BTT - Manta M8P - TMC2209 UART With Sensorless Homing

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Today we're going to talk about  how to install the TMC2209   on the BigTreeTech Manta M8P now there's  a couple things I want to point out real quick   obviously these our step reports there are eight  of them and we're going to have to adjust the   actual jumper caps to the correct configuration  now as you can see on this I have cooling fins   as well as you can see the coloring underneath  that's going to align with this configuration   so what I want to do first is actually go over  to the manual to show you this so on my desktop   I have the manual open now if you need to find it  what you can do is you can go over to the BigTreeTech   GitHub and if you type on repositories Manta 8 you'll actually find it right here and you   can actually download it with this button right  here and then extract it so what we're going to   do is we're going to go back over to the desktop  in just a second after I adjust where this needs   to be for jumpers so we're going to do a control  F for find and we're going to search on TMC2209 and this is for actual UART mode so we're  going to have to find it with two enters   in the find or next so the TMC2209 is the  exact same configuration as the TMC2226.   that can do sensorless homing so I want to point  out that we can do sensorless homing but first   I'm going to show you the jumper cap is right  here as you can see for each one of these for   TMC2209 in Ur mode down below they actually  show you the jumper cap for sensorless homing   but I'll show you both configurations and what  you can do I will show you mistakes on purpose   to show you what to consider so let's  go back over to the desktop and I'm   going to pop out these actual  jumpers that we're not using I'm going to actually pop them  all out so you can see it clearly so once these are out I'm going to put this  red one in so you can see right here so I'm   going to connect this now the other thing  that I need to do is actually connect the   end stop now I'm going to first show you it  without it being connected but in this case   I'm using a two pin endstop there are three  pin so as you can see right here there are two   and the endstop pins we're gonna have to find  real quick so I'm going to go back over to the   desktop in a second and show you the actual pin  out diagram so on the pin out diagram you can see   that it says endstop(s) in Orange which are located  over here now inside here you can see that there's   a signal pin PF3 then there's ground then there's  five volts so PF3 ground and voltage we're only   going to use these two for our particular endstop  in this case that can be used on the Creality type   printers so let's go back over to the desktop  for a second and I'm going to connect this   right here so you can see that I have the red  which in this case is signal and black on those   two pins and black is ground so let's uh actually  fix the position that I put this in which is wrong   for the actual UART mode real quick   so it's actually on that pin right there so  now let's connect this according to its colors and as you can see I have a cooling fan on or  excuse me cooling fins on this but I will use   a cooling fan in my normal configuration so now we  have it set up for the x-axis so I'm going to plug   this in and apply power note that I'm using  obviously two connections here being ground   voltage ground voltage for the actual power supply  which in this case is 24 volts so I'm going to   plug this in we'll give that a second to actually  power up and then what we'll do is we'll actually   test this as we go so what I'm going to need to  do is go over to the desktop in just a second and   show you the actual configuration so let's go over  to Mainsail and see if it's actually coming up at   the moment it's not so we'll click try again this  may take about 30 seconds to boot when using an   actual EMMc type configuration for the Raspberry  Pi CM4 so here is our actual interface one of the   things I want to point out so this works correctly  because I recorded it today and did updates on   3/26/2023 so if you go to machine over here you're  going to click this to do all your updates first   and make sure they're up to date now you can  actually click on these and it will do updates   but currently I'm up to date so it doesn't matter  so let's go into printer.cfg and as you can see   we have our X stepper right here we're going to  have to make some modifications to actually use   the TMC2209 in UART so I'm going to scroll down  and I'm actually going to find the configuration   which is commented out right here and copy it and  then scroll up to the top and paste this in next   I'm going to highlight it again and hit control  forward slash and that will remove the comment   on this particular configuration with the  exception of the diag pin which is going   to correspond to your endstop pin so now that we  have that configured we're going to save and close   we're then going to go back to the dashboard and  we're going to check our endstop first by typing   M119 and pressing enter if that was disconnected  meaning that it was not visible on the board   as connection let me show you what I mean right  here we have the actual connection for the board   so the endstop will function so let's  try testing that real quick again with   me clicking it with my finger right  here and pressing M119 on the keyboard so as you can see it's triggered when I release  it and do the same command again it's open so we   know that's functioning so now we're going to  have to home but because we're homing on the   actual interface with GCodes we're going to type  G28 and x and that's going to be our homing for   the x-axis so I'm going to put my finger back  over here and click it when it gets to the end so that looks like it's homing in the right  direction if it were not homing in the right   direction and we wanted it to go the other way  what we would do is we'd go back into the machine   go to printer config and what we would do is  change this direction to take out the exclamation   point and it will home in the wrong direction  now for this particular test so I'm going to do   M28 X press enter again with my hand on the end  stop and hopefully it will work but apparently I   typed something wrong so it's up Arrow I said  M28 instead of G28 so let's try that again so it's homing in the actual wrong direction  still so let's go back and see what's going on   here so if we go into the machine printer config  we can see the direction pin is actually PB28 (PB4) if   we check our actual diagram we can see over  here what our actual M1 is and it is correct   so let's close out of here we'll do save and  restart this time and see if it fixes it now   there's another error message that we're probably  going to see and that's no trigger on X after full   movement I'll show you how to fix that as well in  just a second but let's try doing