Bubbles Becomes a Cruel Dictator || The Spoon (PPG 2016)

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duh check out my patreon what no love for forks or knives ah yes here we have an episode simply known as the spoon yikes the previous episode was the fog now we're on the spoon this show is getting a little uncreative with its title names isn't it or maybe it's just trying to rip off gumball well at the end of my review of the fog i had said i was excited to move on to this one because it is an episode that barely features buttercup at all after further reflection the message i want to express to you all is careful what you wish for yeah unfortunately despite this being a blossom and bubble centric episode that doesn't save it from being a pretty insufferable watch there's a lot wrong with this one that i just find poorly thought out on the reboots part and contradictory to other aspects that were already established in the show but i'm sure you'll see what i mean as the plot unfolds with that said let's get right into the spoon [Music] yeah i hate how orange juice tastes after you brush your teeth so our episode begins with bubbles saying she hates the way orange juice tastes after she brushes her teeth and would you believe me if i told you that this sentence is literally the entire basis of bubbles motivation in the episode because rest assured this one line is actually pivotal and explaining why bubbles does everything that she does the girls don't get to enjoy their breakfast for very long however because instead of calling them on their hotline cell phones the mayor comes rushing in through their window which he does not offer to fix by the way and shouting that a giant spoon magically appeared in the center of townsville overnight without any rhyme or reason so the girls rush on over there to check it out and hopefully put a stop to whatever evil threat this arbitrarily large spoon could pose to the town where did it come from why is did it here from why is it here um why did the crowd feel the need to repeat what he said like that seems kind of random stay tuned again i just woke up and it was here not as random as that clip just being inserted into the middle of the episode though spoon again okay we get it spoon again it's random ha ha and so the girls arrive on the scene and begin to spoon again jeez would you stop that i'm trying to review an episode here so the girls arrive on the scene and begin to inspect the mysterious spoon trying to figure out where it came from and what it could possibly mean bubbles starts theorizing that this spoon could have come from all sorts of different sources whether it be aliens or an angry giant both of which have a pretty solid possibility because this show always makes up whatever the heck it wants but blossom chastises her for jumping to conclusions at the very least her reasoning isn't aliens don't exist so thank god we don't have another blossom file situation on our hands bubbles we're superheroes we shouldn't just say things without being sure what really gets me with this though is that blossom's lecturing here actually makes her out to be a total hypocrite without her even realizing it because bubbles and buttercup literally trick her into contradicting herself by asking how she thinks the spoon got there instead of straight up admitting she doesn't have a clue or presenting any form of reasonable evidence to draw a logical conclusion she proposes her own theory well where do you think the spoon came from i don't know maybe it's a parade float from some town's silverware festival that got caught in a tornado or something so even though she just said that because they're superheroes they shouldn't just guess the cause without any idea or proof that confirms it she literally spots off her own random idea that makes zero sense and has no evidence to justify it and you know that hypothesis was so absurdly specific that i already know it's going to be the explanation we're given at the end this was the immediate thought i had after watching this for the first time and sure enough i'm right because this reboot is that predictable well buttercup doesn't really care if she contradicts herself or not because she's currently selling novelty t-shirts themed around the mysterious spoon and making a fortune off of it thanks to the power of societal peer pressure and popular trends everybody's talking about the spoon so spoon themed merchandise is bound to sell like hotcakes bubbles also floats on up to the spoon while this is going on and claims it is communicating with her to which the news anchor immediately catches wind of and asks her what all it's saying did i hear you right the spoon speaks to you oh sure it says don't brush your teeth because if you do your orange juice will taste really funny bye joe she's right so basically this spirals out of control and the idiotic citizens of townsville quickly latch onto this idea that bubbles is the supreme spoon whisperer and actually has the ability to communicate with an inanimate object hey you ever see get schwifty from rick and morty this is basically the head worshiping cult half of that episode but with a spoon sadly there's no catchy song either the town's folk quickly latch onto their leader that claims the spoon can speak to them without very much evidence