its Lively crowd of buyers and sellers and huge assortment of [Music] goods [Music] the Hungarian national museum is the first and largest public collection of the country it was established by count feni in 1802 the building itself is a masterpiece of Mii poot rightly deserving its Fame the history of Hungary the coronation jewels and exhibitions of the museum of natural science are shown here in the classicist style palace with a triangular facade ornamented by eight columns its Garden is a very pleasant place to relax with the statues of scientists and Poets Europe's largest functioning synagogue stands at the corner of the inner ring and dohin Street where a collection of Jewish history and religion is exhibited the Byzantine moish style romantic building served as the Gate of the pest ghetto with its sad memories which are commemorated by a monument standing in the [Music] Courtyard the dumus fountain built on Elizabeth square is decorated by sculptures symbolizing the rivers of Hungary St Steven's Cathedral is the largest church of the capital it's the Monumental work of yosf hild and mikos eel and was consecrated in [Music] 1905 The Majestic building of the former Palace of the stock exchange now serves as the headquarters of the Hungarian television the permanently burning bani Eternal Flame commemorates hungary's first prime minister who is executed here one of the most beautiful and biggest squares of Budapest is kosut Laos Square it covers an area of 65,000 square m and the Parliament occupies its side overlooking the danu it's the most famous and Grand building of the country with amazing measurements it is 268 M long and 96 M High the parliament held its first session here in the year of the Millennium the palace resembling the parliament in London was built according to the plans of IM steinle in Eclectic style looking at it in detail elements of neogothic Baroque and renissance styles are recognizable tourists are allowed to visit in groups accompanied by a guide the statue of atila yev portrays the great poet sitting on the stairs of the warf of the danub [Applause] the impressive building of new railway station was built by the Eiffel company from Paris on the site of the original watchmen's house from where the first train from pesh to Vats departed in [Music] 1846 the busiest Main Road of Budapest is a n kurut the large Ring Road with its length of 4 km starting at One Bank of the danu and circling around the city to make a ring to the other bank bank it's lined by shops restaurants and cafes on both [Music] sides the viin has is one of the three theaters on the Najar rout with its beautiful Dome the Neo Baroque building is the work of vienes Architects from the turn of the [Music] century one of the most beautiful public buildings of Hungary the Palace of the state Opera House on andrai Avenue is the Magnificent work of mikos iil the edges of the building's middle part are decorated by Muses while the main bracket of the facade holds the sculptures of 16 Opera composers on the sides of the driveway with arcades the memorials of two great composers federan erle and ference list can be seen the small Millennium underground of [Music] pastimes and the way it looks [Music] today and Rashi Avenue ends with dignity in hero Square both sites were built at the same time when the Millennium Monument was erected the Magnificent group of statues standing in the square is in fact one of the city's symbols [Music] the art gallery and the Museum of Fine Arts stand on opposite sides of hero [Music] Square the Museum of Fine Arts exhibits a very significant collection of ancient Egyptian and Greek [Music] fines [Music] h from the 13th to the 18th century the old collection of sculptures consists of several famous European works of [Music] art in its picture gallery The Works of Goya El Greco Raphael tisan rran cison Goan and Monae are exhibited among many [Music] others [Music] you [Music] Archangel Gabriel lifts his arms as if protecting Prince arpad and the mounted Chieftains of the Conquering Hungarian tribes [Music] the sculptures of Hungarian sovereigns are placed between The Columns of the semicircular [Music] colonades Vette the Beautiful City Park was planned by a French gardener on the site of King maos game reserve the small Lake was made for the Millennium exhibition and is suitable for rowing in summer in the winter however it's transformed into an ice rink vun Castle also built for the Millennium exhibition was first made of wood its role was to show each architectural style of Hungary at that time by showing the details of existing buildings with great accuracy due to its great success the castle was rebuilt from Stone after the [Music] exhibition [Music] there's a chapel resembling the Church of yak in the [Music] castle the statue Anonymous portrays the unnamed Clerk of Hungarian King Baya III the same clerk who wrote The Chronicle of Hungary around 1200 the Museum of Agriculture was placed in the Baroque wing of the [Music] castle [Music] a [Music] seeni bath is one of Europe's biggest Spa baths and swimming pools its magnificent building was constructed in [Music] 1913 the spa water is 77° C and is effective in healing rheumatism arthritis and problems of the motor system the treatments here are supplemented by massage sauna weight bath and other [Music] therapies the three open a swimming pools with Terraces for sunbathers are perfect for whing away Pleasant idle [Music] hours [Music] the novelty of the bath is a special pool with sparkling water artificial waves and vertical [Music] massage [Music] [Music] one of the most famous Hungarian restaurants the more than 100-year-old gundell is located only a few steps away from the Gate of the [Music] zoo there are 3,500 different animals with 1,500 species of plants in the Zoological and Botanical Garden of Budapest on an area of 16 Acres part of it was designed by Kido Kos with the renovation of the Palm House famous throughout Europe the Reconstruction of the garden is about to come to an end [Music] from the beginning of the 1800s bleet has operated as a Fairground with sides shows amusement park and various stands attracting tens of thousands of visitors now the public is enter rained by acrobats in the great circus of Budapest the ferris wheel the Switchback Railway and the roller coaster were moved to the present-day Fairground next to the [Music] zoo [Music] n [Music] n the Museum of Transport is also located in Vleet the city's old vehicles of public transport such as the Horse Tram and Omnibus together with other historical Railway and motoring Curiosities are are exhibited [Music] here [Music] Zug glow is one of budapest's beautiful green belts Stefania street that was sung in a popular song is famous with the Palace of the cultural House of the Hungarian [Music] Army one of the masterpieces of secessionist Architecture is the building of the geological Institute [Music] nap stadion the large stadium and many other sports establishments are situated here [Music] Cati or east railway station with its surface area of 7,500 s m is the largest railway station of Budapest it was built at the turn of the century and has become a significant element of the city's [Music] look [Music] the danub river with its depth of 3 to 9 M and width of 285 to 640 M crosses the heart of Budapest there are seven Highway Bridges and one Railway Bridge Over the River all within the borders of the city Liberty Bridge connecting the fur arm and Galler squares is a spectacular Monument originally it was named after France yv and was opened in his presence in the year [Music] 1896 The Splendid Elizabeth Bridge originally built in the style of the Liberty Bridge but with a chain structure was destroyed in the second world war the new cable bridge in modern style was finished in 1964 on the same [Music] site our first permanent bridge over the danu is the Chain Bridge the most beautiful of all built on fed and SE Chen's initiative the construction was led by Adam Clark according to the plans of English [Music] Engineers the iron chains on which the the bridge is suspended are held by two classicist style pillars which look like Triumph arches the bridge is a symbol of the city and is featured in numerous anecdotes Margaret bridge is the proud work of French engineers and Architects the opening of the road connecting the bridge with the southern edge of Margaret Island was a great event of its era [Music] the 2,500 met long Margaret island is actually a Park full of sights spreading over an area of 96 acres under the Island's green leafy boughs promenades monuments restaurants baths and sports establishments are concealed in the Middle Ages it was called the island of the rabbits several religious orders built their monasteries here and some of their ruins can still be seen today the grave of St Margaret after whom the island was named lies between the ruins of the Dominican church and the nunery by the middle of the 19th century the island was transformed into an English Park the medicinal water brought to the surface in 1867 made the creation of bathing facilities possible a small Japanese garden with a Lake waterfalls and rock garden are to be found at the foot of the two grand hotels near the arpad bridge to round out the other end of the island [Music] a [Music] the reproduction of the musical well of maros vashar is a lovely sight at the foot of the 52 M high water tower there's an open air theater with a seating capacity of [Music] 3,500 although it's not allowed to drive into the island there are several other means of Transport available for visitors [Music] n [Music] there are four swimming pools of different water temperature and purpose in the paltinis bath stretching a long way on the island its sulfurous hydrogen carbonated Spa water of 38° C is suitable for treating diseases of the motor system [Music] the red brick building of the swimming pool was built according to the plans of Alfred haos the Hungarian Champion swimmer of the first Olympics in [Music] Athens the stadium of the athletic center is in the neighborhood of the pool arpad bridge is situated on the Northern end of the island there was a stone bridge here even in the Roman era of aqu quom construction on the present one started in 1939 however it was open to the public only after the second world war the favorite holiday Resort of Budapest is the Roman beach in Old Buddha where water sports facilities snack bars guest houses boat houses campsites and restaurants can be found it's primarily a paradise for cyclists and [Music] rowers but also a good place for sunbathers and those who like to drink a pint of beer in the [Music] shade [Music] the town hall and the fisherman's Garden on the main Square preserved a little bit of the former old Buddha atmosphere described in the writings of crudy and painted by ER zorad in his watercolors [Music] the Baroque residents of the