BTD 6 but YOU Spawn Bloons!

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here's how it works everyone for those of you that are just showing up here's the plan okay if you like the video something is going to happen okay if you look in the description it kind of explains how everything works every 100 like spawns a random balloon from a red balloon up to his omg any balloon can spawn every 500 likes we lose one fourth of our cash every 1 thousand likes we lose 1 tower and every 5 000 likes we lose every tower so it's up to you guys in order to stop me from beating the game can you guys stop me from getting to round 100 i don't know let's see i'm gonna play on easy so that i don't get absolutely annihilated let's do this guys i'm ready we're loading in i'm nervous guys my heart's beating all right we have 1280 likes already that's amazing guys let's do this so every 100 likes will spawn a random balloon guys all right let's go ahead we can put down our no you stole my tower oh you okay there you go there's a pink balloon and a green balloon that you guys spawned holy cow that's awesome no you spawned a bmp no i'm bfb at round one i need help i it's a lead balloon i can't even pop a leg balloon i can't even pop a lead balloon okay i need all right i need to pull i need inst i need uh uh all right give me this i need this uh give me the sniper monkey okay uh i need i need stop selling no you sold my sniper monkey we have 2 000 likes oh no i'm losing all my money i don't have any money oh this isn't good there's no way i'm going to be able to beat all these moabs there's no way i'm going to beat all these moabs oh glaive lord okay okay i just got to put a couple of towers down we're okay uh uh uh uh okay we have to put you down uh we're gonna put you down uh we're gonna put us we're gonna put you down and then okay we're good we're good okay we did it holy cow guys you can't take me out that easy you guys can't take you're gonna have to like the video way more than that if you guys are gonna oh [Music] i guys i see that the likes are going down okay so every 100 likes spawns a random balloon hopefully you guys don't absolutely annihilate me because that could be a huge problem oh no okay alrighty we should be okay let's see how this goes guys i am very terrified i can't believe a bfb got sent out of the random balloons i guess i could be lucky guys because if it's a random balloon it could have been like a bad balloon and there's no way we would have beaten a bad balloon or even like as zomg yeah so far it's going pretty well so far i mean guys you gotta like the video guys if you if you want to see things happen you want things to be crazy make sure to hit that like button guys here's the light counter this is a live light counter so this is going to accurately show the likes in real time and remember every 100 likes spawns a balloon not a bfp okay let's call in this i'm going to need money i have 6 000 uh firing faster here can we okay all right okay we dealt with that bfb okay you guys are gonna need to do a little bit harder than that okay because remember guys at 5 000 likes all towers get destroyed and every 1 000 likes things happen and then every oh i need to start investing money i'm going to start working on banks because the thing with banks is i don't think you're going to be able to get rid of my money so i'm going to start putting all my money into banks so that you won't be able to get rid of them oh but the problem is is you guys could actually oh could you imagine if i had all my money in banks and then you got 5 000 likes and all of my banks got sold oh my gosh that would be so sad that would be so incredibly sad if that happened guys i'm oh that i don't want that to happen i don't want that to happen in the slightest all right we have 2 362 likes likes are flying up guys oh my gosh okay another balloon another balloons about to be spawned in 30 likes oh somebody they're unliking the video oh people people are fighting it they're fighting the oh okay let's see oh 2 000 oh no oh oh oh no um i need oh the grim reaper the grim reaper yes okay i can get the grim reaper the groom reaper can help oh no the grim reaper can't help me oh no i can't pop ddt's no i can't believe it i only got to round 15 all right that's that guys all right i'm going to do it guys all right my new goal is if i can get to like any thing that any other round maybe better okay let's go ahead and get like a uh here this guy's free let's go ahead we'll put do i want a grim reaper grim reaper could be i do want a grim reaper i'm gonna get a grim reaper i'm gonna put the grim reaper right here and we're gonna put the grim reaper on strong and we're gonna put them on stronger soles and with that the grim reaper is gonna be able to pop any like really really big balloon that gets sent this way so if you guys send like a moab or a bfb that way we're actually gonna be able to deal with them ground okay what's the random balloon okay i think it was just a red balloon or like a blue balloon that got sent by so that's not that big of a deal we can we can work with that oh that's a lot okay we're fine we're doing okay make sure to hit that like button if you oh no what happens at every 500 likes i think i lose a percentage of my money so i probably want to spend all of my money right i think that's going to be the best bet if i can sell spend all my money that is where it's going to be a lot better for it to happen i think that's like that's the dream okay uh remember guys oh is it um here let me try something transform and then stretch the screen that's that's that guys remember i'm not saying that you guys can do this but an option for you