BSS2019: Incredible Last Lap Photo Finish + Post Race Drama Between Seeley & Kennedy

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Thank You Stuart but look at this here comes back Wilson the 37 year old could be on for the most nights he come back here after a two-year layoff and a long long painful road to recovery he could just bring Gaelic Kentucky a race win but he's got a list to see Lee right behind in Seeley once those 25 points he knows he could further extend his advantage over number one check Kennedy Kennedy's trying to come back Bradley Peary he gets past Bradley Perry see Leary takes the advantage Kennedy through into third place they're just as we were saying anyway isn't gonna be stopped look at that Kennedy's back up into second so we've got just a little bit to go and you can see the attackers stop to Gammage it's not really splitting anywhere and water toys incredible Isis is sway together through Shane Kevin Perry took money to squeak round the outside of number 12 on the blue interval Kennedy almost got alongside Alistar silly he's trying to line the way quiz it up as they go into the final turn of the penultimate lap to get it on early and through the spits of rain that are still lingering on the front of our commentary both as Bradley Rae Bradley Jones rather cooks or Denis Ben Wilson and say Lee is now Lamar nose threatening race leader Kennedy's comes up the inside of the druids slowly got in cleaning but Kennedy has a bit of a moment loses the outside foot baked pasta Yale does through druids now he's got it to do again yeah I'm surprised he let that big doors on the inside you see does not need to be lost twice let me come out of here again there's not that many spaces left [Music] and you can say Cantonese Tata get this spread off he's got a really good run out he's gonna look up the inside come with his next turn back papers between them as they come out he's got a cut back he's done it before going towards Westfield yeah he defends really good while they're cooking Lee's made it very very difficult he's got to keep it nice got to keep it tidy now and uptake through temple down into shame curve George is still saline L will have it all to do as they come out that Sterling's he's gonna be thinking about which line to take us their head through clear ways that under the Clark Kerr it's all down to the final turn Kennedy so desperately needs this race victory if he's going to pull points back on say Lee here comes the AJ racing buddies much lighter he might be quicker say Lee gets it say Lee gets it by point zero to six of a second that was a furious Jacqueline Kennedy not happy with one another at the end of that race to the Dickies pretty Super Sports pretty so silly Weezy by 200 seconds to him then squeezed each other obviously coming on to the the start/finish straight but it was a fairy wow what a nice wooden upside down voice we had everything remember it was Jones in the end as well who came through for Wilson got full and Nesbitt got fifth look at that look at that at the line Wow so after this you can see they go around the turn is going to be a few questions Oscar's wit between them yeah and that's or 202nd a lot of second looks like an in-ear they are they've actually there so what he saw Kennedy came a little little notch off the rifle paddock with his uh with his left foot he won it so I mean that's that's the question those two there was never any love lost between them anyway and that's just added fuel to the fire but once so what was it was there anything untoward it's mainly it was coming around that final turn that things we had to kick off I mean was anybody squeezing anybody else when they shouldn't have done anyway that's well I I think down the down the back strike on the on the last time I think you saw at the inside Seeley tried to move on him too just to stop him doing it Daisy's gonna be interested Daniel Craig Fitzpatrick and Allingham Celia they're absolutely ecstatic with that victory number one Chuck Emily well he gets a consulate conciliatory Hawkwood to a or b well he's still in there of course all torn up 20 points 35 and there's a box in this evening on they are TV and i wonder we get us a little bit now a bit of Irish boxing nice to see Lee used to train and do a lot of boxing training in a few years back my struggle rats go for it yeah that right it you'd better be careful with that Chuck you don't do somebody further damage like you've got tomorrow's race to go oh it's gonna be a juicy interview this
Channel: YOSH7MURA
Views: 2,141,771
Rating: 4.6877718 out of 5
Keywords: bss, british supersport, alistair seeley, jack kennedy, drama, last lap, battle, yamaha r6, brands hatch, racing fights, motorcycle racing, bsb, british superbikes, close racing, photo finish
Id: dAja7iUOT7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
Reddit Comments

the jack burnacle commentary is awesome, i love the "they go for the lineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" at the end. throwback to the 2012 battle between tommy hill and john hopkins (watch here), which may very well be the greatest last lap battle ever seen. you can always count on great racing at brands hatch!

edit: fixed yt timestamp

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/the_daily_pffft 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Shit what happened?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/notgerardjoseph 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Blocked in my country :(

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yongjen91 📅︎︎ Jun 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
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