other than pure coincidences that magically make the leader appear to have more credence than they should does the spoon think i will ever find my glasses yep bye joe she's the chosen one i thought donnie was the chosen one if there's more than one chosen one then shouldn't she be referred to as one of the chosen two i'm just saying that if the show already established a character as being the chosen one and then it goes and says another character is the chosen one then there's a contradiction there because the title of chosen one literally signifies a single solitary individual but that's not even the worst case of ignoring continuity in this episode cut to the next day where blossom goes to brush her teeth only to find out that her toothbrush is missing and her backup has been misplaced as well so she goes to the store to buy one instead of asking her family members around the house where her stuff went because who would do the first logical thing right well this only leads to her getting kicked out of the store and being threatened to have the police called on her ah the police remember when they were characters in the powerpuff girls now they never show up at all aside from the rare occasion that they decide to drive somebody to prison hell they don't even show up when the girls are in prison bear in mind that this is only one day later a full 24 hours if you will knowing this information i want you to observe how much supposedly changes in the span of this time period blossom is super confused as to what's going on here but she sees her favorite dentist around the street corner dr martin the dentist and yes every single time this guy shows up blossom will refer to him as dr martin the dentist in case you forgot that he was dr martin the dentist coincidentally enough this is the same dr martin the dentist we saw in tooth or consequences when blossom was afraid of getting her teeth cleaned but in that episode dr martin the dentist was just referred to as dr martin not dr martin the dentist oh did i mention that this guy's name is dr martin the dentist in case you didn't get that the episode will certainly make that clear to you dr martin the dentist dr martin the dentist dr martin the dentist dr martin the dentist it is here that dr martin the dentist gives blossom a toothbrush for being super disciplined with brushing her teeth even though she absolutely refused to cooperate at the dentist's office in tooth or consequences and while you could just say she learned her lesson in the end i mean she kind of didn't but i suppose we could theoretically say she did improve over time again this isn't the worst continuity issue either in my opinion blossom flies over only to discover that a mysterious cult has gathered around dressed in these weird robes that mask their identities which they had also bought from buttercup who had found them in the dumpster along with the novelty t-shirts blossom actually asks buttercup what's going on and she tells her about what all has changed since the previous day they're not worshiping the spoon they're worshiping something much much much worse yeah apparently bubbles is this great spoon lord now because townsville citizens are taking this whole spoon thing way too far and blossom tells bubbles that she's being ridiculous straight to her face because of this she even pulls out that toothbrush that dr martin the dentist gave her and barry jumps out to take the hit because he's the true hero of the show let's be real rest in peace bucket boy you will be missed [Music] this threat from blossom angers bubbles to an outrageous degree but considering how gross and disgusting her teeth are blossom is in the right here and whoa whoa whoa wait just a trucklovin minute bubbles has rotten teeth now alright reboot you done [ __ ] up again congratulations yeah bubbles whole anti-teeth brushing attitude is a complete contradiction to what she was established to be like into the consequences in that episode she was shown to take her teeth cleaning super seriously practically to a religious degree she was even featured on that dentist office front billboard for having the best smile of the month yet now this episode depicts her as hating the dentist and not taking care of her teeth because toothpaste makes her orange juice taste funny so is there just zero consistency between these characters taking care of their teeth like buttercup took care of her teeth and tooth or consequences too whereas blossom did not and thus turned into this disgusting monster thing that i'm still not sure what to make of in secret swapper of doom buttercup was actually the one shown to be doing a horrendous job of brushing her teeth and now here in the spoon blossom is all buddy buddy with her favorite dentist and bubbles hasn't taken care of them at all or are we supposed to believe her teeth rotted in a 24-hour time span because the opening scene implies that bubbles had just brushed her teeth before having breakfast at the very least the episode could have skipped to one week later that way bubbles could at least be shown to have some stained teeth and smelly breath while also giving ample enough time for society to convert over to this new cult-following lifestyle and basically bubbles entire philosophy for ruling the town as the spoonlord is to put an end to dental