guys is if you guys work together you might be able to beat the system if all of you right now that's watching the video that have liked the video unlike the video let's let's try something everyone right now unlike the video for me don't worry i'm not gonna feel bad just unlike just click the unlike button everyone right now okay we're losing lots of likes perfect keep on liking the video come on keep doing it keep on like oh there we go yep that's it that's it alright this channel is declining okay keep going guys keep on liking the video okay now everybody re-like the video and see what happens guys if everyone really likes the video at this time it might create okay all the likes are coming in oh my goodness nothing oh no i'm losing money luckily oh phew we're lucky guys okay it didn't spawn any big balloons that could have been really bad but as you guys can see if you want to you guys can actually work together to unlike and re-like the video in order for things to happen if you guys ever so choose to be that mean to me guys okay if you want to all right we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna go bigger jets and ifr i'm gonna go ahead and get razor rotors and allow this guy to start popping balloons because we need we need to be able to deal with those balloons guys okay that's that's it okay everyone's like everyone's liking and liking and everyone's just battling it that's hilarious we almost have 3 000 my game crashed guys oh no what happened did you guys spot a balloon we broke it guys you were liking and unliking the video too much it crashed the game what did you do what have you done you broke it all what is even happening anymore guys what is it like dude if you want to know what the likes do guys look in the description of the video every basically we have a goal with every 100 likes it spawns a random balloon and then every 500 likes i lose money every thousand likes i lose a tower every 5 000 likes i lose every tower let's make it a little bit scarier guys let's play on an advanced map let's play on peninsula and we're going to play on hard all right guys let's make it a little bit more let's make it a little bit more spooky guys that's the plan guys let's see what happens it's loading it's frozen okay there we go guys i like how everyone immediately unlike the video to make it more interesting okay so let's go ahead we have a we have a monkey right here we can put down so you guys why is there a lead balloon no no i don't want to have to deal with a lead balloon oh do i i'm just gonna let the lead balloon go literally i'm just gonna let him go i already lost a bunch of money i'm gonna spend the 500. now why is there a rainbow balloon oh my gosh i literally haven't even started i literally haven't even started and now i have no money now i literally have no money what are you guys everyone why is there a bunch of pink balloons guys stop it stop laughing in the video i need to start i need more money oh my gosh you guys are keep sending stuff i need triple shot i need 400 dollars okay once i get triple shot i think we're gonna be at a lot better of a spot but right now guys we might actually lose like unironically we might lose we only have 28 lives left oh my gosh i have 18 lives left okay we have one balloon okay guys i might even this is looking very good for me guys i need here we have a plane let's go ahead let's get this plane here we're gonna put the plane like up here there we go and then we can get uh there we go that should help a little bit but that's still not gonna be a whole lot of help we don't really have any oh we have some planes right we have a one two i guess that'll help let's get pursued okay that's gonna help out a little bit but i only have 17 lives right now guys if you guys like the video to the point where oh my gosh likes are flying up oh they're going down they're going up the fact that likes always bounce all over the place is terrifying for me i always feel like i have no idea what's about to happen oh here comes another blue okay we're good we're good we're good the fact that it's a random balloon it makes it so much scarier three thousand likes oh tower a tower is gonna be sold at 3 000 likes oh no what tower is it going to be no it's my triple door monkey i work so hard on that tower oh let's put down churchill laser bombs prime okay if we get captain churchill that that's gonna help out a lot being able to have him down hopefully he doesn't get randomly sold guys that would be so sad i don't want to lose that tower that tower would be like super duper nice so luckily i don't want that okay um wait oh okay uh we're doing we're doing delete the hero guys if you want to delete the hero you need another thousand likes and then you need to just hope that it deletes the tower all right razer rotor that's gonna be nice do i want rapid fire this currently has a hundred props this this helicopter pilot is coming in clutch for us right now i think i think monkey subs are gonna be the way to go for sure we're gonna want monkey sub so i'm gonna put a monkey sub here and let the monkey sub kind of just do his thing so we're gonna put a monkey sub here and with this guy we're gonna want uh i'm actually gonna go heat tipped and then airburst as well i know that might seem a little bit strange but trust me that's definitely gonna be the way to go round 20 out of 80 we're doing good so far but we're gonna have to kind of see how this goes i'm gonna need triple guns there we go oh look at that captain churchill's leveled up he's level five now which i'm very happy about luckily we haven't gotten any super crazy things for those of you that are just tuning into the stream make