BRYCE HALL: YouTube's Cringiest Jake Paul WANNABE

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there is a girl that like i really really like and she she's actually watching this youtube video right now it's you i've missed this i've missed this how you doing it's me chat mate it's been about a month since i last uploaded but who cares who's counting not me 12 of my last 15 uploads have been demonetised that's about three months of work without earning a single penny i was going to stop this video by sticking two fingers up to youtube and go oh god guys youtube are killing my channel i decided to love just grow up a little bit and just do a little google can i swear on youtube you will receive no ads if your video contains extreme profanity in the title thumbnail or at any point through the video example c-u-n-t good let's [Music] welcome to and rankbank be honest i couldn't have picked the last video to start this new era with because today we're talking about this guy here it's the bryce hall it just so happens to be a massive asset guys welcome back to rank bank the series in which i throw the worst creators on the internet into the bank of rank and today we're looking at youtube and tick tock sensation mr bryce bloody hull easy [ __ ] as always let's start with a little google shall we tick tock star bryce hall faces criminal charges after recent covid19 parties why is the partying tick-tock star bryce hall at war with los angeles well that sums the [ __ ] up doesn't it it's 2020's version of jake paul that's it see you later obviously not we've got plenty more to come we all just want to avoid a massive spike in covert 19 cases so the hospitals don't become overwhelmed while we all wait for a safe and tested vaccine influences celebrities and other elites god have apparently deemed this plea from health officials and temporary laws as beneath them can we please just nip that in the budget straight away let's not start calling tick tock stars elites please or even youtubers let's face it the only thing youtubers are a leader are having ridiculously old offensive tweets and pretending we like ksi's new music and i hope he puts us in a reddit video for the views 182 000 covid cases this year alone in america yeah mr bryce hall american alpha would prefer to have a party it's disgusting it's truly [ __ ] disgusting and not the fact that he's having a party that's fine you're 21 mate at a good time but it's the fact you're american and we all know what american parties are like don't we i mean if you're gonna put your nan at risk yeah if you're gonna kill your granddad at least do it in a british way have a proper [ __ ] blowout don't do it the american way we've all seen your parties on the movies a couple of vk straw pedos near a swimming pool and oh look that cheerleaders in a bikini spring break come over to the uk then you'll see how to have a proper go vid party sir over here you've got 16 year olds driving skoda's into third floor flats you know what i mean all passed out and enough ketamine to kill off the ground now and that's on a tuesday no obviously all parties during a global pandemic are bad anyway let's have a look at this video shall we i turn 21. oh this banner literally says party animal by the way i haven't edited that it literally says that what's up everybody jesus christ turn it down buddy the most hated person on the internet here i'm getting that something literally emo jake paul isn't that that's a worst eye job than mine what's up everybody welcome back to the vlog i'm [ __ ] back it's literally like if jake paul never got into boxing an mdma and instead really got into my chemical romance in a big way and monster energy drink so as most of you guys know i threw kind of like a little party for my 21st birthday a few days ago here's a little tip by the way if there's any sort of americans watching who may be parents in the future do not call your son bryce chad or brock literally just by calling your son bryce chad or brock means that any woman they later go on to meet in life will be statistically safer if they have a lid on their drink that's all i'm saying no i threw kind of like a little party for my 21st birthday a few days ago it wasn't the most responsible thing in the world to do especially with everything going on and i completely understand that but uh this is kind of how the party went it's kind of counterintuitive isn't it apologizing for something and then going back here's the footage that's not how it works price mate imagine back in the day when logan paul filmed that dead body in the forest his apology video was pretty good you could tell he'd learnt from his mistakes right hall if he did that filmed a dead body in the forest he'd be using that dead body as a [ __ ] human puppet to lip-sync the words of his apology hugh terribly cringy american party montage [Music] for a bloke with a history of alleged homophobic tweets this party has a kind of era of homer erotica about it doesn't it you know what i mean let's switch it up let me add a little gay anthem in there and see see how that looks [Music] to tell you about this is meant to shoot out dollar signs but it really is not hashtag spawn baby how do they do it in the rap videos because this is not looking pretty still go now my good pals over at pouch have asked me to ask you if you lot like saving money for free if you tell your audience to download pouch which is a free browser extension pouch will automatically surf the world wide web and find voucher codes for when my audience ashula are shopping online and they'll apply it at the checkout you can even save money on ebay ah it's completely free and it literally only takes a few clicks to install and pin to your browser pouch works on more uk e-commerce stores than any other of its competitors i think over about 3 000 websites it works on that's a sweet deal use my link down below nice and easy nice and free and maybe pouch will sponsor another one of my videos in the future please i really need this pouch i really need this install pouch today takes about three seconds cheers let's move on anyway aside from partying during a global pandemic bryce hall has a history of pissing off his fans oh hey on where did that run bryce hall has a history of pissing on his fans what bryce hall criticized for peeing on his fans at playlist live can we stop making can we start making these people famous please what's that about i'll read you a bit of this because it's mental bryce hall pissed off a balcony into a lobby of people at playlist live he doesn't give a [ __ ] about anyone or public safety he's also a [ __ ] [ __ ] he just wants to be the next jay paul oh and there's another tweet here remember during press play days when he was in hot water for [ __ ] with underage girls using whatever fame to sleep with said go oh didn't