hygiene because it ruins the taste of drinks even though she could just wait 20 minutes or even eat another food that can mitigate the taste of fluoride in her mouth and then enjoy the drinks it's not just toothpaste that does this [ __ ] either you ever tried drinking something after eating chocolate unless it's milk that shit's probably gonna taste disgusting as i had for shadow that opening line she delivered was more important than it really should have been because it created the implication that she had just brushed her teeth before making that comment yeah i hate how orange juice tastes after you brush your teeth i mean why else would she be incentivized to say this if it wasn't already affecting her at the moment to make her say what was on her mind well because of her sister's resistance to worship her bubble sticks her cult following on blossom and they chase her around the city until she escapes inside a sewer drain with who else but dr martin the dentist who leads her into his resistance base where he and all sorts of other dentists who don't get acknowledged by name are planning a strategy to bring the spoon lord down and what do you know suddenly there's a bunch of star wars references what with the resistance and the giant hologram screen that explains their plan to blow up the death spoon as well as all of the resistance members being dressed up like stormtroopers even though the stormtroopers are on the side of the empire slash first order not the rebellion slash resistance yeah and you may be wondering where all of those tooth trooper outfits came from it's only been a day where'd you get all these uniforms tooth helmets get your tooth helmet here yep buttercup ripped them straight out of that dumpster upon hearing that their plan is to blow up the spoon and cause 10 square city blocks worth of damage blossom volunteers to sneak in and break the cult apart from the inside to avoid all of the excess collateral damage in other words blossom wants to ruin all of the fun but she gets what she deserves because she ends up getting captured in between shots and without us getting to see any of the action there's no way i'm gonna get caught recorders well that's kind of lame we couldn't even see this nifty infiltration sequence or some kind of attempt to get back to bubbles this reboot really is just powerpuff girls minus the fun because it goes out of its way to skip past of all of the sequences that actually have the potential to be exhilarating to watch thanks cnn executives what makes it even worse is that blossom is tied up with regular old rope and i'm not gonna thank the executives for that one i don't think that was them lucky for her she isn't tied up for too long because the tooth troopers come in and start an all-out war with bubbles spoon worshiping army seemingly having abandoned their initial plan of blowing up the giant spoon for whatever untold reason and just shooting their enemies instead how does bubbles know these guys by name if she's only been in power for one day and they've never revealed themselves nor plotted in an attack before now well i don't know but i do know that buttercup sold both sides their laser spoons and toothbrushes of choice thanks to that nifty old dumpster and blossom manages to be freed by dr martin the dentist who gives her an uncomfortable wink that's just all sorts of cringe worthy and i don't use that word lightly but her and bubbles proceed to have a phony lightsaber battle that doesn't last long at all because it's over in three relatively slow swings that are censored by hit flashes blossom use the lollipop well this day can't get any weirder don't ask me how that lollipop turned into a toothbrush and don't ask me what the intent was here in terms of referencing star wars because as far as star wars references go in mainstream media this is so unremarkably forgettable this show has done references to other things way better than this this is so shallow and underwhelming even by comparison to other episodes in the reboot and doesn't this force ghost of dr martin the dentist imply that he's dead i mean i know the dude got shot in the chest and blossomed did that staple star wars no but still this by star wars logic means his physical body is gone in fact i already forgot where i was going with this so allow me to entice you all with the epic climax that this episode delivers to us [Music] yep turns out it really was part of a silverware parade that got blown here by a tornado what are the odds guess blossom's random hypothesis was correct after all which ironically proves herself wrong and thus she should apologize to bubbles for her outlandish accusation but she never does and of course continuing the trend of ultra-fast-paced ending sequences the lady just drives off with her spoon and the episode ends with bubbles realizing she's not the spoon lord and all the citizens rob buttercup of her fairly earned money i guess i'm not the spoon lord no but i think we all learned an important lesson about how fragile hey let's get refunds on all the stuff we bought all right blossom's moral getting cut off i'm fine with that but the fact that bubbles experiences zero repercussions and the citizens unjustly rob buttercup of the money she earned fair and square just leaves that familiar sour taste in my mouth for