BT Daily: Dealing With Anxiety

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[Darris McNeely] Apparently, the former First Lady  of the United States, Michelle Obama, suffers from   an anxiety disorder. She was recently talking with  a late show television host. And she confessed   that she suffers from what she said was low-grade  depression and anxiety. Now, that's interesting.   A lot of celebrities have echoed and spoken  the same thing, apparently, in recent times,   and especially with the pandemic and  everything going on. But even going back   before all of that. You know, anyone who's in  the public eye who has to appear before people   giving lines on a movie set, or on  a theater stage, or in a political   arena, they're going to have a bit of anxiety.  They're going to be a little bit nervous. I get nervous thinking about the next BT Daily  I'm going to do. Every month when I have to write   a Beyond Today television script, I get a little  bit anxious. What am I going to talk about? How   will I come up with material to fill nearly 30  minutes of airtime? I give sermons and I think,   "What am I going to speak about?" How about  you? Have you ever been anxious and a little bit   concerned over a deadline? Something that you've  got to produce on and you've got to accomplish,   and you don't know how it's going to  happen? We all do. That's called life. There's an interesting  statement in Ecclesiastes 3:22.   And it says, "So what do people get in this  life for all their hard work and anxiety?"   It's one of those rhetorical-type questions. The  writer of Ecclesiastes goes on to talk more about   that. But life, hard work produces anxiety.  It's a part of what we have to deal with. You know, studies today show that anxiety  disorders are the most common mental illness   in the United States. According to Medical News  Today, 40 million American adults with millennials   as the most afflicted generation, suffer from  what they term as certain types of mental illness,   depression, anxiety diagnoses. They are increasing  each year for many different reasons. And, again,   the pandemic that we are coming out of has  accelerated that. And we do see some very   real problems with people who do need some very  real help. But when you read about a celebrity,   who's not missed a paycheck, who lives in the  lap of luxury and for whom they've kind of skated   through the pandemic and they have an anxiety  disorder, or they're anxious about something, you   kind of roll your eyes back a little bit on that. What do you do? How do I deal with it? Well, look,   as this Scripture says, life and hard work  and just the events of everyday existence   are going to produce certain types of anxiety.  It's a part of life. And yes, even sometimes mild   symptoms that can be clinically diagnosed as  depression, if they linger for a long period of   time or if we don't take the proper steps to deal  with it, and there are many things that we can do,   better diet, exercise, turn off some of the inputs  that are coming in, whether it's music, movies,   television that can be contributing to anxiety. I  cut the cable. I've talked about that in the past.   I cut my cable television. I don't listen to news  every day that has to be just for hours on end,   hammer me with negativity. I still watch the news.  I still keep up with things but I control it.   And I don't spend hours and hours on it. There are  a lot of things that we can do to deal with this. Probably number one at the top of your list and  is at the top of my list is I always think about   it is what the Bible says to take God into our  lives and in some cases, put things on God's   plate and let Him deal with it. First Peter 5:7  says, "Give all your worries and cares to God,   for He cares for you." First Peter 5:7, "Give your  cares and worries to God, for He cares for you."   He does. We can't forget that. There are a lot  of things that are going to happen we don't   have control over. We do have one thing that we  can control and that's taking God into our life   and casting our cares upon Him. And then  taking the proper steps and precautions   and remedies in our own life to manage  our lives in a positive, Godly way. I sympathize with anyone that has anxiety and  certainly worked with and tried to help people   who have depression. And there are things  to do. There are steps that can be taken   to work with that and everyone should  seek those and seek the proper,   competent help to do so. But put the number one  spot on your list that relationship with God   and He'll help you deal with whatever  it is that's creating anxiety for you. That's BT Daily. Join us next time.
Channel: BeyondTodayTV
Views: 1,246
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: OEN2p-Y0rS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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