know that one was in there i thought it was just about piss clearly that's just one guy's tweet i don't know if bryce hall has engaged in sex with his younger fans i don't know that if you look at his tick tock you can make your own mind up bryce hall has puffed his chest out once again taking this one on the chin and done another apology video for pissing on his fans i can't believe i'm saying that out loud for pissing on his fan i wonder if this apology will be as wankers the first one place your bets down below obviously not it's going to be shaped we've seen that it shut well it's piss but a bit shy wouldn't surprise me it was like 4am you know i drink some apple juice apple juice kind of like took over my body in a sense and and people were were daring me like the people that i was with bad influences by the way you know when you drink a lot of apple juice you gotta pee like a lot there's a balcony right there to my left everyone's like do what you want and then i kind of did it still banned by the way but basically to sum up the answer i just had to go that's not an apology that's just you saying what you did oh i said it again now obviously it goes without saying that pissing on a group of kids from a balcony is a bad thing to do all right it's a bad thing i guess what i'm trying to say is if you're living in the gutter worshiping a little pissy rat like them then you can't really complain when you get pissed stained socks can you so we've covered partying during a global pandemic we've covered pissing on kids from a balcony what else do you think chad has that bryce has done has bryce a wrongly accused his own manager of sexual assault or b physically attacked his friend zach leaving him bruised and both he's done both of those things we're going to leave the fact that he wrongly accuses manager of sexual assault and we're gonna how's it how has this happened ollie white got put into a rank bank because he got a job at mcdonald's right that's how bad that guy is this guy has done so much messed up [ __ ] that him accusing his manager wrongly of sexual assault doesn't even make the video how mental is that let's talk about him beating up his mate zach shall we so this guy here is bryce's old friend zach and this is obviously bryce and this is his really cute tongue bryce beat up zach because zach found out the price cheated on one of his girlfriends with another girl at the party and it was always a big thought why do i give a [ __ ] i feel like keemstar zach was apparently gonna spread the word and bryce didn't want zach to know that he was a cheating little bastard so he beat him up he smashed it he did this to him basically he [ __ ] hit me 30 times not one hit me good hold on right here you see it i was also put into a choke hold for like 20 seconds like i was told that like i almost died like i was literally and i was just sitting there letting it happen too i was just getting a chocolate just like like yo chill out bro and i remember being in the bathtub with my hands like this like bro stop like stop hitting me stop stop stop and just kept going and going and going why do we keep making pricks famous stop it and going back to the fight okay i don't condone violence in any way shape or form that goes without saying i don't know what you're saying but if you consider yourself to be a bit of an alpha and you want to stamp your authority on someone's chin at least do it to someone like true geordie imagine that if you beat true geordie out then you come out you're gonna at least gain some kind of respect from a few nutters online what is he proved by beating up this kid anyway in the same video that bryce mentions his gbh on poe he also goes on to say this reagan asks why did you get in so many fights see what kind of persona are you giving off where your 14 year old female fans ask you questions like that guys you haven't seen me get in a fight in a while like come on give me some props my fighting days are over that was like a before 18 thing now that i'm 18 you already know i have to mature be more of an adult be a role model like i would never fight or do anything immature now so he would never fight or do anything immature now it never doesn't dream of that now bryce hall fights 2020. i'm literally standing next to bryce hall you guys might know him from youtube or tick tock unfortunately yeah and then one of my other friends named brandon they they got into their own fight like i would never fight or do anything immature now so they got into their own fight this is january of 2020 right in miami from the boy who was too mature to ever fight again three years ago [Music] i've never seen such a bunch of wet yogurts hang on a second can we go back please of course we can i do the editing save it zoom in that's [ __ ] me lads look at me i've got no idea what's going on i can't remember this it was a free bar look at me just watching on well i got a tenor on the horse who am i who's he oh there's proper kicking off it's getting beefy this guy goes to get his trainers back and then all of a sudden hey look at me i look like i've just won a court case do you know what i mean shut it out i'm on bail son because i'm just strutting for a weather spoons on a wednesday night no no it's all kicking off between two tick-tock [ __ ] and i'm strutting about like yeah i'm off for half price curry mate eat out to help out and all that i love me thanks for watching guys this has been jack mate's rank bank on bryce hall do let me know down below if you'd like to see me do one on man like hacks because i'm that close do subscribe if you haven't already i plan to make a few more vids this year setting the bar high aren't they and before we finish why don't we watch one more clip from mr bryce hall being very vulgar to a woman take it away bryce i'm gonna drop you away you're gonna lose all your clout if you don't shut the [ __ ] up you have a hickey on your neck as we're calling you a [ __ ] like shut up picky on your neck and then say don't [ __ ] slut-shame me i'm not a [ __ ] you don't know my life i'm 20 years old as her tits are popping out and everything if you don't want to get slut-shamed don't post pictures of your ass and pin them as your twitter header sorry i can't even hold it in anymore bryce hall is a massive you'll be plugging your merch too bees and much
Channel: JaackMaate
Views: 1,050,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jack, dean, jaack, maate, jaackmaate, jackmate, jaackmate, jackmaate, bryce hall, bryce hall tiktok, bryce hall addison rae, bryce hall cops, bryce hall reacting tik toks, jaackmaate bryce, jaackmaate bryce hall, rank bank bryce hall, jaackmaate addison rae, bryce hall jaackmaate video, tiktok bryce hall
Id: gms95U5qSOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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