sure to check the description down below for the rules of how this works basically every time you like the video it adds more and more to the game every 100 likes spawns a random balloon every 500 likes makes me uh lose a fourth of my cash every thousand deletes a tower and every five thousand i lose every single tower i do not wanna guys it's going up there there's a very big possibility that we'll hit 5000 likes and the fact that we might hit 5000 likes terrifies me because like that's like a guaranteed loss right there speaking of guaranteed loss i need i need some form of revenue no i can't can i can i put a banana farm here no way all right let's remove this can i put a banana farm here no way oh wait no i got it i got it i got a banana farm we're good guys okay this good guys could you imagine having a bank in order to get to the bank you had to like row out to like row out to shore you're just like hey i'm here to deposit my check yeah like that would be so silly here i'm gonna guys i can't see how much money's in my bank guys i can't see how much money is in my bank right now i'm not gonna worry about it alrighty i i'm not gonna i'm not gonna worry about that guys okay my game crashed again guys what's happening i don't know okay one second i'm gonna help i'm gonna send information to cosmic why why it's crashing okay he says to go to that looks very complicated okay guys here i'm gonna relaunch the game what i believe in you okay yeah i believe in me too okay so i need to go here here here there there there there um and then this uh there you go i uploaded it for you all right guys sorry about the crashes sometimes that just happens sometimes unfortunately it just yeah oh that's true luckily it does save hopefully it doesn't crash on us guys we're about to find out we're about to find out hopefully it just doesn't insta crash when we try to load in that would be bad that would make me very very sad fingers crossed everyone fingers crossed okay we're back start the game pop it wait what got sold you my airplane got sold you guys are bullies you guys sold my airplane okay that's fine all right i'm gonna i'm gonna take this money and i need my i need more okay is auto start on i was wait a minute it's around 35 that didn't weren't we just on round 35 or around 34. i don't know i'm not entirely sure okay we're good round 36 okay it looks like everything's back to normal so we're doing okay i still can't see how much money that we have from this monkey bank okay we now have two monkey banks guys finally oh no you guys said oh my gosh squad emergency we have seven lives left you guys sent a moab at round 37 and i was not ready for that uh armor piercing darts thank you thank you i will take that i need okay i need more i need more of these guys i need i have to get more of these guys here let's put i'm basically going to put submarine everywhere longer range advanced until airburst starts as many of these as i can okay why do you have seven lives because i'm bad at this game oh why did you get why did you send a bad balloon i can't believe you guys sent a bad balloon okay okay okay time out time out i'm out we use okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay uh uh um uh okay okay okay okay calm down calm down i can do this i can do this um okay i can do this i can totally do this uh oh okay okay calm down uh submarine okay i can do it i'm gonna use i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it okay okay okay okay there we go oh you guys sent his omg at me too why would you do that why would you do that that's not nice turbo damage dang it the ddt's got me dang it i popped it too no no oh no it's literally like it's so easy and then all of a sudden it's just like boom yeah here's a bad balloon oh yeah uh now you lose and i'm like gosh dang dibbly i lost let's do park path guys i i just want to not lose is that too much to ask to not lose is is that it guys why is it you guys are all doctors and you've diagnosed me with with d-e-d okay i've been diagnosed with the big dead all right let's go ahead and get a we're gonna put we're gonna put this guy here and then we can speed it up okay so i want grape shot hot shot faster shooting and then we're also going to get double shot when we can that way we're going to be able to deal with like a bunch of balloons look at that round one and i have to deal with this zebra balloon you guys are sending at me you know what i just oh no no and 50 likes i'm gonna it's gonna sell a random tower oh no oh okay this is free please please sell my free dart monkey please tell my free dart monkey yes yes you guys got outplayed if i had lost my boat i would have been so sad i would have been so sad double shot all right you got i just i big brained that one guys okay it was a 50 50 chance okay it was a 50 50 chance and i can't believe it actually ended up working okay a destroyer would be pretty nice but ideally i want to get cannon ship and i want to level this up and be able to get pirate lord or not pirate lord but monkey pirates so like if you send like a bfb or like a zomg i can just eat it right okay and oh five oh what is it a lead balloon i can deal with that because i have hot shot okay i gotta be playing i gotta be playing with a bigger brain guys okay sometimes that's just how it goes sometimes you just have to have big brain power i need four thousand five hundred dollars i'm gonna save up for that oh but the problem is the problem is if i if we get another thousand likes i basically lose though right because then it just at no at five thousand guys in 800 more likes every single one of my towers gets sold how do i prep how do i prepare with the fact that you