Buchart Botanical Garden | Victoria BC

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I am standing in front of the sign that's pointing to the Butchart Gardens here on Vancouver Island on a beautiful summer day and I'm on my way to the city of Victoria having just gotten off the ferry from Vancouver over to schwarts Bay and my very first stop is going to be these botanical gardens over 100 years in bloom it's a National Historic Site of Canada so I'm going to go and bring you along I've seen some pictures and it looks absolutely Ely spectacular a must SE tourist destination here in British Columbia and I'm on my way and I'm going to bring you along all right there you have the entrance as a gentleman uh Flags me in all right having found a parking spot now I am working my way into the entrance and even the parking lot has just got beautiful flowers everywhere you look flowers and plants it's a rich history to this panical Garden I was reading up a little bit on the internet before I was coming down here and and doing so I believe it was a uh a limestone Quarry at one point in time and the owner of the Limestone Quarry his wife went in and started to build all of these beautiful gardens here you also have boat tours available and as I come up on the entrance you can see there is a coffee shop if you want to sit and have a nice coffee either before you go through the gardens or after coming out of the gardens and then off to the left they actually have uh seeds and gifts so take always like to walk through the the gift store you can see they've got all types of wonderful things I'm sure Mercedes watching this back in Fort Meyers would just absolutely love to be here she loves she loves flowers what a spacious gift shop this is wow no shortage of items to buy and over here I see some various China and Mercedes collects all of this as well here wow okay let's go and tour the [Applause] garden all right with the gift shop under my belt I find my way out to the uh main area here and you see there's the information center and they have the uh coffee shop which I mentioned previously and then over here they have some very ious places where you can just sit and relax and everywhere you look there are just beautiful beautiful colors and here is a uh large chest set you want to take some time out of your visit here and play some chess you can come over here and play some chess with this extra large chess set looks like there's actually a chess match underway right [Applause] now look at [Music] that what a nice uh a nice chest set this is my dad would absolutely love seeing this [Applause] I do and then right over here they have a a nice waterfall not a waterfall a uh a wheel if you [Applause] will look at [Applause] that [Applause] definitely worth a visit and I haven't even gotten into the main into the main Gardens yet all right I made my way into the actual Gardens and one of the biggest challenges I think that I'm going to have as I go through here is whether or not I have enough memory card to record all of this it is really a sight to behold I was told that I need to come here and uh that was no no exag exaggeration at all look at this I know that uh I know Angela who watches my videos is going to be probably watching this video time and time again look at this really is a sight to behold for sure everywhere you look there's an abundance of Beauty look at this view right here it's actually going to be a nice place to stop and take a picture all right I am on the steps that are going to go up to the sunken garden one of several Gardens here that I'm going to share with you today as I go through the the botanical gardens here and it really is something look at look at how beautiful that [Applause] is this is probably one of the one of the nicer parks that I've actually been to and in recent memory and I've been to some really nice Parks so let's go see the uh let's go see the sunken garden here at Butchart Gardens there's the sunken garden I believe there's the Mediterranean Garden wow look at this absolutely jawdropping beautiful look at that as I read a little bit about this Garden it used to be a limestone Quarry and in 1908 the Limestone was depleted and Mrs butcher decided to make this a sunken garden look at how beautiful that is and then just up here there's a a small [Music] house all right I'm finding my way down into the actual Garden itself and to think that at one time this was just filled with all types of noise of people Excavating Limestone and look at it now truly a sight to behold this definitely has to be one of the mo more beautiful places on Earth and see all the folks coming down the steps without question this has to be one of the more beautiful places on [Applause] Earth you are looking at the Ross Fountain Lookout the smaller Quarry was a source of limestone in the 1860s it was here that Ian Ross grandson of Mr and Mrs Butchart devised his spectacular fountain with the assistance of his plumber Adrien Butler and his electrician Vic Dawson the Ross Fountain commemorated the 60th anniversary of The Bard Gardens when it was installed in 1964 look at that that is really something to really something to watch and here's a view of the fountain from the other side and it comes up and it does different uh it's choreographed and I one look at that I don't know if I've ever seen a more beautiful Fountain than that while I made my way up to the Carousel and this is one of the items on the map as I was walking in that I was interested in seeing it's an old-fashioned Carousel and what's interesting about this it was only about a week ago that a friend of mine was in Colorado and he told me that he went to went out of his way to see a carousel so this is called The Rose Carousel you can see the different folks going [Music] [Applause] along I think if I'd get on the Kota ride I'd probably be best suited to ride a monkey look at [Music] that [Applause] wow just [Music] [Applause] wonderful all right so on with the uh on with the tour interestingly enough I've been in British Columbia now for several days and these are the first totem poles that I've seen since I've been here and they are quite impressive to say the say the very [Applause] least I give you a view from the bottom looking up people have always told me that I'm at the bottom of the totem pole this is a raven Beaver with grous otter with pups and clam and frog on here so there at the bottom I think you have the uh let see at the bottom you have the Frog that's right well you can figure it out [Applause] continuing along I found my way to an area it says the Oregon Pavilion and I don't know if this is this is the building or not but one would certainly think so so just out Beyond this area where I'm located is an outdoor stage and have concerts here as a matter of fact there's a concert this evening and if I take a left right here it's going to take me to both