bubbles she literally just goes oh i guess i'm not the spoon lord and then she gets off scot-free and that's the end all is forgiven apparently despite the fact that she was a cruel dictator who was literally going to burn her own sister at the stake you shall uh be anyone have a match this is a spoon admittedly tom kenny's delivery of that line was spot on but that doesn't take away from the bigger picture here yeah bubbles was literally going to kill blossom here and nobody [ __ ] acknowledges this i get if people get upset at salamander because bubbles mistreats blossom but i had watched this episode before making that review which kept things in perspective compared to this which is far worse in my opinion salamander is tame and honestly if you hate salamander for that reason you should hate this episode even more because bubbles goes farther in her clearly abusive actions towards blossom i genuinely genuinely wonder how this show can go to sleep at night when it manages to create such [ __ ] horrible depictions of these characters in what's supposed to be a show about spreading positivity sisterhood feminism and entertainment hey you know what sends a really good message about sisterhood having the sisters burn each other alive without mercy that's how we'll appeal to children that's how we'll send our audience a good message surely there are not any worse implications created by this scenario that the show is too apathetic to revise or anything no of course not okay sarcasm aside the show could have just had blossom tied up in a cage or something but no instead it took it one step further and decided it was gonna all out murder her the fact that the show treats bubbles like she never did anything wrong when she tried to again burnt her sister alive is disgusting it's repulsive like jesus christ this show knows no bounds bubbles isn't even shown to feel bad for tricking all of these people into worshiping her or berating blossom for doing the right thing or even to all the dentists she tried to vilify and put out of a job this episode literally makes bubbles appears the worst person imaginable and while we all know that the true worst person imaginable is professor utonium he's not in this episode lock this girl up behind bars that's the reaction i had when i finished this episode what a disgusting person this episode turned her into a selfish disgusting person and then there's the citizens who all gang up on buttercup to get their money back for all of the stuff they bought [Applause] i'm not really bothered by the fact that this isn't how refunds work even though all sales are final it stands like this it's just their rude behavior and aggression in doing it okay they take their rage out on buttercup when she sold them all of that equipment fair and square that ain't how this works and despite my distaste for buttercup i am going to take her side here and i want all of these people locked up in prison in the cells adjacent to bubbles even the tooth troopers because good old dr martin the dentist was the one who started the whole refund thing didn't he die if this dude's alive then could the reboot please explain this giant floating force ghost head that just tells me it misunderstands what it's referencing but whatever i'm used to seeing the citizens of townsville act like complete dicks so this is nothing new i know there's been a lot of episodes this season that have crashed and burned with their climax resolution but this one just incinerated what a sour note to end that one on honestly the spoon it's a pretty frustrating watch not only because of bubbles awful behavior towards her sisters but because this show once again illustrates its selective continuity problem i genuinely do wish the spoon was better than it is and at the very least called out all of bubbles wrong doings and gave her a fitting punishment that she deserves especially because blossom suffered a lot for everything to work itself out in the end buttercup barely has any part in this which i am grateful for but sadly her absence from the main plot does not add much to the overall miserable experience that the episode still gave me the show certainly needs more blossom and bubbles episodes but not like this i'm thinking more along the lines of sugar spice and super lice although with this show's cancellation it seems that there won't be any more chances in this reboot which is fine by me i am so sick and tired of the horrid awful despicable things that the reboot keeps portraying i really am it feels like no matter what it does it always finds a new way to make me not like it and i try i really do try to point out good things when i see them and a lot of my viewers tell me that they appreciate that i'm actually fair on this show which tells me a lot but the bad just outweighs that good by such an outrageous degree oh well that's going to do it for this review guys catch you for the next one [Music] you
Channel: Shadow Streak
Views: 41,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shadow Streak, Animation, Review, PPG, Powerpuff, Powerpuff Girls, Cartoon Network, The Spoon, Spoon, Tyrant, Dictator, Bubbles, PPG The Spoon, Spoon Powerpuff, Powerpuff Girls Spoon
Id: 0iqSZG8qL28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 16 2020
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