BTS 3: Book of Numbers Discussion - What is Manna?

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ready oh you just did a comment yes'm a said we left out that I've got the best part of numbers the promenade list now let's talk about that so killer facea fication yeah what's his name killer faces became killer face application wrote great video but you left out the best part of numbers which is the bronze serpent on the staff it's a major type of Christ that he referenced in John 3 and what did you add your response um I just wrote that if you watch the video there's that part where we show a big picture of the bronze serpent um it's in there that is dinner yeah but um we don't talk about it maybe is that what he means oh I see we left out nice when we left it out I feel like that means it's not yeah it is in there but it is and in there and actually I mean you know this this is a good question because it raises an interesting challenge we come up with and making these videos which is what to include what to leave out what to talk about and what - just depict visually but maybe not spend time talking about we didn't talk about all of the laws that are given at different points in the wilderness we didn't talk about people getting swallowed up by the earthquake you know we didn't talk about some of the battles that happen at the end of the book and that's because we decided to focus in on what we think is the unifying thread of the book which is the rebellion store is in contrast to God to generosity and then to show how the Balaam story is this remarkable act of God's grace after all of Israel we thought man that's such unique and important idea that's often missed when people read the book because it's long and complicated we wanted to make the video about that it was really fun to draw balaam I didn't draw personal was going to happen Mac drew Balin yeah you guys should meet Mac yeah do you remember we were like trying to design em and we were looking at like cartoons of balaam like I was generally depicted on the donkey and he's just kind of like a happy-go-lucky guy look goofy yeah it kind of looks like it could've been one of the Seven Dwarfs or something somebody that you could be that yeah but then I think I was asking you Tim like can we make this guy really gnarly like how gnarly can we make them and you're like oh I'm sure he's gnarly yeah that's what you can't do is like it I'm just like a crazy Shama yeah gold stoles in fact we have we have uh other ideas that you had we can talk show this oh yeah oh yeah some other that's right yeah a little too yah okay Robert worth Robert brought it so as you can see these were some of the other ideas that we had the Mac drew for Balaam so we went with cheetah head instead of goat skull head did we go to cheetah the was it a lion is a lion yeah it's tomato yeah yeah lion head that's Balin good job man Thanks yes there was I mean Oh Moses rebellion yeah let's talk about that so Moses is told to go get water out of the rock he's supposed to speak to the rock and instead of talking to the rock he hits it with staff twice twice as a result is disqualified from going in the Promised Land it's kind of cryptic why would hitting the rock with the staff just qualify I mean that's a big consequence yeah for like yeah a mistake that he could have just made on accident I mean maybe he has a rad staff he just likes to use my room yes haha the first render we had like Moses kind of like do this like karate karate move and like hit it like a Jedi Knight that still exists that I think we could find it if you're gonna make this about technicalities he hits instead of speaking and then what he does speak is to insult the people and to make himself at the center of providing for the people we are to bring water out and what's interesting is when God tells Moses is just qualified what he says is you didn't well let me just make sure I get the precise wording right oh okay yeah he says um did not believe or trust in me or honor me as holy among is realized so somehow Moses's actions have dishonored God but Moses not doing what God told ya but also there's a lack of trust oh the reach that's funny you needed water no I just realized I don't have to pound it out of a rock ya know um we got some questions on the YouTube feed about the manna um and what it looked like its color why we depicted it like a blob of goo yeah on the ground yeah she's like a splatter of like yeah do we just whatever we did a pun when we described the manna for it because the word mana and Hebrew means what is it what is this and if you re watch that part of the video again I just says what is it what is that John says what is that stuff that was our little puns so yeah in Exodus 16 where the manna first appears it's described as there's a layer of dew on the ground when the Israelites wake up and then when the dew evaporated there were thin flakes like frost so it was you know like have you ever seen I didn't I've only ever saw this in the Midwest when I lived in the Midwest for a while was there would be heavy dew in the spring in Wisconsin and then it would evaporate and there would be this I was almost had the consistency of spiderwebs hmm oh I've seen that yeah it was weird yeah yeah anyway so they said it was thin flaky like Frost oh yeah they saw it and they said to each other mana what is it what is it yeah because I didn't know what it was yeah that's exactly when they ate it we got down on Monday um and then the description in numbers chapter 11 describes it as gum or resin so that how to have a sticky gooey quality to it it's funny how the first time you can encounter it you're like just yeah you're just like dining on the stuff you found it and the people are like whoa what is this and you're just like oh yeah what is it why not what is it ha ha that's two words the hebrew word what is the word mom mom and then na is the equivalent of a question where exclamation point or a question mark yeah yeah it's not so effusive noise coming huh dogs like huh well it's more like this please like uh yeah like you can say ha ha which means come here it means like please please leave a mere yeah goodbye where would you so if you say ma and then not so I what what you look at a defensive was just like what what it's just some stuff on the ground I found it what what where I give me a hard time I'm not eating the stuff from the ground that I found I'm wondering as any weights rowdy if any of this is gonna work yeah there is a lot going on Moses the I know smoke we should do that for your every video yeah we'll do that first and I think we should do ones where people actually like right in question questions for you so we'll do that so if you have questions it can be about anything ah not anything you said questions about the Bible or from the video or questions from different videos and we'll do a behind the scenes where Tim Tim answer a happy happy good yep or John John smart he knows a lot go pray so next time
Channel: BibleProject
Views: 97,570
Rating: 4.9501338 out of 5
Id: ZHmXjkxnv-g
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Length: 8min 56sec (536 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2015
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