BTS Kim Seokjin Documentary (Reaction)

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you go there it okay I'm gonna tell you this sale my boy has become a man [Music] [Music] what's up everybody sham and ET parker here and uh i am looking to get to know jin a little bit more I realized that I don't know a whole lot about him other than that he's worldwide handsome so I'm about to watch this short documentary on him and uh hopefully I'll get a little bit more insight into who he is and kind of uh his background what kind of what he's all about so I'm excited to watch this video right here but before we get started I just want to say big big thanks to all of my patrons I hope you've enjoyed all the BTS reactions on there there's a lot more coming especially the live performances which I have lined up on my watch list so look forward to that yeah you know I've been having to support a lot of family and friends lately because of all the craziness so I really really appreciate your support guys much love anyway let's get into this all right Jen what do you want about who are you let's find out more about you let's get into it RM Toki [Music] left him hanging oh man oh dude him like that [Music] he was quiet back then interesting [Music] [Applause] [Music] being a young teenager where was he a teenager where was he like 20 21 [Music] oh wow he he took J hopes bucket hat to get his energy oh that is so cute oh he's where he's working so hard that's adorable he apologizes the hope does help us who cares who cares if a young boy see no evil okay so come people to the terrible Hanabusa today how come she put a light sir no no I yo you better need okay to take it a burly how did it go you know it seems like all the guys have a really great work ethic and they were they just work really really hard at their craft to [Music] [Music] circle attend a general and democratization and surveillance also functional and humbly recorded vote we are even answer to trauma she referring to God or manager also our change yeah that's got to be so intimidating to be around the other guys who are fairly polished and they come from you know you know like Gimenez men through contemporary training and a lot of the guys are so skilled even at their young age and gin comes along yeah I would be very intimidated you know but I'm glad he's stuck we stuck with it he worked really really hard and that that shows his character though good for him she's pretty damn you can definitely sing now you know maybe I didn't know this but I didn't know that you can actually improve your singing I thought it was something that we're either you had it or you didn't apparently you can improve your singing voice that's interesting maybe I should start practicing yeah maybe I can join BTS the eighth member my practice [Music] that's what I kept hearing a lot when I watched this show burn the stage which is also on my patreon page if you wanna watch it make all the guys kept mentioning that how much Jin has improved and so I kept hearing that a lot during that show so he must have he must have really shown a lot of improvement during that year or it on that tour because all of the all of the all the guys mentioned him particularly of how much of how much the he improve so he must have been going through a lot of changes during that during that time very interesting good job Jin very interesting I'm liking this guy huh I'm like miss guy a lot well that's gonna happen bro oh he could hit them high No you can hit them note [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] damn I love that phone bye [Applause] [Music] it's so cool that they they really encourage each other to really expand their skills and to grow as artists I think I've mentioned that a few times but oh I'm always I'm always struck by that that how much they encourage each other to learn new skills and really really grow and they all encourage each other to do that that's really that's that's really cool that they do that BTS is special in that way [Music] that would be exciting to listen to the guys sing something you wrote that would be that would make me make me feel good anyway Telesur talk would be more [Music] [Music] I'm sorry I'm distracted by his pajamas okay [Music] [Music] 20 to 30 a day man these guys our work a holic good for you 10 [Music] [Music] yes he did seem Shire back then [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah seems it seems like gin had the biggest growth period the biggest kind of coming-of-age face I I've heard the allow the other guy said they've they've changed a lot and they've grown a lot over the last seven years and but I think and I you know you guys might agree with me on this I think Jin seems to have made the biggest transformation as far as growth through this whole phase because because if you look at him now he is he's a fairly confident young man he's but it seems like he was very insecure and shy when he first started so he he seems to have grown the most in the last seven years just from what I've seen I guess let me know what you think but I think he's the one it's so interesting to see how insecure he was back then he was shy and insecure back then [Music] he's always covering his mouth [Music] [Applause] Wow good for him now [Music] okay see now the whole worldwide handsome thing makes a little bit more sense and it's almost more endearing now that you know about oh now that I know about his is you know how he started it's almost like an inside joke now when he says it now okay yeah that meant that makes it much more cuz it I know if you don't if you don't know that side of him when he you know back in his early years you it might come across as a little cocky but now that I that I I know how insecure he was in the beginning it's much more endearing watching him say it now because it's because now he's showing a lot more confidence and I probably why the the the the other group members are always laughing when he does it cuz they know where he where he came where he started and so it's kind of like a joke but the boy is handsome Noah don't get it twisted the boy is handsome [Music] he does have one thing one talent he does not have is bowling all right I just watched run BTS episode 19 and my man Jin you need to work on that bowling stroke I wasn't too pretty sorry mm come on [Music] [Applause] - in general and she was what's it then poor bimbo do succeed okay contention the bundle comments or testing of the job conscience hanky go rotten watchin yeah oh yeah we are open to the band as well some don't see go away it okay pump on and I tell you this sale my boy has become a man [Music] oh hi Jonah tom was a bank we are yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not you're not he's really outgoing down the river sinica [Music] box it in he has come a long way because I watch when I watched the the BTS shows like run BTS and and some of the others he seems to have one of the more strong the strongest personalities of the guys like he's he's like the one guy you don't want to mess with he has a really strong personality and I almost see him like when the guys argue like he's the one that seems the most intimidating and he seems to affect the other guys the most when he is upset or something like that so he yet he has definitely come a long way and he has he has he seems to have one of the more strong personalities of the group and to see him that he was once very very shy and insecure that's a that's a pretty big bleep that he's gone through so that's kind of coolest thing a guy grew up like that that's really awesome so you got a leading to terrible checking it a little they observed a demon on a notice of [Music] [Applause] oh there's a birthday from you max [Applause] [Music] that's really cool [Applause] okay Jin yeah that was that was actually really helpful to learn about him especially in his early days and yeah like I said he seems to have gone through the biggest growth transformation of all the guys seeing where he started from and to see how confident he is now he is definitely a grown man now yeah you know it's kind of inspiring in a ways it's inspiring to see someone grow that much even with his singing and is dancing to see someone improved that much it's that's definitely inspiring to me and makes me want to get out and do something I'm seeing how you know you put in the work you can uh you can go a long way and Jin is living proof of that yep I like you Jin I like you a lot my mam and yes you are very very handsome I'm very very handsome anyway thanks for watching guys and until next time I will see you soon [Music] you
Channel: DT Parker
Views: 74,385
Rating: 4.9821606 out of 5
Keywords: kim seokjin, bts reaction, bts jin, kim seokjin reaction, a kim seokjin documentary, reaction kim seokjin a documentary, « 김석진 kim seokjin ; a documentary », jin documentary
Id: qwuqyyqhQX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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