zichi family who were the landlords of old Buddha in the 18th century is a cultural center today the silk Winder characteristic of its oval ground plan is regarded as one of the oldest factories of the country the amphitheater in nbut street was opened in 1940 its arena is bigger than that of the Coliseum in Rome there were once military parades coach races and Gladiator fights held [Music] here as proof of the advanced water culture of the Romans the stage of the Arena could be flooded for water battles with the help of a pipeline system oh kishel was named after the Austrian pilgrimage site maret Cel because the copy of its famous devotional sculpture was placed in a chapel here today in the Museum of kishel the modern exhibition of the Budapest Historical Museum can be [Music] seen [Music] it's in the vicinity of kosi square where the renovation of old Buddha is the most [Music] striking [Music] it's very popular among Budapest citizens and tourists visiting here to take a day trip to Hues the old traffic Junction that has regained its original Beauty serves as a starting point for those those who wish to explore the Buddha [Music] Hills the Austrian carriages of the cogel Railway having had their trial run in the Alps take us to seeni hill where the favorite of kids and grown-ups the children's Railway awaits [Music] Travelers [Music] the chairs of the Liu Lift us up to the lookout tower of yanos Hill offering a splendid Panorama throughout the [Music] trip we can enjoy the view of the Buddha Hills and Roa Dome The Rose Hill on our way [Music] down one of the most magnificent sites of Budapest is Buddha castle with its many monuments which is internationally unique and a part of world heritage The Castle Hill Rises 60 m above the banks of the danu providing a marvelous view either of the river and vesu or Galler till the castle used to be the residence of Hungarian sovereigns for centuries though intermittently today it serves cultural and tourist purposes the seeni National Library the Hungarian State AR archives and the board of monumental buildings are all located here the Castle Theater and several museums such as the military history museum The Budapest Historical Museum The Institute of music and the Hungarian National Gallery are also situated here together with a museum of Commerce and catering and even a museum of [Music] Pharmacy [Music] entering the castle District through the viene gate first we catch sight of the Evangelical Church of Buddha castle then passing the Colossal Palace of the state archives we reach the ruins of Mary magdalina [Music] Church The Garrison Chapel built 750 years ago was destroyed during the second world war and only its Tower survived there's a garden of ruins behind [Music] it the ver mezu side of the 1.5 km long Castle district is a pleasant prominade [Music] the houses originate from various historical eras and represent different architectural Styles yet create an entirely harmonious impression thanks to the careful renovation of The Monuments several houses have partially or wholly regained their medieval look look from under the plaster work of the Baroque or classicist buildings medieval fragments window frames or column capitals are [Music] showing the characteristic feature of the houses here is the gothic Niche with seat opinions vary with regard to its purpose nevertheless it is likely that guards used to use it as a resting point the building of the Hilton Hotel embodies the ruins of the St Nicholas Monastery and the Dominican Court the Church of our lady in Buddha castle commonly known as the matash or St Matthew's Church is one of the most outstanding monuments of Hungary it was built in several stages from the 13th century in Gothic style King Lewis The Great and King Sigmund had the former three- ised Cathedral reconstructed into a one Isle gothic church with Hall King Matos had it enlarged with the taller Tower and the Royal choir [Music] the central figure of the main altar designed in early Gothic style is the statue of the sublime our lady the glass paintings were made according to the sketches of beralan [Music] SE the church was the site of several historical events it was the place where King Charles Robert was crowned and King matash had his two wedding ceremonies here since the reign of King sigmon it has been a tradition to place here the badges and flags captured in military missions after capturing Buddha the Turkish reconstructed it into a Muslim Church from the middle of the 1800s it regained its original significance br Joseph and Charles ivth were crowned here and many other Nationwide events also took [Music] place the Magnificent White marble statue of the queen adored by the hungarians is also placed [Music] here in the sarcophagus of the Holy Trinity Chapel next to the vestri Baya III and his wife anaon are [Music] buried several Stone cuttings of the church dating back to the era of Baya III can be seen in the Crypt the red marble coff hides the bones of the royal tombs of [Music] [Music] sees a spiral staircase leads from the Crypt to the Royal choir where the chass and Relics used at coronations are exhibited together with a copy of the holy crown and visitors can pick up some interesting titbits of information at the exhibition for example substantiated Research into the origins of the Hungarian Crown has revealed that it was made by goldsmiths from [Music] Armenia [Music] the bastions closing the square behind the Matas