Buccaneer S.1 Ejection! | Tom Eeles

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you but you had pretty uneventful they didn't wonder in the bookaneer could you yes I think we've already alluded to the fact that the mark ones engines were pretty unreliable there was one these mark ones which the engineers had spent weeks trying to get serviceable and eventually they produced it on the fly announcer they go take it away go and fly it and it just so happened that I was with a young RAF first to a pilot on his first trip we had a bit of problem on the runway to start with when the left John junior refused to run up to full power and kept surging and stalling eventually we managed to get it up to full power so off we went to an hour on our first ever flying come back to the circuit and unsurprisingly they didn't always get it right first time around so we've gone round the circuit he ended up too close to the runway too high to make a sensible landing so and we were about a hundred feet by this time so I said no go round again you opened up the full throttle and the left engine stopped so we got wheels down air break out all the blow coming now out of one engine and one not very powerful engine according by surprise unsurprisingly the airplane starts severe off the runway heading so the option of planting it on the runway and hoping for the best has gone we're going slower and slower and slower there was although he got the wheels up from the air brake in there was no way this airplane was going anywhere but down so the only option was Martin Baker let down I'm in the back my straps are very loose because I've been trying to lean forward look around his seat see what's going on in the front so I called a jet eject and I pulled the handle and off we went very loose shoulder strap saw a roll forward like this wake up coming down in a parachute I see my feet like that thinking well that's a strange view isn't it's the airfield we arrived no attempt at a proper parachute landing ow that's very painful well first thought is well I get the martin-baker tie now second thought is ah if I can get my personal locator beacon out and operate it the manufacturer will give me a really nice solid silver beer mug so I think I gotta get this bloody thing out I'm about as far away from the control tower as we are now and of course all this has been witnessed by everybody and I'm lying there on the ground trying to get my pob out when the safety services arrive and I say if you'll excuse the language bugger off I haven't got my plb out I do not wish to be rescued yet they said don't worry sir we understand you're under a little bit of stress we're just we're just restrain you to stop you're doing yourself any more damage I never did get the beer mug
Channel: Aircrew Interview
Views: 4,193
Rating: 4.9794869 out of 5
Keywords: buccaneer, buccaneer s1, blackburn buccaneer
Id: zuZ_rhRm1N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 20sec (200 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 26 2019
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