the G28 again   with the x-axis and see if  it goes the right direction so it now is going in the wrong direction so  we know that we've actually just saved it wrong   so I'm going to show you how to fix the  other situation with the no trigger on   full movement and so what that is is  there's actually a missing command   inside our uh configuration for printer config  so I'm going to paste it right here for you and   that's homing underscore retract underscore  dist is zero so that should take care of   that problem now let's try and fix the actual  direction again so I'm going to hit over here   I'm going to put an exclamation point to make  it move the right way and do a save and restart   then I'm going to go back to the dashboard  and I'm going to go back and do G28 X and then I'll click and see what happens  so it now is homing in the right direction   and the end stop functions so the next thing  we want to do is actually set it up for   sensorless homing so that means we're gonna  have to pull the actual endstop so what I'm   going to do first is I'm actually going to lift  this out and now we have no actual end stop   now I also have to unplug the board for  a second so I'm going to do that as well and then I'm going to go back over to the  board and insert the actual sensorless homing   so to do that what we need to do is actually  put this on the screen so you can see it   and down here you can see there's a very tiny end  stop so I'm going to put this on tweezers because   I have trouble with my fingers getting it in the  right space so it's right here so down in here   there's two pins that you're going to place that  on so now we got to boot this back up and see if   we can get this to work now this may take a  moment to actually boot but because we have   EMMc for our chipset right here it should  be rather quick on the CM4 for Raspberry Pi   so let's go back over to the actual desktop for  a second and this obviously is not going to come   up right away because it's going to take a second  but as soon as it does we'll actually be able to   see it so I'm going to change this back to the  actual IP address which it's doing for me now   and it looks like it came up so  we're going to go over to the desktop   for the dashboard and let me show you  what's going on here I'm going to type M119 and press enter and as you can see it  says open but it may be open because we have   that actual configuration set so it's not going to  home right away so if I actually tried to do a   G28 X we're probably going to hear a grinding  noise see There's No EndStop connected so   we're gonna hit the actual emergency stop  we're going to click restart for a second restart firmware it's one of these two so if this  doesn't work after we've tried this a couple times   you can see there's an error we're going to go  over here and we're going to see if we can fix it   so I'm going to go into here and the first  thing that we need to do is actually set   the end stop pin is virtual so to do that  the phrasing is going to look like this   so it's going to be TMC2209 let me  just paste it in here so you can see TMC2209 underscore step underscore X virtual  endstop so we're going to hit control forward   slash to enable it here and then do a save and  restart again hopefully this will come up okay   and as you can see now we actually have  hopefully an end stop by typing M119   we can see that it's in an open state so we're  going to move this back over and I'm going to   try this again with an actual homing now it may  not work because we have to set the sensitivity   so let's give this a try and see what happens  so I'm going to Type G28 X and then press enter and it's still grinding so we're going to do stop  or emergency stop we're then going to go into the   printer config again and what we do is we need  to add this phrase to actually get it to work   so this may not be sensitive enough but we'll  find out so I'm going to paste it right here   so you can see it's driver underscore  strength or St r s 127 is the value now   where I get that is if you go over here you  can go to install configuration and then TMC drivers down in here they should have it  listed if not you can always go over to clipper   you can go to I think it's Docs and then there's  a TMC configuration down in here for drivers and   this will talk about the actual setup now we  have it set to stealth job which I like which   is we need to have these actual values right here  for the actual settings so if you go over here you   can see I already have that set so I'm going to  do a save and restart I'm going to go back over   to the dashboard I'm going to Center the access  for you and we're going to try this again and   see if it works so we're going to do G28 X and then do it again so apparently it's not   working at the moment so there's something we're  doing wrong so what we're going to probably have   to do is possibly a restart or maybe I type  something wrong so we'll try it a second time okay just took a second to actually set  up so we can actually move the axis out   right here and we can see that it's  moving approximately by 10 millimeters   so what you can do if your sensitivity is  different in this case if I were to go to   here for printer config and change this to let's  say 180 and then do a save and restart again   then go over to the dashboard and try G28 you'll  see what the issue is when I do the actual homing   of the access so if you're looking at  it now and I do this by pressing enter   it doesn't work and the reason is it's too  sensitive because the value goes up to I believe   between 0 and 255 so we're way too high  so you'll need to play with that in your   configuration if you want to get that to work the  way you want it but 127 or 131 in my case works   so let's go back over to the dashboard and  see if this actually works when we do a G28 X so that works perfectly at the moment so I at  this moment I want to take a moment to thank all   my viewers and also Patrons for taking the time to  watch this tutorial and I will place a thank you   note in the end for all the Patrons and people  on PayPal that are listed in the description   of the video as well as BigTreeTech I'd like  to thank them for providing the actual Manta M8P   for me to show you this so everyone take  care be safe and I'll talk to you later
Channel: Ed's 3d Tech
Views: 5,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BTT Manta M8P, BigTreeTech Manta M8P, Klipper, How to setup Klipper on Manta CB1 with Klipper, Configuration, Setup, 3d printing, How to install MainSail/Klipper on Manta M8P, BTT-CB1, CM4, Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, Fluidd Pi, CM4 eMMC, Klipper firmware load, Klipper configuration, MailSailOS, TMC2209, TMC2209 UART Sensorless homing, TMC2209 Setup on Manta M8P
Id: SHII_wpEu3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 31sec (1111 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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