guys are gonna sell every bra bra yo guys guys it's round seven you guys need to chill out okay you guys everyone in this chat needs to chill out i'm not even gonna try do i'm just gonna restart guys okay we lost how am i supposed to beat a bad balloon around seven how does that work okay all right i'm i'm going home all right i'm going home i don't have time for your shenanigans guys let's try a new map i don't think there's any map that can that can prepare me for this play it play on like an expert map i can't play in an expert map i can't play on an expert map normally i'm playing it on easy i need all the money i can get i want can i get like one dub today guys that would be nice you know like hey hey you know you're doing pretty good ryan oh guys let me turn on the music i'm so sorry that i haven't turned on any music for you guys disrespectful honestly grape shot hot shot there we go faster shooting okay bring it on guys uh hey thank you hello my name is uh rocco i think your name is rocco i think that's sort of pronounced that's a great name by the way i love it you're the best youtuber ever okay i wouldn't say i'm the best youtuber ever but i appreciate that you think that that makes me feel good thank you so much for for saying that very nice words you're a beautiful individual rocco tutti uh let's see what let's cause mayhem sander i love your name too i love all your names because they're all awesome um hey the master gamer i love you too dude you're creative and i tried mobs before they were epic dab on the haters master gamer that's that's the play to that's the play dude guys oh my gosh in like 30 more minutes uh all of all you guys sam williams to everyone tell everyone to unlike and restart sam i'm not going to tell everyone to unlike and restart all right i'm down guys you heard sam the man if you like the video guys let's have a clean restart and unlike the video everyone unlike the video right now let's wait 30 or so seconds and then after everyone's unlike the video just crush that like button guys and here's the thing guys you can play around with the likes and how you want to play because think about it if the way if you want to because i know you i know a lot of you people want to be the person that sends the balloon right because you guys want to hit those milestones you want to hit the like button be like yeah i was the 400th like or right i was the i was the like that made this one thing happen so that's always really cool all right guys hit the like button let's go i'm ready to i'm ready i'm ready do you worst send send whatever it is you guys want to i'm not scared of you guys all right it's just sending a bunch of green balloons i'm not worried it seems like it might calculate it because because i didn't lose i didn't lose my buck monkey buccaneer so i don't think it happened i think it's only for new things which i think is so nice that is so very very nice yeah there's no way there is no way that you guys said another bad balloon what are the chances that you guys sent another bad balloon are you guys kidding me no why me what did i do to deserve this because he's trying his hardest he's trying his darndest guys guys it's round 14. holy cow guys guys this is brutal i'm not gonna lie guys this is this is brutal okay i feel like i can't go anywhere without losing emmet thanks for the donation he just goes um wait uh true or false on a scale of one to ten what's your favorite color of the alphabet seven all right guys this this is gonna be easy all right i have a plan guys my plan is i'm gonna put down every single one of my towers that's the only play that's the only play i'm gonna put down every single one of my guys that's the only play if i put down every single one of my my instant monkeys i can't lose that's the play i if i put down every single one of them there's no way i lose it's there's oh my gosh there's a moab already at round four okay that's fine see i'm prepared i'm prepared for this i'm i am prepared because i'm putting down every single tower see i send a bad balloon now huh put down some banana farms make me some money there we go i'm gonna put down there we go put down my planes there we go look at all those planes there oh my look at that you guys send it oh look oh we might be able to deal with it whoa whoa slow down no i'm speeding it up i'm speeding up don't speed it up don't speed it up aha i beat the ddt everything everything goes i said i'm going to send everything you guys will not be able to beat me boy yeah this is i don't you got me guys you guys you got me i literally what guys what do i say to that what what do i say what do i say to that you got me guys i i got got it i got got it i still have i refuse to lose i still have i still have monkeys i still have monkeys okay we're good we are out here gaming i still have i still have monkeys okay i would like to thank everyone uh for for coming out to the stream today i think it's been a really fun uh a really fun stream guys i have to say that um i this was um yeah guys that this was a stream where things happened um we got uh bro bro chill out guys everyone just chill out time guys guys this guys guys guys guys guys thanks for watching today's stream guys if you want to see more things like this in the future hit that like button subscribe to the channel turn on notifications i'm gonna go to bed guys it's three in the afternoon i'm gonna go to
Channel: Tewtiy
Views: 345,676
Rating: 4.8851376 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, mods, bloons td 6, tewtiy, stream, live, hacks, modded
Id: t9zHCbbA4GY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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