Church on the East were built by Frid yuck at the turn of the century the impressive bastions of Neo Romanesque style with Lookout Terraces and Towers were built on the side of the former Red Brick Town walls in the middle of ages there was a fish market in the Square next to the church and that part of the fort was guarded by The Guild of the fishermen the bastions built much later were named after them the fisherman's Bastion has become a significant element of the capital's look its characteristics are the archways resembling the courtyards of the Roman age monasteries the roofed and open staircases and the peaked roofs without tiles covered with white stone the main tower and great stairs are or mented with the sculptures of the Hungarian Chieftain while the pediment of the Jesuit gate is decorated with the walled in relief of a Gothic Stone [Music] lion [Music] the statue of the Holy Trinity was erected by the citizens after the Great Plague of [Music] 1709 the building of the former bud bu town hall is ornamented by the sculpture of palis atena the guardian of the [Music] city the 95m long finic of Buddha castle was built between Clark Adam square and the shandor palace as the second of its kind in [Music] Europe [Music] The Castle Theater is located on St George Square passing the building we can reach the fence and forged gate of the palace part of the gate is the giant sculpture of the turo bird erected in memory of the [Music] Millennium the huge bird holding a sword in its Talons is the work of Jula donut [Music] the Palace of Buddha castle stands on the southern part of Castle Hill the Royal residence in the forts protecting it were built under Bala IV after the tartar disaster the whole system of defense was constructed during the reign of King sigd King matash created a truly Renaissance Court almost all SVS had the palace constructed according to their taste and that of their era the destruction of the building was started in Turkish times with the blowing up of the ammunition storage and was fulfilled by the siege of 1686 the Palace of today was built during the reign of Maria Teresa using the remains of the destroyed Palace it was totally renovated after 1945 many ruins of medieval buildings were discovered then and the excavations are still in progress yes the permanent exhibition of the Royal Palace of medieval Buddha can be seen in the Budapest Historical Museum where among other things sculptures and fragments found during the excavations are [Music] exhibited the Great Hall built in Gothic style with cross vating was used as a Nall the Royal indoor Chapel has an intimate [Music] [Applause] atmosphere part of the facade with counter Fort from the anju palace and a stone balcon balcony can be seen in the Royal Cellar we leave the museum through the southern Palace Court in the direction of the great randella Bastion and the club Tower [Applause] at the foot of the castle stands the deer house a restaurant originating from the 13th century and still open today This Magnificent building used to be The Engine House of the castle water supplies today it's a casino [Music] the area lying between Gallard Hill and Castle Hill was called toban unfortunately it fell victim to city planning now we can see this district with its once Pleasant atmosphere resembling grining in Vienna only in photos or paintings [Music] the statue of Bishop Gallard lifts his hands as if blessing the [Music] city [Music] the popular gallert spa hotel bath and swimming pool stands at the foot of gallert Hill [Music] the group of buildings constructed in secessionist style includes a luxury hotel of more than 300 beds a spa bath a roof and an open air swimming pool and a Leo its Interiors are built in an artistic fashion with sculptures and [Music] mosaics [Music] the radioactive lime hydrogen carbonated Spa water is suitable for healing rheumatism and arthritis besides the thermal bath there's a swimming pool with a roof that can be opened a sparkling bath and another swimming pool with artificial waves its Terraces for sunbathers are surrounded by a park abundant in lush green decorated with statues and a [Music] waterfall [Music] n [Music] opposite Galler Hotel a special cave Chapel is situated on the hillside some say that pest might have been named after this cave as the medieval name of Gallard Hill of Slavic origin was pest Hill and pest means [Music] cave [Music] let's walk up to the Citadel on the top of Gallard Hill and bid farewell to Budapest by glancing over the city once again from under the famous Statue of [Music] Liberty [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Applause] n [Music] a [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Expoza Travel
Views: 57,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: essentials, Ferenciek square, holiday, River trip, Margitsziget, guide, city, trip, Inner city, Erzsébet square, videos, Budapest, Szt. István Cathedral, The Taban, Duna prom, Zugló, Kiscelli Museum, Mátyás temple, world, The Amphiteatrum, discovery, Keleti Station, Vörösmarty square, Synagogue, documentary, Aquincum, Római beach, vacation, tips, Vigadó, versus Aquincum, Váci street, Hűvösvölgy, channel, Museum of Fine Arts, Market Square, travel guide, Népstadion, travel, expoza travel
Id: C-3I_C6oMEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 18sec (4458 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2015
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