the Japanese garden and the Rose Garden and over there in the distance you can see the The Pavilion which is right there most interesting of trees that you can see right here on the lawn just behind the uh in front of the Pavilion I should say at that here's another there's another interesting tree look at that one can only wonder if they decorate these for Christmas I would imagine that they I would imagine that they would you can see everywhere you look there's flowers needless to say it would appear that I made my way to the Japanese garden and this Fountain would give me that that impression so we're going to uh give you a nice view of the fountain as I walk around to the entrance of the of the Japanese [Applause] garden it would appear that I made my way to the Japanese garden as you can see with this Dragon Fountain here and just to my left would be the the pathway that would take me down to what I'm sure is another gorgeous Garden I think I'm running out of adjectives to describe this park that I found or this Garden rather it really is something to really is something to see as the young lady does a uh a self everybody everybody's doing everybody's doing selfies and I think that I embarrassed her so she's uh going to be a YouTube celebrity perhaps here's a large massive tree would appear to be a redwood it's a coast Redwood right there this another [Applause] workout and I think just around this corner here it's going to take me down into the garden and sure [Applause] enough you you got to give credit where credit is due YouTube has uh provided such a wonderful opportunity for individuals like myself to travel travel the world and and share it with people that would otherwise never have a chance to see such amazing things as this [Applause] all right as you may very well guess I made my way down to the Rose [Music] Garden and every time I see a Rose Garden I can't help but to think of a lovely woman that I spent the better part of a week with in New Zealand called finel and finel was a elderly lady well into her 80s and she had a Rose Garden it was her her pride and joy and whenever I see a a rose garden such as this I can't help but to think about uh that time that I spent with with vanill down in uh down in New [Applause] Zealand I mean doesn't make trips it just you go through this beautiful trellis here look at this what a sight to behold we went up there nothing [Applause] there actually I saw a sign for the Japanese garden and I don't think that I've come across the Japanese garden yet despite the fact that I saw that Fountain so we'll uh see if we can't find that as well and I believe I still need to see the Mediterranean garden and the Italian Garden this is the Fountain of the three sturgeons and just you are looking at the fountain of the three sturgeons and just off to the left is the large expansive lawn that leads over to the Boart home over here and if I'm not mistaken behind me perhaps this is the entrance to the Japanese garden so we'll take a take a walk down the path here I've noticed that the gardens here are dog friendly a lot of people walking about on this nice summer day with with their little dog and uh this is this is the Japanese garden the first of Jenny butcher's former Gardens the Japanese garden was started in 1906 the Magnificent purple Beach on each side of the gate and the Japanese maples at the head of the stone stairs down into the garden are the oldest non native trees and the butchered Gardens look at this Bo she did a wonderful job with these Gardens you can hear the water running through this small waterfall in case like myself you were wondering you know what kind of a state would this be without having its own little Cove Wonder no more you're looking at the butcher Cove right here and if you wanted to take a a nice Cruise they offer boat tours and it is just beautiful butcher Cove Lookout where the present Warf now stands Mr butcher built a boat house for his mother or Motor Yacht newa many dignitaries and entertained by the butcher to enjoy a cruise on the local Waters of the Sandage Inlet and the gulf Islands I made my way back into the Japanese garden after going and looking at the The Cove Lookout not as many flowers in the Japanese garden a lot of lot of water a lot of sculptured trees such as you see here you see a lot of water lilies just some beautiful trees see this tree right [Applause] here all right I believe what is still needed be seen is the Mediterranean garden and the Italian Garden my friend edit and uh Amad I should say my friends edit and Amad probably wouldn't forgive me if I finish this tour without seeing the the Italian Garden they live in Genoa Genoa [Applause] Italy and I know edit watches a lot of my videos not too sure about Amadeo he's probably too busy watching football as they call it soccer as we call it no shortage of green as you walk through the butchered [Applause] property coming up out of the Japanese garden you come across this view here and there's a fountain with several frogs that are streaming water into the into the pond [Applause] here simply could not have asked for a nicer day to be visiting butcher Gardens you are looking at the entrance to the Italian Garden and the Italian Garden is the most form of Mrs butcher's Gardens created in 1926 on the site of the family tennis court the well-known architect Samuel McLure work from Mr Bard's ideas to create the garden so let's uh let's go on in and see the most formal of gardens the Italian Garden here at Butchart Gardens and we'll dedicate this segment of the of the video to Amadeo over in uh Genoa [Applause] Italy look at that view now if this video doesn't get Amadeo off the sofa watching football you know I don't know what uh I don't know what will look at all of those flowers and the smell in here is just really something else and you have to get some gelato of course what would an Italian Garden be without some uh Italian gelato at the gelataria look at that it would appear that I've made it to the end or back to the beginning depending on how you look at it of The Butchart Gardens here in just outside of Victoria British Columbia and you can see this the sculpture of this boar I believe it's actually a replica of a boar that you would see in Florence Italy and this would be the Butchart home I would believe where I'm sure they had many uh wonderful wonderful times together here so I hope you enjoyed this walkth through of the of the butchered Gardens here just outside of Victoria on Vancouver Island in beautiful British Columbia and if you're ever out in this part of the world don't uh even think twice about coming for a to a visit to this beautiful beautiful spot on [Applause] earth
Channel: Tom Hall
Views: 1,000,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5bH2HtztoSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2016
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